Category: Sadistic phone sex

Suffocation only makes me wetter!

Suffocation phone sex

Sweet little wifey is bound up tight.

Oh Lover, I have your wife tied up and waiting for us. And I think it’s time for some Suffocation phone sex.

I honestly have had enough of your little ball and chain, The amount of time that she steals from me, and my pleasure is simply not acceptable. Darling, I have a solution and you may feel guilty for what we are about to do, but really, it’s for the best.

Riding that cock while I torture makes me hot.

Stroke your cock as I place that clear bag over wifey poo’s head now watch as I duct tape the bag around her neck. MMMMMM baby I am going to ride your cock while we watch her suffer. While we watch that clear bag being sucked in and out of her retched mouth with every breath.

Cumming hard while she suffers.

Oh look baby her eyes are beginning to bulge, That makes my sweet little cunt so damn wet. I am going to squirt for you as she is being snuffed out like a flame.

Accomplice Phone Sex A Victim is All We Need to Violate

Sometimes I get to have a lot of fun with Accomplice Phone Sex. Generally speaking I am a very take charge type of sadistic. However, sometimes I have to say it is super fucking hot to play accomplice to a sadistic guy that has a plan.

For example I have guys that call to make me an assistant to their desire to ruin and violate some dumb bitch. Often it can be a daughter, wife, sister or mother. Other instances have been random cunts that these guys want to violate. Maybe even to just watch as my sadistic tendencies take over at a club.

Many guys obviously get off on watching a sadistic witchy bitch ruin a fuck doll of a barbie type whore. Obviously just let me have my way. Specifically, let me violate the bitch with a broken bottle. I will destroy her holes and cut the whore up.

Following all the blood sport and defiling of a whore I want to watch my assistant take her. Fantasy rape episodes are a deliciously violent kind of fun. Little girls are great to prey upon. My cunt gets wet as the blood starts to spill.

Accomplice phone sex

Snuff porn is fun to be able to make

I met a sick fuck that paid me to party and show me how he tortures and makes Snuff porn from his basement pets. In his place he had a big basement full of cages with all kinds of different victim bitches. “Pick one for us to use tonight,” he asks off me.” That one the young cockboy”. After he tied his naked body to a dry blood-filled platform, he shows me all his tools.

Snuff porn

“Pick one to use on this worthless piece of meat”, I point at the shock wand. You pull your spiked wire wrapped bat. Then beat his body with it a few times. As his body drips blood from his gashes, I stick the shock wand in his ass. After you see that you stick your cock down his throat, so far down he wasn’t able to breathe.

His body shook from the electrical shock, and it was making his mouth jack you off. “Deeper down his filthy throat” I scream out as I pump his ass with my wand. Finally, his body stops moving. You look at the camera “fuck I never pressed record; we will have to do it again”. Then we both laugh and walk towards the cages.

Knife Play Phone Sex Makes It Easy for Me to Castrate Men

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex excites me. A knife proves more versatile than any other weapon in my opinion. I can kill a million different ways with a knife. However, my preferred use of a knife involves chopping off your balls. Or someone’s balls. Sometimes, I enjoy chopping off the entire kit and kaboodle. If I deem your balls worthless, your dick is worthless too. Fact.

Over the weekend, I traveled to a different city for some mayhem. I enjoy castrating losers all over the United States. And trust me, small dick wonders exist everywhere. However, the only problem when I travel is that I do not have my castration chair. I make do though. I can rig any hotel or dining room chair into a castration torture sex chair.

This Bitch Loves To Castrate Men

Most men never see it coming. That’s because I am a good actress. I make tools and losers think I seriously want to fuck them. I own battery operated boyfriends for that. I’m not a “people” person and that includes relationships. Occasionally, I might fuck some accomplice who proves equally as sick as me, but for the most part I am a loner.

