My favorite babysitter phone sex story is from the first time I stalked, raped and murdered a promising young duty bound teen. I’ll never forget it, it’s as clear in my mind now as it was the night it happened. It was all over the news, I’m sure you heard about it. Turned several lives upside down and completely shook a sleepy little lower middle class town to its core. It was great!
I was traveling, took my tortured soul on a little road trip for some insipid inspiration. I do that from time to time. It’s good to get out and get a different perspective on life, plus it takes a little of the heat off of me back home. I stopped at a gas station in a podunk town that couldn’t amount to more than a smeared splotch of fly shit on a map. As I filled my tank, I noticed a bob haired teen walk out of the station and down the road toward the setting sun. The urge struck, so I discreetly followed her to a quaint little house on a hill.
I sat in hiding for just a few moments before I saw a man and woman exit the home in what seemed to be their fanciest clothes, get into their car and zip off down the road. At that moment I knew that I had just followed a babysitter and that this fateful night was going to be her last on this miserable, muck covered earth.
I was a patient predator, as I always am. My hiding spot in the treeline was absolutely perfect and, when the time was right, I pounced. It was just before midnight when I made my way around the house in the shadows and started testing windows. The second one I tried was unlocked and I slipped my tiny self inside of it in a heartbeat. Making entry is always so easy, you’d think a good babysitter would be more vigilant. Stupid whores.
As luck would have it, I landed myself right in the little rugrat’s room and didn’t even wake the little fucker as I crept out and into the dark domicile. The only light on in the place was in the living room, an ironically named area, considering what was about to happen. I silently stalked through the hallway until I caught sight of my intended target, doing homework on the couch as she watched the Late Show.
I could’ve just slipped up behind her and started strangling, but I like a fuck pig to be afraid of me before I take them out. The smell and taste of fear in the air is absolutely exquisite. If you haven’t had the pleasure, Man, you’re really missing out. I waited for the girl to look up at the T.V. then I stepped out of the darkness right in her line of sight. She jumped so high up off of the sofa you’d have thought that she had springs in her ass.
After the initial shock, there’s always a moment of confusion. No one ever thinks that the 5’6” tiny framed blonde that’s standing in front of them is going to cause them any harm. At first, anyway. Once they process the look on my face as a malicious one, they seem to understand. This simple servant slut didn’t get it until I had gotten halfway across the room leaving mere feet between us. Poor little piggy, she even made it to the telephone and fingered out 911 on the buttons. That was all I gave her.
As the operator answered on the other end, I wrapped the phone cord around her thin little neck a couple of times and pulled back with all of my might. We fell to the floor as the operator answered and I rolled her so I ended up on her back, choking her out the whole time. All the operator heard were grunts and gurgles as I wrapped the ball of cord in my right hand and jerked down her pants and panties with my left. As her entire head started turning purple, I unzipped my fly, whipped out my fat black strapped on dildo and forced it into her tiny teen cunt. She hacked out a few wails and moans as I went back and forth from pussy to ass and back again. I could hear the operator on the other end asking questions, struggling to understand what was happening.
I kept going, making sure the sitter had just enough air to live through the brutal pounding I gave her hot holes. She started groaning and writhing and, just as her tight rims spasmed and clenched down on my dildo in an enormous orgasm, I tightened my hold until there was no breath or life left in her. Perfect. I stood up, ripped the phone out of the wall then took a couple of pics to memorialize the moment. Then, I stuffed my fake black cock back into my trousers and darted out the same window I entered, leaving the little one safe and sound in their bed. The police have no leads, I’m pretty sure they think they’re looking for a guy. Sexual assault with no seminal fluids, though. That should tell them they’re not on the right path.