Category: Sadistic phone sex

Hungry Slut

cannibalism phone sexThere is nothing like cannibalism phone sex to get my blood pumping. I can’t tell you how many men have turned their noses up to the idea of that kind of role play. They always do eventually relent and try it out and it frequently turns into a favorite of theirs. It doesn’t surprise me that other people besides me find the thought of cannibalism so fucking sexy. Everyone loves to eat. We consume each other in emotional and sexual ways every single day. The fact that people want to consume human flesh too is not that surprising at all.

Have you ever thought about what that would be like? Do you crave it? I would love to find another twisted person who wants to slice and dice someone with me. Someone who wants to cook that flesh with me. And most importantly, someone who wants to ingest that flesh with me and then have the hottest fucking sex of our lives. I know you’re surprised by how hot that sounds, but don’t fight it.  We can discuss more about how we’d cook her and how we’d go crazy on each other afterward. I’ll be waiting for you.

Pig Meat For Sale

Sex with dead bodies


You’d be surprised just how many sick fucks there are out there who want to have sex with dead bodies.  Personally, I prefer my forlorn fuck toys to be alive.  Stiff and motionless meat sacks that have trouble bleeding don’t really do it for me, but it’s cool.

I mean, yeah, I can’t resist my barbarically sadistic side and love to appease it by snuffing the life out of a gross little piggy or two, but once they’re no longer living I have no interest in using any of those lifeless forms to get myself off.  I’m not a demented dork with a dick, though.  Testosterone mixed with a bit of trauma in the developmental stages of life is the perfect potion for creating a monster.  

It’s cool, you know I don’t judge anybody.  I just take advantage of their corpse cunt cravings and use my brutal bloodlust to make a little cash.  For a healthy fee, I do the killing and they do the drilling.  I get it, just because you want to fuck a stiff doesn’t mean you have the balls to hunt and kill the hapless hole yourself.  I don’t have that problem, I take out anyone I want, victims of all sorts and various sizes.  Want to blow your load in a ravaged piece of tortured and tormented meat with her clothes torn mostly off to reveal the abuse I subjected her to before I bashed in her skull with some sweet blunt force trauma?  Or maybe you’d prefer a cleaner carcass fully clothed with the only sign of her demise being the ropes around her hands and feet and ligature mark around her thin neck to make your creepy cock cream.  I can produce whatever kind of cadaver you crave for the right price.

I might hang out and watch you get your kinky kicks with the burly body of a bear in a dark back alley or a couple of dimwitted dead chicks on a wooded deadfall.  I do enjoy seeing my work appreciated.  I won’t help you hide any of the bodies when you’re done, though, and you can worry about all of your cum that will definitely be discovered if you don’t get rid of them well enough.  No one ever said that having sex with dead bodies is risk free.  Just because you pay me doesn’t mean you’ll get away with it.


Clitoral Stroke of Necrophilia Phone Sex

Is it the good or the evil side that will claim your soul in the end? Will it even matter especially if a girl like me happens upon your freshly dead corpse? The girl boner and clitoral stroking good feeling of that fresh death makes me crave Necrophilia phone sex even more. I’ve poisoned a guy or two, just to watch him die. I lay beside him and stroked him into his rigor mortis hard on.

Once the rigor sets in I am stripped down, and anointed. A blend of jojoba oil, virginal menstrual fluid, semen from a dark lover and the womb fluid from one of my aborted is my ceremonial blend. I rub it upon my breasts, belly and cunt. Slathering on the petroleum jelly to the corpse dick I mount that dead, wanna be lover of mine. I ride it as I chant my unholy and blasphemous chant.

My damnation began at birth oh father of darkness

My vitality lies in this anointment

Purify me with your sinfully delicious embrace oh dark lord

The fire within burns away the pissed blood and pus of the rod of death

Oh darkness embrace me as I embrace you

Fulfill me in name of the unholy ghost of blasphemy

I bed you my womb of evil intent to become fulfilled once again with the vile birthing of my next sacrifice

Curse me with fertility so I may hold again a the pure evil from within me

Fucked from birth to damnation fest upon my mortal sins in the eyes of my dark father may kiss me with his serpent tongue

The loins of fire penetrating me in a gangbang amassed of the demonic minions of my desire

As I convulse and feel the seed of Satan fill me I cum on that dead dick and collapse in ecstasy

