Category: Snuff phone sex

Snuff phone sex with Georgia: Hook suspension.

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You knew my biggest fear and used it against me. Death used to be what made me the most afraid, but that was before I knew what real torture felt like. Dying sounds like fun compared to what you do and what you’ve made me do.
When I saw those hooks and thick piercing needles I knew what your plan was. You’ve used similar methods to prevent the other kidnapped girls from escaping. Even though I knew what was about to happen to me, I didn’t bother to resist. It’s a waste of time and by now I obviously know better. There were still tears streaming down my face while you pierced me and I let a few screams when you slid the hooks through my newly opened flesh.
The real horror came when you suspended me high off the ground. You kept pulling at the chains until I begged for you to stop. It’s my own fault that I ended up so far from the floor, no other kidnap girl was suspended nearly as high as I was. I just wanted to push myself and you probably expected that anyway. I bet you didn’t know that I started off terrified, but in right in the middle I started to enjoy it.

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Feeling my warm blood running down my back and hearing it drip all over the floor excited me more than I’d ever admit to you. I only begged to be released because I was bored and wanted to play with you. I love feeling the cool blade of your knife against my body. When you cut me I nearly cum every time now. I can’t help myself! I love feeling your hot tongue licking up every drop of blood.
Last night, I was still suspended by the hooks while you fucked my throat hard and deep with your massive cock. Every movement you made pulled at the hooks and tore my flesh slightly, but I enjoyed every minute of it. My back was covered in thick layer of my blood by the time your fun was over.
My mouth distracted you from seeing cum gush out of my juicy cunt. Once you felt it on my thigh you slapped me firmly across the face to punish me for not asking for permission. Then, you shot your cum into the open wounds on my back. It burned a little, but I secretly enjoyed it and only wished that I got to taste some of it. These few months have turned me into a good little pain slut that’s addicted to the taste of her Master’s cum. I’m sure you know it already because I haven’t done a very good job of hiding it. It won’t long before I start begging for more abuse and pain.

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Snuff Porn Aficionados Unite

Snuff porn Dusty01

Snuff Porn newsgroups are a riot and there will always be something new and interesting going on in them. Of course it is super exciting being the one gaining all the views from subscribers. As my co-conspirator sets up the video equipment in our special basement room, I am out in my Ice cream truck picking up our stars.

The sweet stars of our movie will have a large viewing from all over the world and we love taking requests from them. So this is a popular request and one of my favorites. I get the girls to our play room and we prepare them. We strap them down spread eagle and their heads are placed in the brace that will hold them in place. A screen above them will have their full attention as they view a special movie.

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P  incestuous hardcore will be the focus for these sweet stars. The walls of the playroom are filled with murals of Satanic and Biker scenes of brutal fucking p porn. A succubus and incubus share in the scenery looking as deviously evil as ever. We take ceremonial daggers and slice the clothes off the prey of our desire. I am handed a mask of Devilishly delicious evil red and black with horns up and a third eye blazing red. My strap-on covered in demon scales is strapped on. My accomplice is wearing a black death mask looking equally Evil with his cock oiled and ready for penetrating a tight cunt. We speed fuck these little darlings making them bleed and scream. The viewers are requesting more. They want a virginal sacrifice, they want blood. I take my dagger to my dolls tender flesh of her neck. As the blood flows into a basin beneath the table I continue ripping her pussy up with my scaled penis strap-on. We continue fucking our prey until their life starts to seep away and the viewers become satisfied. 

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Blasphemy Phone Sex

Journal entry

December 11, 2014

I am so tired of being tortured and raped what have I done to deserve this blasphemy.  I pray to god each night does he not hear my prayers. Lord hear my prayer.  Countless promises go unanswered what must I do?  The other night I had a dream that  I had a savior. Could it be that  I’ve been praying to the wrong god.  Curse his name and for what he stands for.  One who says we have chosen our own fate. Jesus who would chose this kind of life.  He claims throughout this book he is here to save me, well where you are. Do you not love me, have I not honored you?

