Category: Mutilation phone sex

They’re Only Happy When I’m Screaming

Snuff PornI went out looking for some fun the other night dressed for trouble and I found it!

There was this really two hot guys that started flirting with me right away and I knew that they were exactly my type of man…the kind to make me cum like a whore and leave me limp on the floor!

So of course when they mentioned going to a private party, my tight little cock trap did her flip and I was ready and willing!

They were getting a little rough in the car, forcing their cocks down my throat and choking me while they skull fucked me, but I love a man that knows how to control a bitch so I was just getting more and more turned on!

By the time we got to this ‘party’, my clothes were turn, my neck was red from being choked and pinned down and my pussy was torn and wet and dripping with cum!

There were hundreds of men at this party and I was grabbed by the hair and drug across the floor as soon as I stepped in!

My clothes had been torn off long ago as they suspended my bruised naked body in the air, limbs pulled and stretched to the point of breaking while they ram fucked my ass, cunt and face with their hard cocks of steel!

But they were only happy when I was screaming!

Tearing my cunt with two massive cocks at a time was just a teaser!

Ripping the tender flesh of my tight ass with their ass rape porn meat was a warm up!

They wanted blood!

The cold steel of the blade they pressed against my hot stinging tits was a slight comfort…until the sliced off my nipples!

And my the bruised skin on my thighs was easily sliced by the snap of the leather whip!

Then I felt the knife slide deep inside my burning cunt!

Then men pissed on my cum covered ass while they chanted…Fuck the whore!

I felt the blade being thrusted deep inside what once was my sweet soft pussy!

Only twice.



Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornI hate watching ass rape porn with men. They always get horny and start eying me up and down. I have this occasional fuck buddy I hook up. We fuck but mostly we get high together. He is not a dominant guy. It is an equal sort of thing. I hang with him because it is a nice break from all the rough sex with other men. That all changed the other night. I do not know what changed. He was a different man. Maybe it was the strand of weed he was toking. We put in this porno flick. It was a blonde girl getting ass fucked by several black men. Suddenly, he was on me. Not in a playful way. Not in a sweet way. He was just on top of me pinning me down to the ground. He ripped my clothes off and tried to force his dick inside my pussy. The problem was his dick was too small. I laughed. I do not know why I laughed. I know better. I fuck a lot of black guys. I am not like exclusive or anything. My laugh pissed him off in a way I have never seen him pissed off before. He smacked me across the face and rammed his fist up my cunt. He called me a nigger loving bimbo as he pumped his first in and out of my pussy, tearing my pussy open. I was crying in pain. I never saw this coming from my mild-mannered fuck party buddy. I was begging for forgiveness, but he did not care anymore. He grabbed the candle stick off the coffee table and jammed it in my ass. He sodomized me with a candle stick while fisting my cunt. If Clue were a torture sex game, I was playing it. It was a macabre game of violence and torture. I was supposed to be on a break from that, but such is the life of a taboo whore.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasy

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are why I am here. You are not the only one with sick fantasies. I did not always have such perverted and fucked up fantasies, but decades of abuse and being some one’s bitch has changed my outlook on life. A few years ago, I happened upon a 90s movie called Boxing Helena. It has been masturbation fodder for me ever since. Do you know the movie? It is a strange movie about obsession. A man covets a woman so much, he dismembers her and keeps her in a box under his bed. She can never leave him with no limbs. Since seeing that movie, I have had torture sex fantasies about a man dismembering me. I want to be coveted so much that a man would go to such extremes to make sure I would never leave him. I think deep down inside I know no man would ever want me that much. No man would ever go to such measures for me, a blonde bimbo. They might, however, do it to hurt me. Think of me as your sex doll. You can fuck me when ever you want, any one of my three holes. You can take my arms and my legs, so I will never flee. I am yours forever, for better or worse. Kept right under your bed for whenever you need to use me.

