Category: Sadistic phone sex

Beat Me Bloody and Fuck Me Hard

Violent phone sex


I am bloody, beaten and broken. You have completely destroyed my body and my soul. I lay on the ground, almost lifeless, from the seemingly endless beating that you gave me. Punch after punch, hit after hit, all over my face, my stomach and my back. I remember you pushing me to the ground and stomping my face in. Whores like me deserve to be beaten. Whores like me deserved to be stomped out. I deserve to be kicked in the chest so my collar bone breaks, leaving me unable to move my head from your strikes. That is how you like your whores, isn’t it? Beaten and broken from the inside and the outside. I don’t even have the will to say anything as you pull my pants down and fuck my pussy. You kept my pussy in tact so it would still look beautiful as you fucked it, the only part of me that matters. That doesn’t mean you are going to be gentle with my pussy. You want to fuck me hard and fast, beating my pussy up. Whores like me don’t deserve a slow fuck. Whores like me don’t deserve anything. 

Torture Sex: I Can be the Victim or the Accomplice


torture sexHe was in the mood for torture sex, so I brought him a cute, young teen girl for his dark fantasies. Better some random slut than me. When my man is in this kind of mood, I can either be his victim or his accomplice. I try hard not to be the victim anymore. I am not perfect at it, but I have become good at providing something younger, tighter than me. That is my super power. I can bring men young meat. Young girls do not see me as a threat. Most sex traffickers have a female accomplice for this reason. Most of the women have been trafficked themselves. They learn quickly like I did that when you age out, you can stay the victim, or you can make yourself useful. It is a survival of the fittest world. You can get yourself killed, put on the circuit where girls or never seen again, or you can become the accomplice phone sex partner like I did.

I found Breanna at the mall. A shy, awkward girl who I could tell was desperate to fit in. She wanted to be part of the popular crowd. I am a good accomplice because I know how young girls think. I know how to use their weaknesses against them. I know how to safely lure them into a dark, depraved world of violence and fuckery. I easily lured Breanna away from the safety of the mall. I brought her to my man, who had a big hardon for the teen slut wannabe. He told her he would make her a star. I think she thought we meant Hollywood movies, not snuff movies. Anyway, I helped him fuck the shit out of her. When he is in that kind of mood, I can take the heat, or I can find a surrogate. With so many little girls in the world, why would I ever be the victim anymore? I can bring you a tiny morsel too. You game for some fresh fuck meat to destroy?

Sometimes I Need Fantasy Phone Sex

Fantasy phone sex

When you live a life like mine, you need to get out of your head every now and then or else the torment will eat you alive, so a little fantasy phone sex is just the escape I need for some slight refuge from my own rotten little world.  I need a bit of whimsy in my life so I let men take on delightful trips from time to time just to try to wipe my mind of some of my most dastardly deeds.

The other day, I went on a lovely winter walk in the woods with a handsome hiker.  He might be the nicest guy I’ve ever met, no one has ever treated me with the kindness and compassion that he does.  I usually don’t get mixed up with regular relationshipy date bullshit, love isn’t a luxury people like me get to have.  The way he spoke to me with genuine regard and looked at me with the kindest eyes, I just couldn’t resist him.  Against my better judgment, I let him take me out on a day date.  

I needed it, I’ve been going a little crazy with the fuckpig kidnapping and killing lately.  A calm and relaxing walk in the woods with a truly delightful man is just what the doctor ordered.  We strolled along aimlessly and chatted about whatever came to mind.  He really likes movies, just like me, so the majority of our small talk was cinema based, which was fine.  Just fine.  It worked to keep my mind off of all the blood I’ve spilled and lives I’ve utterly destroyed over the years… for a little while.

After a couple of hours, my mind got the better of me.  Eventually, he would find out.  This amazing man who wants nothing more than my attention and company would run as fast and far away from me as he could if he found out who I really am.  I tried to keep my mind on our conversations, but I couldn’t help myself.  Instead of kind eyes, I started seeing his face covered in blood and muck and in lieu of the soft heavenly sounds of an earthbound angel, his voice transformed into the gags and gurgles of a whorehog bleeding out from a slit throat.  So I did the only thing I could in the moment and started making out with him.

