Category: Snuff phone sex

Successful breeding, but…

Snuff phone sexAs a little time passed, Langley grew very fond of Lo’ Din. There was something about him, in his pheromones, that kept her in constant need of his presence. And constantly horny. The drive to have him inside her, filling her, was in every thought of every waking moment. Until one day, when it just kind of slowed down. Her body still reacted with violent orgasms whenever he touched her, licked her, fucked her body. But something changed. She felt hungry, so hungry, and aggressive. And sad.

Lo’ Din had been gone all day with a hunting party, and she had stayed behind with another girl, Sarah, who had been left in the forest a couple weeks after Langley. The day dragged on, as it got darker, she felt agitated. She didn’t know why, he’d been out hunting countless times, and she had been fine if not a little over horny while he was out. She rested on the floor of their den by the fire. It was so pretty. All of a sudden, pain racked her body, again, and again. Her vision changed. She threw up. and her body jerked and writhed, it seemed she was going to split in two. She passed out. The next she knew she was running through the forest. The moonlight was so bright, she could easily see. Not that she needed to. She could smell Lo’ Din. How could she smell him? The thought left as soon as it arrived, as the need to find him, to have him inside her filled every sense and reaction. Fantasy phone sex

He barely had time to sense her before she was upon him, pinning him down, nipping and biting him, licking him all over. With a massive grown he flipped her, pinning her on her back, with a snarl that nearly reached her throat before he recognized her.

“My little one? Is that you? Why yes, it is you. I know those eyes anywhere. But… You’ve changed! I didn’t know that was possible!”

At his words she looked down at herself, surprised to see a lean, full-breasted, furry body. But she didn’t care, she reached her massively long, new tongue down, wrapping it around his already exposed red rocket, and guided it right to her furry cunt. Before he could gasp she was fucking him hard, slamming him into her faster and faster. They flailed back and fourth, dirt and parts of trees exploded around them. The wildest, carnal fuck she’d ever experienced. They both sang to the night in their orgasms.

As they lay there, spent in each others arms, she faded back to her human, naked form, huddling against him for warmth. He laid his hand on her belly.

“So, my little one. It seems when you’re pregnant, you can change. This is interesting indeed.”

“Wait, what? You mean, I’m.. We’re..” she stammered.

“Yes, you will give us a little one of our own.”

Snuffed out at the morgue

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Sometimes I get a wild hair and I have the need to add another victim to my friends at the morgue. Today was that day. I saw her walking down the street in a pair of stilettos, her head held high as if she was better than everyone. I decided that she would be my victim. I followed her to her car, and when she went to get in, I came up from behind and wrapped a chain around her neck. After securing her hands and feet, I put her into the backseat of her own car and drove her to the morgue. I took her to the back room, the dungeon where I keep all of my toys. Securing her to a table, I began to cut into her body with my knife, Cassie, just to watch her bleed. Seeing her beg for mercy just made my pussy that much wetter. As I snuffed her out, I got myself off with one of the men that was just brought in earlier that day.

I should have tipped him..

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I humiliated this boy today. He tried to grab my ass as he passed me by in the hallway. I slapped him, “No one and I mean no one wants your nasty nerdy hands on their body ever! Go fucking kill yourself you little dick loser.” I yelled it loud enough for everyone in the hallway to hear me degrading this fucking handsy asshole. I kicked him in his little tiny balls and walked away as if nothing happened. As if he wasn’t crying on the floor, puking from the pain o being kicked in the balls. Plus all the people around us laughing at this waste of life. He was better off as a cum stain. Well I got fucked up after school, I got so fucked up I passed out. Woke up with a serious case of munchies so I ordered some pizza. Guess who the fucking pizza delivery boy was, yea cum stain. I paid him but didn’t give him a tip, he didn’t deserve a fucking tip. I slammed the door in his face and started to dig in on my pizza. Next thing I know this fucker is in my living room with a bloody nose and his eyes were dark. He grabbed me when I tried to get up. He slammed me to the floor and shoved a entire piece of pizza down my throat. “I’m taking my fucking tip you whore.” I was choking on the piece of pizza as she jammed his nasty little boy cock inside of me. He kept shoving pizza in my mouth to muffle my screams. He fucked me with his tiny sausage as I choked on the fucking sausage and pepperoni pizza.

