Category: Snuff phone sex

SOON . . .

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies


* * * * * His journal entry …Sunday, November 10th… * * * * *


“Some people like their play toys with a little meat on them. Plump.  I can dig that, too.  But my favorite plaything is not only small, but skinny.  Tiny — just enough skin and bone to hang some skimpy little whore outfit on her.  I have this one friend… her daughter is like that.  Sometimes when I stay over there I watch her prance around the house in her cotton shorts and tank top.  I’ll pretend to rough house with her, kind of play wrestle and get a good grab of her.  Feel her tiny thigh. Her fucking toothpick arms.  I’ll laugh and grab her throat with one had and pull her toward me and stare into her eyes..  Only I know what I’m thinking.  But I try to communicate it to her through my eyes.  Let her know that what I really want to do is laugh harder while I kick her boney body into the basement and get my camera and baseball bat and “play” with her.  Someday.  Someday.”

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Teen Lydia

I can’t wait to help you fulfill this. You’ll need someone by your side that looks sweet and innocent, but definitely isn’t! And of course, you’ll need someone to dispose of all those little body parts. We can’t have you getting in trouble for something that she had coming to her can we? Giggles!

Accomplice Phone Sex with Toni: Looking for a Partner in Crime…

accomplice phone sex toni dbsm 00

It’s hard to find the perfect partner in crime and lately it’s all I think about. I day dream about you and I going on a killing spree, living a trail of bodies behind everywhere we go. During the day we’ll plow through all the zombie peasants and at night we’ll do evil things to our helpless kidnapped slave.
In preparation for my new reality I’ve built some of my own torture devices. I love explaining it to people when they ask about my “hobbies”. So far I’ve made my own Heretic’s Fork and various other neck torture devices, but I plan to make even more. Looking at my creations and thinking about how we’ll use them is enough to make me cum. I don’t have a lot of patience so I hope it happens soon.

accomplice phone sex toni sjhs
For now I’ll just continue to dream about the torment we’ll put our victims through. I want to hear them beg us to spare their pathetic lives, but we won’t. If we ever show mercy it will only be to give them false hope. We’ll fuck on top on their dying bodies and you’ll cum into their screaming mouths.

accomplice phone sex toni sjh

Gothic Phone Sex with Reagan * Barbies are Not Just for Little Girls

Gothic Phone Sex Reagan

The day I saw him play at the club I knew he would be a great fuck. He stood a tall 6 foot plus inches, his face a very pale and sun starved.. tattoos covered a good portion of his body, piercings in both nipples and lip and nose rings.. wore jet black and silver chains. He was not skinny like most of your gothic front men.  He sung of degradation and blood. His impending numbness came from a place inside that even he was unaware of.. his pain was exciting to me. The fear in his eyes was none the less calming. Intimidating to others, but intoxicating to me. We locked gazes a few times during the show, and each time we did.. I knew excitement would follow this evening.

I saw a few groupies gathering at the foot of the stage.. begging to be let into his tour bus. Blonde busty and just the cookie cutter band whores.  I saw how he looked at them. Like raw meat.. wanting to eat them alive. My sex became drenched when he looked my way. I could tell instantly he wanted to have fun. He gave me a nod of approval, and I joined the two barbie bimbos.. and although they seemed a bit frightened by my gothic appearance, when they realized I was the key to the pleasure bus, they got excited.

Gothic Phone Sex Reagan

We were shuffled to the bus, and when we entered I was pleasantly surprised. The double decker style bus had a very gothic appearance and it was a lot bigger than it appeared from the outside. All red and black, mid century fixings.. and a bed on the top floor.. a really big bed.. black and red brothel style, big enough to sleep five or six comfortably. And I am sure it has done so.. many times. It has a history that I wish I could discover. We were treated like guests of honor by the roadies while we waited for the guest of honor to finish his set. We were handed drinks as soon as we entered, and I sipped mine slowly while I watched the barbies bounce around like a bimbo clown show for the guys in the bus, I stayed still.. playing out many evil scenarios in my head for these two.

The stockiest of the roadies had a sick look on his face, vulgar intentions wracked his brain.. he was watching them drink a little to closely.. waiting for something to begin.. I set my drink down.. I had a very iron constitution when it came to drugs.. and not many will affect me like it will others.