This dickless wonder tried to pick me up at a bar in the town I visited. He bragged about a 5-inch dick. How can anyone brag about a 5-inch dick? However, Ed did. So, I invited him back to my hotel to fuck. However, the joke was on him because I had no intention of fucking him. All I planned to do was take his junk. That way, good old Ed couldn’t fuck any other woman with standards again. Although Ed did not sign up for castration phone sex, he got it. And he got it for free.

I Have No Time for Small Dick Wonders

I drugged him without his knowledge. He sat in my chair willingly right before he passed out from my magic cocktail. Once I had him strapped in, I found it easy to chop his nuts and dick off. Sure, he bled everywhere. However, I did not care. Not my house. He passed out from blood loss because I did not immediately cauterize the wound. Eventually, I did though. I wanted him to suffer a bit because he was a jerk.

I got a clean cut on both his dick and balls with one of my knives. Although I cauterized his wound, I left him passed out in that hotel room. As an added touch, I put his severed cock in his hand and his severed balls in his mouth. He will wake up like one of those black market organ victims. Maybe now he will never be able to fuck some poor woman again.

Fuck my throat during Snuff sex and Kill Me

Snuff sex

The truth is men want to be demented and have Snuff sex all the time while raping our asses. When men disclose what they wish to, I can’t help but be turned on in my place.  All ladies know all men want to manipulate our thing wet bodies to the wills of their cocks. When my lover wraps his hands around my neck and begins to choke me, my cunt pulses creamy white sticky messes. I always need to stick my fingers down into my wet hole and hear squishy sounds as I move my fingers back and forth. Only the sickest of perverts will entertain my pleasure. I lose my patience when it comes to a pussy mother fucker who doesn’t know how to handle me and makes me feel like a thin piece of meat floating in the wind.

I have a few masters allowed to handle me. My favorite master is 3x my age and 2.5x my size. He always starts covering up my eyes. He says what’s a whore like me need eyes for? The master will follow up, locking my hands behind my back and forcing my mouth open with his cock. I’m such a dirty cum whore, and my place will only be known to me by the male gender dominating me and raping every whole until I am stretched out and my jaw relaxes from getting my mouth fucked so many times. I want not to feel a single tension in my face because you’ve fucked me so hard.

Domination Phone Sex with My Boy: Breaking Blair Night Three

domination phone sexMen call me for domination phone sex daily. I am an old whore who needs a man to dominate her. Perhaps, my stepson is to blame for that. I do not know when I became so submissive. My days as a schoolgirl appeared normal. Well, not all normal. I did have a coke head mother who fucked my brother all through my young years. But no one beat me or forced me to fuck or anything like that.

In fact, when I married my husband, I fucked who I wanted. It was not until my stepson started blackmailing me that I became the submissive whore you know today. He comes in and out of my life, but he has the best coke and every encounter he becomes more and more liberal with how much he gives me too. We recently had a three night Breaking Blair marathon. I thought he might really break me too. I am his cash cow. Our snuff sex shows make him bank.

I do not mind though. He’s my family. I know he loves me. Even if he loves seeing me black and blue more. When he came over for part three of our live stream the other night, I was already covered in bruises from the previous two nights. Our fans loved that though. I aways think he can never be rougher on me than the time before. And I am always wrong too.

Breaking Blair Continues

But in his defense, he does coke me up better than anyone. The big bowl of primo coke called my name as our stream began. I snorted so much coke you would think I was Pablo Escobar. I told the audience not to worry about me because I was willing. Maybe in the beginning of our encounters, I seemed more reluctant. But now I know what he does is out of love. I never feel much of anything anyway until the next day. His coke is that good.

However, I am pretty sure he broke some bones this time around. Not that I am complaining. Again, I had some great coke. We did the usual anal torture sex stuff first. That gets his viewers going. But then he really threw a bunch of punches. Not my face though. He would never break my nose. I need my sniffer too much. But my ribs were fair game. I think he gets hard hearing bones crack. He made a pretty penny off our three day Breaking Blair live stream.

