Murder phone sex fantasies are so intriguing don’t you think? For me, it’s always a little tiny bitch that I want to kill. I want her small and weak and delicate and I want to take all of her beauty and innocence from her slowly and painfully. She’ll be my little doll that I can dress up… and cut up into little pieces. I’ll start by tying her up so she can’t squirm around then I want to start slicing pieces off of her. Maybe cut her little face, break her little nose or pop her fucking eyes out. All those little things that hurt so bad but won’t kill her, I want her to last as long as possible. I’ll break her bones one by one until she is just a broken bloody little doll, that’s when I will finally fuck her with one of my wicked strap on cocks and fuck her to death!
Category: Snuff phone sex
Do you have murder phone sex fantasies like me?
Snuff porn
I thought it was kind of weird that my neighbor would invite me over for dinner, especially since he is married. I arrived at his place with a simple cake that I purchased at a local grocery store and just stood there at the door until someone arrived at the door. Once the door opened I was greeted by not only him but his wife as well. I followed them to the kitchen while I engaged in small talk. Once I arrived at the table I was given some tea. It tasted kind of funny , with in moments I began to feel light headed. I felt my body go numb then I suddenly feel on the ground. My neighbors began dragging me into the bathroom. All I could do was watch as they lifted me into a bathtub full of ice . My thoughts were racing wondering what was going to happen to me. The two left me in the bath tub for what felt like an eternity. Once my neighbors returned they arrived in scrubs, surgical gloves and a tool box. I tried to lift my body up but this drug I was on only left me paralyzed. I could do nothing but watch as they began cutting open my chest . The ice began to turn red as my blood began to gush out. The smell of metal and blood began to food the bathroom. I saw my neighbors slicing away at me cutting into my body with scaples. I heard them yelling at one another, they kept saying things like ” we don’t have to do this Jack, we can wait to see if the treatment works, this is someone we know, we cant hurt her like this”. Then he replied “we have no choice its either I die and you never see me again or we kill this bitch take her organs with us and I survive another twenty years, together……” I couldn’t believe that I was set up the way I was. I watched as they began pulling out my intestines, they carefully began cutting out my kidneys and liver. I slowly began to fade in and out until I bled out in the bath tub never to be seen again. My body was drained of all its blood frozen then tossed into a barrel of hydrochloric acid. My remains became nothing but mush.
Snuff porn – Lake Nightmare
I did not remember much up until recently of my weekend at the lake. I went there with my summer fling and I was hoping we were going to have an amazing time. The first night was amazing, the cabin was quiet, the lake was still and pretty. The moons image cast over the lake at night was so romantic. I could not believe how happy and lucky I was to be spending time with what I thought to be the man of my dreams. I was so very wrong. Everything seemed to take a turn for the worst the morning after our wonderful night of fucking on the bank of the lake for hours. We fell asleep in each others arms and awoke to the morning sun. But for some reason, my lover was highly agitated this morning. I was unsure what to think and he would not talk to me, make eye contact or really anything.
At this point I was wondering what was going on. I went about my day. I went into town, got some needed items and decided I would try to make him feel better by cooking a candle it dinner and showing my guy how much I cared. I came home and started to put away all of the groceries for dinner later. Thats when it happened, I felt this huge jolt and I fell over, someone had hit me in the head with something hard. Everything started to go black and faded in and out, but I do remember my guy getting on top of me and choking the air out of me. I remember him ripping my shirt and my panties off and fucking me in my ass. I remember he leaned over and told me what a whore I was. I finally blacked out at some point and awoke to a letter next to me saying had a great time, can’t wait to see you again.
I was so very confused. I called the police and explained the situation. The cop who took my statement said he knew my guy. He said he comes around during the spring and summer, woos girls, then assaults them. He explained that the guy has schizophrenia and that he is a sadist. he told me I was very lucky because apparently he has a thing for Snuff porn and has already killed 3 girls. I was the fourth. guess I was the one that got away.. for now!
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Explore w/ Geneva
I’m Geneva your neighborhood victim that your dying to have your run with me with some rape phone sex fantasies to explore. You’re not sure if your really up for the bloody messy kind of forceful fucking and rape fantasy fucking me with a knife. I bet you have considered some slow torturous foreplay even like punching me in the face and busting my teeth or maybe yank each tooth out as you fuck me and torment me.
Whatever twisted way you want to use my sweet round ass I am the ho for you. I am only here to serve a Master and be used by men and women alike for their sick and twisted pleasures. You can use me for your your own sick desires or maybe your desire is to watch me get fantasy gang raped and my fuck hole destroyed before you decide your route for my demise.
Devoured by Wolves
I was kidnapped by burly looking mountain man. He left me hogtied in a burlap sack in the back seat of his old truck as he took me somewhere far away. When the truck stopped, he dragged me still in the sack across the ground. When he released me, I could see we were outside in the night. By the vivid detail in the night sky, it was clear we were very far from any civilization. Barely able to see in the dimly lit night, I could barely make out the silhouette of a chain link fence surrounding us in the yard behind an old log cabin.
