I picked out a family and stalked them to learn their schedules and habits and when the timing was just right I broke in and killed them all. I drugged the parents and securely tied them up before I brought their little brats into the room. I tortured them one by one all while the parents watched. I love seeing the terror in their eyes when they are watching their brats suffer like that. The little ones always beg their parents to help them but they can’t move, they are completely helpless and I love it. Once the brats are dead I move on to the husband, I humiliate him and force fuck him, completely emasculating him in front of his woman before I finally kill him too. Then the bitch is all alone. It can go one of two ways at that point, sometimes the bitch will fight me because she still hold on to hope that she may live thru it. Other times she has given up all hope and has no will to live left after watching her family die like that. If she’s fighting to live I will kill her but if she wants to die, well, I make her live and wait to see how many days will pass before she kills herself. Either way it is fun for me!
Category: Snuff phone sex
They had to die
Dripping blood creates a wetter pussy
Something about the sight of blood that makes my wet cunt even slimier. The thrill of me seeing my victim in a state of shock just makes me want to squirt my pussy juice across the room. My most recent victim was a blonde dingy whore. I found her on a cruise ship. I had an accomplice of course and we posed as swingers. We got her to the upper deck late at night when nobody was around. We raped the bitch and I made her eat my cunt while my accomplice fucked her in the ass. Once I came in the whore’s mouth and he came in the whore’s ass we sliced her throat and threw her in the ocean and left the sharks to devour her worthless body whole. Blood was everywhere. The more blood I saw the wetter my pussy became. What can I say? I’m just a sick sadistic bitch!
Sadistic phone sex
If you are reading this please help me! There may still be time to save me!!! I’m all alone here in the crazy people’s basement, they don’t know that I have this diary to write in and I have no idea how I can get this to anyone who can help me but I have got to try! It all started when I went to a party and got a little drunk, I guess I must have passed out a little because I don’t even remember how I got in Jezabel’s car, I barely remember her saying that she was going to take me home and then everything went black. When I woke up I was here, all tied up and she and her boyfriend Rick were discussing me like I was a piece of meat, talking about how firm I looked and how they were sure I had the perfect amount of fat. But when they started talking about recipes I really freaked out. These fucking weirdos wanted to eat me! They said that they had to clean out all the booze and drugs from my system first, that’s why I am stuck down here eating their plain food and drinking only water. I don’t know how long I will last, I don’t know when they will decide to cook me, all I know is that I need help! Please, someone, help me before it’s too late!
Poor little thing was crushed
I am always looking for new ways to torture people because I like variety and one thing I had never tried was crushing some stupid little whore to death. So I got an innocent little young bitch and strapped her to a board on the floor. First we force fucked her and beat her, then the real fun started. We piled up huge rocks and slabs of concrete on top of her. Slowly adding more and more while we watched her struggle to breathe. She had blood pouring out of her mouth and even her eyes were bleeding. We watched her struggle and far too soon it was all over and she was dead. He little body just couldn’t take any more. Next time I will have to get a few more whores, I think having them watch the others die will add a new level of torture to it. I will have to set that up soon, wanna join me?
Accomplice Phone Sex Fantasies
I know you want to destroy some hot young pussy and the perfect accomplice phone sex sadistic is right here ready to assist you. I have some seriously twisted fucking ideas in my head. I really enjoy destroying little brats, male and female. I very much enjoy torturing guys as much as I do chicks as well. I was tying nooses on my boyfriends cocks while they slept and enjoyed their reaction when they awoke and I gave it a nice hard tug. They’d get so fucking pissed off and that fueled my passion. I only did it to the looser fucks and quite loved the pain they endured when the razor wire sliced into that mushroom cap. I laughed, and they bled. Why did I do it? Because they were worthless little dicked fucks that did too much blow to even be able to function sexually. I wanted to fuck when I got high. Then they had coke dick and for fuck sakes it was small. I just seriously never got over the fact that I couldn’t find a decent party partner in my teens. I babysat and took aggression’s out on the brats also. It’s just my dysfunction. But I have a nice evil big cocked boyfriend that does me well. He’s a mortician and we have the best fucking sex. We both love killing and fucking.