He was a great kisser but I couldn’t help but to picture myself biting off his tongue, so I got down on my knees and started blowing him.  That was fine, I love having cock in my mouth.  It’s very relaxing and puts me in sort of a trancelike state.  After a few minutes, he popped his prick out of my mouth and went down on me right there on the forest floor.  It felt so fucking good and I didn’t want to stop him but I did because all I Imagined was a decapitated head in my hands, swollen tongue protruding out of its smelly mouth lapping away at my labia.  When he quickly got on top of me and pushed his cock into my cunt, I realized I had enough.

He wouldn’t stop, though.  As nice of a man as he was, he wouldn’t listen to me when I asked him to quit.  I gave him more chances than I have ever given anyone to control himself and cool off a little, but he couldn’t.  So I did it for him.  A stiletto switchblade stuck right in the ribs finished with a hard twist will stop anyone, I don’t care what the movies tell us.  He rolled off of me right away and balled up in the fetal position on the ground, screaming like the fuck pig he was.  I didn’t let him suffer, I got right on him and slit his throat wide open, an even cleaner cut than I saw in my vision.

I didn’t wait for him to die, I left him there all by himself to bleed out in the bushes.  I stood up and simply continued my walk in the woods, sans accompaniment.  That’s what I really needed anyway, I should’ve known better.  I’m not meant to have a love like that in my life, my violent phone sex world just won’t allow it.  The trees helped me clear my head, I really enjoyed my day.  I’m not really sorry for how I handled things but I’ll be keeping the nice man in mind next time I feel a little weak willed.  Lesson learned.  I wear a crown of filth, not a crown of light.  I’ll never forget that again.


Strangulation Phone Sex and Torture for Pervert Stepdaddies

strangulation phone sexDo you like strangulation phone sex?  I sure do. The first person I ever strangled was my stepfather.  He crawled into my bed one night and thought he could molest me. He had no idea what a sick bitch I already was. I did not kill him that first night though. I squeezed his throat hard and kneed him in the groin to get him off me, then screamed bloody murder until my mother came into the room. She believed me because she found him in my room with his pants down. Hard to explain that. She kicked the bastard to the curb. I left marks on his neck from trying to choke him out. I have not seen that poor bastard in over 20 years, but guess what? He walked into my Goth bar and sat next to me. He had no clue who I was either. I slipped a roofie in his beer when he was not looking. When it kicked in, I took him to my car and drove him to my cabin in the woods. I was finally going to get my revenge. I planned on strangling him because it was long overdue. But torture sex first. If you have a dick but do not know how to use it for good, I am going to take it away from you. When my dear old ex stepdaddy woke up, I twisted a scalpel down his urethra, making him scream in agonizing pain. I attached a shock device to his balls too sending painful electrodes through his body with every movement. I was not done yet.  I have lots of torture devices I inherited form my grandpa. He was a collector of the macabre. I have this Victorian torture device called a Jugum Penis. It looks like a bear trap.  It is old and rusty too, but once the trap snaps closed it’s like having your junk in a mouse trap with teeth. While he screamed and cried in pain, I straddled his chest and strangled him to death yelling at him, “Remember me now, pervert?” He should have died when I was a schoolgirl. But he is my snuff porn star now. And like I said, better late than never.

Gangbang rape porn video and I didn’t even know

Gangbang rape porn

I will never turn down an invitation to join a good party, Seriously, hell would have to freeze the fuck over, and even there I would be out in a fur-lined coat and Goldbergh snow boots still ready to kick it around a burn barrel with those hell demons. So, when a group of dudes from the liquor store handed me a handwritten party invite, who would have thought it would be a gangbang rape porn taping session? Instead, I considered it a personal treat and assured them I would be there. It wasn’t until the next evening and the guys told me it was going to be so much fun it would blow my mind. However, after getting dressed in a tight pink dress and heels I discovered the party was in a run-down house in the middle of an abandoned neighborhood. 

