Category: Sadistic phone sex

The Rockets Red Glare

torture phone sex karmaIt’s the fourth of July. Everyone I know wants to go see the damned fireworks show.

Fuck that I am going to make my own fireworks show.

An evil, sadistic, twisted, wicked show just for me.

The main event is sedated and bound in the guest bedroom.

I have bought all the explosives I need to light up the night sky and make me ooo and ahhh at the sight and sound of it all.

Sitting here with a slippery wet cunt and a tingle in my stomach because waiting is the hardest part.

As the sun is begins to set and I go outside to start setting everything up. Just as I start to think that he should be waking up soon , I hear him start to moan through the bed room window. his moans soon become screams as he realizes his plight.

Pulling him into the center of the yard I cut all the clothes off of him. I open the sparklers and begin sharpening the little metal sticks so that I can push them into his body before lighting them.

Surveying my handy work I am very pleased with the way he looks. Almost like a porcupine. Small trails of blood running down his flesh. Lighting all the sparklers I release him from the chain and watch as he runs, screaming as the little sparks burn his flesh.

I thought he would stop drop and roll and ruin it for me but he didn’t.

Next I begin to tape the good stuff to his body with duct tape, Roman candles taped to his sides, Cakes taped to his chest and forehead and bottle rockets inserted in his penis and mouth.

As soon as they are all lite I step back and watch, his screams making me wetter then hell, knowing that the site of his chard and disfigured body as he takes his last breath will make me cum hard.

Curiosity Killed The Cat

torture phone sex angie1It was a great costume party all though not the time of year for one. Drinks were flowing, drugs were being passed around and no one knew who any one was in their costumes. Standing in the corner watching as everyone mingled, my eyes caught a young man in a black Zorro type mask. the look in his eyes were so familiar. Not like I recognized who he was. but like I recognized the look of the hunt. He was watching a young girl in the corner like a car watching it’s prey while crouched in the grass before it pounces. I could feel the thrill rising in my crotch because I knew what he was doing. he stalked her for hours before going outside for what I assumed was a bit of fresh air. When he returned he approached her and I saw him pull something from his pant’s pocket. A bit of talk between them and she was following him out the door. I watched them walk towards a car that wasn’t parked far from mine. He opened the trunk, I saw him lift his arm and come down as she slumped to the ground. He hit her with something knocking her out. As he lifted her off the ground and into his trunk, I slipped behind the wheel of my car. I followed from a safe distance to a patch of woods off a highway. I watched him hand cuff her hands behind her back and kiss her limp body while caressing her legs and lifting her skirt. Finally it appeared that she was coming to. I saw the glint of the blade and thought he would kill her and I would get no further thrill. But instead he used the knife to cut her clothes off her body before he fucked her as she fought helplessly. I could see him fucking her faster and faster before he wrapped his hands around her neck. He knew just what he was doing, choking her slowly as he drew his orgasm out for as long as he could. He was slumped over her, exhausted from the ordeal and she was slumped lifeless under him when I felt the hot cum dripping down my legs.

Snuff Porn Can Be So Real When a Dream

Fuck! Barely able to believe I was only dreaming that whole snuff porn ordeal as I awaken in my safe, and secure bed.

Somehow I ended up in an abandoned hospital restrained on an examination table but besides the obvious restraints I felt my whole body was a dead weight that could not be moved.

Panicking I was fighting for breathe but chest felt heavy…. I then noticed I was being disemboweled while being penetrated like bad rape phone sex fantasies where they pull out and shoot all over my tits or face.

Leaving my body I would look down and watch as this man in a leather butchers apron with a bulging massive prick that would rip my cunt and ass open. He would be penetrating me and making surgical incisions and remove my organs as he reaches orgasm. He would thrust in deep and yank out to explode as he held my kidney in his hands.

Awaking I grab at my side and look down…. I’m beginning to think I didn’t make it.

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Domination Phone Sex: Forced Intoxication

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is what I want. Sometimes, however, I need to be careful what I ask for because domination comes in all sorts of forms. When I told Max I was a good submissive whore who did whatever she was told, I didn’t think he would make be drink so much. He loves force intoxicating girls. Getting them fall down drunk. All I had in my house was a bottle of Tennessee piss water, some pot and a small bag of coke. That was enough party supplies for me. The Jack Daniels was a gift. I’m a Kentucky bourbon girl. At first it started out as doing shots. A shot then a line and repeat. But he didn’t think I was getting drunk fast enough. I am a tall sturdy girl and a seasoned drinker. That means I can drink a lot, even more than most men. He changed up the game. I had to chug the bottle like it was water. I was gagging. Gulping as much of the whiskey as I could. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt dizzy and sick. I was slurring my words, stumbling. I tried to walk and fell over my couch. Face down in the carpet. I managed to still be talking somehow. I puked. My caller was getting off on that. I don’t remember everything, but I do remember him ordering me to lick my puke up off the carpet. I was so drunk I did it. I didn’t even fake it. I didn’t lick it all up, however, because I puked again. Passed out on my caller. Woke up this morning to an email praising my acting talents. Telling me it was the best and most realistic forced intoxication phone sex call he has ever had. I didn’t really realize I could fake it. I am a submissive whore. I do what I am told, no matter how humiliating and disgusting I find your request.

My Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Fetish

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As I felt both cocks work in tandem, pushing themselves deeper and deeper inside my holes, I only wished I had another forcing its way into my mouth. The thought of being a 3 hole fuckdoll for my Master and his friends made me feel like an utter slut, and that was something I craved so bad. I was desperate to have multiple cocks stretch and tear all of my holes, treating me in the manner of a ragdoll with no say in what happens to her. And as I felt a load of cum fill my cunt, and then my ass, I did what any good whore would do and sucked both men clean, before licking up all the mess I’d made. This is my addiction. Gangbang Rape Porn. It’s the only thing that gets me going! Daddy walked in on me watching my biggest fetish and was happy to make it happen – and we all I know I wanted it.