Snuff Phone Sex For Sadistic Men
I’m a sadistic little snuff bunny that is the perfect party favor for your snuff phone sex needs. I like getting fucked like a dirty little whore and it gets me off like crazy when I am being choked or roughly handled. I am a very naughty flirt that is easily intoxicated and I really don’t handle my drugs or alcohol well. I’m a lightweight ditsy cunt that deserves the rough handling gang bangs I have found myself being a part of. I’m a cheap and easy date. Give me some alcohol, maybe slip something in the drink and in twenty minutes I’ll be a fleshy fuck doll for you to do whatever you desire with. I promise I won’t put up too much of a struggle. My only use is to be used by men. Fuck me, destroy me, but just get off with me before or after you off me.
The Darkness
I want to chop you up into little bitty pieces, you fucking bitch. I’m feeling so super sexual tonight, and when I feel super sexual, I want to hurt something. I know I’m a deviant, and I love my fucking devious behaviors. Do you want a slut who doesn’t give a fuck about taboos at all? I’m the fucking dirty dark bitch that you want in your bed tonight because I will slice and dice until I get a bloody mess started. Let’s have a threesome we can cut a bitch into pieces and fuck her while she’s bleeding I adore taboo Darkness. My fantasy is to drive a lot lizard scuzzbucket into Madness by the pain that I inflicted on her. I want you to fuck her pussy while I beat her face in until she’s a pulp of blood. Let’s get sadistic together you and me; we can be the darkest, most devious Damned fuckers that anyone has ever met. I’ve got a big black van; we can go for a drive and forcefully pick up some prostitutes so that they won’t ever be seen alive again. My blood pulsates whenever I think of the damage that I could do. I’m horny I’m so fucking horny for some corrupt Antics tonight. Let’s make my dreams come true; would you like to be my sadistic lover? We can do it everything you want to do no rules at all.
I know what I want for Christmas
I know what I want for Christmas this year and it sure isn’t a phone or a purse or jewelry. I want a little victim for Christmas, something small and weak and very innocent. I want to force all her little fuck holes open with my huge strap on cocks. I want to torture her and make her scream and cry and beg for her mommy. I want to make that stupid little whore beg me to kill her in the end and that is all I will accept. Keep your traditional Christmas bullshit all I want for Christmas is a victim. It will make my little black heart so happy to kill someone new, I have so many creative ideas on how to kill her too, maybe you could join me and help me torture her. It would be nice to have a sick twisted accomplice under my tree too, someone to fuck while we end some stupid whore, what do you think?
Snuff Porn Addiction
I was watching snuff porn last night and masturbating. I am a snuff addict. After a few hours of watching men and women, even girls and boys, get slaughtered, I had a wet pussy and an urge to kill. Snuff films just feed my appetite for death. They don’t curb my homicidal impulses. I found myself outside a Chuck E Cheese. It is a cornucopia of snuff bait. I found a young mother with a sweet little girl and immediately thought snuff double date. I kidnapped them, which was easy. The stupid cunt mother was on her phone when I drugged her. The little girl was immobilized by fear. I took them to my kill shack and worked out my anger issues. I carved them up like a Thanksgiving turkey. It makes me feel good to kill. I am a serial killer. I have never been caught because I follow some cardinal rules. I don’t have a type. I don’t murder in impulse and I don’t kill people I know. I also dispose of the remains, so they are never found. I dismember bodies and feed them to the coyotes. People hire me for their snuff sex needs because I don’t get caught. Now, a young mom and her daughter are missing in my community. They will never be found. There is nothing to be found. By now, coyotes are shitting them out in the woods.
Evil phone sex
As far back as I can remember I have always wanted to be the “victim.” I used to have wet dreams where I would wake up and my sheets would be soaking wet from my very young cunny. In the bathtub, I would rub my clit raw forcing two of my fingers hard in me all while I was fantasizing of being brutalized, tortured and dominated by such a big powerful sadistic man. I would pretend to not like it and fight back. But my little cunny so sloppy wet would betray me letting him know I want him to be more rougher, and more sadistic. I would fantasize about being publicly humiliated and degraded. Now as a full-grown slut I know that only the vilest woman-hating men are for me.