Category: Sadistic phone sex

Who should be our victim?

snuff porn
Everywhere I go I see a bitch begging to be a victim. At mall I see clusters of teen sluts giggling and laughing. Those brats are begging to be in snuff porn starring their back door and your big cock! at the grocery store there’s always bitch that is dying for attention by being barely closed and very exposed. The way that I see it, the only reason why anybody will be wearing a miniskirt and a low-cut top is if they want to meet the butcher! I would love to see her naked body swinging in the meat freezer next to skinned livestock waiting to be chopped into little whore pieces and included in the store inventory. Moral of the story, there are a lot of victims ina lot of places: Especially this site. I would love the opportunity to mutilate one of these white bitches with you! This way, we don’t even have to kidnsp them! They’re right here waiting for us to assault them. All we would have to do is drag them to a closed of area. I’ll hold my hand over her mouth while you rip off her panties. Oh my! Didn’t I tell you this site had some of the horniest violent phone sex loving whores? Her Twatt is sopping wet! That is going to make it so easy to force our way into every hole she’s got! Why don’t you shop around and find one of these sluts labeled victim for us to play with? I’ll be waiting.

Don’t Talk To Strangers

Taboo phone sex

You asked me for a night of fun but I was met with a night of terror when you took us to an abandoned warehouse, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. You forced me out of the car without even asking me my name after picking me up from the bar. We met a group of scary men who circle around me. “Run.” You demand and my body takes over. I feel the back of my shirt being ripped off as I sprint through the dark warehouse. Strobe lights flickered and I came face-to-face with a hatchet! My screams echos as my skirt are off next! I am only in my panties when I am dragged down by my hair and met with a fat black cock being shoved down my throat! I feel hot, sharp pains in my back as I choke down the cock! The last thing I remember was feeling and watching my blood drip to the floor.

Roleplay Phone Sex Fun

roleplay phone sexI love kinky or violent roleplay phone sex. Usually, on my snuff site guys are calling me for accomplice stuff or to make me their victim with some sort of dark and violent death at the end. My last caller of the night wanted me in charge. I was the bad ass cop, and he was the dirty black boy speeding. I am submissive and mostly play the victim role, so it was nice to be in charge. You know, be the bad ass. He wanted some race play, which I almost never get to do as a sub, but I called him a dirty nigger boy and abused the fuck out of him. He liked it though when I shoved my baton up his ass. He came so hard. I am sure he had no clue that he had an ass rape porn star living inside him. I had him bent over the hood of his car. I pulled his pants down to do a full cavity search. I was sure he was hiding drugs somewhere. So, I checked. I used my tongue and fingers to probe his ass. When I could not get deep enough in his black ass, I broke out my baton. I spit on the top and I spit on his dirty black ass and shoved that baton so deep that I am sure it felt like it might come out his mouth. I was hurling racial insults calling him a coon and nigger boy, and so many others. His cock was big. He liked whatever I was doing to his tight asshole. His monster nigger dick got so big with that Baton up his ass. I told him to fuck my white cunt while I had a gun to his head. Only thing he was good for was fucking.  He pounded the shit out of my fuck holes because his life depended on it. It was a hot taboo phone sex roleplay. Gave me a taste of being in charge and I liked it. Also, gave me a taste for those big nigger dicks and I liked that too.

Torture phone sex w/ Terry

Bloody phone sex

Those sweet little cunnies look so nice wet! I have been going to the community pool in my housing complex and I can’t help but admire those young fucks in there little two piece bikinis. I noticed a handsome man snapping pics of em’ and thought to myself how perfect we would be together as one. I thought about all the cruel things we could do to those twigs! I fantasize daily of snapping their fucking necks and masturbating while watching a masculine man pop their cherries… while that little fuckers body is limp! Then again, I would really like to hear the screams and cry outs she can make when she is being pinned down and force fed his cock in every last one of her sweet little bald holes. I would love to smother those lolitas with my pussy while he fucks her with his long thick dick from behind. Her gasping for air and the vibrations of her screams going into my body through my silky wet pink hole. I will use that bitch like a personalized vibrator! Accepting applications… Any takers? Torture phone sex

Mutilation phone sex slut doll

Men need a slut doll like me to take out those mutilation phone sex fantasies on. This is just the thing that daddy prepared me for. The way he fucked me with no restraint and tortured me to the point of hospitalization was his way of showing his love and priming me. This is my existence. I am here to be used abused and fucked into in the oblivion of your darkest fantasies. I just can’t grasp any other form of pleasure. The rape fantasies you bring me also bring on my best fucking orgasms. You see it’s just the way I’ve been raised . As a fuck doll for the pleasure of men and sometimes even some really vicious women. We have some vicious mean fucking cunts on the site. I would be so fucking honored to have you and one of our sadistic’ cunts ruin me for your pleasure.
Mutilation phone sex


Bondage Phone Sex, Snuff and Dismemberment

bondage phone sexI enjoy bondage phone sex. Sometimes, however, it gets too extreme for me. I have made a living off my body one way or another. I hooked on the streets for years until I was old enough to become a nude fetish model. I have always been tall. I was not always buxom, however. About 15 years ago, a fetish photographer took me under his wing. He bought me boobs. I worked them off doing shoots for him. He is retired now, but he still sends business my way. He knows a girl like me can always use money. This lead he had was for a legitimate porn studio. They needed a model with experience for a snuff porn shoot. This would be rough simulated sex and extreme bondage. The pay was too good to make me pause and really think about the legitimacy of it all. I showed up at the studio, but no one was there. I heard some sounds, so I went exploring. Bad idea. I happened upon a woman being eviscerated. No way this was staged. Not with those screams. I started to run but tripped and fell. A guy grabbed me and pulled me into the area where they were dissecting this woman like a lab frog. I was at the wrong fucking address. Flipping some numbers was about to lead to my demise. There was no saving this woman. Her entrails were on the floor, and I was slipping in her warm guts. I thought I was a dead woman, until one of the killers recognized me. He knew me from a fetish shoot. I tried to tell him I was no saint. I name dropped who I use to work for and then said I was now a very skilled accomplice phone sex partner. I told him I could do clean up or bring him more girls to mutilate and snuff. We made a deal. My life for my silence and my assistance. Just when I thought I was free, I fucking flipped some numbers and walked right into a real snuff flick.

