Category: Snuff phone sex

ass rape porn

ass rape pornI was in my room when master and his friend came in. They made me strip down completely and get on my hands and knees. Masters friend shoved his massive cock into my mouth. He jammed it into the back of my throat. Master put a baseball bat in my vision. “this is your fuck stick today” He and this friend laughed. He put a condom on it as masters friend made me gag on his cock again. I felt the cold metal bat touch my pussy. It felt dry. He’s not gonna put lube on it so it hurts worse. I quiver. He shoves my lips to the sides as he wiggles the bat into my tight pussy. It already hurts. He shoves it deeper and deeper until the girth of the bat is deep inside me. he twirls it around my pussy. Then he starts thrusting it. I scream in pain. It hurts so bad but also feels so good. My pussy is soaking wet for once. Oh yes shove it into me. “she likes it” his friend laughs. He comes inside my mouth and i choke on it a little. He slaps me hard. He takes out his belt and begins to whip me hard. Hes bruising my ass cheeks I know it. Master then takes the bat and shoves it into my Ass. I scream please stop. They both laugh. He shoves it so far into my ass I feel like I’m gonna puke. Masters friend is moving his lashings up my back. I feel my skin breaking and the blood seeping out of the cuts. I’m crying so hard I cant breath. Master fucks my ass harder and harder. When will this end. It feels like forever before master finishes. He cracks my skull with the bat and I black out.

They said it would be fun…

Teen rape porn

I didn’t want to go, I hate being scared. A Haunted Corn Maze was the last place I wanted to be but they said it was going to be fun. It was at first. We got to our first dead in and a scary bloody monster popped out from the corn field. We all ran screaming in our own ways. I got cut off from my group. That monster was still fallowing me. Popping out at random spots. I could hear people scream and he would pop out covered in more and more blood. Once again I found myself stuck at a dead in. I was scared and covered in mud. So much for fucking fun. Then he popped out again. Slowly walking towards me. I could see the fake blood dripping off his body and the closer he got to me the more I could see. I finally got the words out as he was coming closer, “Look dude I know it’s your job to scare the piss out of people but I am cut off from my friends and I need your help to get out of here. Please take back to the start I don’t want to do this anymore.” He cocked his head and stopped where he stood.

Snuff phone sex

He pointed to the side of him and I started to walk past him. He pushed up against me just as I was going to sprint past him. He was pushing me into the corn, I could feel the warm wet blood dripping off of him. It smelled of copper and I knew it was real. He reached back behind his back and pulled out his knife. I tried to run but he grabbed me by the back of my hair. Shoving his knife into my soft flesh on my belly. He covered my mouth as he stabbed me until my insides where falling out. He ripped my panties off and pulled my skirt up as he shoved his hard cock into my cunt. Force fucking me as he stabbed my back and head. It got so cold, so hard to breath, everything went dark…. They said it would be fun… 

Will you make it out alive?

snuff sexHalloween is coming up soon and it has me feeling really frisky and twisted so I set up my very own haunted maze in an abandoned asylum near my house. The locals all claim that it is haunted with the spirits of the crazy people that were tortured there… I don’t know if it is really haunted or not but I do know that it will soon be filled with fresh corpses and new ghosts when I am done! I have filled the place with all of my favorite accomplices, really sick and twisted individuals that love to kill as much as I do… and after I go hunting tonight there will be plenty of victims for them to choose from. I’m thinking that I will get a nice mix of runaway teens and tiny little brats for my friends to chase… and none of them will be leaving this place alive! I can be sure of one thing, if this place isn’t haunted yet, it will be after tonight!

Fuck Doll

Cheap phone sexI love being abused, I don’t know what it is about an older man treating me like some useless piece of trash that gets me wet but I love it. I love being treated like I am gonna be dead by the end of everything and they will leave my body laying in some ditch. I love knowing that I mean to little that they glad choke the life out of me while fucking my dead body. I always seem to come back before the end but I don’t care, my body would probably cum while I am dead at the fact of it. I want to be peoples fuck doll. I f you need a fuck doll just let me know and I am ready to go.