That bitch got what she deserved!

torture sexThat bitch got what she deserved, honestly she shouldn’t have tried to take what was mine, if she had just stayed out of my way none of this would have ever happened! See I was at the park dressed like your typical suburban mother looking for a little bitch to bring home for a friend of mine; I had one in mind and was about to snatch her when this fucking cunt got in my way. She was so fucking nosy, asking me which brat was mine and all these other nosy questions, she talked so much that she made me miss the opportunity to take the one I wanted! Oh man that shit pissed me off! In an instant I decided that this bitch was going to die in her place even though she was older than what my friend preferred. I convinced her to come with me to my car and once there I knocked her out and took her home. We fucking cut that whore to pieces for fucking up my day, she was tortured and fucked and when we were finally done with her we took her back to the park where her little boys were still waiting for her and dumped that bitch at their feet!

Lycanthropy Loving Langley

Fantasy Phone SexHer eyes began to barely flutter open. The last thing she remembered was walking towards school after missing her bus. The light was painfully blinding, and stung her sensitive corneas as she tried to focus. She could feel something binding her limbs to her sides in some sort of chair. Something heavy around her neck.

A light male voice “Dr. D., Number 37 is waking up.”

A slight pause, then another voice “Why good morning, 37! I’m glad to see you’re waking up before your release.”

She’s confused, “Release? Wha… What’s going on? Where am I? Where’s mom” Who are you?” She starts to weep. Through her tears she registers some sort of hospital setting, white curtains and some men in lab coats, others in fatigues.

“Well 37, you are lucky enough to be selected for a very important role in our research. Now, I have a few questions for you. Are you sexually active?”

She feels flushed at the question. “What’s so important about my private life?”

He chuckles, “Well, I certainly do hope you’ve had at least a little experience, as virgins tend to suffer quite a bit more than others when they’re given. Are you on any sort of birth control, 37?”

“No. Why do you keep calling me ’37’? My name is Langley.” She’s getting more confused and pissed by the minute. Who did these jerks thing they are?

“Oh good!” the man called “Dr. D.” seemed overjoyed at the news. “Jim, go ahead and give her the shot.” A sharp sting into her neck.

“What the fuck was that? What are you doing to me?”

“Do you know why I don’t care what your name is, 37? Because it no longer matters. You will not be ‘Langley’ ever again. You’re never going to see your parents again, or your friends. Life as you know it will never exist. And, should you survive, you’ll eventually forget it ever existed. This place is my baby. It’s a very special kind of wildlife compound, housing my little family. They were made by me, here in these walls. But, the only problem is, they keep coming out male. Well, 37, that’s where you come in. A few human women seem genetically compatible to breed. Ok Jim, get the men to move her out. Good luck, 37. Oh, and a piece of advice, try not to be too scared, they can smell it.”

She started panicking. Nothing made sense, she couldn’t process anything the guy said. It all felt like a nightmare. Wake up, wake up, wake up!

The chair she was in was being rolled down a long, metal coated corridor towards a big door by two of the armed men. They pressed a button that raised the door, unfastened her, and threw her out into a forest, making her hit the ground hard. The door slammed shut behind her. It was dusk, and the dark was growing quickly. Once the air returned to her lungs, she stared around, shivering. The air was cold, and she was still only wearing her school uniform, and as always, no panties.

Something nearby in the forest rustled, and she heard a low growl that stood every hair on her body on end.

