Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Blasphemy Sex Feels on the Rise Because of the Hypocritical Religious Right

blasphemy sexBlasphemy sex seems to be a popular fetish lately. Perhaps, this trend correlates with the rise of so-called Christian values. Personally, the religious right irk me to no end. Nothing but a hypothetical bunch of holier than thou assholes. They want to regulate my body. They want to dictate who I am and who I love. And they want to do away with porn and anything to do with the adult industry. Yet, I know these fake Christians cheat on their spouses. Likely cheat on their taxes. And I bet a bunch of the Christian men suck dick too.

Recently, I met this man who spiked the drink of a trans Goth girl so he could assault her sexually. Not only did he explore his rape phone sex fantasies with her, but he beat her up too. Once I found out, I offered to avenge her. And I did it for free. I am a great tracker. I can find just about anyone. Turns out the predator who drugged her is the pastor of this mega church in town. Told you. What a hypocritical lot.

Took me a few days to plan the right attack. I thought it might be macabre poetic justice to assault him in his own church. I snuck in. But I got a surprise. I caught him banging some chick. I waited till she left. This fuck nugget condemns trans people and anyone who is not straight. He acts all pious. But he cheats on his wife and sexually assaults trans girls. Well, he will not do either anymore.

Nothing Worse than A Hypocritical Preacher. Fuck the Church. Fuck God. And Fuck Holier than Thou Hypocrites

I neutered the hypocrite. Cut his balls off with a cross hanging in his office. Let him bleed all over his church. Since he never knew I was in his church, he never saw me coming. And I caught him off guard and with his pants still down. I tied him up and drug him to the heart of the church where he received free castration phone sex on his alter. I wanted to stab him with his cross, but I took mercy on this sinner and hypocrite.

He got lucky, I told him. Rarely do I let my prey live. But I want him to live with his sins and try to atone every day for the rest of his sexless life. I left him with no balls and a a cross up his ass. Set his severed bloody balls on his Bible.  Miserable prick. Fuck the religious right and all the hypocrites. Stupid sheep believing in someone that does not exist. Following the word of a man who drugs and assaults trans women, cheats on his wife and who knows what else. Well, one hypocritical prick down and countless more to go.

Rape phone sex fantasies with your slut daughter

I had a nasty boyfriend who had a tease of a daughter who needed to be used for Rape phone sex fantasies. Therefore, I wanted to figure out a way where I would get him to be my accomplice. I planned a night of fun, so I put something in her drink. Once she was passed out, I grabbed by the hand and took him to her room. As I tied her hands to her bed I said, “isn’t she such a tease”. Then I rip her panties off. “Look at your daughter’s bald pussy” I say as I start to rub on her cunt.

Rape phone sex fantasies

His cock right away got stiff and hard in his boxers. Her passed-out body had you so excited. Your eyes got big, and you became and animal. You got right on top of her and start to bite and nibble her down her body. She was a fresh piece of meat to you. I just started to play with my cunt as I watched you abuse her limp body. Your cock couldn’t take it anymore and you rammed deep in her bald pussy. Since she was drugged up, she just took it like a young fuck doll.

Watching this reminded me of all the times my sadistic uncle would torture fuck young sluts. I was his accomplice and now he was mine. The way you pounded was like you had been wanting if for a long time. The fact that she was limp and vulnerable made it better. Who knew you might be like my uncle who love having Sex with dead bodies. “Fuck I’m going to cum in my daughter’s young pussy” you grunted as you started to fill her up with sperm. Now we can do whatever we want with her for the rest of the night” I said as I spread let ass open and winked at him.

Gangbang Rape Porn Accomplice Finds the Talent You Need

gangbang rape pornI used to star in a lot of gangbang rape porn. For a teenage runaway without even a high school diploma, I did not have many job opportunities. And the adult industry seemed like easy quick money. Although it did give me quick money, the job seemed far from easy. But back then I worked in the legitimate world of hardcore adult entertainment. And I knew nothing about the seedy underworld of snuff flicks. Now I do.

The world I travel in now pays a lot more. But sometimes your never see a snuff starlet again. And I almost ended up like one of those girls who simply vanishes. Although I lack book smarts, I am overflowing with street smarts. And that kept me alive. Now, I help find the talent for snuff movies. And I do have an eye for talent. Men enjoy working with me because I can find them what they need easily. Plus, I can lure them away easier too.