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 I bow my head in shame deliver me from this life I call upon the devil.  I will sell my soul just to be released from anguish.  Pray, make me your bride deliver me from this hell I am in.  Curse my soul and bring me deliverance and make me whole.  Bring me to your palace I am eternal grateful I will be your honored servant.  As you take me for your bride I pray to the gods in hell I am your whore.

Never Take a Short Cut Down a Creepy Alley

snuff sex bondage painIt was dark, I was running late, so I took a short cut down this creepy alley. Big mistake. A masked man followed me, grabbed me and threw me in the trunk of his car. He took me to some abandoned building. Dragged me kicking and screaming by my hair into the scary looking building. I ended up in a room with a few other women. None of us knew what to expect. One of the captors entered and grabbed one of the girls. She was crying and pleading. He smacked her so hard a tooth came out. I heard another guy yell, “Don’t mess her up too much before the camera starts rolling.” Then I knew what was going on. Snuff sex.  They were going to rough us up, sexually assault us, maybe even kill us on film.

We heard that poor girl cry and scream for hours. I heardsnuff sex murder fantasies whips, chains, a blow torch, and finally a chainsaw. After I heard that, she made no more noise. I knew she was not alive anymore. The guy came back in for girl number two. He had on a butcher’s apron covered in blood. Her blood I assumed. The next girl to go, suffered a similar fate, but not as quick. Soon, I was the only girl left in the room. I almost would have preferred to go first. The waiting while hearing the others being tortured was frightening beyond comprehension.

When it was my turn, I didn’t even fight. I knew what my fate was soon to be. One of the masked assailants strung me up in the air. They turned on a light and saw the carnage. Women’s limbs all over the floor;  blood splatter on the ceiling and walls; internal organs in a pile…. I vomited at the site. I was about to die a slow torturous death because I cut down an alley. I just prayed it would be quick. I prayed to pass out.

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Snuff Porn with Blair

snuff porn mommy murderDo you like snuff porn? One of my Master’s does. In fact, he forced me to help him kidnap a young college girl. I actually knew her, which made it worse. Of course she willingly got in the van with me. I had her believing I had a job opportunity for her starring in an independent film. Said I had a friend who needed a young girl to act like she was being stalked in the woods. It was going to be a thriller movie and she had to be convincing as a scared girl.  I took her to where she would meet her death. She was so innocent, so unsuspecting. Master put me in charge of holding the camera. He was going for the realism and hand held camera affect of the Blair Witch Project.

Once I introduced them, he let her run free in the woods. He acted like he was hunting her, but he was not acting. When he struck the first blow to her head, she screamed out my name. But I knew my place. I had to ignore her pleas for help, and let master torture her, force himself on her, and eventually kill her. She put up a fight. He beat her with a bat, strangled her with his hands, violated her holes with his cock and the bloody bat he bashed her head with. He eventually strung her up with a rope abd tied her to a tree branch until she died from strangulation. I filmed it all. The screams, the pleading, the gasping for air, the blood, the forced sex, the twitching in the air… every sick perverse moment I capture on film for Master to sell for profit. Snuff porn is a big money maker these days, and according to master the more real it looks the more money it brings. Nothing more real than dead.

Master saw my guilt as we buried her in a shallow grave. He was not happy that I showed remorse. This made him doubt my loyalty. He always tells me, no one ever misses a worthless cunt. Then he reminds me I am a worthless cunt. As we were walking back to the car, he whacked me hard over the head with the shovel we buried her with.  I felt blood trickle down my face before I passed out. I woke up tied up in the back of the van. I heard him say I was gonna star in his next snuff porn.