The Torment of Torture Sex

Torture sex


I’m not sure which kind of fuck pig I like to torment and have torture sex with more, the horndog hogs or the slutty sows.  I don’t give a shit about gender, everyone can take their pretentious pronouns and fake ass wokeness and fucking choke on it for all I care.  I want tears, I want screams and I want blood.  Every last unlucky fuck piggy on earth has all of those inside of them and I revel in gory glory of being the entity in this world who beat it all out of them.  

Where does the torturing begin?  The mind.  A hemmed up little vixen doesn’t fear the volatile violation she’s about to receive if you don’t drag her brain through the muck first.  Sure, it hurts like hell, but do they fear death nearly as much as I whip and flog their flesh if I don’t humiliate them and tease them with all of my implements of pain and tools of persecution before I get to the dirty work?  I don’t think so.  

Once they’re properly tenderized, I can finally feel good about getting into that cunt or climbing onto a cock and draining all of the cum out of them that I can as they just hang there, restrained and writhing in the air.  I absolutely love to marinate their mangled pork meat with my pussy spit.  My tight and tortured twat power squirts and I’m a great fucking aim.  I love to blast it in their faces, drown them in a deluge of my juices every time I experience “Le Petite Mort” in my reign over them.

When I finally get my fill of torture sex and jizzing all over my fine fuck pig masterpieces, one thing is for certain.  They’re broken.  Hell, some of them don’t even make it through the whole encounter.  It’s bittersweet for me, I like to put people through as much punishment as possible before they expire, but turning a fuck pig into long pig is a snap and earns me a pretty good pay day in the right markets.


Killer Phone Sex for Hire

killer phone sex

Looking for killer phone sex? You are in the right place. I am a mercenary of sorts. A killer for hire. I have no limits on who I will kill for you. It is a transactional contract between us. I will kill your target with you present to enjoy it or capture it on film while you cement your alibi. I am expensive, but you get a video to jack off to for the rest of your life. You get no paper trail. I take all the risk and you get all the pleasure. The pleasure for me is in the negotiated price and the kill. I love to slay. I am very skilled at the hunt and the kill. I never kill a person the same way twice. This is how you stay off the radar. No pattern, no serial killer in the minds of the FBI and cops. I am a serial killer without a pattern. Killers like me avoid detection. I have killed over 500 folks in my life, and I am in my early 30s. I have a lot more killing time to go.

I made a snuff porn for a guy last night. He paid me $100,000 to kidnap and torture a young girl. He did not have a specific victim in mind. He just wanted a real snuff flick. We call them 8MM’s in my world. You stay off modern technology. No accidental digital downloads to the cloud to land either of us in prison. Modern technology is a criminal’s worst friend. I make no mistakes, but men like you do every day. That is why you need a skilled accomplice for your dark fantasies. My last client was very pleased with the brat snuff flick I made him. The little cunt was a cutie. I mutilated her tender flesh for hours prolonging her screams and agony. Mercy kills, quick kills, not my thing. You hire me for your snuff movies, the victim is going down painfully and slowly. That is how I get my pleasure. Think we are a good match?

Sex with dead bodies

Bloody phone sex

We gutted that Negro little while her mother watched. Poor thing came knocking on my door trying to sell some cookies. Her voice along with her coiled hair just irked my fucking nerves. I invited her inside; as soon as I shut the door behind them my boyfriend hit that disgusting mutant of a mother upside the head with a frying pan. Perfect! I grabbed that negro by 2 of her multiple fucking ponytails and dragged her into the dining room. We strapped her down to the table and force fed her babes cock! Poor thing was gagging and gasping for air. She let out this loud excruciating scream and that’s when I chopped her fucking neck off. I mean it’s only in her blood to play victim so what’s better than making her one. Babe fucked her esophagus through her neck. Her blood was squirting everywhere. I laid down on the table with her little body on top of mines and he fucked her corpse. Whenever his dick was getting a bit too brisk he would use my pussy as his cock warmer. Useless bitch! One less negro to walk the face of earth! My pleasure.



Snuff Porn Accomplice Needed

There are very sadistic things I love to get into, and sometimes it is much more enjoyable with an accomplice that has a cock. Truthfully I get extremely wet at the screams of some young little whore that I am torturing. One time I filmed a Snuff porn by accident, and have become a little addicted to doing this on a regular basis. It gets me hot. I found a guy once that was as sadistic as me, he was tall, dark and mother fucking hot. It made me hot as fire as I watched the way he gutted a young little slut and fed her insides to the beasts. He gave me her heart and I bit right into that bitch and we kissed. It was romantic and we fucked like crazy bathed in her virginal blood. I was unaware that I had left my webcam going and the whole thing was recorded.

So essentially now I am craving another to help me ruin a young brat I have tied up in my basement. Or of course we could go and hunt for more fuck meat.

Snuff porn