Category: Snuff phone sex

Snuff Phone Sex Call From A Stalker

I was never aware of the fact I was being Stalked. Not completely. Since I take calls as a Snuff Phone Sex victim, I just thought it was the usual wanking fucks that try creeping us out. He would call me and whisper to me the things he planned on doing to me. I was clueless that the strange flickering I’d see sometimes was actually him taking my picture. He shined his flashlight in my windows and I figured it was just the usual juvenile fucks playing around. I live in a townhouse and you know neighbors with horny teen boys and all. Sometimes I know the dads and husbands kinda watch me, and they are always trying to be discrete. But this was different. This guys was stalking me and calling me. He even slipped notes in my mail slot. Lewd comments always about how he was watching me. He would say shit like maybe you should use a bigger dildo because when I get my hands on you those holes best be ready for my big fat dick. I’ll rip those holes while you beg me like the worthless cunt you are. So the night he came to my door and shoved himself inside as he overpowered me took me by surprise. He did everything he promised. He ended up cracking my neck and snuffing me out while ripping my ass with the most violent phone sex yet.

They all had to go

taboo phone sexI like my privacy, I enjoy the solitude and silence of having no neighbors but unfortunately someone bought the parcel of land that borders mine. These assholes decided to build their house very close to the edge of our property line and they were far too close for my liking. I tried to be nice, I tried to suggest that we would both be happier living further apart but they were insistent that the only place they wanted their house was that spot. Well, I can’t exactly have all the fun I have with these motherfuckers all close to me so I had to get a little drastic. The whole family came out to see the foundation poured so I snuck over there quietly before the concrete men came. I managed to get them alone one by one, the little girl was first. All I had to do was let a little bunny loose nearby, it ran in front of her and she chased it over by me. I hit her over the head and knocked her out and then tied her up and gagged her. I repeated the process until I had the whole family knocked out and tied up then I dragged them over to where the foundation would be poured. I covered them with a layer of dirt and just waited. The concrete men buried them alive without ever knowing they were there and since they were gone, the house was never built and the property was foreclosed on. Guess who just bought it… I’ll be keeping my privacy forever now.

Mutilation Phone Sex At Its Finest

Mutilation phone sex

Its all my daddy’s’ fault that I am so good at mutilation phone sex. He set me up young. First by force fucking my and my little sisters cunny and making us into his little sex whores while mommy had run off. I still think he murdered her after finding out about the black man down the street, but that is a tale for another time. Daddy was a very sick man. He kept his glass dick filled and made us work the farm in just our undies and degraded us every chance he got. But I was his clean up girl as I was the oldest. See daddy has a habit of taking young girls and women off the street and bringing them back to the old house and doing horrid things to them. Down in the basement is a meat hook and all kinds of bondage and torture equipment. Once he had fucked these little living dolls he needed something to really get his cock off. The Meth made him hard for days. And slicing tits and nipples off was just the start. I would see his precum begin to drip as he sliced faces and pussies next. After he had held them down and smothered them with my pussy he would take a big metal pole and shove it as far as he could up these once beautiful cunts. And after that would be how he got off finally mounting a dead body growing cold under him…

snuff phone sex

Exploding Balls For Daddy

Accomplice phone sex is best with daddy. He loved when an ex boyfriend of mine was coming around. He knew I had big plans for that ass jack and he wanted in on it. He would ejaculate and save it for me. I would feed it to the ex without his realizing he was eating another mans cum. It’s only the start. This dipshit little weaselly fuck bought me shit, paid for a boob job and for my car. He came around thinking i wanted his stale ass back. I played him. Daddy wanted to experiment with him. He wanted me to burst his balls and explode his asshole. Daddy is like a teen boy sometimes wanting to play with firecrackers and wanted to see how an anus explodes. We had butt flesh all over the little torture rooms walls. I took a set of vice scripts to his balls after getting his penis hard. I snipped off the tip and that brought on a blood fountain. I followed with a nice hard squeezing of those balls and finished with the finale. Daddy waned to use firecrackers but I wanted the M80’s those little bitches may have matched his cock size but the M80’s are more suitable for the jackass that he is. We had that ass exploded all over. Of course I lit the fuse and we stood outside the door watching. It was a ballistic! Daddy liked to ejaculate all over these tits while Mr. Ass jack was still conscious. I have fun with my daddy, and was so happy he came back into town.

Accomplice phone sex

I don’t look like a killer

taboo phone sexI don’t look like a killer… but I am one and that is a fact that some people learn just a little too late. I was bored so I logged on to a dating app and posted a few sexy pictures, it didn’t take long for the eager horny men to respond. I picked a cute one and invited him back to my place, it was almost too easy to get him to agree to being tied up and once he did he sealed his fate. He thought that he would be getting a sexy night but instead he would be tortured to death. I cut him to pieces slowly and carefully. I wanted him to experience as much pain as possible, it was such a turn on to me to see him suffer. I was so wet that I just had to sit on his face and smother him in my juices while I cut off his manhood. I came so hard watching all that blood pour out, it was so satisfying.