Although, I am sore as fuck, I know he will take care of me. My stepson loves me. I love him. When I am 100 years old with my tits bigger than my head, he will still fuck me up and coke me up too.


snuff movies make me horny

snuff movies

Snuff movies got my mind going and turned me into such a pain slut. I can’t tell you how many times I think about being choked out and used up by all my masters and all their friends. I have more than one Master because I like to be used by so many men. I think men are much more Superior than women.

We women were born to make men happy and to serve them. I’m so over the feminist crap that’s going around. It’s just a load of garbage. A real man knows how to put a woman in her place, and it starts by using them sexually. My only desire is to feel your web across my back. The pain I feel is much more intense and sexually fulfilling than anything else.

Mutilation Phone Sex Fantasies of Hooker Tramp Geneva

Mutilation phone sex comes full circle when this bimbo accomplice gets caught up in the masquerade. As the accomplice to a violent sex ring of sadistic men, I could not help it. Being paid to play prostitute and find the sweet victims on the streets, I could not resist. I guess you can say I have gotten caught up in the adrenaline.

What I am talking about is how present I am when the little runaway found working the streets becomes the focus of a predator serial killer. Lured by money and big dick, as a bimbo there was nothing I wanted more.

Obviously, they knew I was too stupid and easily lured to make a problem. All the guys had to do is fuck me good, get me high and spoil me. I am then anything they want to mold me to be. I will be the dumb cunt that will torture the slut meat these men pay me to lure. Sometimes the guys required me to fuck the girls up and even violate them to extremes.

As it appears some guys love a nasty bimbo killing and fantasy raping these fuck meats while they record it. Not only are they recording movies of this, but they sell them. Obviously they are getting off during these filming’s.

Finally I have found a sexual fulfillment of being a sadistic bimbo under the control of big dick and money. Honestly this is a dream job for the victim whore I have always been.

Mutilation phone sex

So, you want me to Babysit!

Babysitter phone sex


So, you want me to Babysit!

So, you want me to babysit your little fuck trophies, well damn that sounds like a ton of fun. Let me tuck them into their sweet little beds and then head to the master bedroom for some Hot Babysitter phone sex.

A parent’s worst nightmare.

That’s right parents, I am your worst nightmare. While little Suzy and johnny are tucked away sleeping like angels I will be lying on your bed, cunt out masturbating myself into a cummy mess.  I get off knowing that you could come home and catch me at any time, and I have even been caught in the act a few times.

I will fuck your Man!

As a matter of fact, I will still be Horney when You drive me home and will somehow end up fucking and sucking you off in some back alley. Your wife may even smell my juicy pussy all over you when you get back.

I just love being your babysitter!

Snuff phone sex with Stephanie the slut

snuff phone sex

I just had the hottest, snuff phone sex fantasy call with a guy that I like to call Daddy D. He has 3 adorable, little brat daughters and he loves to chat with me about torturing them and turning them into his little sex slaves! It’s not that he hates them, it’s just that their tight, sexy bodies are so hard for his big, stiff cock to resist! Especially with an evil, freak slut like me in his ear, telling him to do such unspeakable things to them. Our call went from a casual, kinky fantasy of me showing his little ones how to blow him, to a brutal scene with me strangling them and helping him force fuck their throats! I sat them down and made them watch each other get beaten, tortured and mutilated while their daddy jerked his dick. I ripped big patches of their hair out, dragging them around and bashing their tiny heads together. I curb stomped the oldest until her little face was a big, bloody purple mess. I made sure to squeeze my hand tightly around their throats when I was shoving my fist up their little assholes. I didn’t want them screaming while I was ripping their guts out. Their little bitty bodies didn’t last very long but they held out long enough for me to make their daddy bust a few loads. We even piled them up and had their little cunts stacked so that he could shove his dick in their holes one last time before they started getting too cold and stiff to be of any use to us. My little victims are always my favorite but they’re not the only bitches I love to torture. I hope you’re ready to abuse and mutilate someone with me and have someone in mind, or else you’ll end up as my next victim!