Category: Sex with dead bodies

Fucking Her Dead Body

sex with dead bodies

Oh, you really screwed the pooch this time.  Having a little breath play during some choking sex I see.  Guess you held that belt a little too tight for a little too long.  So why is it that you’re fucking her even harder now that she’s dead than when she was still breathing?  You keep coming and coming and filling her dead cunt with your thick cum but your cock is still so fucking hard.  She should have known that this could have turned out very badly for her.  I guess she didn’t realize that all this time, you’ve been fantasizing that she was really dead, until she was.  What are you gonna do?  Keep her as your little fuck doll?  You do realize that in a few days, she’s really gonna start to smell up the place.  Call me and we can figure out what to do with her corpse.  I wanna hear you fucking that cold dead cunt.

Sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodiesWhat a wild night it’s been, having sex with dead bodies has never felt better. Monetta and I just got home from escorting together for this filthy rich man. He’s so hott and can buy anything he wants, yet he chose the two most disgusting snuff sluts that he could find to have some nasty fun with. We’ve heard about his dark and violent ways so we were incredibly thrilled to be able to be submissive to that millionaire cock. When we arrived to his massive mansion, he had bricks of blow stacked up & ready to be snorted down. He had been partying all day long and so had Monetta and I… it was a disaster in the making already! Nothing was off limits for our kinky millionaire, he had no fear when it came to putting his hands on us and beating us like we deserved to be beaten. Nasty snuff whores have cunts that are only good for getting destroyed. We were all doing lines off each other, getting nice and fucked up even more so. He buckled a conjoined spiked dog collar tightly around both of our necks and dragged us down to his dungeon, throwing us down the flight of stairs and laughing as we tumbled to the bottom. It was pitch black, ice cold and reeked of rotting flesh. When he switched on the light, we were surrounded by fresh corpses hanging on hooks. Monetta and I were screaming in terror and as he whipped the shit out of us, causing our skin to gash open and bleed all over. He asked which rotten body we wanted to fuck, we chose the pretty blonde with her eyes gauged out. Her corpse plummeted to the freezing cement ground and as we got a closer look we could see that she had thick rope wrapped around her neck, it was obvious that she suffered immense agony as she was hanged to death. His steel-toed boots hurt so bad as he brutally drop-kicked us from head to toe. I shoved my tongue inside of the dead cunt, there were maggots flooding out and down my throat. Monetta spread her asshole open and fucked a strap-on that we latched on to the rotten bitch. He forced us to do some of the most evil shit, i’ll never be able to get this night out of my memory. Murder phone sex fantasies are exactly what victims like us deserve to go through, no matter how violent, sadistic and traumatizing.Murder phone sex Fantasies


2 Girl phone sex

Power cocaine and cash that’s one way to rule. I was stripping downtown at a top Westwood club and was having quite the busy day. One of the VIP regulars finally approached me. I was beyond thrilled up until this point I was trying to keep up with the blonde bombshell babe Macey. She was pretty snarky and knew she was the star of the show. Surprisingly she never got her hands on Andrew. Guess I caught his attention first. The other sluts weren’t too fond of me snatching him. He was handsome as can be and I couldn’t even quite understand what he was doing at a strip joint. He was dressed to the nines. I can spot a nice tom ford suit from a mile away. He smelled like money and mystery. 

torture sexThings got quite heated in the VIP room. I was ordered to do some lines right on his cock. I loved the instant high I got! It was instant gratification. I could tell he was high as a kite too. We started to talk a bit after a couple of cum shots to my face and mouth. There were a couple of similar interest we saw we had in common. One was obvious we both enjoyed good angel dust, the other was torture sex! We played a game that soon got too real. Andrew told me he chose me because he could tell  I would make the perfect accomplice and he loved that I had a deep hatred for Macey. Andrew could see my dislike for Macey would get us in some fun trouble. I let him in on a dark fucked up fantasies I have had, and He got an instant erection. I wanted so badly to kidnap Macey and strangle the slut while she’s getting fucked by a group of masked men. As she’s taking her last gasp for air, I want to see the desperation in her eyes. Think we both agreed the bitch had to die!  

sex with dead bodies

It wasn’t going to be fast we both like to take our time. Lure the victim trap the victim and make the victim weak as can be and then you can say we are in for a not so smooth ride. 😉


New Toe Tags Means Fresh Dead Meat

necrophilia phone sexI fucking love it when I walk into work and see new toe tags.  I immediately strip naked and explore all my new dead playmates.  Letting my fingers slowly drape across their cold dead bodies.  I begin rubbing my already sopping wet cunt with my free hand.  So many cocks to play with.  Willing faces with open mouths to grind my pussy on.  Grabbing them by their hair as I cum all over their faces.  Riding lifeless cocks and having playtime with some cunts that never say no.  Yeah, I’m a necrophilia phone sex whore.  I fucking love both of my jobs.  I get to have as much sex with these corpses as I want, and then I get to talk to you and tell you all about my day at work.  What could be better than that?  Welcome to my dark world.

Fucking The Dead

sex with dead bodiesSitting alone at your laptop looking at pics of dead bodies and jacking your cock raw?  Something about their cold lifeless bodies really turns you the fuck on doesn’t it?  Knowing that it’s so taboo and you couldn’t dare tell any of your friends about your weird fetish.  It must get very lonely not having anyone to share in your enthusiasm over fucking the dead.  I knew at an early age that being a mortician was exactly what I wanted to do when I grew up. I’ve had the hots for cold dead corpses for as long as I can remember.  I love getting naked as soon as I get to work.  I put on some music, lock the door and fuck my way through the room.  Every day is different.  Different bodies, different fuck toys to do whatever I want to with them  No one will ever know what really goes on here.  Curious?  Call me and I may share some of my gory details with you.