He pinned me to the ground as he ripped off my clothes, causing twigs and stones to dig into my back. Although, I barely noticed the pain as I tried to fight off this strange man. He pulled out his cock from his pants and forced himself inside my dry pussy. I squealed from him going too hard and too deep, but he didn’t care. He tore through me like truck stop whore. His rough hands gripped my throat tight enough to cut off my breathing. I choked for air as he continued to beat up my cunt and abuse my body.
By the end, I didn’t even have the energy to lift myself off the ground. I laid still on the ground, hoping he would leave me for dead and I could escape into the night. But when he went into the cabin, I heard to sounds of metal gates being lifted around the perimeter of the fence. Keeping completely still, I listened for any signs of movement. I heard scuffling and then a deep growl. My stomach dropped as I made out the faint view of the hungry wolves surrounding me. Before I could even scream, they pounced, ripping apart my flesh and snapping my bones. The searing pain of teeth tearing me limb from limb was the last thing I experienced before I slipped into the dark.
She learned all about snuff sex!
The other day one of my friends introduced me to some stupid young whore with a snuff sex fetish, she had a nasty attitude and a never ending story to tell. Seriously, that fucking bitch literally never shut the fuck up! It was mind numbingly annoying! She was trying to impress me because she had some stupid idea in her mind that she could be my fucking apprentice or something but that was never going to happen. To shut her up I told her that I would teach her all about it if she agreed to be silent and do whatever I asked without question… the bitch was dumb enough to agree so I took her down to my basement. Mercifully she was finally silent, she didn’t say a word when I strapped her to the rack and cut her clothes off her body. When she saw the razor studded whip in my hands tho… that’s when she started to scream. I whipped the skin off her back and rubbed salt in the wound, then I left her for my friends to fuck as they pleased. They used that fucking stupid little whore all up, they literally fucked her to death!
Cut, Kill and Rape Fantasy
I just watched one of best friends die. I had to sit at the police station all night to help the investigators and I just want to go home, my cunt hurts from my pussy being forced to open and my body hurts from being beaten. I keep hearing my best friend scream in my mind knowing I will never hear her again, and its haunting me. I had to tell the investigators about the two intruders who came in and tied me and Sara up, the cut our clothes off with a huge knife and fucked every hole we had.
I watched as I was being rape fantasied in my ass on the floor as the other intruder shoved his fist into Sarah’s mouth because she was screaming due to the pain of him pounding her so hard with his huge ass cock. She would not stop crying so he just cut her throat, right there in front of me, he sliced it wide open and she bled out as he was thrusting inside of her cunt.
Gangbang Rape Porn on Campus
He brought me to the girls dorm and wanted to play a strip-tease game. He was hot so I was feeling it. Just as we got started, he told me he wanted to take a few pictures to remember me by, so that when I left him, he’d have something to wank to. Well, how do you say no to that? I let him get a couple of shots as I slowly took off my clothes. It was as I was getting to the panties that he attacked me. His fist flew out and hit me square in the stomach.
No sooner had I doubled over with the force and pain of it than his hand knotted in my hair, and he jerked me to the floor. Just as his foot plowed into my stomach, the door opened, and 4 more guys walked in. I started to try to scream, but one of them had me up and a hand over my mouth before I could get one out. They were all over me, hands pinching my tits, clawing at my skin, trying to find my holes and teach me a lesson at the same time. They pinned me to the floor, and one of them straddled my face, forcing his cock down my throat to shut me up while the others all pinched at my tits, punched into my stomach, and started plowing into my cunt. They beat me, fucked me raw, split me open, and left me bruised and clawed up. And they had picture evidence that I was willing. I was so fucked.
Smashed to Death
I joined a twenty-four hour gym because of my hectic schedule, and I found a smaller one in town with a low rate. One night, I went there quite late and was the only person there. Awesome, I thought, I can get some privacy. Toning up with some of the smaller weights, I had my earbuds in and didn’t even hear the scuffling behind me.
Turns out, the owner of the gym waits for young girls to be there alone in the middle of the night. He had locked the doors while I was distracted. Sneaking up behind me, he smashed me over the head with a metal weight and dragged me to the backroom. My skull was cracked in already and it only took a few moments for my life to pass from my body. This didn’t bother him though, in fact it only turned him on more.
He had a stash of heavy weights in the back, which he used to smash and crush my bones. The sounds of my body cracking under the weights made his cock throb even harder. He would remember the way my limbs crunching sounded forever, and masturbate to the memory. Now that I had been properly pulverized, he tore off my pants and fucked my dead cunt until he was blowing a huge load inside my hole.
Lets make snuff movies!
One fetish I don’t get to explore as often as I’d like to is making snuff movies. Obviously, there’s a higher risk of being caught if I show myself on tape doing all the sick and twisted things I love to do so much but I just couldn’t resist the temptation! I decided that as long as I was masked it should be ok, after all I am not heavily tattooed or anything, no distinguishing marks on me so no one would ever know that it was me doing all the killing. I got my sweet tender little victims ready and we started rolling. I tortured them slowly, breaking their little bones and burning their flesh… just toying with them to start. Then I fucked them to death my my favorite dildo, the one with the razor wire embedded into it! They bled so much, their screams were so piercing, honestly I was in heaven! And now I can relive that moment whenever I want to!