Category: Sadistic phone sex

Who doesn’t love a bit of Chinese?

Cannibalism phone sexThe heat in the room was stifling, but it was only hints to what was so come. I was watching him at work, the master chef. He was at home in this room. Upon the large cutting board table lay a lovely little asian teen. Her skin was fair, her body small and her face pretty. She’d been hog tied and the man was slowly picking through his spice rack and fresh herbs. His strong thin hands seemed to caress over the dried spices, as if waiting for the right ones to cry out to him. “Let’s see here..” he said softly, mostly to himself I think. “Garlic, Onion, and a touch of Ginger… Ginger is perfect when making something Oriental.” He glanced over his shoulder at her and smiled. I noticed him pulling out a bottle of soy sauce and some rice vinegar. Turning back to the girl, he poured a little soy sauce onto her legs and ass, then gently he started rubbing it into her skin. “We must work the flavors into the flesh and that will help you taste so much sweeter my dear.” he cooed almost lovingly to her. “And once I have you all roasted, you make for some amazing stir-fry.” he liked one of his fingers before pour on more soy sauce, then a few drops of rice vinegar and then he started sprinkling on coats of the dried herbs with a touch of brown sugar.

Stepping back, he admired her for a moment. The cute girl now smothered and primed with flavors. Pulling on a rope beside the table, she was hauled up off the table. I could hear her crying. Big heavy sobs that were stopped by the orange that was forced into her mouth. He slowly tipped her so her face was aimed at the ground and my eyes widened as he slipped another full bottle of soy sauce right into her pussy. I swallowed hard as you could see the slight movement in the glass bottle as its contents were being emptied into her. As it drained, he was moving her towards what looked like a huge pressure cooker. He gently lowered her in and before she vanished inside of it, he reached in and pulled the now empty bottle out. “Sweet dreams dear.” he said before releasing the chains that bound her from the ropes he was using to move her. His smile grew as he lowered the lid and sealed it tight. “Who doesn’t love a bit of Chinese…” he whispered as he set the temperature and the timer.

Then he turned and his eyes were on me. “Now you lovely thing, you are not Chinese… No. You are full blooded American! You know what that means? Barbeque.” He licked his lips as he looked me up and down from where I hung from the ceiling. My hands and ankles bound in chains. He had an apple shoved so hard into my mouth it hurt to try and bite down on it. As he moved to me, he grabbed up a bowl from the table. In it was nothing but warmed butter and a little salt. Dripping a hand in, he reached out and started rubbing it onto my skin. So warm and slick, I tried not to moan as he gripped and squeezed my large tits but I couldn’t stop. “Such a fine piece of meat you are..” he murmured as he grabbed more and kept working it all over me. Once I was all buttered, he went back to his herbs and spices table, mixing up a batch of homemade barbeque sauce. He was so focused on his task, pouring in the tomato sauce, a bit of water, apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, some pepper, ground mustard and lemon juice. He was about to add the Worcestershire sauce when I started yelling and shaking my head. He looked my way and frowned as it was clear I was trying to say something.  

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Coming over to me, he pulled the apple out with a sudden jerk. I gasped and groaned as I moved my sore jaw. “Tabasco..” I moaned out. His brows came together.

“What?” he asked.

“Tabasco sauce… If you’re going to barbecue me I won’t have it done with such a weak sauce. It’s gotta have a kick to it.. Like me.” I said. I know it was stupid to help him, but damn it if I was going to be cooked and eaten, then I better well be cooked just right.

A smile started tugging at the corners of his lips, like my request was not what he was expecting. But he shoved the apple back in and turned away.

“Fine, Tabasco it is.” He went back to finishing it up. IT was almost a hypnotic process when he came to me and started brushing on the sticky sauce. I knew what was coming and I was afraid, my heart started pounding in my chest as he started moving me. I could feel the heat rising and then I was being lowered. The first contact I had with the hot grill was blinding white pain and then more as I was fully laid out over the hot coals. The pain was making me pass out, but the last thought I had was, Damn… I smell yummy…

Killer phone sex

Home Made Trophies

taboo phone sex karmaIt took me several years to perfect but it was worth it! I have so many trophies of my victims and each one is perfect. They adorn the walls of my bedroom and I spend many hours laying among them rubbing my pussy with a fever while I remember the torture that led up to me being able to make each one.