With a trembling voice, she called out, “Hello? is anyone there? Hello?” Another low growl was her only answer. She thought “Oh God, oh God! Maybe if I lay here and pretend to be dead it won’t hurt me.” She closed her eyes and curled up tightly. She heard something padding toward her. Closer. Closer still. Something breathed on the back of her neck, sniffing her. Her heart pounded in her throat. It sniffed the length of her body, hovering over her cunt, then back up again. A huge, hot tongue, up the side of her neck. Another growl right in her ear, and the deepest voice she’d ever heard, “female, I know you are awake, you were calling to me.”

Holy fuck! Her eyes spring open, and fear strikes her so hard she can’t even scream. Before her crouched a wolf-man, easily three times her size. His fur was coal black, his flesh dark, and his eyes gleaming golden. He was definitely male, and terrifyingly beautiful. Even as her blood ran cold, her womanhood ran hot. Again he spoke, “Get up.” She just huddled there, shivering in more than just cold. He snarled “Get up. You are mine, and you will obey!” Fear spurned her to her feet, nearly jumping clear out of her own skin. “Good girl.” he gruffed. He lowered down to his hand-paws, and stalked in a circle around her, inspecting her, before standing before her again. He repeated, “You are mine, and only mine. Do you understand?” She nodded, and mumbled under her breath “Oh God, oh God, oh God.” His big eyes narrowed, “Who is your ‘God’ you speak of?”  She swallowed heard, and squeaked, “Y..Y..You are.” He seemed pleased, “Good.Why are you shaking?”

Tears ran down her cheeks, “Please, please don’t hurt me.” His stance softened, “I will not hurt you. You are mine. But, I expect obedience. Do you understand me? Do as you’re told, and you will not be injured.” She was surprised at how articulate this creature seemed. She allowed herself to look at him. His body was powerful in every way. She could feel it radiating off of him. She could feel the heat gathering in her belly begin to flow down her thighs in little drops like sweet condensation. He drew her to him, and with one claw from his great paw, sliced her clothes completely off. He carried her easily to a soft place beneath a tree and laid her down. He cupped her breasts, and his giant, long tongue began at her throat, flicking over her pulse, circling down across her erect nipples. He traced her body lines, down each side, and to her knees, before working back up her thighs. He took his time teasing her pussy lips, and finding her little pearl tucked away there. Her body reacted so violently, shuddering and quivering. Wave after wave crashed over her as he slipped his tongue inside her, tasting deep within. His red rocket was fully unsheathed when he lifted her legs far above her head, and slid inside her little cunt. She gasped with the perfectly sweet pain. She’d never experienced anything so full, so deep. Her hips rose to meet his with every stroke, the knot in his shaft growing more and more.

They came together, even as she clutched to his massive, strong chest, he howled his possession into the night.

A chorus of answering howls rung through the dark.

“He held her cheek and looked into her eyes as he told her,

“You will call me Master, little one. I am Lo’ Din. King of the wolf people. And truly, you are mine.”


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They say curiosity killed the cat, right? Well my curiosity killed my pussy because I just couldn’t keep myself away from peeking into that black duffel bag of sex toys beneath my bed. Just as I was unzipping that heavy duty zipper ever so slowly to be as sneaky as possible, He walks into my room in a stealthy manner and grabbed me by my hair to yank me back and drag me across the floor until I was beneath him. And then he pinned me down and tugged out a pair of shiny handcuffs from the bag that was now behind him. I giggled nervously and smiled shyly because I don’t mean to get myself into trouble all the time  but I always crave the punishments I get from him. Then he pulled out this really long strap on and I was really confused but he was already fastening a ball gag over my little protesting mouth before I could ask why he put on a strap on! Before much longer he had his full dick length shoving into my ass and the 11” dildo was shoving up into my pussy together, at the same time! I was kicking and screaming and crying for him to slow down but that only made him push harder up into my little bleeding holes. I’ve learned my lesson, don’t go snooping around unless you’re ready to face the consequences.

Can I use your body?