Lured Into Snuff Sex

I had a nice romantic dinner with a handsome older man. He wined and dined me just how I expected some one with my looks should be. I am a very entitled whore and a real pain slut. The perfect mix for a snuff sex victim. I can’t help it that my looks get me everything. I always end up in trouble. It’s etched into my DNA to get what I deserve being such a bimbo. I always did things to my body to get off when I was younger. The years of daddy using me really paid off. I think I like getting into bad situations. I mean I am always walking home from the strip club early morning looking like a hooker. I should expect to be grabbed and forcefully violated. I’m a walking target for sexual abuse. I cum best when I am being beaten. So it’s only natural that this well to do man was a Movie producer for some of the most radical ass rape porn productions and other sadistic underground type films. He has been watching me at the club. Yeah, of course this date would lead to no good ending. I was banged by ten men. They paid for this. To get what they could never have and to take out every ounce of rage from the rejection they have always been dealt.

Snuff sex

Micheal Loves Ass Rape Porn Stories

Ass Rape Porn

What You have here are two hardcore Domme’ bitches ready to take you on the wild ride your cock is begging for. See Michael cannot get enough of our ass rape porn stories with teen sluts and youngsters! I don’t think I have had the pleasure of having someone this sick and twisted in a long while. This man sits and drinks his own Urine and watches porn for hours upon hours. He calls in so that we may warp his brain even more than it already is. Samantha has had the pleasure of turning Michael more demented for years now. His sick factor goes up by calling sadistic phone sex whores like us and hearing how much we adore molesting young ones and letting men do vile things to them.  Complete disgusting pervert he is. And we love it. Making him tell us just how far he will go to please us and telling him every raunchy and horrid P Man loving tale we have under our belt. But our favorite part is degrading him for how much he needs to be humiliated for his habits! Sexy Granny Samantha is a dominant P-woman who will bring him to his limits and over I have just begun with him but I will facilitate his demented wants and needs just the same!


sadistic phone sex

Tender Rotting Fuck Meat

My garden is always lush and beautiful and it’s time for more hunting with kidnapping phone sex. I love sweet young flesh, blood and the semen of perverts to fertilize my soil. These little special touches I add to my compost makes my garden grow. It was an accident really, in how it started. I had a little cousin and a boyfriend that was as sadistic as myself. He was a fucking pervert and I was much younger. Thing is, he got me. He encouraged my need to torture the young brat cousin I was always stuck babysitting for her crack whore stripper mama. I had enough of it and I slipped a little strychnine in the whores heroin one day and she was dead in a few hours. Serves the whore right. My boyfriend invited some of his twisted biker friends over to have their way with mama. Let them fuck her dead meat raw. It was great. But where I get to have fun is that brat. I get off thinking about it daily. I was giving her a bath and shoved her head down in the tub until she went limp. My boyfriend was watching and stroking off hard while I did it. He helped me pull her out and got his carnal fixes all in one shot. He fucked her as she was slowly slipping away. Violated that little virgin cunt and ass. It was beautiful. I loved her eyes rolling back and the way she turned blue. We cunt her limbs off, decapitated her and I got to play autopsy with her insides. I buried her in the garden and it was the best thing ever the following spring yielded a nice luscious crop of veggies and flowers. I will soon have her skull dug up for my personal collection.

Kidnapping phone sex

He wanted me more

taboo phone sexI met a man as sadistic and cruel as I am. He is tall and handsome and has a cock so big it almost hurts when I fuck him, the only problem is that he is fucking married to some bitch. Well, I won’t stand for that type of thing, if I am going to be with someone he will be faithful to only me or he ends up dead with his whore.I told my new lover that he had to choose and he of course chose me. We decided to kill his wife so that he wouldn’t lose any money in a divorce. It was so fucking sexy, he let me into their house late at night when she was asleep. We tied her to the bed and gagged her and spent hours torturing her fat flabby body. She was crying the whole time, if she wasn’t gagged she probably would have begged for her life but we didn’t give her that chance. We murdered her in her own bed and then fucked right next to her dead body. We were covered in blood it was hot as fuck. We took the corpse out to the woods and buried it, good riddance too now he’s all mine.

Destruction In The Hospital

Medical Fetish Phone sex


I let myself in the morgue with the keycard I had swiped from you. On text in front of a dead body and you knew your medical phone sex fantasies just got real. I unzipped your daughter’s body bag after I pulled her out of the freezer. Did you do this to her? Were you the reason she lay cold and stiff on this slab? Her pussy was mangled, and I knew that someone had forced a cock way to big inside her. But on second thought this happened after she was dead.  I laughed and it echoed off the morgue walls, You couldn’t fuck her in life but you sure got that pussy the second she arrived down here for you. I begin looking for other young ones and discovered sloppy stitch jobs on cunts and asses. Even an old lady and other women had been penetrated after death. You are one sick bastard! I love it. I grabbed a scalpel off the table and sliced your daughters little clitty off. I added a piece of her heart after I found the chest spreader. I was making you a voodoo box of her so you could always have a piece of her near you after a long day’s work of sex with dead bodies!

Necrophilia at its finest you sick fuck! But my cunt is wet and ready for you all over again.