Researching the process was difficult as the practice is only found in the Amazon, deep in the rain forest and only a few tribes practice the ritual of shrinking a human head.

With each step of the process, my cunt gets wetter and the yearning to cum builds until the final product is created and I can let the cum flow free down my legs like a river of warm water.

After torturing my victim and finally watching them take their last breath I pull the head back exposing the neck and use my favorite machete to cleanly sever it. Carefully I take my scalpel and make a perfect incision up the back of the neck and peel the skin back off the skull. Taking my time I insure that as much of the flesh as possible is still on the skull and not with the skin. This is a very important step and one that took a lot of practice in the beginning as I was impatient. Then I carefully place a few red seeds under the eyelids before I sew them shut with sinew. The next step is to sew the mouth shut and insure that all the fat and flesh are removed from my head. Then I insert a wooden ball to keep my head round. Those were a little tricky to find but finally I came up with using croquet balls that I sanded the paint off of. They work fabulously! Now the glory of watching the head being boiled in a pot of water with just the right herbs and tannins. The smell of this step drives me wild and is like an aphrodisiac! My euphoria is heightening as I prepare the pit of hot rocks where I will dry my head as I mold it in order to keep the best shape I can. Finally I rub it down with ash as is required in the original rituals to prevent the avenging soul of my victim from limits phone sex head

You Want a Taste of Evil?

Get a taste of Evil when you cross my path bitch. You think you’re a bad ass mother fucker? Ha, I guarantee you are of no match for this evil genius. That’s right bitch boy your ass is going to be grass if you even think about fucking with me.

You see a hot fucking cheerleader when you look at me and hold the idea that I am for your amusement and use. HA! Think again mother fucker! I am not some bubble gum tramp in a short skirt baby. I am your worst fucking nightmare, and by the looks of it you will be experiencing me real soon.

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Oh, don’t even consider leaving your offspring in my care, I have a keen love of torture and rape fantasy porn. I want to make those flesh bots of yours my own personal fuck dolls. So, by all means invite me over to meet the family.

Skull Fuck

The room was dim, lit only by a single lantern light. I don’t recall just how long i’ve been trapped here but it’s starting to blend all together. Dirty and naked I was chained to a large stone block. The man in the room with me was eyeing me up and down. They had already violated me everywhere.. just what was he looking for? What more could they do to me? That’s where I was wrong. The man looked me in the eyes and put on a wicked grin. Coming towards me, he started stroking my face and making me move to my knees. I thought I was merely going to have to suck his cock. He pulled out his rock hard dick and started rubbing it over my face. Then he had me look up at him and before I could react, he shoved his cock right into my eye. The pain was unbelievable as he thrust his meat drill into my eye socket and pushed all the way in. Blood was pouring down my face as I screamed and screamed, he fucked my skull until I could no longer speak. I swear I could feel him shoving into gray matter and when he finally came, he let his cum fill my head. Blood, semen and more leaking out from the hole he’d made. I don’t know how I was still alive.. but I no longer had any control of my body.. Nothing was working right anymore. I was trapped in a living hell. Please some one.. end my life.. Mutilation phone sex

Snuff Sex on Tape

The camera is rolling and I am here to make your film the success you want it to be. The cameraman knows he will get to fuck my dead body when its over, and it turns me on that he agreed to that form of payment. He knows my pussy will still be warm even though my body will be lifeless. You start by fucking me as if it were a normal film and not a snuff movie. I am dressed up, makeup done perfectly, and I am not even scared. I crave the sting of the blades to come and I have been groomed for months for this day.

