Category: Snuff sex

Snuff Sex Born a Victim

I couldn’t help but think I was being stalked and snuff sex keeps crossing my mind. Who fucking thinks like that? I do! I’ve been through it all, and can not help but be suspect to foul play, as it turns me the fuck on!
I get off on being the focus of someones mind enough to plan it all out. I’m fucked up in my twisted thoughts and here is a prime example as to why… as it just happened. In my haste of getting my shopping done and to my car I failed to pay attention to the van parked right next to my car. As I stepped to my car, on the other side of the van I was grabbed and pulled in.
Knocked out and my clothes cut off of me I was ass raped porn material from the grab. I was sent this video of what was done to me that night I awoke in my car in the mall parking lot covered in blood and secretions of cum and spit. My panties where sliced and I had cuts in my vaginal region and on my breasts and thighs.
I now see how it all went down and I also see that it’s a very popular money maker. This reads as a threat since they know my address. I can’t help but rub one out right now.

snuff sex

Taboo Phone Sex: I Spread Holiday Fear, Not Cheer

taboo phone sexWhat are your taboo phone sex fantasies? I consider myself a sick therapist of sorts. I help men explore their dark desires. The ones that could get them arrested or committed to an insane asylum; maybe even killed. The holidays are lonely times for losers. You will not get a sympathetic ear if you call me crying about nobody loving you or whining about how awful your life turned out. I will, however, be likely to encourage you to off yourself or at the very least let me kill you. The holidays fill you with sadness, but they fill me with murderous rage. I am easily pissed off as it is, but you add crowds, holiday cheer and shopping to the mix and I want to get a semi automatic gun and unleash on a mall full of self absorbed assholes. Instead, I  take my rage out on you. The pathetic loser who calls me baby or asks me what I am wearing in a futile attempt to bond. I don’t bond. I kill. I can smell fear and desperation through the phone. It gives me a girl hard on because I like to fuck up losers who think I give a crap about them. I don’t have a lonely hearts phone sex line. I have a snuff sex line. It is very therapeutic to kill you. I bet it would be therapeutic for you to die too. I clearly need to kill and maim more, because I flew in a rage over one of those annoying Salvation Army dudes ringing his damn bell. I kicked him in the balls and shoved his bell up his ass while a crowd gathered by and watched. Why? Because the sight of one of those mother fuckers is just a reminder that it’s fucking Christmas. I hate Christmas. Want to find some little soul or annoying twat waffle and spread fear instead of cheer with me?

Snuff sex for the little bitch

snuff sexSnuff sex is what this little bitch is going to get, she isn’t aware of that little fact yet though. She thinks that she is here to film some hardcore bdsm so she didn’t resist at all when we were binding her up in all these ropes, she was even laughing and giggling like she was having the best time ever! Her attitude didn’t really start to change until we started to beat her, she told us her list of no’s before we started, no whipping, no making her bleed, no permanent marks on her skin, etc, etc… well we of course, ignored all of that. The first thing I pulled out was the whip and I lashed that fucking whore until the blood was running down her back in streams! She was screaming and begging for us to stop… that’s when I told her that we weren’t going to be stopping because this was a snuff film that was going to end in her death. Oh boy, she did NOT like that information at all! Whatever, it’s not like she really had a choice at that point, we just used her how we wanted until we used her up!

total slut for snuff sex

snuff sex

I wake up still tied to the bed. I’m nausous and My head is very fuzzy. Did I see those fangs for real or was it just the blood loss causing me to hallucinate. It can’t be true. I wouldn’t be alive. The mistress comes into the room. She unties my wrist. They are bruised and sore. I rub them as I asked what happened. She just shrugs her shoulders throws me a dress and leaves. I untie my legs and go to the bathroom. I shower and shave. I slip on the dress. It’s beautiful! I’ve never seen a red silk dress in real life. It fits as if it was made for me. I lay my damp hair around my face and apply my makeup. My hair drys straight and I look gorgeous! I sit in the velvet chair next to the bed. My new master walks in. He smiles softly at me. I can’t get a read on this man. He tells me I look so delicious. No, that’s not weird at all. Maybe the fangs are real. He tells me he won’t tie me up if I’m a good girl. I agree to be good. He brings in dinner and feeds me. It’s amazing food and I was starving. He tells me to lay on the bed. I lay down as he positions himself between my legs… my heart is pumping profusely. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. He cuts my leg. Ouch! I can feel the blood running out. He starts to lick on it. The pain is throbbing up my leg. Then it stops. I look down. The cut is gone. What the fuck is going on. He licks the blood off his face. Then he spreads open my pussy lips…….(to be continued)