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She learned not to fuck with me

bloody phone sexThis girl really should have known better than to fuck with me, she even said herself that I was one scary chick, but that didn’t stop her from putting her mouth on my man’s dick and there was no way I was letting her get away with that! I followed her home, she lived all alone so I knew we would have all kinds of privacy there. She was startled when I walked up to her but not yet scared… not until I pulled out my knife and stuck it in her ribs and told her to let us in the house… then she was plenty scared! My friend and I took our time with the little whore, we made her suffer for hours before we finally killed her. Trust me, that fucking whore wasn’t recognizable by the time I was done cutting her up! She won’t be fucking with me anymore that’s for sure!

All Wrapped Up for Xmas

The holidays bring back such deep memories for me. It makes me remember the first time I was tied up, like a present, and presented to one of my uncles. Everyone had come over to my house for xmas eve, and the drinks were flowing. I was playing in my room and just waiting for bedtime so that I could go to sleep and then wake up to presents under the tree downstairs. I never got much, but it was still always a lot of fun. Just then, two of my male cousins came into my room. they were older than me, so they never paid much attention to me, but this time they were carrying rope.

I was confused, but they explained that they had forgot to buy a xmas gift for their dad, so they were going to make ME his present this year. I had no idea what they meant, but before I could ask, they grabbed me and started tying me up in my own bed. My feet were tied together and and my hands as well. I was started to get scared. They told me everything would be fine, and that the rope was really just xmas ribbon and that I was going to make a very pretty present for my uncle. They left me there, laying in my bed, all tied up and terrified wondering what the hell was happening.

Not too long after, I heard my door open, and it was my uncle. I heard my cousins yell from the hallway “Merry xmas!” and then the door closed. My uncle came over and sat on my bed. I felt so exposed, in just my panties and rope tied all over my body. He began to fondle my tiny breasts and told me what a pretty present I was. He began running his hands all over my body, and my tiny pussy was throbbing by the time he started unwrapping me. He untied my legs, but left my arms wrapped up. He spread my legs and put his face down between them. He licked me like a candy cane and I felt so tingly all over.

I could hear the rest of the family downstairs laughing and having fun. Xmas music was playing, and here we were in my room, with my uncle molesting me. I felt dirty and pretty all at the same time. He showed me how to suck his cock and then he fucked me in my own bed. No one came to stop him, and so I knew that my parents must have known. I remember laying there wondering if I would get extra special presents this year for being such a good girl. My uncle came all over me, and then kissed me softly and told me merry xmas. To this day I can’t hear a xmas song without thinking of that night.

Cast in Place

She really put up a fight. When you grabbed her out of the parking lot, hit her over the head, and tied her up in your van, she pretended to be knocked out cold. She fooled you, and you hate to be fooled. Unfortunately the joke was on her. By the time she was untied, she was already in your dungeon, and no one could hear her screams. Well, except us other slave whores. And we are worthless to her.

We watched as you untied her, and as she tried to surprise you by coming up swinging. Little did she know the consequence this would have. I even saw your cock get hard at the extra excitement it gave you. Your dark side came out, and you began beating her ruthlessly. Once you had her on the ground, you grabbed her legs and arms, one by one, and snapped them. She was a useless torso, and the screams got quieter as her pain took over. But your cock was still hard, and you weren’t done with her yet.

You got down on the groun and tried to lift her up. But she had no balance on her broken legs, and your arms were tired from beating her so badly. You got up and let me out of my cage. You simply said “Fix her.”. I didn’t know what to do, but I remembered all your medical equipment in one of the closets and I went there. Hanging there in all the filth was a nurse’s outfit of all things. It seemed ridiculous, but it was cold and I was naked, so I put it on. I grabbed some supplies and headed back to her motionless body.

I knew you wanted to fuck her, and so I had to get her in a position so that you could. Her bones were broken in her legs, so I began wrapping them as quickly as I could. You stood over us, stroking your cock and chuckling. I got one thigh cast up tight, and pulled with all my strength to get her ass in the air. Then I wrapped the other one. I took a board and placed it between her legs – and cast her in a perfect doggie style position. I got up and stepped back, and you knelt behind her with your raging hardon and began plowing her asshole.