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The weeks in your dungeon as you used the knives and pins and needles all over my body. Draining my blood to the point where I passed out. You had to find my limits. You had to find what would look good on your tape. You transfused the blood back in and brought me back to keep the experiment going and bring my tolerance to a level that your clients will eat up. Finally a girl that you can slit her legs from knee to pussy and simply smile back at you.

You begin with the blades and my sweet fresh red blood pours out. My nipples come off like a knife cutting through butter and they fall to the floor. I see the cameraman’s cock get hard because he knows it won’t be long now. I take a knife in my own hand and begin to poke it right in my gut. Not many girls can manage this move – you have been the best teacher. I start to choke on my own blood and it pours out of the corners of my mouth. No screaming, just smiling. The taste is glorious and you are so proud. I begin to feel dizzy and cold, and thats when you place the big blade by my left ear and swiftly pull it all the way to the right. My head falls back and you cum deep inside me. The camera stops rolling, and its his turn now.

Medical Fetish Phone Sex

medical fetish phone sex karmaOne of my favorite things to do has always been to put on the scrubs I bought from the Salvation Army and hit the hospital. I love the halls that hold the terminally ill, the ones that have the bio hazard signs on the doors, the rooms that are high risk to enter and the halls that smell of rotting flesh while the feeling of despair hangs in the air, so thick you could cut it with a knife. I would often sit in the corner of the room after turning off the morphine drip, waiting for the extreme pain to hit so that I can rub out a good hard orgasm as I listen to them moan in agony. There are a couple of rooms that have great nooks that I can hide in. Those particular rooms are used to perform medical procedures that aren’t generally performed in a normal room. I have been able to witness several invasive procedures in these rooms that not only brought me great pleasure but gave me intense material to share with others on medical fetish phone sex calls. One time especially comes to mind. When I walked into his room the smell of rotting flesh was so strong that it almost made me gag. And I don’t gag easy. I pulled back the sheet and saw a huge chunk of flesh that was swollen, red and infected. i knew the flesh was deteriorating from the inside out. I heard the footsteps and backed into my hiding place and as I watched the doctor inject the Novocaine my heart sunk. Why do they do this? I kept watching and when I saw the scalpel sink into the skin, I felt the moisture begin to build in my panties. Watching the spewing puss and chunks of flesh, the stench that the infection produced when released, all served to stir the darkness inside me and I started to cum. I had to cover my mouth to stop the moan of pleasure as the primal orgasm escaped my cunt. Medical fetishes are so complex……


Taboo phone sex

Prissy bitches are afraid of bugs and shit. I love bugs, and spiders. Anything creepy crawly I love. I love feeling them all over my naked body, going in and out of me. I saved a roach one day at school. This preppy bitch tried to kill it. She called me a freak and said I was a nasty fucking roach lover. After that day I wanted to smash her like she did to all other roaches. After her cheer practice she was the last one to leave the school. I took the spark plugs out of her car and stabbed her tires. Poor princess had to fucking walk home. I figured she would take a short cut through the woods by the school. That was where I would make my move. I had my shotgun full of rock salt ready to fire at her chest. I wanted the bitch to go down, not to die. I dragged her home and into the shed where I keep all my friends.

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I cut off her clothes, and tied her up. I didn’t want her to hurt my friends when she woke up. After the bitch was tied up I went to work putting my friends all over her body. First was the maggots, then the roaches and finally my 8 legged freak. I loved the look on her face when she woke up. The bugs had worked their way inside of her cunt and her throat. I forced them into her ears. I wanted them to eat her. I fucked myself watching you squirming and listening to her scream. Then I heard a crunch. That fucking whore killed one of my friends. Now it was her turn to fucking die. My boots were nice and heavy, perfect to smash her fucking head like she smashed my friends. I was covered in her blood and brains. I let my friends eat on her for days. I fucking love feeding my friends. 

Violent phone sex

Pussy for Sale

You bought me yesterday at that auction. What a bunch of sick fucks you all were. You laid us girls out like pieces of meat. We were stripped of our clothes and our legs spread one by one looking for the perfect pussy. You lined up and went down the row, shoving your fingers inside as you held each of our legs apart. Some of the assholes even tasted me like some sort of dinner buffet. The men standing by with guns made sure we did everything we were supposed to. After all, there was a lot of money at stake.

