Category: Snuff phone sex

Torture phone sex fantasy with Lorine

Torture sexI had a very special request from a caller of mine. He had this little, skinny, flat-chested cunt down the road that needed a lesson taught. A special, painful, fatal lesson. I’m always up for a good torture call.

So we snag the little bitch and pack her away, to our play room. He has all sorts of toys to play with. I just love it when a man comes prepared. We have her strapped into a chair, in her school uniform, knee-high white stockings and all. First, I got to play with a nice pair of pliers.

They felt good and solid in my hands. I gripped her big toenail first, and pulling hard, but slow, dislodged it, pulling the quick out a good 6 inches before it snapped like a wet rubber band. On and on I went, making the pathetic little slut bawl and cry and beg for mercy. Not that it fucking matters, no one will hear her down here!

I took a hammer and nails he handed me, pinning her petite little feet to the fucking floor. She’s definitely not going to run now! My pussy was so wet from the feeling of him watching me, stroking his cock at my bloody work.

When he brought out a soldering gun,  I almost came immediately. It was perfect to cut and cauterize at the same time. I drew a line right up the back of her leg through her stockings, and around the front of her kneecap. She was screaming and sobbing, begging for her pathetic little life. Hahaha! Dumb bitch. She tried to stand, to bolt. Too bad, one of the nails ripped the front of her fucking foot right in half!

Hmm, that would take some strange flip-flops for that foot to wear now!

I had so much fun dissassembling her, popping off her kneecaps with a sucking crunch, feeding her a gag made of her own flesh and hails. Listening to her snort her own blood and tears while sitting in a puddle of her own terrified piss.

But what topped it off for me, was watching his rock hard dick popping out of her mouth for me to suck from him fucking her splayed open ribcage.I am curious, what shall our next adventure be?

Torture phone sex

Let Me Go Get You Your Dinner.

Snuff phone sexWouldn’t a little teen roasting in the oven be so good tonight? I would love to be your little accomplice and go out to the beaches and find you the best looking piece of meat ever. Since you live so close it would nothing just to drop me off and get her back to your kitchen with no problem.  We can knock her out and strap her down on the table and start drowning her in olive oil and butter make sure she will be golden brown on all sides when shes done cooking. We have to make sure we gut her good so we only get the good meat that will be tender and juicy. That little teens meat just squirting juices down  your mouth as you take bite after bite.

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies – Kidnapped

Murder phone sex fantasiesHis voice chilled me to my very bone. He had called twice before, issuing what I had thought were empty threats by way of prank phone calls. But, this time, I had chills going up and down my spine.

*3 days later*

He grabbed me after I left the grocery store. He has me tied up in the back seat of his car, and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I am so scared!! Oohh, we’re stopping! Please let there be people around!!! No!!!! No people, only trees!! Why?!

He’s carried me to a clearing, and oh gods!! He’s cutting my clothes off with a knife!! He’s crushing me, and … ahhhhhh, that hurts!! I think he ripped my cunt open!! I can’t scream with this damned gag!! Why is he doing this to me?! Oh god, my lungs!! He’s crushing my chest; his hands are so big, and his fists are just crushing my chest!!! I think that’s a broken….Yep, that’s a broken rib!! Someone please help me?! What’s that? Oh, please gods, NO!! Please? I can’t breathe. I can’t…

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

I was walking home one night and I got taken. All I saw was a car drive by and they put a bag over my head and snatched me up. When I got the location in which they stopped, I smelt a foul smell. I heard cries and screams as they pushed my body through what felt was a long stretched path. My black bag that was over my head was taken off and I panicked as I looked around.

I saw girls, small girls crying and shackled to the ground. They were naked and bloody. I freaked because I knew there was no way out and no way home ever again. I watched as three men laughed as they beat this one girl. She looked like she was a blond, but I could tell since her hair down to her scalp was saturated in blood. They called her names, spitted on her, and finally pulled their cocks out to fuck her.

One man was even cumming inside her destroyed ripped open bloody pussy and he made eye contact with the girl. He lost it, as his fist pounded into her face over and over until he bashed her skull in. The men just laughed as they continued to fuck her dead body. They came all over her. She was just left to stay there, so that they could fuck her body whenever they pleased. The three men covered in blood finally walked up to me with smirks all over their faces.

I am next.

She isn’t going to bother me ever again!

torture sexDon’t you just hate whiny bitches? I know that I do, that is why I had to kill my new neighbors. They were this family of annoying hippie vegan types, usually I am live and let live about that shit but these assholes complained literally every single time that cooked any kind of meat! If you want to starve yourself and not eat meat, that’s fine but don’t tell ME that I have to go along with your stupid ideas! I am a fucking carnivore and I have no problems killing people, why the fuck would I have an issue with killing animals? Anyway, the worst one out of that family was the teen girl, she bitched and moaned and made puking noises every time I ate dinner, I couldn’t take it, they had to fucking go! I waited until they were sleeping then I slipped into their house and made my way upstairs. The parents died first, I slit their throats while they were sleeping, it was the girl I really wanted, she was going to suffer! I drugged her and dragged her back to my place and threw her on the grill while she was still alive… She ruined so many of my meals, it was time for her to become one! She really was delicious too, I guess her diet made her flesh nice and tender…

