You see me at the bar looking hot as fuck and you have to buy me a drink. This is only the beginning of your biggest nightmare of evil phone sex fun. I flirt with you, even though you are the most annoying little twerp that surely has a little dick. I let you buy my time with more drinks and your offer to do some bumps. I won’t turn down free drugs and booze. I especially won’t when they are coming from my next victim. I let you think I’m interested. I even let you take me home. You really think your about to get lucky as I kiss you and let you grope at me. You see, I love it best when my victim is excited. I find it way more satisfying to dig my nails into some nice full balls. I just kiss you harder and bite your tongue as you try proclaiming or pull away from me. My knife blade caresses your ballsack flesh and slides up the shaft. Filet my balls is what I call your feeding me drinks and cocaine. It’s a mating ritual made for ass rape porn. As you struggle with your bleeding dick and balls, I am preparing the finale. The video rolls as I’m exposing your ass and on the screen I force you to look at I am behind you about to make you my bitch.
Category: Sadistic phone sex
Torture Sex Slave Audition
I answered an ad for a torture sex doll. The guy wanted a model for extreme simulations. They pay was good. Not too good to be questionable. I thought what the hell, give it a try. I could always use some extra money. Plus, I am bored and tired of being stuck at home. I called the number listed and went to the address the guy gave me. It was a professional studio. That gave me a sense of safety. This studio does snuff films and BDSM photo shots. I did not have the job yet. I had to show him my body. He wanted to make sure I had the tits I told him I had. It was sort of a casting couch audition. Not my first, but since the Weinstein scandal hit, I have endured fewer of them. He stood up to check out my tits. He squeezed them so hard, I thought he might burst a saline bag. Suddenly, I was surrounded by men. Maybe my loud, “Ouch” brought them to the room. I had a gut feeling this was the movie. I was making a snuff porn and did not know it yet. The men in the room grabbed my boobs violently. Pulling, slapping, biting and punching them. I fell backwards from the pain, but I was surrounded by so many men, I did not hit the ground. They lifted my sore body up and carried me to a dirty bed in the next room. They ripped my pants off and started penetrating my pussy and ass. The man who I met first started filming it like he was some famous director. My body felt their weight. I felt like my chest was collapsing. They were gang banging me. This was a gangbang rape porn, not some photo shoot like I thought. Guys nutted in me as I screamed not to because I was not on any protection. They did not care. When they had cum all they could, I was left on the floor covered in jizz. The director tossed me a wad of money, which landed in the piles of cum, and thanked me for being a whore. I got what I deserved, I guess.
He did it for me
I am usually the one doing all the killing and don’t get me wrong, I do love it, but sometimes a girl wants to be romanced a little yanno? I wanted a man to sweep me off my feet and impress me by brutally killing someone for me while I watched and honestly I didn’t think that was too much to ask for. I thought that I would never find my dark prince but then he appeared just as I was sure he never would. We met at a party and after a few drinks he told me how much he would love to just violently kill the loud drunk bitch by the keg. You know the type, always loud and annoying and way too drunk and annoying to live. I asked him is he was serious and he said he was so I set it in motion. I led the bitch outside when no one was looking and we took her back to my place. He showed off by beating her senseless and force fucking all her holes in front of me. Then he killed her and we fucked on her corpse. It was hot as fuck!
Gangbang Rape Porn for Nothing
He said if I made a gangbang rape porn for him, I would get a big bag of coke. He lied. I was tied up like a side of beef. Men I had never met were ushered into the room to fuck me. To violate my ass like I was a blowup doll who could not feel pain. I felt everything because he told me I could have no coke until I preformed my whore duties. He owed these guys money. I needed coke. He said he had it, but he did not. He just took advantage of my need to get high. He worked out a deal with these men. He promised them an ass rape porn star in exchange for his debt. He took money from men for coke he never delivered. These men cannot go to the cops, so they threatened to rough him up. Men are desperate to fuck in these times, so he offered me up and they agreed a whore’s ass would settle the debt. I never knew he had no coke until the last man nutted in my swollen, prolapsed ass. I was tied up, covered in cum, piss and shit. I begged for a fix and he just laughed. He said if he had coke to give, I never would have been violated by those strangers in the first place. He blamed me for being a stupid whore. Next time, I get the coke up front. My ass was ruined for nothing and I had to endure the ordeal sober.
Fantasy Phone Sex Barbie For Torture
I know my reality is skewered and that my worthless cunt isn’t all that. I’m your fantasy phone sex barbie doll that you can do all the things you crave to do, to. The other night some guys took to doing just that. I was accosted and took into a slave sex ring over the Border. The assailants thought they had the perfect piece of ass and pussy to destroy when they saw me with my Posh look and fake titties. They thought they had a stuck up little cunt that has barely been fucked. These guys were greatly disappointed to see that I wasn’t so tight and that I had been obviously used over and over again, and again. They just got themselves another worthless bimbo slut. They beat the fuck out of me. Tied me up forced my legs apart and shoved large objects in my holes while pissing and crapping on my whore body. I was beat to a bloody shitty and pissed covered pulp that the rest of the gang continued to jerk off over. They were going to decapitate me but decided that I wasn’t even worth that and left me in an alley way for the vermin to pick at.
Ass Rape Porn and A Flesh Feast!
This whore does love me a nice ass rape porn. Young sluts are so delectable and taste so good. Not just their honey pots and tight little assholes, but their flesh roasted an oven as well. What better way to get rid of any evidence of the evil things we did to their body. You knew it was an evil slut from the get-go. I wanted you to take that ass and shove your big dick and all your friends dicks in there until she screamed. I wanted to see her body and pain in your cock overflowing her asshole with cum. I knew I would put her in my big oven and roast her afterwards we would share a nice meal of your victim. I learned early in life did only the most sadistic things can make me orgasm. And seeing you fuck her even after she was dead just made me want your cock inside my ass too. And as the flesh burnt and filled the room that intense aroma I took you and your friends and my own ass to show you that even living flesh can make your cock cum! Enjoy a nice rape fantasy of tight young ass and feast on her flesh with me!
