Category: Snuff phone sex

Burning like Fire

Snuff phone sex

The fire speaks to me, telling me to slit your worthless fucking throat. The fire tells me to tease your body with its flame. The fire wants to lick your skin leaving its black mark. You were chosen to be the sacrifice to my lord. My dark prince lives in the fire. I bring worthless men like you to him and sacrifice your body, soul and blood to feed my dark prince. At the bar you were into me, wanting to take me into the bathroom and force your cock inside of me. You didn’t noticed the roofie I put in your drink, hell you probably didn’t notice my burning desire to watch you suffer. I was guiding you to the bathroom to full fill your dark fantasy but you fell into my trap. My main man was waiting for you and I. He picked your body up and put you in the trunk. Waking up to me riding his cock in-front of the fire, probably isn’t something that turns you on. Your screams however as the fire touches your skin makes my pussy drool. I can’t just give my master any soul. I have to torture you, make you beg to die. My main man knows how to hurt someone. Knows how to make them plead for death. I love his big 10 inch cock in my pussy and ass, but I also love watching his big thick 10 inch cock forcing its dry head into your tight asshole. He is going to make you scream forcing his cock into your asshole as I beat you. Crushing your skull, feeding my dark prince your blood. He is hungry for your body. I cum with pleasure as my main man throws your body into the fire and fucks me with your bloody cock as my dark prince feeds on your blood, body and soul.

Snuff Sex Fantasy Phone Sex Revenge

snuff sexDo you have snuff sex fantasies? I sure do. In fact, I don’t have romantic dreams. Well, I guess being strangled and force fucked for days is romantic to me. I live life on the edge, so I often experience the darker things in life that men like to explore like rape fantasies and snuff. Chuck told me I reminded him of his ex girlfriend who he loathed. He always wanted to get revenge on the cheating whore who left him for another man. A man with a bigger dick. I suggested he use me as his fantasy revenge doll. He loved the idea. I should have agreed to a code word before we started our revenge fantasy fuck. I had no idea how far he would take things. He had a lot of pent up anger and hostility towards his ex. As soon as we started our fantasy fuck, a switch went off inside him. I saw it. His eyes got blank and dark. He was in the revenge zone. He even called me Tammy as he put his hands around my throat and squeezed so tight I passed out for a moment. He spit in my face as he slapped me back awake. His thick hard cock ravaged my asshole.  He sodomized me while strangling me so hard I kept passing out. He yelled slut and whore while spitting in my face constantly. I tried to fight him. I kept saying I changed my mind, but he wouldn’t stop abusing my ass until he came. I stood up to leave, feeling angry at myself for thinking this would go any other way. Before I could get fully upright, he sucker punched me in the gut, then a right hook to the face. He used me as a punching bag after he used me as a fuck doll before finally letting me go. If we did a fantasy phone sex call, would you show me any mercy?

Bloody blowjob

bloody phone sexWhere am I? What’s happening? I was walking home, that’s the last thing I remember. Then blackness. I can’t see anything, it feels like there’s a cloth over my eyes. I can taste old engine oil, it makes my stomach pitch and roll. I try with my tongue, but I can’t spit it out of my mouth.  My hands and ankles are tied. The floor is cold, and hard. I’m naked. So cold, so very cold. I strain my ears, but all I can hear is my ears ringing. Oh my god, my head hurts. Something warm and wet is running down my face. Blood? I don’t know. Ringing, throbbing, confused, scared… Someone grabs my arm and my leg, lifting me quickly, seemingly with out effort. I’m dropped onto something softer, blankets I think. Not a bed, there’s no give. My blindfold is untied. I can barely see, though now I know it is blood running down from my head over my face and body. Oh god, no. It’s you. Why are you here? What’s going to happen to me? You grin at me, and evil, menacing grimace. My heart shudders. You place an open gag in my mouth, and, wrenching my head back by my hair, shove your cock into my throat. You’re too big, but you make it fit anyway. I can’t breathe, I’m gagging and choking. I throw up in my throat, but your dick is blocking everything. Finally, you pull back, I gasp for air, and you slam into me again, and again, face fucking me hard. It feels like you’re going to cum, but you pull out and piss all over my face, mingling the pungent liquid with my own blood. You throw me over, and pound the fuck out of my cunt and pussy. Your dick is so big, I’m sure my holes are bleeding now, leaking it out with your cum. You get up, wordlessly, and leave the room. I can’t move, everything hurts so much. You come back in, holding a few things that make my blood run cold. A baseball bat, a rolling pin, and a road cone.

What are you going to do with those?

My First Piercing

Torture Sex

As usual, master was punishing me for doing something very bad by forcing me into torture sex with him. I remember he was stuffing his cock roughly down my throat, . And I accidentally scraped my teeth along the shaft of his cock! He was so angry that he immediately back handed me across the cheek and slung me to the side to collapse on the floor in a heap. He walked away cursing and saying that I was a bad little slut and that I would pay. Shortly after that he came walking back into the room with a lethal looking dagger gripped in his fist. He didn’t hesitate at all before he grabbed a fistful of my hair with his free hand and slammed my back up against the wall behind me to hold me in place. Soon, I felt a searing burning pain as he slid the tip of the dagger completely through my sensitive skin around my nipple. Blood poured down my quivering stomach as tears slid down my face! This was the worst pain I had experienced so far but it was nothing compared to what I had accidentally done to masters cock while I was choking on it! I deserved more than a piercing.



