I like a strong big man. A man that is always the leader of the pack. Those types of men drive me wild they are the men that know women are beneath them. I love that fucking attitude in a man. They don’t give a shit if they are hurting me. Or if they are going to rough for me. My pleads for mercy make them harder. And my tears make them cum and spray it all over my dumb cunt body. Those are the men I throw myself at. I make it clear I am here for them to fuck, degrade, use, and abuse me in any fucking way they want. I beg them but that is only a formality I have them as soon as I throw my slutty body their direction.
Category: Snuff phone sex
Big Strong Man To Abuse Me
Brat Sex Slave Mutilations
I am an evil slut. I get wet during mutilation phone sex. I love how destroying wet cunny with you gets that dick so hard. The only thing better would be if I could ride that fat blood covered cock. I have taken little Vampire little girls into my care. I love how fucking wrecking those cold tight virgin pussies is a never-ending cycle. My own tiny angels that will rip your throat out. These sweet-faced demon girls must suffer the first forced fuck each and every time! But they have become cold-blooded cunny killers as I result. revenge to the powers that be for them suffering deep cunny torture each time they are penetrated. And while my very taboo aged girls’ hymens grow back, these human taboo age girls are so fun to permanently destroy cunny and kill them in sadistic ways with you! I always love to grind that flesh for brat soup! And feed it to my guard mutts! Can you imagine a Mommy looking for her brat and knowing that her daughters’ remains were in my mutts and my stomach?
Snuff Sex Your Fucked Up Ex, As I Did Mine
I had it completely with the fucking twerp boyfriend of mine. This little faggot started flirting with danger when I caught him trying to hook up with tranny’s and take dick like a little bitch boi. I only kept him around for the fact that he had a nice car I got to drive, and the fact this little faggy bitch would take care of cleaning and cooking. But when I see the shit he was up to I was done and snuff sex was all that was on my mind! I confronted him only to have him try and squirm out of it. I was sure to get him to sign over that car to me and withdraw a grand from his account to give me for my troubles. When he least expected it I really took care of the problem. I arranged a big black guy to “hook up” with the bitch and fuck his world up while I showed up and videotaped him making an ass rape porn of his bitch ass getting what he deserved. His ass was destroyed and I jumped in and took hold of those balls and cut the damned things out. A bitch faggot like Dominique didn’t deserve a girlfriend as fine as me!
Strip club snuff sex
It’s my sugars birthday. I have some fun planned out, and we are about to paint the city red. We have spotted the perfect target, and we are off to the strip club. We see Bambi and Dandi Lion. Twin bitches ready to get mulled by the both of us. All we had to do was dangle some jewels to their face. They came right over to our house because we told them that’s where our VIP fun would take place. A brisk 10k for each would make us have a fun night. They agreed. When they got over to our humble abode, I joked and laughed with them. We had so much fun. I even showed them my tricks on our bedroom pole. They were impressed. I eventually told them I had experience on the pole too, and without missing a beat, I go to snuffing them out perfect. We tied them up, knocked them out, and started our fun with those whores. Snuff sex is the best. Happy birthday, sugar.
They all died slowly
I grabbed a group of girls off the side of the road, their car had broken down and they were only too eager to get a ride from a woman. They assumed that I was safe, that I would be no threat to them but when I just kept on driving past the gas station they realized maybe I wasn’t as safe as they thought I would be. They started to panic but I was driving way too fast for them to be able to get out, there was nowhere they could go. They tried to escape when we got to my place but my accomplices were there to stop them and help me restrain them. We used them for hours, fucking them torturing them really fucking them up. they died slowly but I was loving every second of their suffering.
Porcelain Barbie Doll A Left A bloody Mess
You want to dress me up like a porcelain Barbie doll make so pretty and perfect. Gently putting me on my knees like a princess you are going to make love too. Bam! you slap me upside the head one way and then slap me again the other way. You slam your boot down on my head pressing the side of my face tightly against the floor. You punch me hard in the cunt several times. I yelp from the pain and that annoys you. Your boot smushes my face onto the cold hard floor. I feel you fucking my cunt with two fingers, then three, then four. Your hand deep inside me fisting me hard. I feel you pounding against my uterus. I try not to scream but I can’t help it I am in too much pain and I belt out a loud horrendous scream. You get so pissed off that you lift my body up by my cunt and then slam me back down on the hard floor. My head bounces off the ground knocking me unconscious. When I wake up I am tied to your bedpost. I look down and my body is a bloody bruised mess. And my tits were cut off. A far cry from the Barbie doll that walked in here.
Babysitter bondage
Another day of erotic babysitter phone sex all night long while I have these disgusting little brats under my care and watch. The best part is that I can literally do whatever the fuck I wanna do with them while I have them under my wing. Their parents tell me that I am allowed to have my way with them however I see fit which is music to my fucking ears! These little cunts are stupid as fuck and need to be whipped into shape. I happily tie them up and duct tape their loud mouths to shut them the fuck up and show them who’s boss. I find it funny when they try to break lose so that they can continue to run around rampant but that’s not a possibility with my bondage grip that I have on them. The more thy struggle the more they are gonna have to suffer. I’ll tighten the rope that’s around their necks, wrists and ankles as well as plug up their noses so that they can’t fucking breathe at all! Oxygen is a privilege and they don’t deserve any of it! They think it’s funny to play games with their hott babysitter but they are in for a bloody surprise!
Babysitter Force Fucking Whore
I keep my spell book handy when I am babysitting your brats. I use my spells to put those fuckalicious baby cunnies right in my rape fantasy hands! I will find anything to force fuck open sedated and enchanted girls and boys. Maybe I call you home early and make sure you are alone. I give you a virginal cunny after I have forced my hot curling iron up her cunt and ass. Her screams make me so wet and juicy. I love licking those sweet secretions out of your cock for those mutilated nubile holes. Here beat that puffy pussy up as I hold her like a pocket rocket for you. I am that accomplice who will be a cunnie sucking bitch lapping up your salty cum.
I will call you when I am babysitting other brats so you can destroy more than just your offspring. Tied up and waiting for your baby. Then piss and cum all over those sweet flat chest and innocent faces full of tears and pain. I hope you love how I pierced those pussy lips and flat nipples so I give them even more pain as you manhandle them. Then I will snuff out those lives and we can scout more tiny pussy and ass together. Let’s be sadistic killers tonight! I want to cum just as hard as you, I love evil bloody force fucking sex!
Sinister neighbors
I didn’t think inviting the new neighbors would lead to some gnarley snuff sex. Well, that is precisely what happened. Not only was my roommate and I held captive in our apartment, but we were also both to be slaves for the new guys in town. My friend started by being flirty and then teasing. I guess teasing does get you into trouble when it comes to men who like to treat sluts like prey. We were playing with fire, and two young sluts can’t overrule two men. The guys were hungry for our bodies. They had a plan in mind, and everything was right in sight in front of them. Together we were their cum dumps, and we were both used and beaten like sluts we certainly are.
Abducted Brutally
I often fantasize about being abducted brutally forced fucked and beaten into a bloody mess. But they don’t kill me right away they keep me as their sex slave. Torturing and fucking me day in and day out. Just writing this blog I can feel the wetness between my legs. I am so jealous of these stories I hear of women being taking and held against their will being turned into a whore slave. Some escape but I never would attempt it. I would be too turned on and cumming too much to ever want to escape. Like the Cleveland abduction of those three girls is what I want for myself. I often go walking alone at night hoping that I can get the same results but I am just a crack out old ho that nobody wants to keep just fuck and move on to the next better younger whore.