Category: Mutilation phone sex

Monty’s Bloody Auction House- Two

Mutilation phone sexI watched myself on the monitor and stared at the views and comments they were making. At lot of people were saying “Yummy” and swapping out recipes. Others were insults and vulgar comments like “Can’t wait to see this stupid dumb whore hacked to bits, it’s going to make me explode”. All I could do was whimper and cry begging for them to stop, which only made things worse. Of course I was dumb and stupid, the perfect target. No one would miss me. According to the timer on the screen it was 2 hours before the man came back. This time he covered his face with a strange clown mask which only allowed for you to see his mouth. When he stepped in front of the camera the chatroom soon filled with “Hey Monty”, “Yay Monty’s here” from the eager audience ready for some bloodshed. He addressed them “Hello my loyal followers, as you can see I have secured quite the beauty for us to…enjoy”. He walked to his computer and launched another window to display on the screen label Bid: currently with a zero next to it. “As most of you know, but in case of newcomers. Highest bid wins, blood vials of course can be purchased as always in the store among other none bid worthy parts” he chuckled. He then grab a large bonesaw and walked towards me. “It’s your big debut sweetheart” he laughed and licked my face. “Let’s begin the Mutilation!” he cheered on in the camera. The chat blew up with cheers and encouragement. All ready to watch me be cut into bits for sale.

The Next Star of My Snuff Movies

snuff moviesYou look like the star of snuff movies. I am looking for a leading man for my next snuff flick with a very young girl. The kind of girl who has no tits yet and a naturally bald pussy. I want to kill a really young bitch. They annoy the fuck out of me. I lack maternal instincts. But, I think a P man like you could have a use for a super young slut, right? I am thinking there are at least three holes on young sluts that you might find useful. I make the perfect accomplice and director, because I won’t give a fuck if the bitch cries or bleeds. In fact, I want her to do both. I told you I have zero maternal instincts. The way I see it, once less little slut in the world is a good thing. Annoying little cock teasers deserve to be in pictures. They deserve to be in snuff porn. They deserve to make your rape fantasies cum true. I know just where to kidnap the little beauties. I know just where to take them, so their screams cannot be heard. And, I know just how to dispose of the remains, so no one can find them again. I just need a male star. Is that you?

Let’s Taste Each Other

Cannibalism phone sexIt was a blind date, one of my close friends suggested him to me. She said he was my kind of peculiar. It wasn’t until near the end of the evening I figured out what she had meant. We had met up earlier in the day to catch a movie. He was a nice looking man very well mannered and polite. He was also very gentle which I didn’t really care for, but the way he was so careful was curious. After the movie he offered to cook us dinner back at his place. I accepted to be polite although I was finding our date very boring. He sat me down at the table and started to prepare things in kitchen. He grabbed a hefty size knife and walked over to the table. He then said “Have you ever tasted yourself Juliet?” he grinned placing the tip of the knife against his tongue. It was like a new person suddenly I couldn’t quite explain it. “I’m not sure what you mean” I replied curiously. He paused and answered “I think to be truly intimate with someone, you should share your flavor with them.” As he finished he pulled up his sleeve and sliced off a slice of his own flesh, and walked into the kitchen placing it in the frying pan. I smiled, when I finally understood that he was my kind of peculiar. I walked into the kitchen and took the knife from his hand and cut off a slice of myself. “In that case, let’s taste each other” I grinned.

Born for Snuff Sex

snuff sexDaddy told me all I was good for was snuff sex. Back then I never believed him. I was desperate to get out from his clutches. I ran away from home before graduating high school. All I encountered on the streets were men who made daddy look like a choir boy. Its been a decade plus some years since I ran away. The life and soul has been beat out of me. I know my calling. I was born to die a violent death. I decided to be master of my own demise. I got on the dark net to auction off my own murder. I have been planning it for months with the help of some masters who know the dark net terrain well. Do you know how many men want to make a homemade one of a kind snuff porn with me as the star? It was a live podcast for the bidding. I was telling viewers about me, about my life and the bids started coming in from all over the world. Hundreds of men want the privilege of killing a blonde bitch. Some guys commented on the numerous ways they would dispose of me. Some were more violent than others. I want violence. I want blood. I want gore. And, mostly I want pain. I should die a gruesome way. I sold my death to an Irish bloke named Ian for $1 million. There were higher bids but known quite as violent. I made my own Hostel movie. Ian is a fan of medieval torture. He showed me his dungeon full or torture devices. He even plans to skin me alive before tearing off each limb and eating my flesh I won’t know when or where, but my ultimate demise is now imminent. How would you kill me or do you prefer to watch?

Castrating a Loser To The Extreme

This pathetic mother fucker thought he could treat all women like objects for his fucking desires and chose the wrong one for a target. Nothing like taking this loser on with some hot mutilation phone sex fun. We traced his tags back to an address and showed up there in the stealth of the night after determining his schedule. Myself and two of my biker gang brothers let ourselves in and the fun began. I visited him at his bed as though a dream come true, looking hot as fuck and had him dumb as all men tend to be over these breasts. I straddled him and quickly drew my knife and slit his fucking ball sack with a swift swipe of my blade. As he bent over in pain my brothers came in and took turns ripping his bitch ass wide open as they fantasy raped the fuck out of it and had it torn and bleeding, much like his balls.