Her screams returned, but there was nothing she could do. She couldn’t move and you continued to fuck her body full of broken bones. You came in her tight ass, as she choked on the dirt on the floor. I removed the costume and returned to my cell. You left her there, in her permanent fuck position. I knew you would leave her there until her bones fused back together just the way they were. The stupid bitch should have known better than to try to fool you, Master. My pussy aches for the day when I get to remove the casts and see her pathetic new shape, and watch you fuck her all over again.

Gangbang Rape Porn

I tried to escape today, there was a door left open. I ran but was quickly caught and reeled in by my hair. After being tied up the door opened. One of my captors approached me, telling me he had a nice surprise for me I was going to part of a gangbang rape porn. He spoke softly saying it was time for my punishment. 

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The next thing I woke up lying on a frigid floor, my body was raw and immobilized. I tried for seem like hours just to move a finger but atlas it was no use, they must have drugged me. Sometime afterwards the door finally opened the light from behind blinded me and had no vision of who or what was in the room. First they started with my nipples, fondling them and twisting making them so erect. I couldn’t believe when one of the perpetrators raised their voice saying dude she’s wet. I felt my legs starting to be forced apart and I could feel my clit being violated.  They seem to explore my whole genital region, calling me a nasty cunt, and a whore. Throughout this ordeal my functions started to return and I could feel my toes, I moved and I felt this sharp pain, the ooze of what I thought was  to be my blood streaming down my face. I gasped at the pain I felt, all of sudden I could open my eyes.   I watched as my legs were held high so access to my ass could be had. Five men stood before me, laughing and smiling. I could hear words you fucking slut as one guided himself into my ass. They each took their turn brutally fucking me. When they were done they forced me to open my mouth and suck them clean. This seemed to go on for hours I thought it was a dream. One of the men called out you fucking nasty slut and thought I am no slut. I don’t know what they are talking about then it hit me it wasn’t a dream. I was stuck in the middle of a gangbang rape porn.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex Doll Making

I knew when I saw you get out your medical kit, that it was time to play doctor. Only you don’t know how to play doctor like a good sweet boy. The only way you know how to play is like Dr. Frankenstein. You whistled like a crazy man as you laid out your tools on the table. A hacksaw, needles, rope, tape. Us girls, chained in our cells, couldn’t look away. We knew what you were up to. You were going to use your amateur medical skills to make another freak monster of what you consider the perfect girl.

I remember the last time you played this game. Your medical fetish phone sex had gotten out of control. You went cell to cell, dragging each of us out and chosing which parts of us you liked best. One girl had the best tits, and another the best eyes. Another the best pussy and still another one some nice long legs. You decided you wanted a blonde, and when you approached my cell I was so scared I pissed all over the floor. But you looked at me, up and down, and said I was too ugly, and there was nothing pretty enough about me to work in your new creation.

I was spared because of my lanky legs and mousey hair and small tits. The other girls were not so lucky, and you took each of them kicking and screaming to the operating table. The girl with the beautiful blonde hair was scalped and left to die bleeding on the floor. The one with the nice long legs had them amputated with your chainsaw. She didn’t even survive long enough to watch her legs fall off. Slowly and methodically, you took the pieces you needed from each whore. Enough pieces to make a whole girl. A perfect fuck doll.

Once you had your pile of parts, blood everywhere, you began sewing them together. Shoving the blue eyes in the bloody sockets, and sitching the legs to the body with the perfect pussy. You took your time sewing the tits on, making sure they looked perfect. Your masterpeice came together as a big bloody mess, but was somehow still beautiful. You stood back and admired your work, and then you fucked your new creation while the girls who were still alive watched. I remember feeling ashamed that I wasn’t even good enough to a single piece of what you considered beautiful. As crazy as it sounds, seeing your medical equipment out and ready, I am hoping you see something about me this time that is good enough to use…