Category: Snuff phone sex

Necrophilia Phone Sex: One last Fuck

I can’t let it go, I mean sex was so fucking good with him. He was just over at my place the other night and we had a hot session of him overpowering me and making me his ragdoll. I get so fucking wet when he manhandled me like that. And his cock, was perfect, I couldn’t get enough of it. I wonder how his cock was affected by his death.

Well I had to find out, and so I snuck into the funeral home that was hosting his body for the viewing in the morning. It certainly was not going to be an easy feat except I had a little inside assistance. I slipped into the back basement door where a key was hidden nearby. I slipped on a headlamp and crept through the creepy morgue and past the crematorium. I found the room where the casket was and opened them until I found Frankie’s.

necrophilia phone sex

Oh he looked smashing in a dead placid flesh sorta way. I grabbed a step stool and started opening his fly to see how hard Frankie boy was in his death. I have always wondered what it would be like to crawl in a casket and fuck a dead guy. You can play the rest out with me, or maybe we can go out and dig up a grave and get some real dirty necrophilism on. You wanna fuck the dead to don’t you? Can you imagine her decaying flesh under you and how that decaying cunt would feel around your dick? 

I am daddy’s whore

I made daddy so happy on our date that he has given me more food and a extra blankets to keep me warm. He came down stairs today and he cuddled with me! I couldn’t believe it. While we were cuddling daddy started playing with my pussy. He whispered in my ear telling me he loves how wet I get for him. He wanted to play but I was expecting he wanted to play the way he wanted. He started spanking me, hard. So hard that he was leaving hand prints on my body. He rolled me over and spit in my face.

” You are daddy’s fucking whore.”

I nodded my head yes. He punched me hard in the face.

“Tell daddy what you are.”

His powerful punch made my head dizzy and fuzzy, when I didn’t answer right away daddy hit me again this time busting my eyebrow open. With the blood running down my face and aching I whispered

“I am daddy’s whore.”

That wasn’t good enough he punched me again and it felt like my head was hallow.

Rape phone sex fantasies

I could feel his erection pressing into my thighs. I was dazed as he ripped off my panties, and stuck two fingers inside of me. He growled and punched me again in the face.

“Get wet you fucking worthless whore.”

I looked at him with blood and tears running down my face and whispered

“I am trying to be a good whore for daddy and get wet but daddy you keep hurting me.”

The anger in his eyes scared me.

Rape phone sex fantasies

He grabbed my neck with one hand and started punching me in the face with the other hand.

“Does this hurt you stupid fuckin’ cunt? Good bitch I want it to fucking hurt.”

He pried my knees open with his legs sat up and slammed his cock into my dry pussy. He fucked me so hard I was raw and bleeding. His cum burned as he came inside of me. The last thing I remember  was

“You are a worthless fucking whore.”

My body hurts so bad. I don’t want to make daddy angry again.. I am his worthless whore. I deserve everything daddy does and I am thankful for my punishment. It wasn’t his fault. I mad him angry. 

Homemade Teen Rape Porn

The drugs hit me hard, but I could hear your voice instructing me what to do for the camera. My vision was blurry, and i could only see a fuzzy outline of you behind the tripod. You had taken me from school, drugged me, and brought me here to make your teen rape porn. I had been here before – it all seemed familiar – but I was unable to control the situation. You had me so brainwashed into believing you would hurt me if I tried to leave.

I knew my best bet was to do what you said and to make the best movie I could make for you and your sick friends. They loved watching my tiny cunt on their screens as you made me show everything between my legs. Toys laid next to me on the bed and I used them on my clit to arouse my pussy and make it swell for your camera. You kept telling me what a dirty fucking teen whore I was and to do it right the first time or I would be punished.

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I remember the punishment you laid down last time, also on film, and you made me watch it back since I was knocked out cold during your rage. I am thankful for the drugs that are clouding my mind while I violate my own body with the dirty toys you provided. I make it look good, and I make it look hot. That’s what you want from me and I will obey you this time. Here is my pussy, and I cum for your camera. I cum for you. I am nothing but a worthless little cum whore, and my place is to entertain you. Anytime. Anywhere.