This Sexy Accomplice Has An Eye for Young Talent

Over the weekend a man paid me for the task of procuring a young schoolgirl for his client who wanted a private movie. The 8MM kind. Old-fashioned projector movies make it much harder to trace. People get caught all the time making brat porn on their cell phones or other wifi operated devices like digital cameras. With me as your accomplice, I make sure you not only have your perfect young starlet, but that you also stay under the radar.

I brought Tom, the schoolgirl of his wet dreams. And she came willingly with me. For a moment I felt bad for her. But when I got paid, the guilt dissipated quickly. She would be one of those girls who makes a one and done teen rape porn and no one would ever see her again. Perhaps you need some talent for your own dark desires too?

Teen rape porn for a filthy force fucking session!

Teen rape pornHere are some of sexy pictures from my Teen rape porn session with my favorite sadistic daddy. He loves when I dress up like a pretty little girl and play dress up for him with all my skimpy clothes. He bought all my slutty outfits from this hot little stripper boutique and surprised me with them after I showed up for an anal pounding. He said it was my treat & surprise for being such a good anal only whore for him. I was so excited when I got to wear some things for our nasty little vile session we had last night.

The whole point was to dress me up as a sexy little fuck doll for all the perverted men who love nasty little girls. After showing me and my tight teen holes off through pictures and videos it was time to have some Torture sex. He wanted to rail open every hole of mine until I was screaming and whimpering for him to stop. He made sure to set up the camera in a perfect spot so I couldn’t see; it really showed the fans that I was being force fucked and ravaged by fat cock. I had no idea he was filming until the session was over and he came in all my slut holes. He took the cam recorder out and started playing the video as I laid there with his nut oozing out of all my holes!

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies for Mommy Leave Me Beaten Beautiful

rape phone sex fantasiesI’ve been recovering for a week now from my son’s rape phone sex fantasies. One of these days our “beat mommy beautiful,” sessions will kill me. Every time he gets more violent. However, every time I get more coke too. So, I know my son loves me. You might call coke mommy’s kryptonite. In fact, this last streaming session, mommy wore a cut off T-shirt styled with the Super Girl logo, but the S stood for Super Whore. That’s me in case you did not know. I am a super whore for coke. And a super whore for my boy.

We began our live session with my face planted in the bowl of coke with his elbow deep in mommy’s cavern. With one arm up mommy’s barren old womb, he used his other hand to fish hook my mouth and punch my face a few times. He thinks with my fiery red hair that I look best with a black and blue face. Once he removed his fist from my cunt, he punched my teeth out. And they flew across the room.  With the teeth gone, he could skull fuck me senseless like I deserved.

My Son Loves Me Because When He Beats Me Beautiful, He Gives Me Coke

Although I know I am his torture sex doll, I never mind. He needs the money from the live streams to live on and provide his super whore mommy with premium coke. While he throat fucked me, he choked me too. It felt like he was jacking his cock off inside of my throat with every tight squeeze. My face turned red and blue. With his other hand, he pulled out my shitter. But since my ass gets a lot of action, it prolapses so easily these days.

Once my ass sleeve dangled outside my ass, he tied me up in the downward dog position and rammed his cock into my ass pipe which dangled between my legs like a cock. From a distance folks might have mistaken me for a tranny. While he pumped my ass sleeve, he punched me in the back, and the rib cage. He even reached around to the sides to pummel my huge fun bags.

I Am My Son’s Fuck Meat to Abuse Whenever He Wants

He grabbed an appliance cord and began strangling me. He giggled and informed me that I now had a good strangulation phone sex story to tell my friends. Although it appeared like he would choke me out, I know he would never kill his cash cow. As he punched every inch of my porcelain white body, I could feel the bruises emerging.  He even punched my prolapsed asshole like he was Mike Tyson. And that pulled it out even more.

