Category: Mutilation phone sex

Bloody Phone Sex Fantasies

bloody phone sexI have a secret. I have bloody phone sex fantasies. Maybe I watch too many horror movies. Or, perhaps I know I am a worthless whore. I love to die a gruesome death. In my real life, I am a pain slut and subby bitch. I like BDSM games and rough anal. I even like breath play and mummification. When it comes to fantasy, I go even darker than my real life, because it is a virtual death.  When I am fantasizing about my demise, it is gory and violent. I want to go out with a bang! I have many snuff sex callers. It appears that many guys want to kill me and kill me brutally. Men need whores like me. I can be any bitch a guy hates. Or, I can be just me. Have you ever seen the Hostel movies? That is my biggest fantasy. I get wet thinking of being sold for someone’s darkest desires. I did a fantasy call last night that had my pussy dripping wet. I was kidnapped at a Rave and I woke up in a factory warehouse on an auction block. I was sold to the highest bidder and then put in a cell to await my fate. My fate was brutal and graphic. I was tortured for hours; slowly dismembered until I was a torso. Then I bled out as I got skull fucked. My caller was very detailed in the different objects he used to take off a limb. He even described the blood trajectory. I got super horny dying such a violent death. I scared my neighbors screaming so loudly. They thought I was really in danger and called 911. I had to explain to the cops that I was just a fantasy phone sex operator and no real harm had come to me. I promised next time, I wouldn’t scream so loudly, but I am sure I will break that promise soon.

Ass Rape Porn Gets Me Coke and Pain

ass rape pornI am an ass rape porn star. Not mainstream porn, however. My stuff is all on the dark net. It is for men who like seeing anal torture. For men who get off on prolapsed and bleeding assholes. Does that sound like you? I have a huge monkey on my back called cocaine. My need for blow leads to poor decision making. My husband cut off my allowance years ago. Most dealers won’t float me any more blow. I must make underground movies for sick directors to make money, so I can get high. Not all the directors are men.  The last anal torture sex film I made was directed by a bull dyke. She hates women like me because we remind her of her whore mother. Apparently, mommy dearest pimped her daughter out for coke. If I had a baby girl, I would have done the same thing. This woman likes to pay old mommy whores like me for pain and torture films. At first, it didn’t seem that bad. At least not compared to what I have done in the past. I can handle a fuck machine ramming warp speed in and out of my ass. I didn’t want to act like it didn’t hurt, so I moaned and moved around like a wounded bird. When she stopped the machine to lube it up, I was no longer acting. She doused the dildo part in icy hot. My ass was on fire. If that was all she did, I would have been fine, but she added crushed glass to the icy hot. My anus was shredding and burning. The more my skin tore, the more it burned. She laughed the entire time. I cried. By the time she was done, my asshole looked like raw meat. I cried so hard. I still can’t piss, fuck or shit without grimacing in pain. At least I got a fix.

torture sex

I’m Going To Feed You Your Own Cock

You are a completely useless piece of shit and that thing between your legs has you thinking with the wrong head. I believe castration phone sex is the only answer for you as I have had it with the countless times my little sister has been treated so fouly by you, and well, I held off as long as I could… per her request that I don’t do anything to you… and cannot let this go on. In fact I think I will assist any other females from enduring your loser ways.

I invite you over for a party and tell you how you cannot tell my little sister, after all you are too cool to not be invited… *god I nearly choked on those words!* You show up and I have a few biker friends over for good measure and ask you to the back bedroom because I need to talk to you. I get you back there and pretend to be all over you and get you undressed. I push you into a chair and before you realize what is happening I am duct taping your wrists and ankles to posts. I text my bros to crank up the tunes. I then grab a big game gutting knife and straddle your legs. With a swoop of the blade I have severed your penis and ball sac and leave you bleeding out. I go to the kitchen and sautee this delicate.. and small piece of meat up in a pan and return to feed you your own cock. Choke on this dick meat and die mother fucker.

Castration phone sex

Ass pound

Ass rape porn is my boyfriend’s favorite. He loves to watch it with me and loves to use me and starts fucking me like a piece of meat. I love when he pounds me raw and doesn’t give a damn about if he is hurting me. He will tie me up and begin to paddle me and straddle himself on me; I love to feel the burn against my skin. I’ve never been one to like anal, but ever since he took my asshole and made it his, I learn to enjoy it. I guess pain and pleasure to come to play hand in hand when you are subjected to it. I love being his little bitch* and giving him everything he wants, whatever he says goes and if I have an issue I will have more consequences.