mutilation phone sex

The plumber steel pipe

snuff sexI was sitting my niece, and I guess she had fucked up the sink in the bathroom. I had to call a plumber over to fix the mess she made. I was alone and noticed it was getting late. It was odd to me that the plumber was coming almost eleven at night. I didn’t think much of it I just wanted the damn sink fixed because I was planning on moving soon. The last thing I needed was shit from the office management center coming down on me for their weak pipes. The plumber came in and took his sweet time. He got the job fixed after three hours. I knew he was stalling but had no idea why. As he was getting ready to head out, he told me he had to show me something in the kitchen. He was telling me that everything was connected. I couldn’t believe he was dragging this on. Why couldn’t he leave he had been here for hours. Looking back I knew what his motive was. Mr. Plumber wanted to fulfill his snuff sex fetish. He grabbed me and began to put a knife on my neck. You scream bitch, and you die. Be a good slut and get on your knees and suck and maybe I will let you live. I want to see you take my stupid cock bitch. I was nervous but knew he means business. I grabbed his cock and tried to give him the best blow ever. It wasn’t good enough. He made me spread my pussy and started to pound it with a steel pipe he had. Meanwhile, he had my nipples bleeding, and I was covered in blood. I was his fucking torture doll for the night. I woke up unconscious in a pool of blood. I had so much pain I was surprised he didn’t end up killing me. It was one of the most horrific events of my life. I was also so turned on at the same time knowing someone could come and take what they want and just leave.

Delicious Dish of Snuff Phone Sex Served Hot

Intrigued by snuff phone sex are we? Maybe you have a true evil streak that borderlines a serial killer like desire for another kind of jerk off fantasies. No one ever understood you and you really couldn’t let others in on what really goes on in that head of yours. I bet you sit and fantasize about severed body parts and the things you could do with some dumb mute. I would even go so far as to surmise that you often think about human flesh delicacies like those sweet nipples on that Hooker last night or the huge clit of the neighbor you fantasy raped recently. Well my darkling I think you need to get something evil brewing for that spunk to flow. I’m you apprentice or you can be mine with the desire you wish to fulfill brought to me.

Snuff Phone Sex

I Get Off To Pathetic Losers Kidnapped

Kidnapping Phone SexI love keeping fags tied up in my basement and them doing what I want at my every snap of my finger. I needed more and bigger losers than the ones I have right now, I have been stalking this house on the other side of town of a man who seems to be quite the loner. I dressed up in my most provocative outfit and walked up to his door at night and asked him if he could come help me with something at my house and I would bring him right back. Guys are so fucking stupid, we arrived at my house and I told him down in my basement and stepped back when he saw the other losers and I was at the stairway with my cattle prod, I zapped him and told him to get the fuck back. My lackey came up behind him and passed him out and he awoke shackled down, I was stood over him placed one heel on his shoulder and started rubbing my juicy fat pussy with my fingers I was going to get off with him in distress. I love how fragile these fags look when I fuck with their head. I love kidnapping stupid guys and raping their assholes and mouth. I told my lackey to fuck him up his ass so I could cum. I warned him not to make a sound or he gets zapped again. I had my fingers in my cunt and everytime he got fucked it pushed my fingers deeper. I came so hard looking at this pathetic loser and wiped my fingers on him.

He Made For The Perfect Stew

Cannabilism Phone SexThere was a guy who lived a couple houses down and I noticed he was always alone. He was so enamoured with me and was convinced I was a vampiress or something ridiculous. I walked down to his house and invited him over later that afternoon. He came over and I hadn’t had any dick in a while so I had him fuck me on the sofa, of course he was not going to be coming. His dick was a disappointment so I made him get me off by eating my bald tight pussy with my nice juicy fat lips. I got up and I was wearing my corset and long high heels boots, I round kicked him in the face dropping him to the floor. I stood over his body with the blood from his nose dripping down his chin, I was laughing at this loser. I smashed his face and he was groaning, I got down and held his head and said to him “ I will relieve you of your most precious organ and feed it to you, not like it would be much of a meal”. I smashed his face again with my heels and then I started smashing his ribs while rubbing my cunt. I loved the sound of his bones breaking and cracking. He laid there lifeless and I knew what I would do with him, I skinned him and cut up all his meat and cooked a stew with it. I made my way over to the local soup kitchen with my new stew and watched all those people eating that pathetic loser with a smile on my face.

Extreme Bondage Phone Sex and Torture

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex gets extreme with a submissive druggy whore like me. I got a bit tied up last night. I am not exactly sure how it happened either.  I was in a bar drinking with strangers. I know I was hitting guys up to party. I am a cougar whore. I love to party and fuck. I like coke too much and it gets me in some predicaments like last night. The last thing I clearly remember was doing lines of coke in the bathroom with this college dude.  I had been playing pool, drinking, flirting and partying with some frat boys. When I woke up, I was tied up and suspended with some dude I had no memory of meeting. He was not one of the frat boys. I don’t think he was even at the bar. He had a pulsating vibrator attached to my clit that was giving me orgasm after orgasm. I know that doesn’t sound bad, but rapid cums in close succession like that over stimulates your pussy and hurts. I asked him who he was and how I got there. Apparently, the frat boys I was partying with sold me for $500 to this guy. WTF? They can’t sell a person. I demanded to be let go. He was not having any of my sass. He took a blow torch to my cunt and asshole. Torture sex is why he bought me. The pain made me pass out. He liked me awake, however. I could feel my flesh melting. I could smell my flesh burning. I puked. The way I was suspended, I only managed to puke all over myself. The torture went on for hours like some strange Pavlov’s dog experiment. It was like he was trying to get me to associate cumming with pain. I am a pain slut but burning the flesh from my skin was more than I could bear. Eventually, I passed out and couldn’t be revived. He dumped my body in an alley. I woke up when a bum was pissing on me.