Torture Sex Whore

torture sexTorture sex is all I am good for apparently. I stopped by to see my drug dealer, well one of them at least. I have a few. He was all fucked up on some new pure cocaine. He was acting all erratic. Scared me actually. I was hoping to pay him and get on my way, but he had other plans for me. He grabbed my red mane and dragged me down his basement stairs. From there he preceded to string me up to a beam in his basement. It was all set of with BDSM equipment. He had no idea I was coming over, so I was not the first girl in his little torture palace. I am sure I would not be the last one. I had no clue why he was acting so aggressive with me. I didn’t even owe him money. Not yet at least. I think it was the drugs bringing out his nasty side. He is a mean son of a bitch by nature, but normally this bad. My arms were stretched over my head. My feet barely touching the floor. I was in pain from hanging just inches off the floor. I begged for him to let me go. I said he could fuck me all he wanted. That held no appeal to him. He wanted to hurt me for entertainment. He started with a whip. A big long leather whip that tore through my flesh. As blood tricked down my body, I saw him get out a big scary looking cattle prod. I gasped in fear. Rightfully so too. He shoved the cattle pound up my ass. It was not turned on, but I knew it was like a sick version of Russian Roulette. I would not know when or for how long, but he would turn it on while it was up my ass. A few minutes of ass rape porn with a cattle prod then it was pure torture when he turned it on. I shit and pissed myself. I prayed that I would pass out. Luckily, my wish was granted. I woke up covered in my own piss and shit with a note on a bag of cocaine that said, “You earned this bitch.” Damn right I did. It may have been a lot of pain and humiliation, but I got free coke. Silver linings.

Ass Rape Porn On A Dumb Bi-Sexual Cunt

One of my bartender buds consoled in me a need to set his fiance straight and thought ass rape porn would be perfect for starters. It seems this cunt had been playing on his sister and he walked in on the two of them fucking. Well, this isn’t going over well with Jimbo and I will set his bimbo cunt fiance right. I told him I couldn’t make any guarantees that she will be fuckable for him by the time I’m done. He told me he didn’t give a fuck he was done with that cunt and I could fucking snuff sex that bitch out.

Well we went to her place and he let us in, while he knew her to be asleep. I got my tools of the trade out with the first being the nice big and fucking rigged w/ big steel balls under the silicone sheath around the top of the dildo below the head. These fucking balls make for some great pain with the girth of this bitching 14 inches of fuck her cunt and ass up good times. I strapped it on and grabbed my brass knuckles with the quarter inch steel spikes on each finger hole. My boot knife unsheathed I tossed the covers from the whore and cut her fucking panties off.

I forced her legs apart and slammed my dick in her cunt hard and deep with a hot fucking dry fuck as I shoved a pillow over her mouth. I told Jimbo to shove his dick in the bitches mouth and shut her the fuck up. I dry fucked her cunt then jammed it in her ass and fisted her fucking cunt with the brass knuckles fucking ripping her snatch up. I had that bitch ripped the fuck up and hurting and the whole time I had my blade to her nipples drawing blood then clamped on some alligator clamps with a chain between them and yanked that chain as I thrust in her fuck holes. The bitch was put in shock and bled the fuck out. Jimbo is going to have to feed that tramp to the gators.