After what felt like an eternity, he turned his focus back to my face. He pissed down my throat while choking me some more. I knew I needed to guzzle it like fine champagne. As he called me a dumb stupid whore, he tossed me across the room with ease. But anyone could, I guess. I am nothing but skin and bones. Most of my body weight comes from my fun bags. And they felt like they deflated when my body hit the floor. The chimes poured in when he pushed my head through a wall.

My Son Needs to Abuse Me Because I Am His Cash Cow

While I hung in the wall like a gallery painting, he slammed his cock inside my piss hole like he would my cunt. He calls me his 4-hole mommy super whore. He considers my urethra my tightest hole like most men. I possess a high mileage cunt and ass, making that pee hole the tightest hole on my old whore body.

However, while I hung in the wall, my son surprised me with a 50-man gang bang. Some of his viewers bid big bucks to assault this mommy whore. They filled my bladder up with cum. Although those men did fuck my ass and my cunt, they focused on my pee hole first. I am still pissing out jizz.

When my boy pulled me from the wall, my make up appeared smeared all over my face.  And my bruises and welts showed in all their glory. For my finale bow of the live stream, my boy smashed my head repeatedly into the hardwood floor. But I think my skull might be thicker than that floor, because I left a dent in the floor.

My Son Let Fifty Strangers Fuck My Pee Hole

While he held my head down on the floor, he gave my prolapsed shitter one more go around. However, he did this with a plastic bag over my head. I could barley breathe as he fucked my dangling shit hole. Now, I am still covered in bruises a week later. And no amount of make-up will cover them up completely. But I do not mind my beauty marks because when they heal, I know he will beat me beautiful all over again.

Cannibalism Phone Sex Victim for My New Destiny

Cannibalism phone sex is my future. When I came across this ad for using a hot stripper whore, I got excited. Honestly, I thought it was the usual add on the dark web. Generally, these guys went to little rape victim fantasy. Sometimes it’s for film, snuffing a bimbo.
However, as the correspondences began, it seemed something more sinister. Ultimately it appeared he was arranging a feast. Evidently I was the Central focus of the feast. My luscious stripper tits, juicy ass and delicious thighs are to be presented like a turkey dinner.

This guy is a gourmet chef. The attendees of the feast are foodies of a sinister kind. Coincidentally I will be dressed like a luscious plump meal in the center of a table. As they based me in olive oil simmer my fleshy body in a tasty bouillon they discuss all of the seasonings. They are going to use on me.

now the most exciting part of this is the fact that I will still be aware. My head will sit in the table, watching as my body is sliced into delicious pieces of meat. Plump ass meat, juicy Cunt meat, nice meaty thighs, and oh the wonderful delicious breast meat.

Cannibalism Phone Sex

Sadistic phone sex slut Stephanie

sadistic phone sex

I’m not cutesy or demure like those basic bitches on the internet. I’m a sadistic phone sex whore that loves torture and inflicting pain on unsuspecting victims. Don’t come to me unless you’re ready to have freaky, twisted fun involving blood, torture and draining the life from some stupid bitch. Something about the way they scream when they wake up to my blade ramming into their chest, pinning them to their bed. Or the warm, squishy feel of their guts and organs in my hands being squeezed until they burst wide open! It just gets my slut cunt all hot and drenched! You wouldn’t believe the number of men out there that secretly hate their wives and want me to help snuff them out while they stroke their hard dick and watch. That’s how I ended up soaked in blood tonight with my pussy soaking wet and oozing a fat load of jizz. I just got back from a little gig I was hired for where I helped a guy snuff his naggy bitch of a wife. The helpless look on her face as she desperately called out to her man to save her made my evil slut cunt drip so much that I could feel my panties getting all wet. I laughed at her and then slashed her across the face with my blade. Her cheek meat flopped over exposing the muscle underneath and a thick, dark rush of blood gushed out and ran down her neck. I giggled even harder and told her to look over at the corner of the room where I had her husband stroking his dick and enjoying every second of watching “his woman” get mutilated. He started yelling out orders and telling me what he wanted me to do to her next. The look of betrayal and heartbreak combined with the terror and pain in her eyes made my evil cunt gush and I’ve never been more turned on! Call me and we can talk about the way I tortured and mentally abused her before finally having her husband kiss her goodbye and snuff her out for me. 