Honestly, I wish I could say this threw some red flags for me but my sense of danger does not run that deep. After all, I have been to some dope parties held in some major Ls. So I exited my vehicle and straightened my dress out. As I headed up to the dingy door of the derelict building I double-checked that the address I had on my invite matched the house. I knocked a couple of times and the door opened quickly. Flashes of light came from inside the house blinding me. I held up my arm to shield my eyes from its fierce glow. I could hear a lot of male voices like a roar and as I tried to make sense of the situation something grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. 

Rape phone sex fantasiesI squealed, continuing to be blinded by what appeared to be a ton of flashlights shining directly at me. My clothes began to be ripped from my body without warning, my skin cold as it met the air of the abandoned house. Attempting to collect myself I tried to gather information about my surroundings. The ground was an unkept wood floor, debris, dirt, and dust covered it, an occasional fresh shoe print scuffled throughout. I felt a push on the back of my head forcing me to look down when suddenly a sting whipped across my naked ass cheeks. I screamed out in pain as a deep voice yelled at me to move forward. 

I screamed for help, and the men laughed. I was unaware of how many there were just a lot of them. There was no chance of me beating them so I tried not to resist. I just continued slowly moving in the direction I was being shoved and whipped staring down at my perfectly pedicured feet still in my heels. The room I was entering was lit. Weapons and BDSM tools lined the walls. On the ground was a dirty mattress and in the middle of the room a wooden saw horse that looked rather tough. 

I would immediately find out how rough too as I was thrown over the saw horse and strapped down so that my ass was in the air. I had no option now. I was to be used, every last hole of my body for their enjoyment. My arms and legs were secured to each of the saw horse legs there was no way that I could resist. After hours of men using my tight body for their fuck toy pleasure I was released and laid onto my mattress. My body was tired and soar from being their personal fuck puppet. However, that was not the end of my night. Clamps were suddenly closed tightly onto my nipple. I moaned out in pain as my legs were hoisted into the air. Again I was to be fucked over and over again. The mix of pain and humiliation forced me to cum hard against their dicks. They now knew I was enjoying it as much as they were, my own body betraying me. I passed out from the intensity. When I woke up I was in my own bed. If it wasn’t fuck my bloody ass and cunt and soar nipples I would have thought it was a dream. Beside my bed was a thank you note and flowers from the frat boys thanking me for making their gangbang rape porn fantasies come true.

I’ll Make You Cum To Atrocities!

Domination Phone SexThe one thing you least expected to turn you on… watching your little sister get bondage tortured! We were joking about what a brat your little sister is and I told you I knew a guy who could whip her into shape. We laughed and kept watching snuff porn but little did you know I was making plans to have her tortured right in front of you. My friend is a dominant master too, just as I am a dominant mistress, he knows just how to turn a bratty slut into a perfect sub with a little work. You see her all tied up on your bed as my friend works her over with his ropes, I push you back and handcuff you to the chair. You are going to watch as little sister gets fucked into submission. I start sucking your cock and before you can say a word, you are cumming all over my face seeing little sister get split open on a hard dominant cock!

Sex with dead bodies of brats

sex with dead bodies Sex with dead bodies  turns this little cunt whore on so much.  Cut open brat bellies and cum inside them for me! Look, I just want to help your murder fetish and necrophilia grow.
My pussy gets so fucking wet thinking about my newest daddy gutting a little girl and her momma opened up like a fish beside her. I know that my pussy will keep you warm during fucking a cold corpse. Double stacked with a little black girl on top of me, is the best way for him! I love looking into the cold dead eyes of her momma. Even better if momma is slowly dying.

Watch your baby girls dead body get fucked in you last monents, bitch! He goes back and forth and only uses me for a cock warmer, when he gets like this. The only reason he can pull out is to fuck me and I command him to push it back in her cold belly! You know I get kinkier the more time has passed. I reach up into her guts and grabbing daddies dick as he fucks her pussy! I want this! I need this, dont fucking stop until you cum!

Barely Legal Teen rape porn

Accomplice phone sexHappy Birthday you cock eating maggot whore. My neighbors dirty hormonal teen slut has been fucking my on and off boyfriend of 5 years. Ya, ya save it! Regardless of age she knew what the fuck she was doing! I don’t wanna hear any excuses about age.