Drugs and aliens make for evil sex.

fantasy phone sexI wasn’t sure if it was the drugs or if I was really abducted by aliens last night. I remember picking up a john and going for a ride in his car. It was supposed to be a simple blowjob in exchange for a little coke. But the next thing I knew we were driving into some woods. He pulled me out of the car and punched me in the face. “Filthy druggie whore. Your ruined my life. My wife left me because of a whore like you.” He kicked me hard in the ribs, breaking them, driving a shard of bone right into my lungs.  I began to gurgle as the blood replaced air. He pulled me up by my hair and smashed a handful of coke into my face. forcing me to inhale it. He pulled out his cock and rammed it into my mouth, which was filled with drugs and blood. He came within seconds, aroused by beating me. “Die of an overdose with cum in your mouth, you tramp.” he screamed. Darkness took me.

I woke as I felt a searing pain. My scream was cut short by a blow from an alien creature. He yanked me to my knees and I felt his probing beastly cock move over my body. He found my pussy and burrowed deep into it. It felt like a million razor blades and I screamed as my pussy became wetter than ever before. The creature grunted and moaned, filling me with cum that was like battery acid.  My drug induced euphoria made me scream with my own orgasm.

I opened my eyes. I was lying in leaves and dirt. I slowly pulled myself upright. Had I really been fucked by an alien? Or was it just the drug overdose and the blows to my head? I reached down to touch my sore pussy and looked at my hand. It was covered with a slimy green ooze.

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Torture Sex with Dirty Needles for a Teen Dream

torture sexTorture sex is so much fun. I picked up a hot teen slut at the mall over the weekend. She was the antithesis of me. Clean cut, fresh faced, self entitled and not a tattoo or piercing on her. High school cheerleader type. Daddy’s little angel. Mean girl who thinks girls like me are what’s wrong with society.  I decided to dirty her up a bit. I spiked her fancy frappuccino drink. She woke up naked in my basement chained to a pole. I had an array of things to torture her with, including dirty hypodermic needles I gathered from the neighborhood junkie hang out. When she woke up she immediately had attitude. I was doing Taylor Swift a solid by inflicting some pain. This teen dream needed to experience a teen nightmare to have a better appreciation for others. I started sewing her virginal cunt shut with dirty junkie needles. She was screaming like a banshee. No pain no life experience. No appreciation for others. She needed a nasty infection and some pain to teach her not to be such a little twat. I shoved a bunch on dirty needles in her cunt then  sewed her pussy shut with needles. I love piercing the flesh of young girls. Their blood is cherry red. Their screams are like angels singing to me. Her pussy was swelling up as I pierced her pussy. I could smell the infection. Have you ever seen a blue waffle? It is disgusting, even for me. But that is what I was turning her perfect pussy into: a diseased, infected blue waffle. Gangrene of the twat. Just so the whore would remember me better, I tattooed my name in her chest. Now she was a good dirty whore. Now she had something to be a bitch about. I told her if she ever told anyone what I had done to her, I would kill her but not until I made her watch me kill her perfect family. I think she knew that if a sadistic bitch could ruin her pussy, I could just as easily ruin her life.

I made you want it!

taboo phone sexIt all started out as a typical domination session didn’t it? I had you there on the bed all tied up and helpless… just the way I like you. You seemed so nervous when I put a blindfold on you, like I was going to slit your throat or something, all I could do was laugh… it’s not like you could stop me! I bet you thought you won the fucking lottery when you felt a mouth on your dick didn’t you? Hahaha yeah you were super excited until I whipped that blindfold off and you realized who was actually sucking that cock! I bet you didn’t expect to see your own daughter down there did you? Awwwhhhh poor guy, you were so upset but that dick stayed rock fucking hard and I knew that deep down you have always wanted this. Shit, when I told you that we were going to have to kill her to keep her quiet you didn’t even hesitate! You just begged me to cut the ropes so you could help me! I have to say, I was a little surprised by your violence but I liked it! I wonder who we should kill next…

Devilishly Delicious

torture phone sex karmaArm in arm we walk the streets.

Whispering in each others ears.

Pointing at the vast array of delightfully delicious morals around us.






Images of naked little bodies, shaking with fear fill our heads.

Finally we pick a sister duo with rosy cheeks and big round eyes.

Luring them over with a desperate plea to help us find our lost puppy for a reward of five dollars, they follow us with out a fight.

Watching them now with tear streaked faces as he runs his hands over their fresh young bodies, I can feel the moisture between my legs.

I speak so soft and gently to him. Telling him it is all right. they are gifts. Urging him to do this for me. For us.

Instructing him every step of the way.

Where to kiss them.

How to touch them.

When to take them.

While watching him follow my every direction to the letter.

Bringing us closer and closer to the earth shattering orgasm we have been waiting for.


Worthless FuckToy

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My face was swollen, and I tried to remember what had happened the night before. Where was I? Why was I naked in this room, only a mattress laying on the floor?! I looked down and I felt the dried cum on me, felt gooey jizz coming outta my cunt and ass. I knew then, a little bit about what had happened – but I still felt so foggy. Was I drugged? I couldn’t be sure, and I couldn’t even see a window or a way out. A big door that was locked and solid as can be…I started to panic and yell for help, but help is not what came. So many men came, and they were angry. They surrounded me and it all came back to me. Last night? There was even more. They had all fucked me like they were trying to kill me with their cocks…and I felt like they almost did. They smacked me around, pushed me and then started a circle for sucking their cocks. I was helplessly sucking dick and not even crying anymore. This is my life, and this is all I am worth.