Snuff Porn Dismemberment

snuff pornI was meant for snuff porn. That is what he said. I was powerless. He had me bound and gagged. I was on my knees shaking. I knew my death was near. When I was grabbed, I immediately thought sex slave trade. He made it clear that I was too old and used up to get money for sex. He explained that he had a client who desired a woman like me for something far more nefarious.  When his client made his presence known, he was wearing an executioner’s outfit. Full leather mask obscured his face.  He was holding some ancient axe. Snuff sex was eminent. He wanted me to beg. It was some sick game to him. I have been in many bad situations. Perhaps this was just a sick fantasy designed to scare me. I offered up my body. I thought I could at least make his rape fantasies come true.  He didn’t want my body.  Well, he didn’t want it for sex. He wanted to dismember me, watch me cry and watch me die. He chopped off my arms first. Blood squirted everywhere. I felt faint. The pain was extreme no matter how hard I tried to use mind control to subdue it. Next came my legs. I was a bloody stump, barely breathing when he skull fucked my dying body. The last thing I remembered was swallowing his cum before I took my last breath.

Castration Phone Sex: I Will Revoke Your Balls

castration phone sex

Castration phone sex is a wicked good time for me. Perhaps, not you so much. Guys seem particularly attached to their balls. Even, small worthless balls are hard to part with. What men don’t understand is that testicles are a privilege. Not every guy deserves them. Sure, you are born with nuts, but if you have proven time and time again, that you don’t know how to use them properly, they should be revoked. Just like if you get too many DUIs, your license is permanently revoked. I revoke balls. Too many men have balls that don’t know how to use them properly. I met Daniel at a Goth bar last week. He was sexually harassing the women there. He called a friend of mine a freak and lots of other far worse names. This fucking loser walked into a Goth bar and started insulting the patrons. That shit didn’t go over well. I don’t put up with trash talking. You don’t like Goths, get the fuck out of our bar. He was drunk and looking for trouble. I am trouble with a capital T. He just had no clue how much trouble he was in. The folks in that bar had my back. I spiked his drink to lessen his strength and two guys lifted him on top of the bar for me. I shoved someone’s panties in his mouth, stripped him naked from the waist down and showed him what happens to disrespectable pricks. The owner of the bar gave me a few things to select from, so I picked the rusty old chainsaw in the back. All my fellow Goths and sadistics were cheering me on. I sawed off his nuts with a rusty chainsaw. He was bleeding all over the bar. Girls got out their lighters and burned the wound shut. He would live, but he was not going to procreate, and he would likely never get laid again because I left a nasty scar. At least he learned a lesson. Don’t come on to my turf and insult me and my friends. I have lots of torture phone sex stories for you as a sick bitch.

torture phone sex

Evil Babysitter Phone Sex

babysitter phone sexEvil babysitter phone sex is one of my many sick specialities. I love being an accomplice helping men get access to those little ones they covet and hate. I have a special friend who wanted a young boy and a young girl. A man can’t advertise as a babysitter without raising a few red flags. A goth chick, however, can clean up and look like the perfect woman in need of some extra work while she is finishing up graduate school. I selected the perfect family for my friend. Once I was in the house and the parents were gone, I snuck him in through the back door. The little ones were already asleep, but not for long. I woke up the princess first with my friend’s huge ass cock down her throat. Little ones sleep so soundly, but they don’t sleep through a skull fuck. She started crying when she realized she was not dreaming. Her brother came into the room hearing his sister screaming. When he walked in he saw my friend violating his sister’s tiny little slut hole. Blood was all over his dick. I had used my knife to cut the little whore up. I tortured her little nipples, even her clit. I held a knife to his throat and made him watch my friend explore his tender age rape phone sex fantasies. My friend was splitting the little whore in two with his cock. Her ass was destroyed too. I made baby brother eat my cunt. I contemplated on slicing his little pecker off first but decided I would save that for the grand finale. I made him fuck his sister’s ruined bloody cunt while my friend fucked his ass. I watched and masturbated as it was a hot sadistic show. In the end, we sexually mutilated both little ones, then killed them. I love when I can share a hot snuff sex experience.