Necrophilia phone sex

Tortured Teen Phone Slut

Taboo Phone Sex

I heard a story about a young girl being tied up, heated and these men lived out their rape fantasy on her and it reminded me of the time I used to enjoy going through the woods exploring! It was my favorite thing to do and the best part was being naked while doing it! I didn’t think anyone could see me until I was walking one day, naked and about to climb up a thick tree when a man’s big hand covered my mouth and he tied me up. I was tied to the tree with my mouth gagged by my panties that they found in my bag. They started punching and kicking me! They aimed for my tits and my pussy. They kicked and punched until I thought I couldn’t feel my pussy anymore! They took a tree branch from the forest floor and started to push it into my cunt, my screams muffled by my panties. They took it out on my asshole next!

Snuff Porn Kidnapping Accomplice

Always looking for my break in being a film star. One that will be remembered. I always long to be one that will be dismembered. The torture is unbearable when I am not tortured to my bleeding main character star role death scene. It’s ridiculous that I am always surviving this shit. I would just shoot myself but what fun is in that? I need to be on film and the star of the greatest snuff scene of the decade.

So I show up and I am used to play assistant and accomplice to a grueling brat abduction scene. I lure the brat in and help these men rape fantasy all of the holes of her little corpse. She is dead in seconds and they are just enjoying her while I help stretch out the asshole and cunt with all kinds of objects. Looking hot and trashy the whole time. This just isn’t getting me the ruin I crave! Can you please help me, Mr. film maker?

Snuff porn

Hot Home Intruder

Home invasion phone sex


I do simple home invasions for the thrill of it.  Sometimes the places are empty and I have fun just going through all of their shit, maybe do something fucked up like shove the heads of their toothbrushes up my ass or rip the last three pages out of all of their books, stuff like that.  But I prefer the houses I break into to have someone inside for me to taunt and terrorize.  Playing an unwanted game of hide and seek with a hapless homeowner is a lot more fun than sticking an Oral B in my butt.

The peeping tom aspect of it gives me an initial adrenalin rush that washes over me.  If the conditions aren’t right for a proper B&E, I’ll stay outside for hours looking inside of their illuminated windows letting the simple stalk be my rush for the night.  But when things go my way I can bust in without making a single sound and position myself in an indoor hiding spot so I can track my target’s every move.

If I don’t want to cause a scene I’ll just wait for them to go to bed then creep into their room so I can watch them sleep.  When I need more excitement I like to make a sound for them to investigate and skulk in the shadows until the moment is right for me to step into the light and scare the everloving shit out of them.  At that time of night they always run back to their room with me hot on their heels.

This is where I have to make a decision: turn tail and leave before the cops arrive or charge into the bedroom and turn that scared little piggy into the victim they were born to be.  The choice is easy, I just base it on how I feel at the moment.  I’ll leave if I’ve had enough, but if I want blood and cum then I have no qualms with turning that home invasion into a grisly murder scene.


Teen Rape Porn Addict

teen rape porn

How many times did you search for teen rape porn, and you just didn’t find what you wanted?  It can be hard to find exactly what you’re looking for when you have very specific wants and desires, especially when it’s something as taboo as what we’re talking about here. I don’t get off any more on the vanilla shit. I need something that would shock all the old ladies at the senior center I volunteer at. Of course, I only volunteer because it’s a great way to meet rich, old perverts. They get what they want from me, and I get what I want from them.

I think it goes without saying that most men who call me probably do have rape fantasies involving teen girls like me. You have had them yourself. It’s completely normal and I don’t think there’s anything for you to feel bad about. You’ve found a kindred spirit in me. Maybe we can even find a girl to make our real-life rape fantasies come true. Just thinking about it has my cunt throbbing and I hope your cock is the same. Are you ready to take a forbidden journey to the dark side with me?

Watch Out For Willow… She’s In The Woods!

Sadistic phone sex


Some people just don’t understand sadistic urges.  They’ve probably had it easy their whole lives and don’t have a reason to revel in the misery of others.  Fucking pigs.  My mission is to show them just how good they have it and that everything they know and love can all disappear in the blink of a maniacal eye.

The last offering I made to the forest was blessed with blood and flooded with flesh that I didn’t even need to hunt, my sacrifices practically walked right up to my sacred altar.  I was just getting my ritual started when I heard some chipper voices echoing through the trees.  I blended in with the woods and tracked the gleeful exchange until I saw the origin of the voices.  A group of grinning idiots hiking and enjoying nature’s beauty, trotting with the gate of entitled brats who have never had to run from a single thing in their entire shit sniffing lives.  That was about to change.

