Category: Snuff phone sex

Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sexI started dating this awesome guy. He told me how he always wanted to get someone pregnant so that he could have a sweet girl that would come out of her tummy. He wants a girl really badly so that he can have his way with her whenever he wants. Sound really hot the thought of little holes that are so snug and juicy. Why not?

I told him about my niece and how we should play parents for a day. He like the sound of that so I convinced my little nieces parents that they could go out on a date night and I would watch her. Some girl bonding time. They have no idea that we are going to have some fun with her all night long. I brought my  niece in wearing a cute little red dress that flared out.

She had see through stockings on and little tiny high heels. She looked adorable. I checked what they packed her for her jammies and there was just a thin little white tank top and some booty shorts with princes undies. Oh the fun he will have.

I tell my niece to get on her hands and knees and open her little mouth. I take my boyfriends cock out and shove it right through her pie hole of a mouth. She lubes it up getting it all wet and sticky. Tears run down her face. I take this opportunity to strip her out of her dress. I can not wait to spread those soft little thighs open so that I can watch his huge cock sink into her soft little tight hole.

Bloody phone sex with Langley

bloody phone sexWalking home last night, trudging through the snow, I was an idiot, and accepted a ride from a stranger. I was so fucking cold even my cunt juices were freezing, so I hopped in. He didn’t take me home, he took me to a living nightmare. I went from sipping coffee in the cab of his truck, to waking up chained against a wall in some old abandoned shower room.

At first, the feeling of being chained, the exhilaration that comes with fear, and whatever he used to drug me, made my pussy flow heavily with horny, hot, wetness. It was quickly overpowered by the screaming terror filling my belly. I couldn’t focus my eyes, couldn’t see my attacker. But I could hear him breathing heavily behind me. I felt the head of his cock brushing my ass cheeks, and I started to cry, and beg for mercy. Hard hands grip my hips as he tries to press into my ass. He was so big he couldn’t fit as hard as he tried. For a split second, I thought I was going to be ok. What a fucking stupid whore I was. The next thing I feel is cold, sharp steel, and my ass cheeks being spread. I scream and scream as I feel the searing pain of my perineum being sliced deeply, making my vagina and rectum one big, bloody hole.

As I bled out, he fucked me hard and fast.

The world went black before he finished coming in me…

Necrophilia phone sex

necrophilia phone sex

I awoke with my hands tide behind my back. I frantically looked all around and noticed that I had no clothes on my body. I looked to my left and saw a sweet girl, dirty in dirt. I tried to whisper out to her but I came to realize she was not even moving. She was not breathing. She had cum and blood all over her. I think she is dead. I started to panic trying to get out of the restrains I was in.

I heard a noise and a man just laughing at me. He brought a girl in front of me. She had pale skin and dark hair. She was so skinny and she looked me right into the eyes as her naked body flew at me. He grabbed her by the back of her hair and took out a sharp knife. She didn’t even fight, he cut right into her neck. Her blood ran down her chest to her belly. He let her limp body fall to the ground.

He got on top of her and started stabbing her over and over again in her stomach. Her uterus was gushing blood. His cock came out of his pants and he fucked her hard. He was slamming his dick in and out of her over and over again until he filled her up with his jizz. Her lifeless body was laying on the cold ground. Her pure soft skin saturated in blood and cum.

The man got up and sprayed his piss stream all over her dead face. I am next.

Snuff Porn Wonderland

snuff pornSnuff porn Christmas is what naughty whores receive. I was at a bar last night getting drunk with random men. Last thing I remembered was doing lines of coke off some dude’s dick in the bathroom. I woke up hours later tied up in a basement. No memory of how I got there. No recollection of my captor. He was not the guy I was doing coke with when my memory last worked. I explained that he didn’t have to hold me captive. I was a sick pain slut; I enjoy rough sex. Fuck it, I even enjoy torture sex. He didn’t want to fuck me. In his words, “I don’t put my cock in diseased cunt.” He spoke with such disdain for me. He clearly was a woman hater. I tried reverse psychiatry on him. That just pissed him off. I had no clue what was in store for me, but I knew it wasn’t good. Suddenly, I heard screams. I think I heard chainsaws too. Maybe it was a power saw. But what I heard was some sort of power tool combined with blood curdling screams.  “Don’t mind that Cassie. Your turn will happen soon,” he seethed. I pissed myself. This was like a bad dream. Something straight out of Black Christmas.  A man came in the room, covered in blood splatter and said, “Next.”As my ropes were untied, I kicked and screamed to no avail. I was dragged by my hair across the cold floor, even through pools of blood and guts. I saw a pile of dismembered body parts in the corner. I told myself this was some sort of bad drug trip. I closed my eyes and prayed, but I was still in a bloody wonderland when I opened my eyes.  “You have been a naughty whore this year,” was the last thing I heard before the chainsaw cut my tits off…..

