Category: Sadistic phone sex

Sadistic phone sex slut fantasizes about being the one bound

Sadistic phone sexI just watched a Snuff porn where a Sexy nurse got fucked hard and then held hostage in a Bondage fantasy… he was an inmate serving a life sentence for Murder of a hellion; out on medical leave.. He had appeared to be bound while the Sexy nurse was filling a needle to tranquilize him with… The convict snuck up behind her and put her in a choke hold; with a medical blade to her neck! He told her if she screamed he would slit her throat! He used her as bate to break out of the medical facility using her badge after he fucked her.. He couldn’t resist her athletic body and the thought of her big green eyes looking up at him as he gave her an Extreme throat fucking.. She looked young enough to star in a Teen rape porn; she barely had any tits and her pussy was perfectly bald and pink.. It would have been hot if she were a college intern.. Either way it made me orgasm so hard to see him bound her using medical tape around her mouth, to keep her from screaming and handcuffs to tame her.. He had her bent over a stretcher and tore her asshole apart.. You could see her veins popping out of her head from the pressure and pain she was enduring..  I turned my fuck machine on its highest speed and wore my young bald pussy out.. Sometimes I dream of being dominated by a man, manly enough to handle a Sadistic phone sex freak like me.. Think you have what it takes to make me submit?

I sucked off a stranger in the confession booth!

Blaspemy sex

Indigo & The Confessional 

When I was on Vacation last month I was looking at this old church and there was this very hot guy in there at the same time. He was about 6’5 and fucking ripped. Looks like it was time for some very fun Blasphemy sex. 

Walking up I grabbed his arm and drug him into this tiny wooden confessional. The dark panel crowded around us and when he opened his mouth to ask why I brought him in there I pounced. Pressing my mouth against his hard. I unzipped his pants as our tongues danced in his mouth. 

Dropping to my knees I shoved that whole cock into my mouth. Giving that shaft long deep strokes with my mouth. The man was moaning oh fuck yes as a pastor opened the slide and asked what we would like to confess. Fun fact, the pastor totally jacked off as I sucked off this stranger. 

Necrophilia Phone Sex Succubus Devil Fucking

Necrophilia phone sex is a truly evil and sadistic party. We will go out on our first date and I will plan the picnic under the full moon. It will be in the graveyard and a morgue close by.

I will intoxicate you with the blood of a virgin in the goblet of deep red wine. Sip it and kiss me. Let me bite your lip and draw blood. I will laugh and make sure you get good and messed up on masculine, blood and vino cocktail.

Pulling you after me I take your hand and run off into the forest of the cemetery. Hidden the large building with a Herse parked out front. It looks run down and out of service.

Pushing inside we find there three fresh corpses all naked and gray. The mommy and two daughters of a serial killers doing. Look at those two being kept so supple and sweet.

The devils flesh for you to violate. Tender young sweet bald cunts and assholes.

Intoxicated and driven by the drug of desire. You will lick and mount those young dead girls. Penetrate and ejaculate inside of them. Go on, now my serial killer boyfriend will not be the one targeted. It’s your DNA in them now we can continue the ritual.

Necrophilia Phone Sex

Knife Play Phone Sex is My Favorite

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is my favorite. I can do so many things with a knife, like slice you open or cut off your balls, or maybe even your dick. I do not mess around. I am a sadistic bitch. I must be nice to some of you because I was told I have an attitude problem. Duh. I do not play well with others. Most humans annoy the fuck out of me. I don’t flirt. I don’t do small talk. If I greet you on the phone or on a chat in a way that seems opposite of my looks or bio, it is because I want to keep my job. It has nothing to do with me liking you or wanting to fuck you. I am not a friendly chick. I am certainly not a flirty one either. John found out the hard way that me saying excuse me as I pushed him out of my way on the way to the restroom does not mean I liked him. The loser followed me into a single restroom because he thought “Excuse Me,” meant “Fuck me please.” I was not at work. I did not have to be nice. I could show him what a snuff sex addict I am. I always have a few knives strapped to my body because you never know when you might have to shank a bitch. John was that bitch. I have no clue his real name. He did not offer it up when he followed me into the bathroom. And I did not ask it before I cut his dick and balls off. He thought he was getting lucky with a Goth Girl. I was the one that got lucky because John was a stupid fucker who cannot read social cues. If he thought he could fuck me with an “Excuse, me,” imagine what he would expect from some girl who smiled or actually said hello. This taboo phone sex bitch did the world a favor by castrating that mother fucker. Consider yourself warned. Do not mistake anything I do as wanting to fuck you. You are my accomplice or my victim.

Where have all the young ones gone… accomplice phone sex…

accomplice phone sexImagine what everyone would say if they knew what we were up to with accomplice phone sex! How shocked they would be to know that I was feeding my p-daddy the hot young treats from around the block. Everyone has been wondering where all the little shits have gone, like a page out of a Stephen King novel. 

Little do they know we’ve been having our own fun with them and then dumping them in the woods. After we’ve snuffed them of course! I love the way we giggle and torment them, torturing them and doing the most vile things. Then making them beg us to turn the lights out as they beg and cry for their parents. It’s brilliant! And it makes my pussy wetter than it’s ever been in my whole life!