Need a Partner for Teen Rape Porn

teen rape pornDo you like teen rape porn? Watching it is one thing. Making it is an entirely different ballpark. Sadly, I must make a lot of these movies solo. It is so much more fun with a partner in crime. You can do more damage to a hot teen slut with your cock than I can with a strap-on or a fist. Well, maybe not more damage, but you can certainly take care of the middle part, right? I had a cheerleader slut I slaughtered last night by myself. I am not saying I did not have a good time because I did. I just would have liked to see you fuck the light in her eyes away. You could tell she was a privileged twat. She kept saying things like, “My daddy will kill you if you hurt me.” And “I’m the head cheerleader.” She is the headless cheerleader now. Stupid cunt. She was feisty. I should have sold her to my friend who is in the underground sex slave world. Instead, I had fun with her by myself. I should have tortured her longer too, but her mouth never stopped talking about daddy or how special she was. I wished you were there to explore those violent rape phone sex fantasies of yours. I mean this bitch deserved cock in all her tight teen holes. She was a fucking virgin. Dressed like a slut at the mall. A fucking cheerleader too. But I popped that cherry with my strapon. Made her suck her virgin blood off my fake cock too. She never shut up. Even as I was gagging the twat with my bloody strapon she kept talking about daddy. Well, daddy could not save her from me. I used my hatchet to behead her so she would shut the fuck up about daddy. Boy did that make a mess. I kicked her head outside in the snow. This morning it was gone. Eaten by wild animals. Snuff porn is better with an accomplice. I killed the pretty white teen cheerleader. I tortured her. I fucked her. But having you there to fuck her would have been such a more satisfying kill for me.

kidnapping phone sex with Stephanie


kidnapping phone sex

I had a call that ended up in a much more evil way that my usual kidnapping phone sex call. I recognized the area code as being very close to where I live. After revealing to him that I was only about an hour away, we realized that we could have so much more fun than we thought. We had a golden opportunity to live out any twisted fantasy we wanted. We made arrangements to meet at a local park and have some fun. Just like we agreed, I had brought along a little throw away brat that I scored from some junkie slut for a few hundred bucks. We took turns licking her and playing with her before he wanted to have his real fun with her. I held my hand over her tiny face to muffle the screams as he jammed his hard cock into the soft spot on her little skull. He forced his cock in out, scrambling her tiny brains and shooting cum into her little head until she was limp. I licked the brains matter and jizz off of his dick while he drove us around town, looking for more brats to snatch up and play with. I think I’ve found the perfect playmate.


Gangbang Rape Porn Attraction

Gangbang Rape Porn

It was a dark web attraction to the Gangbang rape porn advertisement. I was the perfect fit for their fantasy role. I was a beautiful blond with fake tits and cock sucking lips. It was as though I was the poster girl for their vision. I was elated and delighted with how perfect the role was for me. I enjoyed getting coked up and snuffed out on set. The guys were all lined up throwing down some big wads of cash to get their turn. I was not spared by the last few that paid the most. They paid for a used up bimbo with holes ripped up and dripping with bloodied cum. It was magnificent the level of pain they asserted on me. I was taken to such a high and the IV of heroin certainly made it so mother fucking pleasurable to be beat to death like they did. They expected me to die. I thought I was going to go out with this one and begged for more pain. But I survived and awoke in the Hospital yet again the morphine surging through me and me begging the orderly to fuck me.

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sexI hope you have killer phone sex fantasies. I was born to die. I watched the Hostel movies last night. I was working and snowed in anyway. With the virus still looming, none of my fetish clubs were open. So, I had a horror festival at home. The Hostel movies make my cunt wet. I masturbated all night thinking of being kidnapped and given to men who would sell me to the highest bidder for depraved torture. I know most girls my age would never want to be ravaged and destroyed physically but I am not like most women. I have deep dark fantasies about torture sex. In this one scene in the movie, a young Asian girl is getting mutilated. Her face disfigured, taking away her beauty. Folks were having limbs sawed off by chainsaws. A guy was gutted like a pig. And all of it made my pussy wet. When you kill me, promise me it will be violent and painful. I want to suffer the entire time. I want to be alive while my insides are in a pile on the floor between my legs. I know you want to do that to me too. I will scream, cry and beg for mercy, but I know you will show me none.