Girls for sale. Sex slaves to be bought for your darkest desires. Plucked off the street and hand picked by the best sellers. I felt the bright lights all over my body as my tits were groped and my ass slapped. The one guy even spit on me, just to see how I would react. I didn’t dare spit back. My heart was pounding as I was violated and I watched your eyes scan my body thinking of all your ass rape fantasies. You eventually picked me. I saw you pay the man, and then I was released from the row.

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I was tied up and you took me home – yours to keep for as long as I could satisfy you. You threw me in a room full of clothes that looked used. Some had blood on them and I knew my fate was sealed. You told me to put on something that showed off my sweet pink cunt. I chose black, as I figured that was the color of your soul. I left my pussy out – and got on my knees so you could see every sweet juicy inch of it. I felt your fingers slide inside me. Despite myself, I came all over your rough hand. You laughed and grabbed me by the neck and pulled me towards your throbbing cock. I took it all in my mouth, and from there you fucked my face until I passed out. I knew when I closed my eyes that when I opened them again you would still be there, using my body up for every dollar you paid.

Run Run away

Taboo phone sex

He found me sitting in the shade at the shitty truck stop. I had no money, no food and no hope in my eyes. He seemed so nice, he got me some food and asked me where I was going. I told him anywhere but here. I climbed up in his big truck, after a while I started getting sleepy. He started asking me weird questions and really started to scare me. I kept asking him to pull over, when he finally did he reached across me and opened the door. He kicked me in the back as I was climbing out.

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That was when I realized that he put something in my food. I tried getting up to run from him, I was weak and in the middle of nowhere. He got to me laughing, pulling his zipper down and his cock out. He bent down and took a bite out of my ear. He laughed as he looked into my eyes. “You have some beautiful brown eyes, I think I’m going to fuck them.” He grabbed pliers and his knife and came at my eye. I was screaming and trying to bite him. He took the back of his knife and hit me right in the mouth. I was choking on my teeth and blood. The pain was horrible, he pulled my eye out. He made me look at my eye with my one good eye. He stuck it in my mouth and made me eat my fucking eye. He grabbed his knife and slit my throat. I was dying as he fucked my eye.

 Violent phone sex

Snuff Porn; This Piggy Went To Market

I have been taking part in a rather tasty underground snuff porn market. I noticed that it was flooded with the kind of high quality flicks that I not only record but take part in as well. Lots of devious people travel to this market to get all kind of fun things they are looking for. That is when I  decided that it was missing a key element to make it so much better, an open slut market. This would be a place where all taboo phone sex lovers could find there little play things for acting out every last fantasy. Of course they would be able to find an accomplice if they needed one too. 

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I spend the next week compiling little tasty treats of every size, age, sex and color. That was when I realized that I had picked the perfect little piglet for my good friend Dr. Fell. She was about 20, and thick in all of the right places. I kept her drugged up and called him to let him know I had found the perfect surprise for him. I invited him down to admire the market that I had put together. He was very impressed with his with his little accomplice. When I showed him what I hunted down for him he was ecstatic. 

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We took her home that night. Of course, with the drugs in her system she made the process a million times easier. Dr. Fell took time to unwrap his present and take a closer look at her. He took the shower head and began to spray her clean of all contaminants before taking her to the kitchen. She was so high she even held the bowl of oil on her plump belly so i could baste her properly. Dr. Fell stayed at my side talking to his thick meat telling her all she would be to him. 

Cannibalism phone sex

As we began to tie her arms to the pole she began to whimper as it was brought to reality that we were not playing. With one of us on either side we lifted her up and put her so she hovered over the open flame. She opened her mouth to let out a giant shriek when Dr.Fell placed an apple inside of her mouth making her silent. He placed a kiss on a forehead and thanked her one last time as we watched her roast over the open flames. The perfect me for Dr. Fell and I.