Dark Desires

sadistic phone sex

Halloween yesterday was intense and hardcore and I am still reaping the benefits. There were a lot of slutty girls dressed up last night and I couldn’t help myself at all. Halloween brings out the darkest in me, all those rape fantasies and snuff fantasies and beatings…they make me ruthless. I ended up bringing 3 girls home last night. Some of them are dead now, I got to do whatever I wanted to do with them with him by side. We beat them, stabbed them and choked them. We pissed and shit on them and made them eat their own puke. We got a good range of ages, super young, young enough and teen. My pussy was so wet when I sat on their faces and made them lick my cunt. They cried into my pussy as they licked and were forced to take his massive cock. I laughed and taunted these girls as we destroyed their holes and their dignity. This is what we’re for ladies, learn it now! Ha, but you can’t quite learn anything if you’re dead can we? Mmm, there’s one left over from my dark desires and I am thinking something bloody…

Halloween was made for snuff sex!

snuff sexHalloween is a glorious holiday for people like me, all those brats running around unsupervised, they are ripe for the picking and perfect snuff sex victims. They literally come right to your door basically offering themselves up for sacrifice! I have found that the key to success on Halloween is to decorate your house fully and feel free to make it scary too… just not TOO scary. You want it to seem like a safe place for the little ones to stop at, you don’t want them too scared to even approach your door. Also, don’t just snatch up the first little whore that comes to your door, you need to be careful! Some of these brats will have their parents with them and you do not want to catch any parent’s eye, you want to be practically invisible, just another piece of the scenery. When the perfect victim comes along you will know it, she will be all alone and a little nervous but if you are patient with her you will be able to get her inside without anyone hearing her scream. That’s when the real fun begins! She gets passed around to everyone and gets thoroughly fucked before we finally toss her broken bloody body into the oven to cook for our Halloween feast. It is a truly glorious tradition that I eagerly anticipate every year!

Blasphemy Sex and Fucking The Dead

My guy and I decided to ride over to the cemetery the other night after getting word from my friend, who was a Funeral director. Evidently a prime specimen we needed to see had been placed in a tomb earlier and I have full access as long as I give the Grounds keeper a blow job and he gets to watch. Arriving just after midnight I find the creepy groundskeeper and he leads me to tomb.

I never fucking do jack shit without making sure the deal is good and that means seeing the corpse before blowing fucking Igor. The specimen was fine indeed and my cunt just fucking gushed taking in the rigid cock, as it was beautifully huge! Satisfied on the deal I fulfilled my end letting the creep come on my tits before I mounted my dead friend and started riding that dead cock screaming out blasphemies that please my Lord and Master Satan.

 Blasphemy sex

Snuff Sex – Coulrophilia/Psychrophilia

Snuff sexI was hitching through North Dakota when he came across me. I felt bad about him from the moment he pulled up alongside me, but all my efforts to make him move along failed. That was when I knew I was in trouble, and I tried to take off. He was spry and agile for an older man, and he very quickly and easily caught me. I had no chance to fight; he was so quick that he had me pinned before I could even turn over. I felt him begin to bind my hands, I think it was with rope, but I would have to find out later. I struggled under him, the little bit that I was able to move. He gagged me with a ring-gag, so I knew, once again, that I was in deep shit.

He drug me back to his truck and buckled me in, since he knew I was unable to do anything about it. I have no idea how long we drove, or how far. I just know that when he stopped, it was in a place surrounded by wooded areas. The temperature was dropping, so I knew it was early evening. He drug me through the trees for a good while before finally tossing me to the ground. I could hear water, and I wondered if anyone lived nearby who could help me if I could just project my voice well enough. When he didn’t even bother trying to get me to shut up, I knew it was hopeless. He bound me, hands and feet, to roots in the ground, and I knew I would never get up from there again. He left my view, and I began to search around for a weapon of some sort.Killer phone sex

When he came back, I was completely at a loss. He was dressed as a clown! He had the makeup, a wig, everything! The only way I knew it was him was that he was carrying the clothes he had just changed out of!! He set those down, walked back out of view, and came back carrying 2 large buckets. He poured freezing water all over my body, and I began to shiver. As the night grew closer and the temperatures dropped, he kept dousing me with water until he saw ice start to form from the moisture. Then, he started some ritualistic something or other. He was touching me all over, rubbing me with various parts of his clown getup. It was as I was getting closer to freezing to death that I noticed his cock was poking a huge tent out of his outfit. It was mere moments before I drew my last breath that I saw his cock hovering above my face, and then slipping down into my throat through that ring-gag.

Formicophilia is perfect for torture sex!

torture sexI am fascinated with torture sex I am literally obsessed with finding new ways to fuck people up but this unusual fetish I came across may be too extreme even for me! It’s called Formicophilia and it is all about having a sexual obsession with having bugs crawl all over and even inside a person. I am not a huge fan of bugs crawling on me but since I wasn’t going to be the one tortured, I figured what the fuck, lets do it! My friends and I picked a whore to play with from the local strip club,it was almost too easy. We offered her $1000 to come with us and strip at a private party and she didn’t even hesitate, she just grabbed her coat and left with us. The stupid bitch was so hard up for money that she didn’t stop to think about why we would be so generous, she had dollar signs in her eyes and not a suspicious bone in her body. All that changed when we got back to my place though, we had to struggle to get her stripped and strapped down to the table and she was begging for us to let her go but it was far too late for that! When we brought the bugs out she became hysterical, she was struggling hard against the straps but she couldn’t get away and I think that’s when her mind started to break. She howled when we put all those bugs on her, you could see the madness in her eyes when they started going inside her and I have to say, I was starting to get a little turned on. Watching her get more and more hysterical was making my pussy drip so I grabbed one of my friends and made him fuck me while we watched her literally scare herself to death…

torture phone sex