Torture Sex with Venus: Inspired by Hostel 2

torture sex evil dominatrixI am a horror movie junkie. I think my parents poor choices in what they allowed me to watch as a young girl, contributed to the sick, twisted bitch I am today. There is no movie that gets me as wet as Hostel 2. In fact, it has provided me the inspiration to step up my game. Stalking and stabbing have become quite blasé to me. The thrill is gone. The first Hostel made my cunt wet, but the sequel spoke to me. It was like the director knew I needed a little kick in the ass to be a better killer. The opening scene is spank material for me. A woman, much like me, lies underneath a hanging female body, then slowly cuts the girl so she bleeds on her. Hot, sticky sweet blood cascading out of her victim, on to her body, until she has bled out. I love blood, but to bathe in it, is my ultimate fantasy. I cannot think of anything hotter, than killing some bitch I hate, then bathing in her blood, watching her die as the blood spills from her worthless body as I am masturbating. I’m already converting my basement into a blood bath.

bloody phone sex kill fantasiesThis movie is filled with ideas for wicked women like myself. The concept is that for the right price you can do whatever sick, perverse thing you want to another person. People are disposable. Want to castrate a man, you can. You want to eat another person for dinner, you can. You want to perform macabre experiments on a living person, you can. You want to force yourself on little ones, you can. You want to dismember and disembowel someone while they are alive, you can. In the Hostel flicks, anything goes. Money is all that matters, and people are just a commodity. I want to start a torture club. An elite group of women with their own money, like the protagonist in Hostel 2, Beth. Women, who like her, were once victims,  but turned the tables on their predators.  Instead of money, revenge and pleasure are my goals. We rid the earth of useless, worthless men. And we do so rather graphically and tortuously because killing is fun.

Women do not need to be victimized by men. Men think they are stronger than us, but we are craftier, more patient and far crueler than they could ever imagine. I like the idea of running my own hostel. Having my own torture club. Because as we all know, there are plenty of men that aren’t needed, that no one would miss right? Tiny dick losers. Sex offenders. Misogynistic assholes. Cheaters. Fat bastards. Hostel 2 has inspired me in more ways than one to put the pizzazz back in killing. Not only am I going to bathe in the blood of my victims, but I am going to empower other women to kill too. There is a special joy that I get sharing the art of torture. Especially, the torture of men that serve no purpose on this earth. Well, no purpose until now….

torture sex bloody fun

Sadistic phone sex with Ivy

It was my luck to find her in the parking garage. All alone she was standing there crying for her mommy. What mother would leave her sweet blonde angel in a scary parking garage. To me she wasn’t wanted to I took her. She was such a whiny little cunt then I should have known better than to snatch her up and take her to him.

Accomplice phone sex


He gives me the pure crystal for the pretty young blondes. He has a thing for blondes. But he hates it when the cry for no reason. It made my pussy wet watcing him slam her down on the couch. He thew some toys at her and told her to play. She screamed but then calmed down. He is so good with little ones, its a shame what he does to them. I went into the back with him to get my beautiful crystal rocks to get high but he told me to sit with the brat. I got over to her and sat down. I was still gonna get high, I don’t care what he tells me to do. It’s not like that is the only horrible thing she is gonna see tonight. After doing a few lines I started to get hot and sweaty. I took all my clothes off and sat back down on the plush toys. They were so soft on my skin, I was taken back by how soft they were I didn’t even see him walk up. 

Accomplice phone sexHe had his black rubber apron on and I knew it was time. She looked at me with here big blue eyes. She was scared and confused, just the way he liked it. He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her screaming and kicking to the cold table. I was right there behind him ready to do my job. I got on top of her and kissed her screaming mouth. I licked up her tears and kissed him. I leaned over her to grab the needle and thread and she bit my fucking tit so hard. I started pounding her in the head to make her let go of me. He was laughing so hard. I smiled a crooked smile and told him to hold her mouth open. There are a few things that the pure crystal makes me do and that is shit like crazy.