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You woke up today thinking this was the end. You were waiting for some kind of sign to stop. Something to tell you that life is worth living but there was nothing. Even the universe is telling you no one gives a fuck about you or your worthless life. No one is going to care once you’re gone. No one cares while you are breathing. Go ahead and tie that thick rope around your neck. The rope is rough and itchy around your neck, but it turns you on. Look at how fucking sick you are! Your cock is hard right before you are going to end it all! Well don’t go out on a shitty note, I mean your cock is hard. Rub it. Mhmmm, you look so sexy rubbing your cock with that rope around your neck. Keep rubbing that hard cock. This is it, the end, the last time you are ever going to cum. It’s going to feel so amazing to cum as your chair slips out from underneath you. I bet it feels amazing struggling to breath but your body is having a mind blowing orgasim. My pussy is dripping watching you swinging back and forth.. Your cock is still so hard! I’m gonna cut you down and use your rock hard cock.. It’s going to be hard until you start to stink and I think I might keep your body around.

Ass Rape Porn Snuffed Tardiness

A useless whore for ass rape porn is all I ever will be, and that was made perfectly clear by my Boss. He made me service all the filthy greasy mechanics, and sleazy car salesmen at the Auction today. I was just a few minutes late and it seems I cost them their spot for showing the Silver Ghost as the second car up for auction. That was a prime spot since everyone would be excited and ready to spend and bidding could get high. I was the eye candy to help tantalize the bidding and look pretty for the cameras. 

So, I had to kneel on the floor and let these men use me as they wished and offer all of my fuck holes up to them. I was slapped around, my tits were slapped and nipples twisted, bit, and pinched. I was anally fucked so hard my ass was stretched to gaping and prolapsed. My cunt was punched by fists and cocks and left much the same as my ass, gaping and prolapsed. I was sticky with cum, piss, and blood while my nose was broken and my lip split open. They tossed me some shop towels and told me to clean up and get out.

I barely made it to my car when I was grabbed by two men and shoved in the back of my car taped up with duct tape and driven to some remote warehouse. They yanked me out of the car and took me inside where they shoved me down on a filthy mattress. They slapped me across the face a few more times as they took my used up, over fucked body and started kicking me in the ribs and head. I lost consciousness and I believe my life.

 When I awoke from this dream my cunt was so fucking wet!

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She had always played  it off like she was so innocent, so perfect and I could never measure up. I was so fucking sick of everyone saying how wonderful that she was! I was better! I was even more tired of her looking down her snobby little nose at me. Today was the day that I would get my revenge. I would show everyone that the world would go on just fine without her. And with her gone, everyone would see that she wasn’t so great after all, and their attention would turn to me. I waited for her to come out of work and when she got close to her car, I made my move coming up behind her in the dark and wrapping my arms around her and pulling her to my master’s car. He was pleased with my prize, and was more than willing to help me snuff her out, but not before having some fun. We strapped her to a wall in the dungeon and I began using my curling iron to burn her oh-so-perfect skin. Not so perfect anymore! I burned her clit, spreading her legs wide then fucking her with the hot iron. Master loved it. He stuck his cock in her mouth to shut her up while I cut her and snuffed her out with a rope to her neck. Now she is listed as missing and everyone is looking. Soon enough they will give up and realize that she wasn’t so great after all.

It’ll be torture sex for you!

torture sex“Oh honey, it’s gonna be torture sex for you, why ever would you think that I would be letting you go?” is what I said to the young girl I had tied up in my basement. Her eyes got all big and the tears poured out but I didn’t care, why should I? She’s just some stupid little cunt that exists only to give me pleasure by dying slowly at my hand! I am going to peel her like a grape and leave her spread wide open for her parents to see her brutalized corpse. Do you think they will cry when they see what I’ve done to her? Her tiny holes will be ripped open, her bones will be broken and all her skin will be stripped from her body, I do hope that they will appreciate my gift to them.