Sex with dead bodies addiction

sex with dead bodiesI have a little nasty addiction. I like to drug sluts and watch them gasp for air. It gets me dripping wet in my panties. Lately, I can’t seem to get off at all unless I am watching someone have sex with dead bodies. I don’t know where the hell I picked this habit up, but once I see you torture a stupid pathetic slut and live out your rape fantasies with her lifeless body, I am ready to pounce on your cock and let you plow me because of that’s the shit that I like. I like to see her body stiff and cold the more bruises, the better. I love being an evil bitch. It takes a wicked person to be my accomplice in these little escapades. I don’t crave regular boring sex. I like to go on full missions and make someone the victim of the night. After I find a slut, I will have you do whatever you want to her, and I will then finish it off. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. I’m down for anything and everything.

Blondes have more fun

Killer phone sexI like being a redhead, but sometimes I want to change it up. I love looking like a whore and wearing some scandalous things. When I found out this guy I dated was cheating on me with a bimbo blonde, I decided it was time to change it up to blonde and give him what he likes. He thought he was going to get lucky on valentines. Idiot boy had no idea I had other plans. I invited him over and as you can imagine he was all about the blonde. I liked it too, but it infuriated me a bit because I felt like he was trying to live out his fetish on me. If you know me at all you know I’m the fetish master the one you can have crazy killer phone sex with and live out some Insidious scenarios. I had just the thing in mind. I let him enjoy his steak and potatoes which were the remains of the blonde bitch he was fucking behind my back. Yep, you guessed it I cut that little slut up after I made a group of guys cum and live out their fantasy rape on her. I loved seeing the desperate look on the bimbo. I cut her to pieces and saved some for my cheating boyfriend. Watching him eat her got me so excited. Sadly for him, I made sure to poison the fuck out of his last meal.


Happy valentines day cheating scum fuck 🙂

Valentines date from hell

torture sex

I should have known better than to accept a date from my violent neighbor on valentines. He’s very cute but too possessive. I was getting very intimidated by the whole BDSM thing. Nevertheless, I ended up accepting his offer for dinner and a movie. I should have known his dinner and a movie would not be the norm. After we went out to this place it was quite cute but straightforward, He wanted to go back to his house to watch a movie there. I should have gone with my gut, but he seemed less intense. I was wrong before we even made it to his house he made me go to the back alley and made me give him a blowjob knowing anybody could see me. He wanted to show me off because I was a little submissive slut. After that, I was ready to end the date, but he wanted to see that movie at his house so bad. After we watched some nasty porn, he decided it was time to tie me up and spread me out and fuck me hard with a plumbers pipe. I could feel it banging inside me and hearing his laughter was making it more intense. I knew he loved torture sex, but this was a  whole other lever. It was another date from hell with him, but it had me coming back for more.

Plastic Shopping Bags and Their Many Evis Uses

suffocation phone sexSuffocation Phone Sex

God I fucking hate little brats!  I just came from the store and there were all these little brats running around.  One of them rammed a cart into me and his bitch of a mom didn’t even apologize to me.  The fucking nerve.  I mean, who the fuck does she think she is?  She has no clue of the evil plot that was already developing in my devious mind.  I’m watching the bag boy bag my groceries and a thought began to occur to me.  As I was leaving the store, I grabbed a huge handful of those plastic bags and went back to my car.  To wait.  Out comes that stupid fucking bitch with all those annoying badly behaved fucking brats.  I overheard her saying that they had to hurry and get back home that no one else was there and she had left something on top of the stove.  My pussy is throbbing at all the evil nasty things going through my head and all these plastic shopping bags I have.  I mean, the possibilities are endless right?  Use them to bind hands and feet with. Stuff one down one of their little throats and make them choke to death.  Gag the other ones.  And that stupid bitch who apparently spawned all of these hideous offspring.  Well, let’s just say I have my own special plan for her.

Little slut deserved to die

snuff sexMy boyfriend and I pick up worthless sluts, and we begin to use them. We were drinking it up in a bar a couple of cities away when we spotted a hot blonde who was being extra flirty with my guy. If this bitch wanted my man, she was going to get him. I gave him a look, and things escalated very quickly.

I exited the stage, left and made my way to the sleazy motel we reserved for this night of excitement. I waited, and soon enough they came right in. He was rubbing her slutty body while I grew a bit jealous but I knew we were in this together.

The blonde whore had all her clothes off in two seconds. Jake ended up tying her up and made it look like they were going to have some kinky fun. This slut had no idea she was going to have some snuff sex with the both of us. He blindfolded her, and I came out. I slapped her and beat her and left in a bed of blood. I pulled out m razor blade dildo and went in on the slut. My boyfriend didn’t even want to touch her. Good boy, he knows the rules. After I made that rape fantasy actuality I was wet as can be.

I then gutted the hell out of her and left her there dismembered. The next day we mutilated her and threw her into the river on the opposite end of the city. The whole experience leaves me dripping wet. I rub my pussy thinking about how I fucked her to death. Little slut deserved to die.