Ever wished death upon someone? I do, all the time! Only problem is wishes don’t come true unless you make them just like measly prayers! I learned this a long time ago, when I would blow the candles out on my birthday cake and wish for the same thing, yet it never happened.. I wanted my dad dead.. I was tired of him molesting me.. He was using me as bait for his drug habit.. Making Snuff porn out of my innocent body.. I would be dripping blood down my slit, he would mount my face and bury his cock balls deep down my throat while blowing meth smoke into the air..
He would even burn the walls of my pussy by shoving his meth pipe inside of me after heating it to the point it would crackle. My mother never did anything! She was a Submissive slut who obeyed all of daddy’s orders.. Not sure what it was that had her strung out over daddy; he had the tiniest dick and seemed to think fucking littles would make it seem bigger. Dad would shake a Budweiser can then shove it inside of my asshole bottoms in, he would then pop the can open and latch onto my ass as foam burst into his mouth. He was a sick fuck!
Eventually the tables turned and I started to retaliate, I wanted to get back at him for all the excruciating things he had done to me throughout the years.. One day he was shoving his micro-peen down my throat and I bit down and tugged like a four legged companion playing with his Tug rope. The sound of his scream made me adjust my wishes, I wanted to be the one to kill him and I wanted it to be a slow death. I started recording everything that took place.. From me slitting the back of his feet at his ankles so he could stand up only to collapse falling face first.. To me fucking his asshole with switchblades and even making him say hi to the camera as he chose his daily poison..

I have a shit ton of homemade Snuff movies that I made torturing him from beginning to end. I hated him, I didn’t leave mom out of this mess either! She deserved a bit of torture too, I get that dad was an abusive drunk but she wasn’t as helpless as she made it out to seem.. She could have taken us and ran to a battered shelter for women or even roofied one of his drinks. Instead she chose to wait on him hand and food like he was Kin fucking Tut. I didn’t kill her though but I made her feel pain!
I did find out over the years my mother was an addict too.. Sad part is, I didn’t find out until I got results from an autopsy that she had an overdose.. Turns out she was a speed balling junkie, I should have known.. I don’t know why I thought her deteriorating was from dad stressing her out.. When I murdered him I didn’t eliminate the problem I made it worse.. She was never home after he died all she would do was walk methadone mile for a fix. She was found slumped at a Holiday inn… If this doesn’t explain why I am an evil Sadistic phone sex whore I don’t know what will!