She wants to be a cock eater then I will give her a rock hard dick to feast on. I figured out the best way to let her know that I am aware of all of the low down slutty things she had been doing with Brian. I chopped his head off while he was in the middle of masturbating to some slutty video she sent him of her in the shower rubbing her clit.

Perfect, his dick was fully erect and his eyes were rolled to the back of his head. I bet that is exactly what he looked like every time he mounted her and buried his dick deep inside her. Well, I put some icing on his head and brought her a special cake.. That’s right, we celebrated her birthday together! The 3 of us.. She didn’t seem to enjoy it at all, she was screaming and balling her eyes out the entire time.. Bloody phone sex

Welp! She should have kept her legs closed.. I even did the honors of stuffing his dead meat inside of her cunt one last time; while she was strapped down to a chair. Of course, I let her make a wish.. I stuffed a candle right in his bloody ear. That’ll teach her to keep her smelly twat closed. She can barely wash her own ass but she’s out fucking men.. I don’t get it.. Screw the stench, right? I guess she had a tight snatch that made it all worth it for him.

Either way, that’s one less degenerate and a wench that has been taught a lesson. I recorded it just for you babe, wanna watch my homemade Teen rape porn? I know how much you love Torture sex especially with your favorite Gothic phone sex whore.

Domination Phone Sex Brutalizes My Fuck Holes Every time

domination phone sexSome days, I need domination phone sex more than others. At least that is what my stepson tells me. It is no secret we have an acrimonious relationship. For the most part, I do as I am told by him because he has been blackmailing me for a decade now. My husband thinks I have patched up my relationship with his son from his first marriage. We just do a better job of hiding our mutual hate for each other.My stepson summoned me in the middle of the night to his place. I had taken my pot gummy and I was out cold. I never heard the text. I woke up this morning to 32 missed texts from him and 5 missed calls. I knew I was in trouble, but what could I do? I never responded back because I assumed that ship had sailed. I should have known better. He was not going to let such an infraction go by. He showed up at my house once he knew his brothers were at school and his dad was at work. He brought a small army of men for an impromptu gangbang rape porn. He was going to punish me for ignoring him last night. He needed money and I slept through it. I got sassy and that got me slapped and punched in the gut so hard that I fell to my knees. I hate him so much. Such an angry guy. He blames me for his money issues so he makes me his cash cow. He filmed his buddies brutalizing my fuck holes. At one point, I had three cocks in my asshole at once, and a bunch of hands groping and choking me. My evil stepson had his cock out stroking and filming his friends brutalizing my fuck holes. These guys were high on meth. Meth makes men brutal, more brutal than anything. I am still trying to recover from the ass rape porn I made before I even made a pot of coffee. My asshole is so sore, I am sitting on a bag of frozen peas this morning. It is going to be a long day.

I inflate a Lolita and watch Snuff movies to squirt to

Snuff movies

I inflate a Lolita and watch Snuff movies to squirt to. I played hardcore snuff films in front of that stupid whore, and I plugged in a balloon inflator while she watched and cried in horror. I bent her over and tied her wrists as I inserted that balloon inflator into her asshole. Screams and shrieks loudly boomed from my old school TV, that tiny lolita sobbed while her asshole got violated by me. I took the handle, and I pushed it, hard. She gasped and screamed by the pain mixed with pleasure. I watched in amazement while I saw her stomach inflate with the helium from my balloon inflator. I kept going and going, her limbs were getting puffy. And what happened to make it even more amazing than my favorite Rape phone sex fantasies, was when her tiny body reached its limit and fucking popped through her thin layers of skin. Blood, guts, muscle, fat, and intestines went flying everywhere! It got all over my naked body, and my wet fuckhole was fucking throbbing from seeing a little lolita’s get puffy and inflate like a damn balloon right in front of me before popping and her organs flying everywhere around and on me. Her spinal cord was tangling off my TV as well as pieces of muscle and lots of blood! Let’s just say I couldn’t stop squirting everywhere before having to clean up that huge gorey mess. 😉