Bloody phone sex

bloody phone sex

It was late one night and I heard this knock on the door. I figured since I live in a great neighborhood what is the worst that can happen? When I opened the door there stood a clown with red hair a black and white outfit and horribly painted face that could make any person in there twenty’s cry. I froze in fear as this man quickly covered my mouth with a piece of cloth causing me to loose consciousness.

When I awakened from being knocked out with some sort of chloroform, I noticed I was nude and tied to a table out in the middle of the woods. I saw the clown from earlier sharpening a knife while singing a creepy version of a nursery rhyme I began crying begging for some one to help me, hoping someone was camping out in the woods where I was being held captive.

The clown turned around smiling as he began to slit my wrist and feet letting the blood drip and spill into cups shaped like a wine glasses. I began to feel light headed as the blood began to pour from my body and a numbness took over. The clown began to slice me with his knife, cutting from my clit all the way too my collar bone.

I felt my skin burn and sting as this clown cut me with percison. I could feel his cold hand pulling and touching my insides. I screamed and screamed begging for people or for someone to help me. I stared into the clowns eyes and all I could see in his eyes was a relection of my body getting pulled apart. My intestines were pulled apart and were being stretched apart until it made a fifty foot rope. My kidneys were being cut out off my body.

The clown called his friends over and they each began to feast on my body eating my organs and drinking my blood as they played circus music in the back ground laughing as they ate away. Then one clown decided to taste my ass, so he grabbed a knife and cut a piece of my ass off and placed it in to his mouth recomending a peice to every one. I laid on the stone table screaming as these clowns, these demons all took turns cutting into my raw flesh eating everthing my body had to offer.

The only thing that was left of me was my head which was sewed on to a pigs body which was left in my neighborhood as a reminder to everyone that they too could be next.

I Am A Bad Girl!

Snuff phone sexSnuff me baby! Make me hurt make me suffer. That is what I am all about. Blood, guts, and pain is really what makes me get off. The more gruesome the better in my opinion. You could never say is this to much for you.. Because I am down for anything baby, and I think that is why you love me. I am pretty sure you think that you can scare me or surprise me… But I have been there and I love it! I wanna bleed I wanna make you satisfied. I want that cum so fucking bad, and I will do anything for you. My job is to please you and make you happy. So call me so I can make that happen. I will make you blow your load.

She won’t fuck with me again!

accomplice phone sexThis dumb fucking whore was talking a lot of shit about me as if it wouldn’t get back to me… she should have known that I hear everything! I couldn’t just let her run her mouth, I have a reputation to uphold! That’s why I called a good friend of mine and set up a plan to break into that whore’s house and end her fucking gossipy bullshit once and for all! She was sleeping when we broke in, bitch didn’t even wake up until my friend had his cock shoved up her ass and his hand on her throat! She was struggling and trying to get away but we were much too strong for her and we fucked her until we were bored of it. Then we cut our her tongue and broke her fingers… she will have a very hard time talking shit about me now!

Halloween Preparations

taboo phone sex

I am getting ready for Halloween! There is a lot of prepping to be done…I look forward to Halloween like some people look forward to Christmas. Most people use an advent calendar but I’ll be using my own little friends as my treat for every day that goes by that we get closer and closer to Halloween. I bring home a girl to Daddy every single day and when it’s time…when all those little ones are screaming trick or treat I’ll have them too. Daddy and I are preparing our basement for the excessive amounts of innocent smooth bodies we are going to take advantage of! We are going to make a sickening perfect Halloween for ourselves! We like to hear real cries, and play with real blood. Why not help Daddy this Halloween instead of dressing up every single day in some slutty outfit for Daddy and his friends to take advantage of me…now it’s all them. The tiny little girls and their brothers too. We don’t discriminate any hole is tight!