Gothic Phone Sex Reagan

Just as I set my drink down I saw one of the barbies fall.. it happened so quick that even if I wanted to react to the evil that unveiled itself I would not have had time to. Like wolves to bloody meat the three roadies were stripping the barbies of what little clothing they had on, binding them together with rope and chain.. putting them on what seemed to be a slab. In less than five minutes time, they transformed from groupie whores, to a midnight snack.

I watched with amusement while our barbies took a brutal violation that ended in a rough use of every hole. Blood tricked down from their mouths as they were face fucked hard. This brutal scene lasted about 45 minutes .. and they were left hung.. bleeding bruised crying and begging to be let free. I wondered what my place was in all of this when our front man joined us. He seemed pleased and came to me. “Now the real fun begins my gothic queen…” I smiled as he handed me the knife.

 Gothic Phone Sex Reagan


No Strap Needed

When you told me I was going to fuck the new slave whore, I figured you meant with a strap on… I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you didn’t mean it that way at all. You bathed me, got me dolled up, and placed me on the big wooden table. For a fleeting moment I thought maybe you were going to fuck me, the way you used to. But I am too pathetic, and even cleaned up I am hardly desirable enough for you. You want the new slaves. the sluts with the fresh bright red blood.

Tonight you were going to make sure you got just that. You propped my knees up, and spread my legs. I could feel your rough hands on my inner thighs and I longed for your hands inside my pussy… But instead, you picked up a knife. My heart started to pound as I thought you were going to slice my pussy and give me what I need so badly. But then you flipped the knife around and stuck the handle end into my cunt. Ughhh. Not what I needed at all.

So there I lay, with a blade sticking out of my pussy like a sharp metal cock. You grab the newest, and smallest, of the sluts, and drag her over to to the table. You easily lift her up and make her straddle me. She sees the knife and begins to cry. If she only knew that only makes you want blood more…. The poor pathetic waste of space. And yet, I am jealous. She will get all your lust tonight, and she won’t even want it the way I do. You lift her by her hips, her pussy quivering over the tip of the knife. Her hands tied behind her, her strength gone.

You hold her there and tell her she is going to ride my “cock”. She starts to scream, but its too late, as you drop her down onto the blade and it slices so quick and clean deep inside her little cunny. She loses her breath and can’t make a sound as the pain fron the blade races through her body and hits her brain. I begin to grind my hips up into her, fucking her with the blade, being the good slave slut you taught me to be. Her blood pours out of her cunt, all over mine, and you begin to kick her bloody clit as I continue to fuck her.

She catches some air and instead of screaming she starts to moan. Your tongue on her bloody clit and my sharp “cock” fucking her insides is exactly what she needed. The little whore begins to grind back down on me, and I know she is under your control now. She will want you forever, the same way I do…. but you don’t ever keep anything forever…


I am chained to the crossbeam against the wall and you tell me that its time to get me charged up. I have no idea what you’re talking about until you pull out what look like jumper cables for a car! My heart starts to race as I see the metal clamps with the huge metal teeth on both of the ends of the cable. I follow the cable with my eyes, and the other end is hooked onto a car battery.

My pussy starts to drip at the excitement of what kind of pain it may cause, and even though I am terrified, I am still aching for some pleasure. You always play the best games with me. You flick a switch back near the battery and I can hear the low hum of a strong electrical current. The sound alone makes my teeth start to vibrate and I can feel the vibration all through my bones radiating up from the floor.

You approach me with one of the clamps, and look me up and down as if trying to decide where to place it. Your eyes fixate on my breast, and then I know whats coming. In one hand you have some lubrication and you apply it generously to my breast. I know this is to make the electrical current stronger. Then you sqieeze open the clamp and begin to place it on my nipple. The elctricity surges through me and I literally bite my own tongue off.

My body is paralized and convulsing from the current and I smell smoke. You’re trying to clamp it on me, but the lube is making it difficult to grasp and so the metal teeth are tearing my flesh as it slides on and off. But the current is constant and although I can’t move, I begin to feel my insides melting and can see the ends of my hair burst into flames. Finally you get the clamp to grip and stand back as I cook from the inside out….

Dial Now for Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasies dusty asly

I’m all over some rape phone sex fantasy decadence. Your such a little bitch and you thought you would get away with being a sleaze ball to me?! Well think again bitch. You just signed yourself away as my very own Bitchboy, you pathetic excuse for a man. And yeah your banned from my bar also.