Victim of the Party

snuff porn

Getting wasted with my friends is so much fun. Every time we go out we make it a contest to see who can just the sluttiest. It was obvious that I won this night. My red dress literally covered barely any of me. All of my ass was hanging out and only my nipples were covered I was basically begging to be fucked. When we got to the party all eyes were on me. I loved twerking and dancing for everyone. There was even a pole there and I got up and put on a show. Moving my hips swaying back and forth dropping my ass low and slowly licking up the pole. Every man in that place wanted my pussy. The last couple of drinks just tasted so weird and then I blacked out. when I woke up I couldn’t see a damn thing. It was so dark but my feet weren’t touching the ground. All I could make out were two poles they were on each side of me. As I moved around I could tell I was tied up my arms and feet where behind. I could barely move. Just as I realized this two men came in the room. They started to whip me and burn my body with oil. I loved the pain and begged for more. They lightly started cutting my skin. First was my stomach, putting a few scratches here and there then my legs. I screamed out in pain and pleasure but they made my restraints tighter and everything started to hurt. They cut into me deep and started whipping me so hard I had bloody marks all over me. they told me if I kept quitting they would reward me with there cocks. So I bit down on my lip each time they hurt me never allowing myself to scream until finally, they let me fall to the ground and tied me up like a pig. They fucked me hard it was so painful but I loved it one of them wrapped his hands around my throat and choked me so hard and furiously that  I cried and my eyes went red but I never wanted them to stop. And since that night I have changed I love being dominated ill follow anything you say just please punish me.

Dumb Victims For Evil Phone Sex

My boyfriends band was playing this sold out gig the other night and I am always going to be there to support him, and of course take care of any little groupie wannabe hoe. Trust me, there are plenty of these barely legal little sluts that are always trying to get his attention, and we both have a few good laughs on these useless cunts expense.

He’s in a kinda Goth Horror Rock type band and tends to attract young rich suburban girls that play rebellion with mommy and daddy’s money. My evil phone sex fantasies are always going to be fueled by these dumb cunts. I love luring them back to party with us after the show, sometimes if I’m feeling really evil I will lure a few back.

These cunts could never guess where some of the blood used on stage and those blood stained clothes comes from, dumb little victims like themselves of course. We smoke some potent shit that will always knock these weak sluts out in just a couple of puffs, they are either vomiting or passing out but often times both. I take the passed out cunt and rip her clothes off with my Buck knife. I then precede to run that knife along her pristine smooth flesh of her torso to her pelvic bone making a nice slit.

Rubbing her blood all over myself the fun is just beginning, she’ll get what she wants alright! My boyfriend will slide his dick into this pigskin sheath that is coated with glass shards and starts to fuck her tight little holes ripping that flesh up as she bleeds out. And before he cums he pulls out and removes that pigskin, and baptizes the cunts face with his gunk.

Evil Phone Sex

Born for Taboo Phone Sex

taboo phone sexI was born for taboo phone sex. I didn’t have a traditional upbringing. I was a whore for daddy and his friends when I was a school girl. I have never had a normal relationship. I am not exactly girlfriend material. Guys fuck me. Guys always hit on me. They never want to take me out, however. They just want to treat me like a dirty whore; use me and leave. I understand that is all I deserve. I have had lots of slave training in my life. I know my place. I am a well trained puppy. When he told me, he was in the mood for torture sex, I got scared. He had been drinking. I knew he was pissed off from work too. This was not a good combo for me, but I can’t resist or protest. I have learned that hard lesson before. He tied my clit up with a rope. It was swelling quickly and turning purple. While I waited for my clit to fall off, which is what felt like was happening, he skull fucked me. He likes fish hooking my mouth. He slapped my titties as he fucked my mouth. My clit was numb. I thought perhaps that was a good thing, but when he burned it with his cigar, I felt it. I cringed from the pain. He punched me in the face. I felt my mouth bleeding. He was in an extra sadistic mood. Nothing I could say would make it any easier on me, so I just shut the fuck up until he got too drunk to do much damage to me. When he passed out, I snuck out of his house. I know the next time I see him, I will be in for a world of pain. When I got home, I stitched my busted lip and iced my swollen clit. It’s a tough life being a submissive whore.

torture sex