As the clueless club traveled, the fat ass bringing up the rear lagged behind just enough for me to make my move.  When he got close enough to my hiding spot I popped right out in front of him with my arms spread wide in my cloak.  My naked form stunned him long enough for me to simply swing my hand at his neck and slice his jugular with one swift movement.  The first one to go is always my favorite.  Yeah, they never get the torture the rest of their cronies are forced to endure, but the look of surprise on their stupid faces is just fucking priceless!

All of the gurgling alerted his friends but when they turned back to see what was going on I was already back in hiding and all they saw was him laying in a bloody heap on the ground.  Of course they all came to check on him so running my witch blade through the next one’s back was no problem at all.  The two girls screamed as their sucker of a friend sprayed them with blood and dropped to the ground next to his buddy, his falling form revealing me to the frightened fucktards like the shadow of the earth reveals the moon during an eclipse, slow but imminent.

Now the chase was on, but it didn’t last long.  I know these woods better than anyone, they didn’t stand a chance.  I caught both of the cunts without breaking a sweat and had them stripped and strapped to a giant oak within an hour of their boyfriends being slaughtered.  With one of them on either side of my bark-covered companion, I went back and forth whipping and cutting each of them, even branding them with my name so they knew the identity of the harbinger of their torment.  To get a truly visceral reaction from the twats I dismembered their boyfriends right in front of them then stuffed the bloody appendages as far as I could into their pussies and assholes.  One of the bitches pulled so hard on their shared shackles that she dislocated the other one’s arms, popped them right out of her shoulder sockets.  It was amazing!

People don’t know what sadism truly is until they experience it from the masochistic side.  With any luck, I’ll create a whole world of sadists who are well aware of their love of masochism.


Gothic Phone Sex Freaky Sadistic

She was such a tiny thing with a big fucking mouth. Outside of the Church across the way from my house. Well my moms house, I still live with her because I can. She is what made me the filthy sadistic whore that I am. We can’t help how depraved we are. She never planned on my surviving birth or beyond. Seems that Satan had his plans for me. Her coven of men and women all sadistic and cultist had their fun with me.

Now it’s my turn. Well, fuck who am I kidding I have had my time with my own offspring that never survived past it’s first few hours. It’s was exquisite the things i did to it. Fast forward now to this brat. She was loud and annoying. She was young. I knew this whore had no innocence with a mouth like that. She needed a lesson that she would not survive. 

Grabbing the cunt was not so easy. This little monster tried biting me and kicked around a lot. I wasn’t having it. I may be small in stature myself but I am strong. Only the strong survive after all right? Well, I had to be quick. I looked around and made sure of no prying eyes. I needed to not be caught. Slamming the slut inside my suitcase after pricking her with some tranquilizer was easy after that little fucking scene. I rolled the bitch right across the way to my dungeon in the fallout shelter behind the house.

I unloaded the little body. I started in on wrapping the little slutmeat in cellophane wrap. I used those packing rolls you buy at the Home Depot and just mummified her in plastic. I wanted to have fun. I cut holes open for her cunt, asshole and mouth access. I called up a couple of guys to come over and fuck her holes open. I then grabbed some quick cement and filled her fucked holes up. It would be fun to paper mache’ her mummified and as she would not awake from the things done to her. That cement in her holes for one. I sawed her in pieces and rivaled at how she could never fucking irk me again with her obnoxious voice. 

Gothic phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Accomplice

murder phone sex fantasies

When I have a caller tell me he’s bored with his usual calls, I ask him if he’s ever thought about anything that might be taboo, like murder phone sex fantasies. I know that at some point in your life, you’ve dated or have been married to a woman you really wanted to fucking get rid of. Did you ever think about just reaching up and wrapping your hands around her throat when you were fucking her from behind? You just wanted her to stop nagging you and you set out to just get her to shut her the fuck up.

But after a while, you realize that she’s stopped moving and when you check, you see that her breathing has stopped. Oh well. She’s still warm, though, so you just grab her hips and keep fucking her cunt. She might be dead, but you aren’t. After the shit she has put you through, you deserve to nut inside her corpse. Do you have fantasies sometimes that resemble this one? I hope that if you do, you’ll call and tell me what kind of sexy murder fun you’ve been whacking off to. Let’s get twisted, filthy, and most importantly, let’s make each other cum!