Category: Sex with dead bodies

New neighbor

When my new neighbor invited me to his new place, I didn’t think anything wrong about it. I should have known things would not of end well as soon as I saw the inside of his place. The whole place reeked of alcohol and it screamed murder scene. He tried his best to cover his tracks, but he was terrible at hiding who he was. My neighbor noticed my eagerness to leave.

He locked the door and threw me on the couch, And started to beat the shit out of me for even thinking I could leave. I was not allowed to go anywhere. I’m going to have my snuff sex rape fantasy come true with you whore. ” You knew what you were getting into when you came over with those shorts and tiny top. He started to rip my clothes off and began to pound my pussy merciless. I was his cum whore for the night. I was going to take his cock till I was a dead slut.snuff sex

Sex with Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies is better than it sounds. I don’t date. I am not exactly the type of girl who excels in the online dating bullshit. I am a sadistic bitch. I have dark fantasies. I hate most people. I don’t look at men with googly eyes like most girls. I see a man and I just wonder if he is accomplice material or victim material. I don’t often look at a guy and say, “Damn, I’d like to fuck him.” But, I am a woman, with needs like any other woman. I have a mortician friend who lets me know when a fresh body comes in with what I need. What I don’t need is a small dick or romantic bullshit. I am like a praying mantis female. After sex, I just assume bite my lover’s head off than cuddle. Men only serve a purpose when they are helping me kill. My friend let’s me know if a man comes into the morgue with rigor mortis in the right places. I come in ride the donkey until I cum. I get off and I don’t feel the need to bite the head off my lover.  He can’t say anything annoying. He can’t attempt to cuddle or do small talk. Ideally, I prefer to kill them myself. It is more satisfying, but the problem with that is sometimes my desire for a nice cock is gone when the loser it is attached too begs for mercy and shit. At the morgue, it is just a hard cock. I hop on and hop off and a corpse can’t kill the mood like a live victim. My ideal lover is one who is willing to die for my sexual pleasure. Is that you? You most have a big cock and a desire to die quietly.

Uncles slave pet

torture sexMy uncle has been such a pervert. Lately, he has tried to mess with all my cousins, none of us want his cock. He doesn’t like girls who are strong at all. If you put him in his place he won’t mess with you, I am timid and shy sometimes, and when I have a guy with so much power just right over me, I always give in. I’m not good at standing my ground that’s why I’m the ultimate victim. I have always been this way and to be quite honest I like being taken advantage of, I’m just submissive by nature and enjoy getting fucked hard. When my uncle Bruce wanted torture sex after a couple of my cousins ended up pegging him he moved on real quick. Uncle Bruce doesn’t enjoy accomplices or dominants sluts. Uncle Bruce doesn’t share power at all. My aunt Lil is a great CEO, and she married him, and she wears the pants in that relationship,

I think he likes to rebel against all his insecurities by taken advantage of young sluts. Its the only way he has power. I was hanging out over there; everyone ended up leaving, so it was just him and I. He got very aggressive with me and started to tell me how he was going to make my pussy feel right, after, he makes it feel wrong. He wanted to show me something in the master room. I followed him to the bedroom. Uncle Bruce then pushed me to the bed and spread my legs apart. Uncle Bruce then began to eat me out so fucking good till I came all over Uncle Bruce tied me up in a split second, a started to fuck me for hours on end. He liked that he had all the power. After uncle Bruce got all the pleasure desired, Uncle Bruce wasn’t done with me just yet; one more thing was left to do. I had to play with my pussy right in front of him while he filmed the whole thing.

Uncle Bruce made me memorize a script, just in case I tried smartening up and telling on him.

Bruce wanted to make it seem like I was seducing him, Silly uncle Bruce he doesn’t have to worry about a thing.

 I would never say to a soul, I loved being his fuck slut slave, and his secret is safe.