Teen Sex Slave Services Six Men in Cabin

Gangbang rape porn

I know that I’m going to die today. The cabin was only rented for the summer, and summer is almost over. I’ve been kept as a sex slave for over three months. Those six men have been fucking me day in and day out. They have trapped me here, barely giving me food or water, only enough for me to live another day and to endure another fantasy rape. My holes are permanently filled with cum. I don’t even speak, knowing that the act of opening my mouth only makes them want to stick their cocks inside of it. I am not a person, a teen daughter, a woman, I am a fuck toy, a sex slave, a worthless cum bucket. I have been fucked so hard that my anus and my vagina have prolapse. They don’t care, they still fuck me even harder, ruining my body. I can’t wait until they drown me in the river or hang me by a tree. Their wives can never find out what they did to me.

Fantasy phone sex: You can have literally anything you’d like. And more…

Fantasy phone sex

I love knowing men want to hurt me. Knowing their fantasy phone sex dreams are to torture and snuff me. Making me cry and whimper until there’s just nothing left. My whole life hanging by a thread and you  have the scissors. That’s what turns me on.

I sit here quite often and fantasize about how it will all end, who will finally do it, and make all my dreams come true. Maybe it will be you, could you imagine the life draining from my body as you snuff me with your kife, gun, or even something a little more sinister.

Anything will do, honestly. I just want to be taken slow and cruelly as you watch, slowly stroking your cock. Cumming on me once I’ve met my maker, by your hands. Don’t worry about getting in trouble, I’m sure noone will find out. I’ve purposly isolated myself, so when the time comes, it’s even more erotic, because no one will be looking for me. Just you, me and that lethal object in your hands.

Fuck it makes me so horny, and I realize how fucked up it is, and it makes me want it that much more.

Snuff phone sex slut Stephanie

snuff phone sex

I can’t stop fantasizing about this hot snuff flick I saw today. My evil, slut cunnie is gushing everytime I think about it! I know if you love snuff phone sex like I do then you’re going to be just as turned on when I tell you about it! Like most of the horrifying and twisted videos that make my whore cunt wet, this one was sent to me by Daddy. He knew how hot and horny I would get when I pressed play and saw an older couple being tortured and abused! The old woman was tied up and forced to watch while her husband was skinned alive and force fucked with giant, spiked clubs. She tried to look away a few times and even tried to scream for help but the guys filming just laughed at her. They took a rusty pair of scissors and cut her tongue out and her eyelids off so that she had no choice but to watch in silence as her husband’s face was slowly peeled from his skull. I almost couldn’t finish watching because the screams as his flesh was being ripped away from muscle, had me so turned on that I was already squirting everywhere! Daddy sure knows what gets me going and I bet you can make me just as hot as he can!

Castration Phone Sex is My Kind of Date

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is something I am always in the mood to do. It does not take me much to want to cut a guy’s balls off. Sometimes, I even chop off his worthless cock too. Some guys know they have useless equipment and pay me to make them a Eunuch. I have more fun with the clueless guys like Larry. He is this little broke down dick guy I met on Tinder. The dating app has become my new hunting ground. I am usually only one swipe right away from a man with a big ego and a tiny dick. Those are the guys I plan to meet. Not to fuck though.  I will never fuck some tiny dick loser. I am a taboo phone sex bitch. And I mean bitch in the badass dominant woman way. I don’t need men. I don’t want most of them anyway. Unless a man has a 13-inch cock and a deviant mind, he is useless to me. Larry had a 3-inch scared turtle for a dick. Yet he was bragging on Tinder about satisfying women all over the world. Satisfying how? Maybe he was satisfying them with laughter.

When he arrived, I gave him a spiked beer. His beer gut told me he never passes up a brewsky, LOL. He was stumbling quickly after drinking that beer. I guided him to my bedroom. It was all ready for this loser. I had a tarp on my bed and all my knives and restraints ready. He stumbled right past it all and fell on the bed. He was pulling his shrimp dick out for me. He told me is cock was not sucking itself. I barely waited after that comment. I took a knife and chopped his loser dick off. It flew off his body, hitting my wall with a thud. He screamed in pain. I picked up his cock and shoved it in his mouth. I said, “that dicks is not going to suck itself.” He looked at me in horror as he realized he was sucking his own cock.  I cauterized the wound and sent him on his way. It was just torture sex. I could have whacked his balls off too, but I wanted him to look down and know he is only half a man. He will not be on Tinder anymore, LOL. Loser.

Gangbang Rape Porn Pays for My Coke Habit

gangbang rape pornI am a gangbang rape porn star. It does not matter if I want it or not. Anal whores make more money than women who will only let guys fuck their cunts. I recently tried escorting. I did not use filters or anything. I am not out to catfish guys. Just need money. I have no real job. I do phone sex and that is it. Not enough to support my coke habit. My husband covers all the household expenses, but he will never pay for my coke habit. The adult word and the seedy underworld of snuff pays for my coke. I have too much of a coke addiction for taboo phone sex alone to pay for it, so I sometimes do snuff flicks and escort. I am too old for the GFE or sugar daddy guys. I am too used up for the mommy whore guys. So, when I escort, I am getting the men with violent fantasies. The men who want to beat a woman up or destroy her fuck holes.

My date last night was with one guy, but he arranged for about ten of his friends to use me up too. He thought since he was paying for a whore, that I would not mind being treated like a whore. Not like I had a choice or that I could fight him. It was 11 against one. 11 men sodomized me and abused my fuck holes for $200. That was about $20 a guy and even street whores can make more money than that. Don’t get me wrong, $200 is $200. I know beggars cannot be choosers, but that was a lot of work from me for $200. My ass was left prolapsed and bloody. My cunt is still swollen like it got into a fight with Mike Tyson. I have bruises around my neck from where they choked me. I look like a snuff porn star who barely made it out alive. I feel like one too. But, like I said, $200 is $200. I left my date’s place and went straight to a drug dealer.