Medical Castration phone sex

Castration phone sex

Castration phone sex is not for every one. Only those men who need to have those pathetic useless balls removed! I personally like to add some cock torture to the castration process. Now medical devices are such a help when it comes to removing your testes. Can we talk about hot large sounding bars going into your urethra?

 I am such a fan of these medical instruments that I can use to torture you. I know what you’re thinking. You want to keep your balls and you don’t want your cock to have any pain. Well too bad, too sad. A man like you is not met to have his full ball set. Am I opinionated if I would like to slice your dick off? We can start with some barbed wire and a nice fillet knife. For my personal favorite and nice extra sharp diamond cut scalpel. The process might be a little bloody a whole lot pain. But I’m a sadistic talking deviant bitch who pulls no stops when it comes to castration and medical torture. I really don’t see those balls or that cock having a future. If it was up to me every call would be a medical fetish phone sex where I remove your pathetic useless male organs. Your girl Jezabel has a great need to eat your balls and dick and drink your blood! 

Indigo and Jezabels’ Brutal Mutilation phone sex

Mutilation phone sex

Let Jezabels’ And Indigos  Brutal Mutilation phone sex take you down into the dark perverted recess of your mind now! 

Come with me… for you see we snatched this  treasure and now we must dispose of her. 

The fabric is left over her eyes when her bindings are untied. She makes mewling sounds, but still seems comatose. I honestly did not think she was still  alive the whole time we were there. There was no sound from the trunk.

Indigo  bent over her bringing  her arms above her head! It was then this succulent morsel woke, grasping on to life with all she had. She clawed at Indigos flesh and bit her until blood ran. Only to see Indigo stare back down at her and tell her how wet her pussy was now for our victim!  Blood covered her face as My sexy accomplice gouged her face with her horned one silver ring in a backhanded slap across the face! I Swing my stiletto boot around and I kicked this darling in the back. “Where’s my money bitch!” Before the little whore could speak I pressed down on her windpipe. My boot seeking to kill her. Indigo stops me and reminds me we still have an offer for a new snuff porn and she fits the bill! We would get our money put of this bitch one way or another, and get to fucking end her life for the disrespect she has given us! I let her up only to see she has pissed her panties and made a mess. I laugh and Indigo says don’t do it Jezabel! I pull my panties to the side and flood her face with hot golden piss! The gurgles are enough to have Indigo squatting down with the scalpel and slicing her young perky tits to ribbon as my piss enters our young sluts new wounds. I kiss Indigo full and hard  on the mouth and ask her if the cameras are rolling. She assured me that “they always are. Let’s get our money baby, call all the cock you can find!”snuff porn

Come and find our why too accomplice phone sex bitches are better than one!

Your Taboo Phone Sex Accomplice

taboo phone sexI cater to your taboo phone sex fantasies. No vanilla fuck calls or gfe experience with me. My favorite things? Castration, accomplice calls, cannibalism and anything that involves snuff and rape fantasies. If you never attempt to make me your victim, we will get along fine. This is not a job for me. I do this to connect with worthless pieces of shit and like-minded sick individuals. I make my money being a sick bitch for hire on the dark net. Men hire me for the shit they are too weak to do themselves or they hire me to be an accomplice. I helped a guy last night remove his balls. Guys like him give me the knowledge for my castration phone sex calls. I am called a wicked butcher for a reason. When he arrived at my kill shack, he was already sexually mutilated from a botched castration attempt. One ball was black and blue and deflated. He clearly needed my help. I put him in my castration chair to be humane. If they pay me, I am humane. A few shots of whiskey, some Novocain and a castration ban, and he barely feels it. The after aftermath is what hurts the most. After about ten minutes in a castration ban, the balls sever easily. I use a soldering pin to stop the bleeding. Leaves a nasty scar, but a no ball loser does not need to worry about scars. He cannot get laid anyway.  He paid me several grand to remove his balls, kill his dirty impulses. I did. And I loved it. Ball torture sex is so much fun. Small dick losers love CBT and ball removal. Not all of them, but the ones who request some CBT BEFORE I take the balls, are my favorite. You see. I am not the one you call if you want small dick humiliation. I am the one you call if you want that, a lot of pain and castration too.