Taboo Phone Sex Girl Makes a Snuff Porn Video

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are what I deliver. I’m not your girl next door or your GFE. I am certainly not your victim. If you call me, you better have dark desires. I had a hot caller last week with an ex issue. Easy solution.  I suggested we make a snuff porn video with her as the star. My caller was dating this woman essentially to have access to her sweet young girl. When his girlfriend was a coked up stripper, it didn’t matter what he did to her baby girl. Then suddenly she found Jesus, got a real job, cleaned up her act and thought she could be a good mother all of a sudden. She threaten to report my caller for molestation, so I suggested we kill the bitch so he could have permanent custody of the daughter. After all, he has pretty much raised her. He has been with this woman for ten years.  I don’t think the daughter was too keen on her mom suddenly trying to impose limits on her either. Snuffing mom out was the perfect solution for this P man. The question became how to get rid of her.

snuff porn videoShe had a long history of drug abuse, so an overdose would be no  surprise. I thought hanging would be fun. Make it look like a suicide. Even make her write a note leaving her daughter in her boyfriend’s care. There never was a daddy in the picture. She had no family. My caller arranged a meeting with his ex, but I was there. I gave her a shot of very concentrated heroin to make her compliant. Got the note, then I watched as he strung her up on a beam in her own basement. Her daughter fast asleep upstairs. She struggled, but didn’t take long to die. She peed herself. Her eyes got blood red. I could see purple veins  popping on her face which turned an ugly bluish purple. It was an erotic sight for a sick bitch like me. A junkie mom dead and a P man reunited with the real love of his life, a barely teen girl. Now that is justice. What are your killer phone sex fantasies? I am a great accomplice.

Torture sex

torture sex

Having Torture sex with master! He came in the room to tell me I have five minutes to get ready. I’m sitting on my bed waiting for further instructions. My head is down when he walks into the room. He has his snuff sex duffle bag in his left hand. He always brings this with him if we are not in the play room.

He sits it down at my feet. Unzips it and takes out some rope, a knife, and superglue. I’m really scared but I maintain my position. He lays them on the bed beside me. He rubs my hair with his palm and asks me to close my eyes. I close them. I feel a wet burning liquid hit them. I go to open my eyes and master takes his fingers to hold them down. He is gluing my eyelids shut! He takes away his hands and I try to open my eyes. I cant! The pain that it caused to try was sickening.

He laughed. “I don’t want you to see anything coming just feel it!” I could here him shuffling stuff on the bed. He grabbed my arm and i instinctively jerked it away. He slashed my shoulder. I felt the blood trickle down my arm. He laughed again and took my arm and ripped it out of its socket and tied it up to something with the rope he had pulled out earlier ,I assumed. The pain was unbearable. I could feel the tears in my eyes. Master finished tying my whole body up to where I was in the shape of a star. Master then took something and lifted it up to my neck. It was cold and felt like metal. The knife. He sliced my throat from one side to the other. I screamed in pain as the blood gushed out. I felt dizzy.

Then I felt the same sensation of the knife on my nipples. Master pulled up my left nipple and sliced it off with the knife. Then he lifted the right nipple and did the same then. I felt as if it was simultaneously. I screamed so loud that I hurt my own ears! I instinctively tried to open my eyes and ripped my eye open. All I could see was blood. Mixed with the tears I was shedding it burned so bad. Why was master doing this to me. Because he could. He got on top of me then and rammed his huge cock inside of my pussy. He was thrusting inside me. He started punching me in the face over and over. He came inside me.
I felt my life source leaving my body. I felt that same cold metal brush my clit. I screamed no. He laughed. He then took the knife and pushed it inside me. I screamed over and over. I wish I would just hurry up and die! he kept fucking me with the knife over and over. My mind was cloudy. I didn’t know what was real anymore. I’m sure the whole bed was soaked in my blood. I cried but stopped screaming I was to weak to scream anymore. I couldn’t breath. The knife no longer hurt but I knew he was still fucking me with it. A deep sea of blackness took over me, and I ceased to exist.