Accomplice phone sex


He was holding her mouth open and I squatted over her and released my bowels in her mouth and over her stupid fucking face. She started gagging and I didn’t want to have her spit out my smelly runny gift all over the place so I sewed her fucking lips shut. That muffed her gagging and her high pitched screams. He bent me over and licked my ass hole clean and even stuck his tongue in and out of it.  I started to moan but knew that this was just the begging. I know that by the end of her life she will be in little tiny pieces and fucked every way possible. 


Accomplice phone sex


Fuck Forensics

You picked me up at the goth bar, with some silly line about how nice my teeth were – not even my smile – you said “teeth”. You seemed evil as fuck, but there was something about you that turned me on. Every cell in my body was warning me not to go home with you, but my pussy was dripping just from the sound of your voice. I felt hypnotized and I had no control over my actions. Your charm was intoxicating, and looking back I realize you had slipped me something as well. I am a foolish cum slut, and drank it right down without knowing.

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Once we were back at your house, you lit candles and told me that you like things rough. My legs felt like rubber and my vision was blurred. I felt you rip my clothes off and begin to violate my pussy and my ass with huge dildos and your cock. But something was off, and even in my stupor I sensed something was wrong. You were fucking me like a madman and yet you weren’t getting off. Yes, your cock was hard, but it was almost as if you were toying with me. You started telling me what a stupid fuckpig I am, and I tried to nod my head in agreement.

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Thats when you grabbed me tight from behind and slid the blade up under my neck. It looked like a large knife that would be used to gut a deer after a hunt. My blood ran cold, and I realized I would never be going home. Somehow though, my cunt was still throbbing, and I craved the blade. You pulled my hair back and growled in my ear. You told me that you kill for sport and that no one would ever know. I tried to resist, telling you that you wouldn’t get away with it.  
As you sank the blade into my throat and began to slice off my head, you laughed and spun me around so that I could see the shelf on the wall. There were several large jars, and each contained the severed head of different women. Each was smiling, and they all had beautiful teeth. You told me as long as you kept my teeth, no one would be able to identify my body. My vision went dark and now I watch from one of the jars on your shelf as you bring women home every night for your forensic proof collection of slutty corpses.

I Wanna Be Your Bonnie, not Your Juliet

accomplice phone sex knife killerWhile my girlfriends were dreaming about having a Romeo and Juliet kind of love, I was dreaming about being Bonnie to Clyde. You see I suffer from hybristophilia, a strong attraction to bad boys. Not just any bad boy, but the criminal kind. Boys who love to kill, maim, torture and eviscerate others. I did not masturbate to movies like “The Notebook” or “Titanic.” What got me wet were films like “Hostel” and “Saw.”

I had this fantasy, I still do, of being a serial killer’s accomplice, girlfriend. Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz, Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy…these were the men I wanted to fuck. I had this elaborate fantasy life involving some of the most notorious serial killers in history. Fantasy #1: I witnessed Ted Bundy murder some of my sorority sisters. He sees me, with my hand in my panties, rubbing my clit, as he bludgeons to death my stuck up sorority sisters. Instead of killing me too, he realizes I am his soul mate. He kisses me with the blood of my sisters on his face, and fucks me on the bed where one of their dying bodies lay. We then go on a killing spree together, where he teaches me how to lure young stupid cunts into the car, and to their death.

killer phone sex snuff fantasiesFantasy #2: I meet Son of Sam Killer, David Berkowitz, at a satanic cult ritual. He teaches me how to shoot a 44 caliber Bulldog revolver. We go around NYC shooting people in the head that the devil tells us to snuff out. After every shooting, we fuck on the hood of the car that our victim is dying in, listing to the Partridge Family’s “I Think I Love You.” It’s our love song. We kill because there is no God, thus no need for guilt; and to celebrate our love. Blood gushing out of heads on to dashboards while I watch and fuck makes me horny still.

Fantasy #3: I am a young hippie in a cult. Charlie Manson is my God, my lover. He takes me under his wing. Teaches me that war is the answer, but sometimes you need to kill to incite a righteous war. A war against greed and excess. Charlie teaches me how to find the worst offenders of avarice. We find a young couple living high on the hog while others are homeless. We massacre the family and fuck in the blood bath while singing “Helter Skelter.” People need to learn not to flaunt their excess.