Dinner and a Show

Snuff phone sex Would you like to eat me baby? Taste every part of my soft smooth flesh. You can tie me up and slid a knife all down my body and just figure our what piece you want first. Maybe you can torture me a little and make me suffer? You can take a scapel and make slits on my tummy and pull back the skin, and cut a piece off and fry it up for yourself. I bet I taste so good! You can cut out my womb and ovaries, I didn’t want lil ones anyways. You have worked your way down my my nice pink clit. I think it would taste the best with a little olive oil and butter don’t you think? Let me be your dinner and a show!

Snuff Porn Revenge

snuff pornSnuff porn is more fun to make than watch in my opinion. I missed my calling in life. I should have been a butcher. I am so skilled with knives. Plus, I love to cut into things. I have this male friend who recently discovered his wife was cheating on him for years. How did he find out? When his daughter needed a blood transfusion and he was not a match. Ouch. The cheating whore had a bastard brat. That realization brought him to the dark side. I egged him on of course. He wanted revenge and I knew how to make it happen. I am an excellent sleuth too. I did some research to discover the baby daddy was no other than his boss. That just added insult to injury. I suggested he get them all in the same place for an intervention. A snuff sex intervention. I am a killer therapist.  I spiked their drinks so they woke up tied to the chairs facing one another. I could smell the fear. Fear is intoxicating. My friend was revenge driven. I planned to castrate the cheating boss, but first I thought it would be fun to have him force fuck his bastard spawn. I threatened to kill her if he didn’t fuck the little girl. My friend’s cheating whore wife pleaded for her daughter’s life and innocence. She was to blame for all of this. The cheating boss did as he was ordered thinking he was saving his mistress’s baby girl. I waited until his dick had ravaged her tiny little cunt to pull the Jerry Springer “You’re the Baby Daddy,” routine. He had no idea that she was his brat. My cunt was getting so wet orchestrating this macabre revenge scenario.  I didn’t know who to kill first. The cheating whore wife who tried to pass off her evil spawn for several years as my friend’s little girl. The boss who fucked his top employee’s slut wife or the little spawn that was a bad memory of the affair?

Who would you have killed first?  They all three died painful, bloody deaths while my friend filmed it. He got his revenge. I got a nice little snuff film to sell on the black market and two cheating whores and their bastard spawn got what they deserved. That’s what I call Karma. It is a bitch sometimes.

I can’t get enough snuff porn!

snuff pornI just can NOT get enough snuff porn, what can I say? I am one sick and twisted individual! I know that you are just as twisted as I am though… and just as addicted to snuff porn as I am too! Why else would you be here watching me tie this bitch down? Your cock is growing harder by the minute as you see her painfully restricted and stretched out on the table so that we can hurt her anywhere we choose. You can force her little bald pink cunt open while I cut off her little nipples and force her to eat them… she will bleed a lot for us today! Snuff porn is an art form and we both know it… that is why we like to take our time and really savor the experience, even if our victim is begging for us to end their suffering quickly. Nothing ever happens quickly around here because there is no fun in rushing!

Ass Rape Porn the Predator/Prey Game

I’m a predator and you are my prey for ass rape porn. I will find you and lure you in as your type will always try making me believe your badass when you’re just a fucking limp dicked faggot. I love nothing more than putting some dumb fucking prick in his fucking place!

You approach as if on cue and make your move. I smile, flirt, and pretend to be impressed. I slyly slip some quick dissolving powder in your beer that will have your blood alcohol accelerated. I help you out of the bar and into my van. Driving around to the back of the warehouse complex that the club was in, and pulled the van into a large industrial garage.

I help you out and get you stripped. I grab my biggest strap-on and bound your wrists together and to a hooked chain contraction. I take my riders crop and whack you behind your knees causing you to drop to them. Two of my biker pals come out to assist me in my fun. The guys start stroking their big fat pricks hard and to make things better I kneel between the two, right in front of you and start sucking them off and stroking their rods between my breasts.

Before the guys come they turn towards you and they grab your head and shove their schlongs down your throat and unload. I laugh and punch you in the face, then grab your hair and force your head back as I shove my strap-on in your mouth to plug it as the guys start pounding your ass. They take it dry and force their pricks in tearing your ass into bloody gaping cum reservoir by the time we are done with you.

I continue to beat the crap out of you until your barely conscious. We haul you out the back and leave you in the back of the building like our used up garbage.

Ass Rape Porn

Dead Sex

ass rape porn

I met a new guy in an online community for people with fetishes like ours. He loves that I am a mortician, as he enjoys playing with the dead too. I went to his house yesterday, and he showed me where he keeps his playthings in a big freezer, taking them out just long enough to play with. He had a man and a woman, and one they were given time to thaw some, we positioned them as if they were giving each other oral, in a 69 position. He wanted some of her ass, so he started fucking her backdoor while I watched and played with my pussy. It got me so fucking wet watching him pump in and out of her tight little hole. Once he was done, I jumped on top of the guy and rode his cock to a screaming O. I left pussy juice all over his permanent stiffy and my new friend couldn’t wait for his turn.

Squirting For You Baby

Snuff phone sex Wouldn’t you love to strap me over something so I am bent over and turn the fuck machine on and let it fuck me till I squirt everywhere. Make my cum shoot in a bowl and make me drink it. I am just want you to do with me as you please. I like everything including piss shit and mhm blood. I love feeling that burst of excitement when I feel my own warm blood drip down my body.

So when this random guy invited me to his dungeon I couldn’t resist. Him  being a stranger just made my pussy start to drip. He threw me down the stairs and I was actually scared which excited me at the same time. He strapped me up like my fantasy and had a fuck machine turned up and I was ready.

I was ready for that machine to enter my fucking pussy. He made me beg for it! I fucking begged the hardest I ever had and out of no where he turned it on fast and I just couldn’t stop screaming! I was squirting all over the machine and all over the blanket underneath me. He was sitting across the room just jerking his cock till he shot cum everywhere.