Snuff Sex Makes America Great Again
Snuff sex is the only kind of sex I have nowadays. I find even less use for men, people in general with this fucking plague. People are idiots. Men bitching about a haircut, talking about all lives matter, bitching about wearing a mask and complaining about food name changes and statutes being removed and no more rebel flag at Nascar events. I mean why the fuck do they care? Half these idiots are fat old white guys who do not live in the deep south and could not even tell you who the fucking statute is and what that person contributed to history. To me, no white male lives matter at all. All I must do is go on social media and find a jackass with a death wish. I found Bubba. No shit his name was Bubba. He lives a few counties over in a trail park. Poster boy for birth control. Missing some teeth. Big old beer gut yet he had some stupid memes fat shaming chicks on his wall. There was a picture with him in a Confederate flag shirt next to his Ford truck with big old truck balls. He was wearing his Making America Great Again red ball cap and drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer I heard banjo music just looking at him. No way Bubba represents anything great about this country. I decided he needed something more than castration phone sex. I cat fished him. Had him meet me in a no tell motel for a kinky tryst. Like he could get a girl like me, let alone the girl in the picture I cat fished him with. Bubba was so dumb he just thought he was getting two chicks. I drugged him and he hit the floor with a big thud. Bubba lost his balls and his dick. I went Lorena Bobbitt on Bubba because all lives do not matter. And there does not need to be more Bubbas in the world. He screamed bloody murder. I shoved his dick and his balls in his mouth. And I put his Make America Great Again hat over his mutilated sex organs. Normally, I never call 911, but I wanted Bubba to live. I wanted him to know there is a cost to his free speech and sexism. Fat fuck will hopefully learn a lesson. Just for shits and giggles, I carved Black Lives Matter and Trans Rights on his chest. I know that will just annoy the shit out of him.
Torture Sex Doll Mutilated
When you have the reputation for being a torture sex doll, men do not feel the need to hold back their thoughts. I was looking fine last night. I went clubbing with girlfriends. It was weird to be in this bar at half capacity. I am used to wall to wall people. One the one hand it was easier to get a drink and I could hear people talking. On the other hand, there were not as many men to choose from. This one handsome older gentleman spotted me and wanted to talk. He bought me drinks, but he must have drugged them, because I ended up naked and spread eagle on some dingy bed. I had no clue where I was. He was standing over me with a big knife and an evil grin. He spouted off about me snubbing him a few months ago when I had my pick of the liter. He informed me he knew I was a snuff porn whore because he had seen my pictures online. He did not think a whore like me had any business snubbing him. Now, I was paying for a crime I had no clue I committed. I did not remember him. He carved his initials in my belly with the knife and whore on my arm. As I bled, he got hard. I used to be a cutter, so I can handle some pain, but what he did with the knife next was beyond any kind of pain I could handle. He fucked my cunt with a knife while hurling insults my way. I could feel my insides coming out in a way they are never meant to come out. I thought he was done, but he wanted to fuck my bloody ruined cunt. He shot his load in me and laughed that he did not need a condom because he made sure I could never get pregnant. He permanently disfigured my pussy.
I Smiled As I Pulled Out My Straight Edge
So, daddy dropped me off at the bar to pick up a new play toy for myself. Just a hot young stud to bring home to fuck and then when I was done to hand him over to daddy to finish or perhaps, I just might finish him myself. I found a real jacked up douche that looked like he needed to be torn down by a cute petite little blonde, so I set my sights on him. I flirted with him and stroked that tiny brained ego he had, insisting on him buying all my drinks and lots of shots. Even let him “show” me how to play pool. Lol At closing time I whispered how I would like him to take me home to have some fun. His arrogant ass was like a puppy leading me to his car and driving me home. When we got there, I fixed us both a drink with a little something extra in his. We headed back to my room and he immediately started telling me how he liked things and all of the wonderful things about him. I just smiled as I undressed myself and then him. I reached up to put my hair up and he said, “I know what that means when girls put their hair up”. I just smiled as I pushed him back and started tying him to the bed. He resisted a little, but I am pretty persuasive. Once I had him all nice and tight, I leaned down towards his dick and as I put the head in my mouth, and he moaned I pulled out a straight razor from under the bad. It was an awesome bloody night and I cannot wait to tell you all about it.
Killer Phone Sex Is Well, Killer…
Killer phone sex is so hot and well, its killer! I enjoy the way we hunt bitches down so you can off them after we tear apart those holes. My own daddy has become a serial killer and I was forced to be his accomplice form a young age. Am I fucked in the head because of it? I don’t know, I just know that blood and death really turn me on. I remember one time he brought a sweet young prostitute home from his travels and I was expecting a pretty strung out teen. But what I got what a pregnant slut. She had track marks and was so high that I knew the only service we could do was to kill her and take that crack baby out and sell it off. Daddy knew it was a girl and a few years go girls made a lot of money on the black market. Boy brats are selling higher now. P-men love to have house boys.
I had her tied up on the bed like the piggy slut she is with that belly getting squeezed as I watched men come in and pay 5 dollars to fuck her ass or pussy. Then daddy turned her over and grabbed some forceps and proceeded to make her a forced birth. After we got that girl brat out my sister took it and cleaned her up and We bound that bitch again. This time daddy fucked her with his Pistol until it fired a round in her ass killing her instantly. That was the first orgasm I had without touching myself. We ground her body up and had food for a week. Well we took out the ruined flesh first, we are not that crazy!