Category: Sadistic phone sex

Home Invasion Rape Fantasy

home invasion phone sex

The sound of breaking glass woke me with a start. It took me a few minutes to realize what was going on Then it hit me. The house was being broken into. I froze with fear. I saw the door crap open and a dark figure slip inside. He approached the bed quietly, then turned a light on in my face, causing me to scream. His hand clamped roughly over my mouth, silencing me. I begged him to let me go, but in moments, he had me tied tightly, more tightly than any of my masters ever had. The rope bit into my flesh, breaking it open, causing me to bleed. Seeing my naked body laying there helpless turned him on. My toy lay beside me, left there after my intense orgasm last night. Without a sound, he roughly plunged the toy deep into my ass, making me scream. A knife held to my throat silenced me again. I tried desperately to remain quiet as he ravaged my body with the toy. I could hear his zipper lower. Then his cock was inside me, battling for space inside me, since the toy was already filling me up. He fucked me roughly. Tears streamed from my eyes. Soon he was coming inside my raw cunt. His cum burned my insides that had been so roughly fucked. Thankful it was almost over, but then I felt the steel of the knife press harder into my throat. I felt the warmth of the blood as it began to flow, and then darkness surrounded me.

Accomplice Phone Sex With Georgia!

Accomplice Phone Sex

You see that cute little bitch over there Georgia?” master said to me. I snapped my head to the side and saw an adorable little blondie. She was looking too sexy to pass up being the perfect candidate for accomplice phone sex. We snuck up on that little bitch while she wasn’t paying attention and snatched her to bring her back to our “humble abode”. Master quickly tossed the little one onto a mattress in the basement with ductape around her lips and a tight rope biting into her flesh about her wrists. He had plans for her and I was his willing accomplice to her torture! First he shoved his cock down her throat and began face fucking her roughly, making her gag and choke on his huge cock. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she gurgled and whimpered loudly. Her shrill cries made my pussy throb and pulse with pleasure, I wish I could be her right now. Getting my face fucked into oblivion. But master doesn’t really punish me as often anymore because he knows I enjoy it way too much.

Kidnapping Phone Sex


You Made Me Sizzle


Fantasy phone sex

I can’t believe I made it out alive after what happened to me most recently. I don’t think I’ll answer another ad on craigslist again no matter how much I wanted my rape fantasy to be fulfilled by the perfect stranger. All I had to do was leave my front door unlocked and he handled the rest like an expert. I remember thinking, as he forced his cock into me roughly that he had already done this before to another victim. After he was through using his fuckstick on me, he noticed my curling iron sitting close by on my dresser and a sadistic smile spread across his lips. He decided to take things to another level of pain and torment. He turned on my curling wand and proceeded to forcefully stab me in the pussy with it while it got hotter and hotter. I felt it burning my flesh and I could hear my own pussy juices sizzling against the wand shaft. He chuckled with excitement as my pussy lips began to shrivel and fry against the heated metal. His cock stayed hard the entire time while he heard my intoxicating mixture of screams and moans. I was helplessly his perfect victim.

Knife Play Phone Sex Gets HOT!

knife play phone sexMaster visited me again the other day. He tied me up hanging from the ceiling, and he rammed his cock inside of me. He told me that he loves how I behave for him, and proceeded to fuck the ever-living shit out of me. He plowed my pussy hard, and while he did, he took his knife and drew slashes across various parts of my skin, even cutting off one of my nipples. I could feel him getting more and more turned on with every slash. He was working me over hard and fast this time, and I was enjoying it. I felt him getting close just as he pulled a saw out of a drawer next to us. He sawed into my thigh a couple of times, and my screams pushed him over the edge. He came hard, slamming deep up into me, grabbing me with all his strength, and gushing his baby-making juice deep inside me as he clung to me. I’d have held him back, but it was so lovely just being there, in that moment.

Torture Phone Sex Gets Real

torture phone sexTorture phone sex fantasies turn me on. Fantasy turns me on. Not really being tortured. I am too hot to carve up my sexy body. Ted thought differently. He is this guy I occasionally see that has dark fantasies too. He hears me on my calls fantasizing with callers about very depraved and twisted things.  He decided to make one of my wicked fantasies come true. But, I didn’t want that. Not in reality. He grabbed me by my blonde locks and dragged me to the basement. He strung me up so I was suspended by a rafter. He had a variety of torture devices I often talk about on taboo phone sex calls: a blow torch, a scalpel, hat pins, cattle prod and a variety of very sharp knives. “Let’s see how wet the real thing makes you whore, ” he seethed in my ear as he jabbed a hat pin in my nipple. I screamed in pain. I was not wet at the feel of blood trickling down my stomach. I pleaded with him to stop. I tried to explain that I was delivering a hot taboo fantasy to my callers but that fantasy and reality are often vastly different. He didn’t care. He took the cattle prod and strapped it to my pussy. In intervals he shocked my cunt making me piss and convulse. His dick was hard. I was in pain. He mutilated my other nipple with the razor sharp scalpel. I screamed in pain again. That was when he grabbed the big knife on table. He pressed it under my left breast and sliced underneath. He reached in and pulled out my saline bag. “Worthless tits for a worthless whore,” he laughed sadistically. He cut out my other fake boob too. Blood was pouring down my stomach. I was cold like I was in shock from the pain. He ripped off the cattle prod, replaced it with a knife. He stabbed my pussy until there was so much blood and sinew falling out of me, I passed out. I woke up in a pool of my own blood with him stroking his cock. I guess  this time a fantasy phone sex became reality.