The best part of me now owning you is that I can sweet text you into visiting me at my bar. Yes, your still banned and you forget all about that until the two large door men hover over you. Looks like you will be getting a beat down by my guys and dragged to the basement.

Down in the pubs basement bloody bruised and fucked up your tied leaning across a steel table. Your naked and that ass of yours is about to be owned and fucked over and over by my big Ogre like doormen. Of course I get first dibs and I punch you as I spread your bitch ass cheeks and impale it with my huge black strap on cock.

As I finish up fucking your ass I come around and force my filth coated dick down your throat making you clean it. As your gagging on your ass juice and my big fat cock your being taken by one of my Ogres. Their cocks are a good fucking 9″ thick and 15″ long. These guys are gaping your ass and making it bleed as they laugh their deep penetrating laughs. You pass out and they keep fucking you and cumming in your ass.

Finally, you come to and find yourself strapped down in an abandoned psychiatric hospital. I’m standing over you grinning with a Victorian bone saw in my hand. Shuddering you look down and notice a huge blood stain in the front of your hospital gown and feel week. Passing out from blood loss and shock you hear me laughing more.

Rape phone sex Fantasies Dusty asylum

Coming back out of unconsciousness you find yourself in the middle of 10 Ogre men gang banging your near dead body into full corpsedom. I discard you since I hate rotting flesh so the Ogres get to feed you to their pet crocodiles as a treat.

Batter Up

You wake us up in the middle of the night, and I can tell you’re high as hell. You’re holding something in your hand… what is that? Some sort of baseball bat? You clang it against the bars of my cell and announce that its time for Batting practice. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see that you are indeed holding a bat, but around the end of the bat you have wound some sharp and rusty barbed wire. My blood runs cold, wondering what your plans are for that bat.

You drag me by my hair to the middle of the dungeon. I cower and lower my head, thinking you are going to bash my brains in with your new toy. Instead you kick me under the chin and Iland onmy back. You tell me, “spread ’em, you filthy fucking whore”. Thats when I knew where that bat was going. But I had to do as i was told, and I laid back on the cold dirt floor and spread my legs for you. I grabbed my ankles, turned my head and closed my eyes.

With one swift motion you thrust the bat and all its barbed wire right up my cunt. It tore me to shreds on the way in, and I could barely scream as it continued to ravage my insides. You twisted and turned it, laughing like a maniac the entire time. Some of the other slut slaves were crying, knowing they would be getting their chance at bat tonight, too. You pumped it inside my cunt, blood everywhere, and I could feel the barbs tearing my flesh like a fish that couldn’t escape the hook.

You began to try to yank it out and parts of me and the walls of my vagina came out with it. The bat was covered in blood and gore and you looked at it in amazement. I laid there, legs still spread, afraid to move. You went to the next slave’s cell, opened the door, and said “Batter Up!”

Tortured Phone Sex with Cassandra: Bloody Bats

torture phone sex evil submissiveI went  to sleep in my bed, but woke up in a dingy basement.  I was cuffed to a cell door. I heard screaming. Someone was being tortured.  Darkness was all around me. I heard a strange noise. It was a fast clicking sound, almost chirping. It was getting louder and louder but not loud enough to drown out the horrific screaming. Then I could feel it. Tiny claws on my legs, or was it teeth? My flesh was being bitten, scratched it was painful. My hands were bound so I had no choice but to let the creatures tear my flesh.

The screaming got louder, then sudden silence. Silence is never a good sign. At least if screaming, still breathing. I said hello several times.  I heard another woman’s voice say hello back. Then another and another and another. There were at least 10 other women in cells too. We tried to keep each other calm.  They too had something living in the cell with them, eating their flesh. Rats? Then another woman started screaming. This went on and on for hours. Screaming then silence. It was harrowing. Before long it was just me and the woman in the next cell. Then I heard the keys and her struggling. After a few minutes she started screaming. I was yelling frantically. Then keys unlocked my cell, I was dragged by my hair in the dark and the lights came on.

torture phone sex sodomized whoreI wanted to puke. I never seen such carnage. Dead bloody women with baseball bats shoved up their asses piled up like garbage. The baseball bats covered in blood. Shit, blood, urine, and human tissue on the floor. Bats drinking out of bowls of blood. Women were being sodomized to death to feed bats? That must have been what was biting my flesh. I was so scared. I was the only woman left. Only one still alive. I begged to be spared. Explained I came from money, that my parents would pay good money for my life. Money was not what they wanted.  He dragged me to the center of the floor. Made me suck the bat that would likely kill me, eviscerate me. While I was face down, I grabbed the bowls of blood on either side of me and threw them on my tormentor. The bats swarmed him like bees on honey giving me my moment. I grabbed the bat and swung hard against the back of his head. I heard his skull crack. He fell to the floor, blood gushing out his head. The bats were drinking his blood.