Fantasy #4: I meet Jeffrey Dahmer while furniture shopping. We share a kindred fascination for flesh. He invites me back to his apartment for a very special meal. He gives me my first taste for human flesh. Even gives me cooking lessons. I lure a victim back to the house. One that has enough meat on his bones to sustain us both. As we celebrate the joys of cooking flesh, we fuck up against the stove, as a pot of soup bones boils on the burner. The smell of flesh falling off of bones gets my cunt so wet. Still does. Jeffrey makes me understand that I need to appreciate my kills, use all of the body. Eat the flesh, use the bones and skin for furniture. It’s really hot to fuck on a table made of human remains.

killer phone sex hybristophiliaFantasy #5: My parents hire John Wayne Gacy as a clown at my birthday party. Even at a young age, I am keenly observant. He is eyeballing my little brat of a brother. I don’t know how, but I understand that look. I go to his house one day, there is an intoxicating odor coming from underneath the house. John teaches me how to stalk young prey, lure them to my house, play with them, then snuff them out without needing to worry much about body discovery. I learn how to asphyxiate and strangle victims. Even though he prefers young boys, he fucks me from behind as I squeeze the life out of a little plaything with my hands.

My attraction to bad boys has served me well over the years. The many loves of my youth, have made me the sick, violent, twisted girl I am today. From each fantasy lover, I have learned things to make me the best kind of killer. The kind that goes undetected. From Ted, I got a love for blood and an appreciation for beating my victims to death. From David, I learned that there is no God, thus no heaven, so why have guilt? Plus, he taught me how to shoot a gun. A bullet to the head is a sexy quickie kill. From Charlie, I learned the best type of folks to kill. The self entitled assholes that get richer why the poor get poorer. Greed is a deadly sin after all. From Jeff, I learned that human flesh is quite tasty, and nourishing. And, I garnered an appreciation for using the entire body. I’m not killing for sport, but survival. And from John, I gained a love for killing the little ones. Using them for my pleasure, then snuffing them out. Added bonus, learning that lye can leave a body unrecognizable.

Hybristophilia makes me your perfect evil accomplice. I know how to kill in a multitude of ways. I love to stalk and select the right victim. I have an appreciation for killing all sorts of folks; I lack a true type. I know how to dispose of bodies. What kind of evil fun can we get into bad boy?



Home invasion phone sex with Georgia

home invasion phone sex

Everyone should feel safe at home, I bet you do. I don’t normally because I never feel secure anywhere. Just when I started to actually feel safe for the first time in awhile I heard a lot of loud noises. It sounded like broken glass so I assumed a window was broken. I was right…
There they were, three guys in black ski-masks standing in front of my bed room. All I could think to do was crawl under my bed, but that’s never a smart place to hide. That’s where everyone checks first and that’s exactly what happened this time. One second I was staring at that their boots, hoping they wouldn’t find me and then suddenly I was being thrown onto my bed.
Even though I knew begging and crying wouldn’t stop them, I tried it anyway. They just ignored it and started cutting all my clothes off. I could feel the cold blade of the knife brush against my skin and I started to panic. That wasn’t even the worst part of it! Once they pulled their cocks out I knew what would happen next.
One of the masked strangers tied my wrists to my bed post and slapped me across the face. Then, he stuffed his big evil dick down my throat and told me to choke on it. While he was gagging me one of the other strangers shoved his throbbing prick right into my little asshole. My struggling only made it more exciting for them, I just couldn’t help it. To keep me still the third stranger ran his knife into my flesh. Any sudden movement caused the blade to draw blood.
In a matter of minutes I had several small cuts on my ribs, but by the end of the night I was covered in them. He must have loved the sight of blood because he shot his cum into my open wounds. Shortly after I felt cum shoot down my throat. As much as I wanted to spit it out, they warned me to swallow every last drop.
Once each of them had cum I thought it was over, but I was wrong again. They took turns beating, spitting, and pissing on me before they left. I don’t even remember falling asleep that night. I think one of them knocked me out when he kicked me in the face…

home invasion phone sex

Shark Bait

I should have known better than the stay too long on the island. I missed my cruise ship and was stranded in the strange little town in Mexico. I was standing near the port, frantic about what to do, when two guys approached me. They didn’t speak much English, but I was able to tell them that I had missed my boat and that I needed help. They showed me their boat, and from what I could understand they were offering to try to catch up to it so I could rejoin my cruise.  