His ex wife had to go!

accomplice phone sexI have a very wealthy friend who’s wife was getting a little too nosy about where he spends his time so that bitch had to go! He couldn’t divorce the bitch because she would take a big chunk of his money and there was no way this guy was going to pay a nosy whore like this one… instead he called me. He knew that I would not only be discreet about the whole mess, but that I would also let him help me. He drugged the bitch’s wine and waited until she was passed out, then he called me over and had me help him tie her up so we could take her somewhere a little more private. We used that bitch up! She was fucked by a whole gang of ruthless thugs before we beat her to death and threw her naked body on the burn pile. Trust me they are never going to find this bitch alive again anywhere! This way my friend gets to keep all of his money so he can continue to spend it all on me!

This is some fucked up taboo phone sex!

taboo phone sexBuckle up baby because this is about to be some real twisted, fucked up taboo phone sex right here. See, I got really fucked up, like the most fucked up I have ever been! I was trippin balls on acid and I did some real messed up shit to this bitch even though I was supposed to be saving her for a client. I had picked her up the night before and had chained the little whore down in my basement, the plan was to starve her for a few days to make her weak and then my friend was going to come and torture her to death. Well that ain’t gonna happen now! I was all fucked up and she made the mistake of screaming her fool head off… in my drug addled state that shit sounded like a wolf howling and all the sudden it was like I was an animal myself! I practically flew down the stairs and jumped on her and just started biting her everywhere, ripping and tearing through her flesh like I was a starving animal! It was all a blur for me, I was just tearing her apart using nothing but my teeth! I was in a total frenzy until my blood lust was quenched and I passed out only to wake up with blood all over me and a sore jaw. Oh well, guess I will have to go hunt a replacement whore tonight…

The Boss Gets What The Boss Wants

Fantasy phone sexI visited a small town in South Carolina today. I needed to stop for supplies, so I found a little mom & pop store. As I was stocking up, I noticed an old man watching me closely. I thought he was trying to make sure I wasn’t stealing, but when I walked up to the counter to pay, he gave me the biggest, lewdest grin I have ever seen.

He introduced himself as Pop, and informed me that he was the boss of that little establishment. He told me that, as the boss, it was his pleasure to offer me the products I needed at no charge, if I could repay him with a favor. I knew what was coming, but I need every dollar I can save. I agreed to the exchange, and he brought me to the back room.

His decrepit old hands were rough and harsh on my clothes and skin. He ripped my clothes in his efforts, and his fingers tore at my skin, those frail old fingernails being as jagged as knife edges. His cock was already hard and proud when he dropped his pants, and it was a lot larger than I would have given this slight man credit for. He forcefully pushed me to my knees, grabbed my head on both sides, and pressed his cock to my mouth until I opened up. Just as quickly as I opened my mouth, his cock found its way straight down my throat. He choked me repeatedly on that massive rod. Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, he pulled out, lifted me like I weighed nothing, and rammed that cock into my pussy while pressing my breasts hard into my chest. I knew I would have bruises when all was said and done, but free food and toiletries and other things were worth it. Right?

Continuing the nightmare

Mutilation phone sexShaking, terrified, piss dripping down my legs I stayed crouched painfully in place. Too scared to go to her, too scared not to. But something drew me, pulling at me from within my core. Seemingly against my will I slowly rose and stumbled towards her.
She reached her bloodied hand out to me, smearing my face as she cupped my jaw and wrapped her fingers into the hair at the back of my neck. She pressed her lips to my quivering mouth. She forced her tongue between my teeth, licking them, pressing forward. I opened my mouth to her explorations. I hated myself for how wet my pussy instantly became. The heady flavor of her tongue mixing with the hot iron of the bastard’s blood set a fire pit in my belly which spread to every inch of my body. My nipples drew into hard peaks, threatening to rip themselves from my body. Her other hand cupped one breast, hot and liquid covered, she caressed me. Why? Why do I want this so badly?
She released me, stepped down from the mangled corpse I had all but forgotten she crouched over. Undressing me to my panties, she lifts my small frame with unexpected ease, setting me on what would have been my captor’s lap.
She picked up entrails from where she’d tossed them to the floor, and tied my hands with them to each of the corpse’s legs. leaning me back between his feet.
“Don’t you move, little one.” She ordered.
Prying the remains of his dick from it’s holding place of his mangled jaws, she slid my panties to the side. Sticking her finger inside the mangled cock like a puppet, she then began sucking my clit into her hot mouth. Colors burst behind my eyes as I began to orgasm. She Shoved the meat puppet into my pulsing pussy, and I came. Over, and over I squirt over her hands.
I came as I’ve never came before.

Her bloody, pussy juiced face rose between my knees.

“You’re mine, now.”

Snuff Sex with Venus: Not Your Victim or Your Girlfriend

snuff sexSnuff sex with me only goes one of two ways. You are my accomplice or my victim. I need to be clear that I am a sadistic dominant bitch because some folks are too stupid to read the bios or look at our blogs and too dumb to make inferences from my pictures. There is nothing about me that suggests victim. I don’t look like a victim and I don’t write like one either. But not a day goes by that some stupid mother fucker gets his panties in a bunch when I snap at the suggestion that he force fuck me or abuse me in any way. Here are my rules. Don’t try to dominate me and certainly don’t try to make me your girlfriend. I don’t spoon. I knife. So if you attempt to treat me like a victim or your girlfriend you get knifed. Maybe I cut your balls off since you are clearly too stupid to bread. Perhaps I gut you like a pig and piss in your entrails. You want a girlfriend check out our vanilla site ( You want a victim, learn to read mother fucker. We have victims listed on this site, or you can check out a page dedicated to victims ( so your little pea brain doesn’t get confused. Consider this an altruistic warning because the next shit for brains that calls me to chit chat about his day or put his worthless little prick in my ass will not live to make another taboo phone sex call again.