Knife play phone sex is where you find likeminded pervs

I found a nasty pervert who uses Knife play phone sex to find like mind birches. That’s because once he lures young sluts to his place he pulls his knife out. The fear in their eye makes your cock stiff. Once you get to have control over a young slut with your weapon at hand, you feel powerful. First you tie them up and I’m here to give you a hand. I learned growing up how fun it is to watch them struggle. Thinking they have a chance always makes it better. Usually that gets your cock stiff.

Knife play phone sex

After that you use the knife to cut all her clothes off. Feeling the knife so close to their skin puts the fear in them and makes them easy to manipulate. “Open your mouth” you say as you point the blade her direction. She opens her trembling mouth and right away you ram your cock in her mouth. Since she didn’t expect that she chokes and gags on your cock. “Come on eat my cock bitch” you grunt as you continue fucking her mouth. I know that is just the beginning.

Therefore, I understand and get ready to be able to join the abuse. You do need and accomplice and I was raised to be one. After your cock starts leaking you put the knife to her throat again. “Pick which hole you want me to use for my Rape phone sex fantasies” you say mischievously.  She didn’t want to choose but then you started to dig the knife into her slide a bit. Once she felt the sting from the knife cutting her, she was even more scared.

“Since you won’t choose I will” you say as you force her legs open and push your cock deep in her ass. While she screamed, you ripped her ass open. So, I just sat my cunt on her face like my uncle raised me to do when he torture fucked young sluts. Watching you rip her little ass open and smelling the blood dripping down reminded me of all the times my uncle would torture fuck slut. The rest of the night was spent with you playing with your knife to get the young slut to do whatever you want. 

Getting Back to Basics With Snuff Phone Sex and Snuff Queen Rena

snuff phone sexI love being a snuff phone sex Queen. . The other night still has my cunt pulsating.

As you watched me swallow your cum, I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me. I was truly your  perfect princess slut. But our little game wasn’t over yet. You reached for the bag at my side, pulling out a small vial of snuff. I held it up to your nose, watching as your eyes widened in anticipation.

With a mighty roar, youI unleashed my seed into your waiting mouth. You gagged slightly as it filled you up, but you didn’t stop. You swallowed every last drop, your eyes locked on mine the entire time.

Are you ready for your reward, my little princess?

I nodded eagerly, my breath coming in short gasps. I unscrewed the top of the vial and held it under my nose. The sweet, intoxicating scent of the snuff filled the room. You inhaled deeply, your body shuddering as the drug took hold.

Oh fuck! Im getting so high!

I watched as your eyes rolled back in your head, your body going limp in my arms. I knew this was it. I placed the vial on the nightstand and leaned in close, kissing you softly on the lips.

Goodbye, my beautiful snuff queen. It’s been an unforgettable ride.

And  with that, I felt a warm rush of pleasure spread through my body. I closed my eyes, feeling the world around me fade away. As I drifted off into oblivion, I couldn’t help but think about how lucky I was to have found you. You were the perfect partner for my darkest desires, and I would cherish every moment we shared together.

My Master grants me the best Sex with dead bodies

Sex with dead bodiesSex with dead bodies is never wrong. Their cold dead flesh feels so right! My Master, the one who gave me this exciting life, knows exactly what I need to satisfy my cravings. There are so many different varieties From freshly picked to spoiled rotten. I do love the decay of death but I think my favorite is a nice, fresh one.

When the blood is still warm I can smear it all over my shaved pussy and fuck non stop. I love to ride a corpse and push my thumbs into their eyes until they gush out. To peel their dead flesh off with my teeth while I am cumming is a rush that is constantly on my mind. I know you like it too and I know you cravethe nastiest Bloody phone sex possible. Good thing I am such a snuff whore and we can wild together.

Let’s go into the catacombs and fall in love over and over again. I want us to completely lose ourselves in carnal lust. You know the dead deserve loving too. I know we fuck so good we will make their spirits cum just as hard as we do.

 My Master is so generous allowing me to indulge in my ultimate pleasure of fucking the dead. I always dreamed of breaking into a tomb of a family long dead and pull them out of their coffins to fondle and fuck the whole family. Nothing but bones at that point but it doesn’t matter I know I wont stop cumming and neither will you with Necrophilia Phone Sex!