Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Snuff Porn Bimbo

snuff pornSnuff porn is where the money is at these days. I think it always has been a money-making industry. It is how washed-up whores make a living. It is rough on the body and the mind, but money is money. When I was in my 20s, I still looked fresh faced and hot enough to get regular porn shoots and videos. That is not the case anymore. I am lucky if I can get a fetish shoot anymore. I was desperate for some cash. I got way behind in rent because the strip club was closed for over a year and when it opened back up, it was only at half capacity. I was going to be evicted if I did not come up with a couple grand. So, I went to this studio that makes very dark and violent snuff movies. It is an underground company. Some girls survive and some do not. It is a gamble I was willing to take. The studio liked my blonde, Botoxed, bimbo look. I have become addicted to Botox over the past few years to try to compete with the younger girls. I got the gig.

When I arrived at the warehouse they were filming, I discovered there was no movie. They were posing as a legit snuff outfit, but they were just brokers. They hire girls for men with dark fantasies. Sort of like in that movie Hostel. This guy strung me up by the rafters and assaulted my body. He used me like a punching bag. So much aggression towards women. He was an Incel. Do you know what that is? It is a group of men on the dark net that hate women. They think we owe them something. They are nerdy losers who cannot get women and they think we should be punished for ignoring them. This loser was very hostile. I was a Stacy in his eyes which is an attractive woman who is way out of his league. He beat me to a pulp. My face was swelling. I could barely see him. He explored his rape phone sex fantasies too. I survived but barely. I have broken ribs. I am black and blue. But I got the money to catch up on the rent. A girl must do what a girl must do.

Snuff phone sex outlet

snuff phone sex
Many a p-man uses me for his snuff phone sex outlet! Many just like hearing me tear through some sweet taboo pre-whore cunts. I have everything from curious men to sexy P-grampys that want to molest sweet granddaughters. You know my gampy played with my little girl pussy when I was knee high to a grasshopper! He did alot to me and when my parents moved we got a perverted roommate that fucked me while they got high in the back room. They either turned their heads or were that dumb! I got major daddy and mommy issues and enjoy all the fucked up perverted men who need to fuck a little!

I’m violent and will keep on abusing sweet little pussy and boy cocks all my life. Call it a generational curse if you will! I call it a hot sexy nasty and sadistic fun time! I enjoy being your accomplice phone sex teen for all p-perverted desires to be let out with!

If you haven’t caught my drift yet.. I love little bald pussy getting destroyed at my hands as you make a rape porn fantasy cum to life! This teen whore who was an easy target for p-men multiple times gets off on fucked up little sex! Let me help fuck her and/or him violently! I have absolutely no fucks about little ones being fucked up for you!

accomplice phone sex

Fantasy phone sex slut Stephanie

fantasy phone sexI’m a well known fantasy phone sex whore who loves snuffing out victims for my Master. Torturing and abusing little sluts is just foreplay for me. The real fun starts when you hold me down and use me like a dirty fuck doll. I want you to force fuck my slutty holes until I’m raw and dripping with blood and cum. Ram your rock hard dick in my asshole and rip me open fucking me so hard. Make me scream while another hard cock is being shoved down my throat. You can shoot your load and then end my life or keep me around for more tortuous play. There is no limit to the evil and twisted things you can do to a willing snuff whore like myself. Snuff slut Stephanie is here to serve you!



Snuff Sex Makes Me Wet

snuff sexSnuff sex makes my pussy wet. Does it get your cock hard? I will watch snuff flicks I made, but I like to watch the work other sadistic filmmakers too. I have this guy friend who makes my favorite kind. Maybe you have seen some of his flicks. They always star a stupid cunt being tortured and killed. These are young little sluts. Like jailbait and barely legally little girls next door, daddy’s girls and princesses. There is always torture and fucking before the killing. I love watching schoolgirls get slaughtered and defiled. It is just so fucking hot. I had my first kill when I was no older than some of the girls this guy snuffs on film.  I killed a fellow schoolgirl.  So, my first victim was my age and the age of my friend’s snuff porn stars. I was impulsive during my first kill.  I used a knife and stabbed her in the stomach over 20 times. I made it look like a random sex crime. I tied her up, sodomized her with some kitchen instrument and carved whore in her chest. The case was never solved. I was never a suspect even though I was the one that found the body. She was a school friend. Well, not friend. She was a little cunt that made my life hell. We were paired together for a school project, and I had gone to her house to work. No parentals were home.  She said something that pissed me off, and I pulled out my knife from my backpack and stabbed her in her kitchen. I put the bloodied knife back in my backpack and called 911 about 30 minutes later after I staged the scene. I was so young, the cops never asked me many questions. They never searched my backpack. My prints in the kitchen were explained easily. No one suspected I was a bad seed. I think because my first kill was a schoolgirl it has shaped what I like to kill now. You have a schoolgirl in mind for our taboo phone sex call?