 Ass Rape Porn

Snuff Porn Selfie Whores

snuff pornSnuff porn is better than a sappy ass chick flick any day. Don’t you agree? I decided I would make my own  little snuff chick flick. I know some guys who pay good money for jailbait whores. I decided to help some friends out while making a movie that would make me feel good and bring me some extra holiday money. Teen girls are self absorbed. I told a few teen twats at the mall that I was a casting scout for a movie being filmed locally. They believed my bullshit. Had them meet me at this old house I inherited years ago. It’s a snuff sex paradise there. Middle of nowhere. No one can hear the screams. Lots of places to dump bodies. The girls thought they were in a horror movie so they never even questioned the locale. Stupid whores.  I gave them drinks which drugged them up. My male friends force fucked the whores for hours. Fucked their asses, mouths and cunts. Tore their fuck holes up too.  These are the girls of the duck lips generation. They cock tease all the boys, so only fair they got fucked good and hard. Perfect teen bodies. Tight, lean with pink pussies. They were red pussies by time my friends finished ravishing them. After the teen whores were covered in cum, it was my turn. I scarred up their faces with a razor blade first. Sliced up their faces they take a million pictures of weekly. I mutilated their sex organs. It was very bloody. I imagine quiet painful for them too by the tears in their eyes. They were alive after a few hours of torture, but barely. Bloody messes. My male friends shot another load a piece on their bodies before I got out my chainsaw and dismembered them. I like to spread body parts all over the state to confuse the cops. No one looks hard for a self entitled selfie teen anyway. Not even her parents.

orgasm from a monster!

Sadistic phone sex

I laid tied down on the bed for what seemed like an eternity before he returned. He walked in and smiled at me. “ now where was we” he said rubbing his chin. I just stared at him. There is something off about this man. I can’t put my finger in it. He sits on the bed next to me. He runs a hand up my leg. His hand feels like ice. I shiver. He runs that hand up to my pussy. He starts to finger me. I expected his fingers would warm up but they didn’t. What is the deal with this guy. Something doesn’t feel right. Not that it ever does.  He is fingering me so well. I’m getting so wet. I start to moan. I can’t believe her is pleasuring me. I’m normally tortured. He brings me closer and closer to my peak. His fingers are still icy cold. He rubs my g-spot with the tip of his finger. I burst into and orgasm as my pussy clenches around his finger. The starts kissing my neck. How sweet. I feel so safe at this moment. He bites my neck. He is sucking my neck like a baby suckling on a nipple. My head starts to spin. He is rubbing my clit so fast it feels like a vibrator. How is that possible. He continues to suck on my neck. Everything is going dark. I feel so tired. I fall into the darkness as he lifts his head up. He licks the blood off his lips and smiles. I see it then. His coldness, strength, and how fast he can move. I see the fangs in his mouth. He is a vampire! My mind goes blank.

Blood, tears and blasphemy sex

blasphemy sexBlood, tears and blasphemy sex, what more could you possibly need? Well down here in my special church you will see a whole lot of all of those things and more! You see, I don’t believe in your worthless god, why worship some asshole that limits every fucking thing you do? You should worship ME instead, I will be the Goddess of blood and you will kill to please me. Come to my bone church and see the sacrifice I have waiting for you, she is young and firm and we will have so much fun tearing her to pieces before we fuck on her lifeless body. Smear her innocent blood on my naked body while you pray to me, worship me the way you used to worship your old worthless god, dedicate your life to me… at least I am honest about my cruelty!

2 Girl Phone Sex Gets Brutal

2 girl phone sexVenus was a BDSM goddess, that’s for sure. She tortured me alongside the road for a bit longer, leaving welts, gashes, and bite marks at random. Then, she took me back to what I assume was her place. If I’d thought the torment was over, I got a lesson really quickly. She carried, physically carried, me into her place and straight into what looked like a dungeon of horrors. There were chains everywhere, hooks, blades, cattle prods, fireplace pokers, and a wide array of other nefarious-looking items. She laid me down on a table in the middle of the room, and made sure that my bound hands were secured.Sadistic phone sex She proceeded to grab various instruments to beat, poke, and otherwise torture me with. At one point, she even set one of the fireplace pokers into what could only be called a brazier of smoldering coals. She used the shape to brand me before poking the rod into my side deep enough to leave a cauterized gouge mark. She knew exactly how to make me scream, and every scream that I uttered drove her to want another. Finally, she brought out this massive machete-type blade, and I couldn’t help but groan in terror. She slowly slid it into my cunt and proceeded to fuck me with it, slicing into my flesh with every slow stroke. I could feel myself slowly starting to bleed out from all of the damages….