Perhaps if I had  not been the last chosen for death, I would not have walked out of that torture chamber alone. Apparently my will to survive is stronger than I imagined. I had my captor’s blood on my hands and it made my cunt wet. I love survival games. Being pushed to my limits, forced to survive. Maybe with you I will live, maybe I won’t.

torture phone sex  blood pain

I am the Queen of taboo phone sex!

taboo phone sexI have always been fascinated by evil, not boring everyday bullshit, I’m talking true fucking evil like a twisted deal with the devil kind of shit.I think that is why I enjoy taboo phone sex so much, it brings twisted fantasies right to me. People may think I am crazy but is communing with the devil any different than your pathetic religion? The only difference I see is that my Lord actually shows himself while your pitiful god hides himself and ignores your prayers. That is how I ended up an accomplice to a different sort of being last night, he was male but definitely not human. I had found an abandoned mortuary that was isolated enough for my purposes a few weeks ago and last night I went there to summon my demons. I had a virgin to sacrifice to them, she was a small and delicate little bitch with blonde hair and blue eyes and to my delight she was absolutely terrified. I had her restrained to to the mortuary table, she was completely naked and begging me to let her go home to her mommy. I told her that she was my whore now and that she would never ever see her stupid mommy again. All of her whining and begging stopped immediately though as soon as my Lord showed up, he is a terrifying specter over eight feet tall with ragged wings, sharp fangs and a three foot long cock that was rock hard and ready to impale her. He stared deeply into her eyes and she was frozen, she couldn’t even whimper as he came closer all she could do is lie there shaking, waiting for the torment to end. But it was only just beginning, we had the whole night to torture that little whore and we used every moment we had to make her suffer unimaginable agony. When he finally shoved his massive cock inside her, she was eager for it, she was hoping for her suffering to end with her death but she couldn’t have been more wrong. His enormous cock ripped her tiny body in half and as she died her soul flew straight to hell where she would be tormented for eternity.

taboo phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex Organ Strainer

I live to serve you. Tonight is the night of your special dinner party. I can hear the guests arriving upstairs. I can smell the cigar smoke and the perfume wafting down through the grates in the walls. The music, so creepy, and I can’t imagine who these freaks are that you have me make these drinks for. You’ve got me dressed in new black lingerie. Its the only time of year I get to wear “clothes”. It barely covers the bruises and scars you have inflicted on me, but dare I say I still feel pretty?

You come down to the dungeon and tell me to prepare the cocktails. I hope that the rest of the slave sluts will supply enough blood to make your party a success. Last year I wasn’t so lucky and you beat me unconscious for not doing my job. I wasn’t going to let you down, I had a plan and a secret tool. I had found a small strainer in one of your torture toolboxes, and I knew it would help me get every drop of blood I could out of the other pathetic whores traopped down here with me.

I have a tray of glasses, and take my knife and strainer into the first slave’s cell. She tries to crawl away, but she is too weak. As I suspected, cutting her wrists yielded practically nothing. Not enough to even fill two cocktails on the tray. She has been bled so many times to satisfy your own appetite, that flowing blood is hard to come by. I raise the knife to her left tit and she begs me not to kill her. But there is no other way to get the blood out. I ram the knife into her chest and twist and turn it until I can reachin and grab her still beating heart.

Her eyes go glassy as I pull it from her chest. I hold it over the third wine glass, and squeeze it like an orange. Blood pours out, and the smell is so fresh and metallic.  I am able to fill a  few more glasses, and then I take her heart, as she watches unable to move any longer, and cut it into smaller pieces. I take each piece and put it in the strainer. I squeeze each piece like little sponges full of blood, into the remaining glasses. This was working perfect, I would be able to squeeze every drop of blood out of these slaves tonight.

I take the first tray upstairs and serve your guests. They marvel over the fresh blood cocktails and drink them. You pat me on the bottom, and send me back downstairs with the empty tray to get your guests another round of drinks for your Taboo Phone Sex CockTail Party….