Merry Snuffmas!

snuff sexMerry Snuffmas! I have already started my holiday celebrating a little early over here because the perfect victim just kind of fell in my lap. She is this annoying nosy neighbor of mine, she is always watching me and asking me all kinds of nosy questions, I can’t stand it! Today she came over to invite me to her Christmas dinner, she said that she couldn’t stand to see me all alone on a holiday… her bleeding heart bullshit was making me sick! I couldn’t hear any more of her crap so I invited her in for a drink… bitch was already half drunk so convincing her to get a little nasty with me was easy… of course she didn’t know that  fucking wasn’t the only thing on my mind. I fucked her with the biggest dildo I could find… and even after she started to cry and tell me how much it hurt, I wouldn’t stop, I just kept on fucking that whore until I fucked her to death! No more annoying twat for me to listen to now!

Taboo Phone Sex: Dark Fantasies Come Alive

What’s so fucking great about taboo phone sex some idiots wonder…. Well let me fucking tell you! ALL that politically correct bullshit in today’s society, and how shit is flaunted all over the fucking place but to have any form of sexual reaction to it is a big fucking No No… well… this is the place you can come and play.

taboo phone sex

I’ll weave your darkest filthiest fantasy into such a mindfuck that you will cum so mother fucking hard that you drop your phone or hang up! I want to pull off a home invasion with you where we fuck the hell out of the parents before slitting their worthless throats. Then we move on to that sweet teen snatch that you have been salivating over. I will start with her and let you finish her off, and I wonder if she lives or dies?

He had to die

killer phone sexHe had to die, that fucking asshole saw me torturing and killing my latest little victim and I couldn’t leave him alive to testify against me now could I? Besides, it’s not like he was a real man anyway! He was a wimpy little bitch, when he saw me coming he started to cry! What kind of man does that? The kind that deserves to die, that’s what kind! He was shaking like a leaf as I walked up to him and he begged me to let him live, he swore that he would never tell a soul what he had seen but I just couldn’t take that chance. I pulled out my trusty sledgehammer and started swinging, each blow made him cry harder… until he was beaten too badly to make any more noises that is. He died in a bloody mess on his hallway floor, I guess that will teach him not to be nosy anymore!

Read below if you wanna a new submissive whore

Snuff phone sex I would love to split a little bitch open with my master. My job would be to go out and get a little nasty slut for you, and I will get exactly what you want. How about a girl with long black hair down to the top of her ass and crystal blue eyes. She even would have nice sleek tan skin, it would be perfect for us to slice open like a Christmas ham. I know my master would be so fucking happy. We could drug her and lay her out on the table and get the saw and cut open her stomach and use her intestines as garland for around the tv. I love being bad expecaily with my fucking master,  I always want different masters!

Dirty white devil whore

Teen rape porn

As he was choking me and plowing his dark brown sand nigger cock into my pussy he was telling me I was a dirty white devil. This was not his holiday to celebrate. He wasn’t going to wish me a merry any fucking thing. Instead he was going to ruin my Christmas and  my pussy. He was going to fuck me till my white devil pussy was fiery red and swollen! Like a Infidel Whore should be fucked. I was begging him to let me go, begging him to spare my life. I had so much more to live for. He began to praise Allah as he was brutally fucking my asshole. His knife was digging into my throat as he fucked me. Forcing me to take every inch of his sand nigger cock! Teaching me a lesson for being a dirty white devil whore! I had been tempting him for weeks, he said he has seen every sign. He said I forced him to take such measures.. “This is all your fault white devil.” he whispered in my ear as he slit my throat and came inside of my asshole.

White out

snuff pornThe snow was coming down hard in her part of Oregon. Giant, driving flakes, swirling and blowing with such ferocity she could barely see the freeway. She hadn’t noticed any other traffic for quite some time, and guessed that the freeway must have been closed after she passed the ramps. “If I just keep it slow, I’ll be just fine” she told herself as she squinted into the moving shades of white.

A loud bang and she was careening to the shoulder. A set of chains had broken off a semi some time before and they popped her tire. Great, just fucking great! She got out and managed to get the trunk open, having absolutely no idea where anything was on this new car. She didn’t see the spare tire even. She had already broken down in tears when a set of headlights pulled in behind her car. A tall, kind-looking older man jumped out calling to her through the wind “Are you OK, miss?!” 

“No, I blew my tire and this is a new car, and… I’m kind of at a loss, can you help me?”

The stranger smiled warml into the snow, “Sure thing, I’ll show you how to change the tire on this, just in case you have issues down the road. Go ahead and reach in there and peel back the carpeting, you should find your spare hidden in there.”

She was shivering so very hard, having only a thin jacket on with her long suede dress. She was so not prepared for this weather. But he was right, she needed to know how to do this, so she was going to be a big girl and do as he was advising her. She leaned over deep into her trunk and was fishing around when something cold and hard hit her on the back of the head. Then everything went black.

When she came to, she was prickling cold, the wind was cutting at her naked breasts. She was laying in the snow, he was on top of her, driving his massive cock deep into her raw little cunny. Her legs bent wide and up over her head as he drove into her over, and over again. She started to scream, and he his her hard across the face. She tasted blood.

When he was done, he just left her there in the snow for dead. Exposed, freezing.

Blood steaming and flowing from her gaping holes into the snow….