I use to stay at my aunt’s house after school sometimes. My aunt Lilian had a lovely home with excellent amenities, and I liked being there. I thought her new husband was cool until I saw him being a pervert checking me out a couple of times. I grew with anger and was upset that he would make me feel uncomfortable in my haven. I don’t take shit from no one, and I was seeing he was becoming even more resilient towards me. He would watch porn while I was there with the sound blasting. I smarten up real quick one day when he forced himself on me. I got angry and blackmailed him and let him know who was in charge. I told him if he ever thought of putting his hands on me I would fuck him up to the max. So you can imagine how I went off on him when I saw he was taking pictures of me naked in the shower. I came up with a payback plan. I ended up bringing a strap on I had bought and decided since he loved ass rape porn so much he would be getting a taste of his own medicine. I lured him in and made him think he was getting me so turned on. When he least expected it I had power and control. He was frozen in fear, I started fucking his ass, and I loved how much he fought. I let him know I would expose him to my family and friends and let him know what a pervert he really is. I was enjoying seeing him suffer like a little bitch. After I fucked him He never messed with me again. He realized I wasn’t the one to play with. Ever since then I have learned how to stick up for myself. Ass rape porn

Snuff Movies on Sunday Snuffday

snuff moviesSnuff movies are hot to watch, fun to make. Its snuff Sunday. I always find a young plaything to slaughter on Sundays. Most folks watch football on Sundays. I could care less about football, especially Tom Brady. Once a cheater always a cheater, right? It might surprise you to know that I go to church. No, I am not religious. Fuck church. I go to spot out the talent, look for victims. There was this new guy in the pews today. He had tender age lover written all over him. I could use an accomplice, I thought to myself as I decided how to approach him. I mean it would be mutually beneficial. He could fuck a bald cunnie, ruin a tender ass and I could make a snuff film with her when he finished fucking her. He ate up the idea of killing a tender age beauty with me. He picked out the perfect victim for us; the one that made his cock the stiffest.

snuff pornWe took her to my cabin in the woods also known as my kill shack. I watched as he force fucked her holes raw. She was bloody and ruined, but it didn’t matter. She wasn’t leaving alive. I wanted to have some fun with her before we did her in too. Since I was the director of our snuff video, I directed him to fuck her other holes. At first, he didn’t think she had other holes than her cunnie, ass and mouth. He was happy to fuck her urethra. Boy did she scream like a banshee when her tiniest hole was fucked. She cried when he fucked her nose and ears too. While he was fucking her eyes, he popped out one of her eyeballs. It was hot and gross!  She was blinded by cock. I got it all on film too. That was the beginning of her end. Once her eyeballs were hanging out, she went into shock and died. He kept fucking her though. Little girls are like baby rabbits, so very fragile.

Aunt Natasha

accomplice phone sexI have a fuck buddy  Devin who is a wicked one. He thinks much more sinister than me. I almost laughed in his face when he tried to win that argument. I told my fuck buddy,

I can make anything you want happen. I can get rid of evidence and destroy anything I have to. He let me in on his fuck fantasy. Devin told me he would have accomplice phone sex with all his girlfriends and he was trying to sway me into it. I said to him lets take shit a step further and let’s make his fantasies reality.

I invited him over because I had to watch my adorable nieces and thought I got this. I had the perfect youngins in mind for his fantasy. Daisy and lily they love emulating cool aunt, Nat. I watch them put crayons pretending they are smoking. It’s quite adorable.

Devin comes over and watches us interact for a bit, I can tell he is growing hard and ready to bust out his pants. His P- cock could handle me dressed up with barely nothing on and the girls looking so other innocent had him throbbing. I told him to sit his ass down and to let me take over. I assured the girls that they had to do what I said or they would be in trouble. They didn’t argue much for one they wanted to do just about everything I did; The girls defintely didn’t want to get in trouble. I got them but naked and I had them spread their legs and I got devin to just tease their pussies,

I just wanted him to fuck their mouths and cum right on their cute faces. They were enjoying it I sat on a chair watching the whole thing unfold my fuckbuddy fucking my niece’s mouths and watching them experience cum for the very first time, had me riled up and ready to be fucked too. Devin and I made them sit and watch drenched in cum how auntie nat got fucked. They were enjoying the show. They take after their aunt after all.