Surviving Snuff Movies

snuff moviesHe said he wanted to put me in snuff movies. He has been a loyal follower of my stepson’s stream that stars me. He has committed some serious Bitcoin to watch my stepson ravage my holes, even torture them. He promised me a big bag of coke and some money to get even more coke. I did not know my stepson was in on it. When I arrived at the address I was provided, I was shocked to see my stepson at the door. He yanked me in the room. He wanted me to see Victor giving him a big wad of cash. He was renting my stepson’s whore for night. What I did not know was that this was a real snuff porn. Or real until I escaped. My stepson took money to watch me be killed on film. Victor bought me. The money and coke he gave me was just to make it look real. To make me feel like this was just another movie staged to look like a real snuff flick. Victor wanted me high first. I did a big line with him and my stepson before they went to town on my holes. I was being violently fucked. Like both cocks rammed in my ass together. They pulled my hair in unison too. When they started choking me that was when I realized they wanted me dead. Victor had paid my stepson $100,000 to snuff me. That was all my life was worth. I make more money doing taboo phone sex than that. I am a professional when it comes to snuff. I have simulated it enough to know how to lie there like a wet noodle looking dead. They just left me as a lump on the floor. My stepson got my coke and they got high thinking I was dead on the floor. When they were uber high, I snuck out. I know my days are numbered now. My stepson is not going to be happy that he is out that money for a bitch who did not really die.

Rape phone sex fantasies of Snuff

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies


Drunk, and drugged by something slipped in my drink. Here we go again is all I could think as my eye lids got heavy. I was on my way out and these three nice men are going to help me into a cab. I don’t notice that this is a personal car and one of these nice men was driving it. Then I was out. Lulled during the drive and forced awake with a sniff of something and finding myself cuffed to a hospital stretcher. The three men from earlier where there. All of them wearing black leather masks and butcher aprons. I saw the hatchets in their hands as they smiled at me. They were put down if only for a moment and all three of them had their cocks rock hard and probing away at my holes. I was unable to move. Just laid there aware of everything but listless. I saw bright lights and know this is the big one. I will be fucked to death then hacked to pieces for gator alley food.

I Love Being an Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sexI love being an accomplice phone sex partner. I have this client. He used to be my master. I did whatever I could to get out from his ownership. He was not easy on the body. We made a deal. I provided him younger talent to corrupt and use, and after 100 little girls I had my freedom. I pretty much traded my soul for my freedom, but I would do it all over again too. Now I work for him. It has proven quite profitable too. He called me up yesterday with a request. He wanted a little read headed girl. Blue eyes, red hair, white skin, freckles. Those little girls are harder to find, but the money he was offering made me go look. I was not going to pass up that offer. I knew she was likely going to be a snuff porn star then disappear like the rest. My former master makes quite a few movies. Some for his personal collection, others for hire. He likes little blonde girls with no tits or pubes yet, so I knew my little Irish girl was going to be killed and fucked for a client. It took me awhile to find the girl he wanted, but I did. Not at the mall or a park though. I snatched her from a Target. Took her in broad daylight. I had to give her a shot of something to subdue her, but it worked. I scooped her up and carried her out to my car. I was dressed differently with a black wig to conceal my blonde locks. I even strapped down my hefty boobs to make me look less voluptuous. It looked like a mom carrying her sleeping daughter on her shoulder. No one paid me any attention. I heard the sirens by the time I was in my car. The police would look hard for this little white girl I was sure of that. She will never be found. She will be snuffed on film. His rich client will explore his rape phone sex fantasies and kill the little red headed doll. Once I got the bag of cash, my guilt just disappeared.

Little Lessons on Naughty Slut

Taboo Phone Sex

I’m the pretty school teen you have wanted! You always try to take a peek at my cunt and my panties when they throw me up in the air for cheer. You have been a coach for a few years and fuck the other cheer coaches but I have always been your favorite. You keep me late to tell me how amazing I am and how sexy I am when my skirt flies up. Before I knew it you were forcing fucking me at the late-night meetings. You push me over your desk and push my skirt off and take out your hard cock. I start to cry as you ram it into my teen pussy. You cum inside of me after every meet either in your office or in the locker room and record it all. 

Dirty Play Time

Strangulation Phone SexHe loves to take girls home drunk and high from a bar so we can have fun with her. He ties her up to our table while I start setting all our toys out. I woke her up by poring boiling hot water all over her face while he was stroking his cock getting it ready. He lets me play with them first making them worn out for him. I love getting my favorite knife and making small deep cuts all over their bodies and watching the blood seep out. I love to stroke his hard cock while listening to their screams and begging for me to stop. But my favorite part is when he flips her over on the table to where her ass is up in the air, and he puts his around her little neck so she can’t breathe while he rapes her little asshole until she is gone and he cums inside her little ass. Then I get to have my taste.

Ass Rape Porn for Coke

Ass rape pornIt is no secret that I am an amateur ass rape porn star for anyone with coke. Normally, if you have the coke, you have my ass too. The man with coke has all the power because I am a slave for coke. I was in a mood last night. I needed coke because I was not ready to come down from my high yet. I went to this little dive bar in the seedy part of town. The only thing that scares me is not having coke. I met Daryl. He had a big bag of coke, but I had to put out if I was gonna get any. I asked him into the bathroom. I figured some head would give me a bump. One cock quickly turned into 12 cocks. Head quickly turned into a gangbang rape porn. The bar was dingy. Like I did not want to know what was making my knees stick to the floor. Nastiness. One guy pushed my head in the toilet. I was high, but not high enough to not think about the germs. I was smelling piss and urine cakes as men fucked my ass doggy style. I kept my eyes on the prize. I was going to get coke. I just had to endure some hardcore anal sex first. Not going as I had planned, but I figured once I made them all cum, I would get my coke. What happened was more guys just kept coming into that dingy one stall bathroom. Before long, I was the toilet. Men were spilling their piss in my mouth and their cum in my ass. Hours and hours went by, and I was a human toilet. A sober one. I never did get any coke. That was a hard come down. I sobered up quickly though with nothing but piss and cum in my body.