They were looking me up and down in my skimpy bikini, and I could already tell that I was going to have to give them what they wanted if I was ever going to make it to my boat. But I had no choice so we climbed aboard and took off out into the ocean. As soon as shore disappeared, they were all over me. They stank of sweat and fish, and I figured this must be their fishing boat. They overpowered me,  stripping me down to nothing and fucking me like a dirty whore right on the boat deck. I tried to fight them off, but they held me down and made me their fucktoy.

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I kept trying to stop them and tell them to make sure we were headed towards my ship. They had stopped listening to me and I was terrified. They fucked all my holes, and I have to admit that there was something about these dirty raunchy fishermen that made my pussy throb. They manhandled me like I was nothing to them. And I was about to find out that I was exactly that. As they came all over me, I watched as they threw my bikini overboard. I screamed at them and told them I needed that – I had to wear something when we caught up to my ship.

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They didn’t pay me any mind, as one grabbed my arms and the other one grabbed my legs. I fought like crazy, but they were too strong. One grabbed a giant thick cloth sack and they started stuffing me inside! The harder I fought, the fater they got me in the bag. They brought it up to my neck and then tied rope tightly around my throat to keep it in place. I was so scared that I couldn’t even scream. They hoisted me up – my naked body totally covered with the sack – and took me to the edge of the boat.

snuff phone sex stephanie3
One of them drew out a blade and cut the side of my face, and then they tossed me overboard. I panicked and began flailing around, but to no avail. I hit the water and began to sink. My face was bleeding profusly under the water and I was drowning. I tried to hold my breath, and then suddenly out of nowhere I see a shark. It had smelled my dirty whore blood and come to finish me off. My eyes widened, and I tried to scream, my mouth filled with blood and water as the shark took all of me, head first.

Never Steal Another Man’s Bitch

killer phone sex bloody snuffMy son is very particular about who fucks me. He has no problem pimping me out, but it is usually for profit, to settle a debt, or for a special occasion to a best bud.  He was not at all happy to discover that a revival had kidnapped me, and was keeping me captive in his dungeon. For days, Master Roberto forced me to perform all sorts of sex acts on him. All the while taking pics and sending them to my son with messages like, “She’s my bitch now,” and “You can’t protect your women.” Their rivalry with women goes way back. I never liked him. Even as a little boy he was  a sick cruel fuck. I never told my son that once during a sleepover, he came into my room and violated my ass with a baseball bat. My son would have murdered him.

My son is smart, smarter than Roberto. Recognized the dungeon from the photo he texted him. He showed up to claim what was his, me. Roberto acted like it was all a joke. It may have been to him, but not to my son. My son swung a tire iron at his head, knocked him out, and grabbed his phone. My son’s hands covered in blood, he scrolled through the pics of Roberto forcing himself on me. He cut me down as I was suspended upside down. My son kissed me, then realized I had Roberto’s cum on my face. The fact that he came in and on me meant Roberto had to die. He violated his mother, a sin punishable by death in Italian communities.

I helped tie him up. My son drove us to the marina, where his boss keeps his boat. We borrowed it. Took that  boat out far enough that a body would never wash up on shore. This boat had a fishing plank, so my son made him walk the plank to his death. But to make it more interesting, my son cut off Roberto’s dick first. Let him get covered in blood, then stuffed his dick in his mouth and forced him off the boat. The sea was turning red with his blood. Schools of scavenger fish were circling him. Rumor has it that piranhas are in that part of the ocean. Regardless, he was gonna drown, bleed out or be dinner to the oceanographic life and never be a problem for me or my son again.

bloody phone sex killer fantasiesMy son and I watched him struggle, his head bobbing up and down for several minutes while the blood ran out of him, while he was dinner for the local wildlife. My son even snapped a few pictures of him drowning. My son kissed my forward and said, “You’re MY slave, don’t ever forget it,” or you will rest with the fishes too.