Mr. Pest Control

sex with dead bodies


I was taking a shower this afternoon when unexpectedly I heard my front door open. I cringed in fear, not expecting any visitors and absolutely not expecting anyone who wouldn’t obviously knock first. Seeing the shadow of a large man wandering around my place, I knew I had to spring into action. I slipped out of my shower and into my kitchen, grabbing my favorite knife- just recently sharpened for some playtime I enjoyed with one of my callers. Without thinking of anything besides survival, I lunged at the man and began stabbing him over and over again- bringing him to the ground. The thrill of snuffing someone out really took hold and I got a little crazy, stabbing him over 80x in a frenzy. Once I came to my senses and realized what I had done, it turned me on. I knew I had a body to play with for awhile and have some fun. Noticing of course at this point that it wasn’t a home invader but just the poor pest control man that I had forgotten was coming by today. Oh well! I turned him over, unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his giant cock which had already started swell. I sucked on it for a little while, slicing off his testicles and lapping up the blood like a lioness. I pulled his tongue out of his mouth and cut it off quickly with a pair of scissors, taking it to my wet cunt and teasing my clit with the dead man’s saliva soaked organ. I made a quick mold of his cock with plaster after I had sucked it hard enough- a trophy to enjoy later, once the fun of rigamortis had ended eventually. I promptly climbed on top of him and road his cock until I had the ultimate orgasm. Now I’ve got this body left over to enjoy for a bit but I’m running short on ideas of what to do next. Wanna help a girl out?

Sex With Dead Bodies

sex with dead bodiesDo you fantasize about having sex with dead bodies as much as I do? For me, it’s not just a fantasy.  My career as a mortician allows me to really live out my fantasies making them my reality. Cold dead bodies are so hot!  I bet you envy me and my job don’t you? Well you shouldn’t.  You can join in on all the fun anytime you want.  I’m here for you and our secret desires.  There’s no reason to be ashamed of what you really want to do to these corpses.  You have no idea how good they feel.  And of course they NEVER object to anything we want to do to them.  I have some fresh new kills in here that I think you would really enjoy.  There’s no limits to our fun.

So, You Wanna Pretend You’re Dead Huh?

roleplay phone sexSo you wanna have a little roleplay phone sex huh?  So, you say that you want to pretend that you’re one of my many play toys here at the morgue.  Not a problem. Climb up on this cold slab for me then.  Now lay down and close your eyes. I’m just gonna slip this toe tag on you to make it all the more real.  Don’t mind the sound of medical instruments being moved around,  These are my tools.  To make it a little more interesting, I’m gonna put these restraints on you as well and place your head up on a block.  What was that stab in your arm?  Why just a little concoction I made up.  What did you say?  Oh, I forgot, that little injection paralyzed your entire nervous system and you can’t even blink.  Much less utter a word.  Now it’s time for me to have some real fun with you. 

My Last Babysitting Job


babysitter phone sex

I had just sat down to watch some television after putting the two little angels to bed when I heard a meek little scream come from their bedroom. Assuming a nightmare was just taking place, I sort of brushed it off for just a moment before hearing the second scream. I rushed up the staircase and that’s when I saw you with your cock shoved inside her tiny face, skull fucking her through her eye socket while her small body limply hung off your dick. Her even tinier little sister already ripped in two in her cradle. As soon as our eyes locked, I knew I was next. I ran downstairs and grabbed a knife to try to protect myself with but you threw me to the ground quickly and disarmed me without an issue. You threw me to my knees and made me suck the little one’s brain matter off of your uncut penis which left much flavor to savor. You took your belt off, wrapped it around my neck as I begged for my life. You made me suck your cock while you choked me to death. What a mess for their parent’s had to clean up, right?