Category: Mutilation phone sex

Melt Away and Die Bitch!!!!

torture phonesex angieThere is nothing like prolonging her pain to keep my pussy cumming.

She was so lovely, lily white skin, so soft and smelled of lilac. Big blue eyes and long silky hair. Her body was perfect in every way…. WAS…

Of course I started by fulfilling my rape fantasies. I caress her face before kissing her lips, fording my tongue between her teeth so i could taste her mouth. Resisting the urge to run my nails down her cheek and draw blood. That would come in time, all in due time.

I laid on top of her naked body pressing my tits into hers and forcing her legs apart so i could rub my cunt against hers. Grinding it, working it, cumming all over her fresh pussy. Resisting the desire to force my fist inside her mercilessly. That would come in time, all in due time.

I nibbled my way down her stomach all the way to the V between her legs making her keep her legs spread so I could dive inside. Resisting the urge to bite chunks of flesh from her body. That would come in time, all in due time.

Then I chained her wrists to the head board posts and her ankles to the foot board posts. I have tortured my self long enough, it is time to have some real fun!

With her secure, I go to the metal cabinet and take out the bucket I bought earlier. Carefully I pour some into a glass and bowl. I walk back to the bed and set them down.

Sliding between her legs again I bite her inner thigh hard enough to draw blood but not hard enough to remove flesh. she crys out in pain.

I stand up and look at her with blood on my mouth and reach for the cup. I pour its contents on her right foot and she begins to scream as the muriatic acid eats her flesh. My legs quiver and I can feel the orgasm building in me.

Again I slide between her legs and bite her on the inside of her other thigh, and again she crys out, sobbing now from the pain in her foot and her thighs. 

I carefully dip the glass in the bowl refilling it and once again pouring it on her foot. the screams are deafening now and my orgasm is getting closer.

I need to sit next to her feet and rub my cunt hard and fast as I watch her skin melting away, exposing the bones of her feet.

It takes hours to torture her and melt the flesh slowly from her bones from toe to head, saving the best for last. While she screams over and over until her throat is raw and when she opens her mouth no sound comes out and me cumming over and over until I wonder if there is any cum left in me.

Die bitch, die because my ultimate orgasm will cum when you are finally dead..

Karma is a bitch!

snuff phone sexKarma is a Bitch and so am I. I’m done with people pissing me off! I take shit all day long from complete strangers. Cashiers and waiters. Throwing all kinds of SHITTY attitudes. Being bullies or punks. And I am just the wrong Bitch to mess me. So I am going to start teaching all these cock suckers some fucking manners. Like today. I go to the mall and wait for a space.. This little old lady is taking for ever to move her car. But.. I have to pick up a present for my grandmother and this is the only place to get it. So I wait. After she leaves a little fucking BMW Z3 whips into the spot I was pulling into! So blonde Bitch gets out ON her phone and walks by me smiling. I find another spot and when I am walking by her car puncture all 4 of her tires and then carve CUNT on the side of her door. I go into the store feeling better… Until that fucking perfume sales girl asks if I want to try on some stinky shit. I said NO very loudly and she sprayed me anyhow. When I looked at her she smiled and said ” Isn’t that better.. You smell nice now” Like I fucking smelled bad  So I walk up to her and say can I see that please when she goes to hand it to me I move my hand the bottle drops to the floor and spills all over her. I move away quickly.. now the shit smells better. And then… I finally buy my grandmother the perfume she wants. I go to my car and some ass hole is leaning against my car talking on his phone. I ask him to move and he tell me to wait a fucking minute while he is yelling at someone… so I do. While I am waiting I pull out my tire Iron and the second he hangs up the phone I smash his fucking head in. He falls to the ground bloody and mutilated… Lessons learned

Accomplice Phone Sex In The Dark of The Night

torture phonesex karmaWhen I think about being a young girl and sneaking out to the woods to play on the old wooden swing hanging from the big oak tree by barbed wire with the early morning fog swirling all around me it makes me want to fuck up any little girl I see that only knows her back yard with flowers and a play house and a shiny swing set.
My friend and I were talking about it and he decided he would build me a swing like the one I used to play on. I love swinging on it but now I want to go get a young innocent thing and bring her out here. So the two of us go on the hunt for the perfect little girl to fulfill the twisted fantasy that is consuming me.
I can hear the blood pumping in my ears and the sound is deafening. I can feel my cunt getting wetter as the excitement and anticipation builds.
We spot her playing in the grass and we wait for the right time. As I scoop her up in my arms and cover her mouth to muffle her screams I inhale the scent of her hair, it smells so fresh and clean. Not for long innocent one, not for long.
He drives away while I hold her in the back until we get to the edge of the woods. She looks so pretty in her little white dress with her long jet black hair, the color of the midnight sky.
I shove her along in front of us and she falls several times, scraping and scuffing her knees. By the time we get where we are going, they are bleeding and raw and my cunt is cumming uncontrollably.
We tie her to a tree and I watch as my friend ravages her body in the cool night air. I love watching the abuse and masturbating and cumming while he has his way with her.
By the time the mist of the early night comes out, her dress is tattered, blood is dripping down her silky white skin and her head is hung in defeat and shame.
I put her on the swing, she has no energy to fight and the sight takes me back to my younger days as I cum over and over again.
We will kill her together as soon as the sun sets completely and the storm that has been brewing unleashes it’s fury.
I want to hear her scream in unison with the thunder as I watch her tortured and disfigured face covered in rain and illuminated by the lightening that will be streaking the sky.

Step Parents

snuff phone sex jezabel

 Every one knows Step-Parents do not even deserve to be here. They are fucking annoying, they really think they can tell you what to do. That is what I have had for my Step Mother for the longest time. Today the bitch just took it way to fucking far. She is always complaining about something. Today was enough. She told me that I needed to watch my little brother again knowing how much the little fucking brat gets on my nerves. She walked off as I was talking to her so I wait till the bitch was in the shower when I crept in the bathroom took my knife out from behind my back and stabbed the fucking cunt over and over again till her body went limp and fell into the bathtub that’s when I leaned over and cut the fucking cunts tongue out now she will do no more fucking nagging. If her son don’t shut up he will next!


Killer phone sex with Storm


Killer phone sexKiller phone sex is what I offer! I don’t just mean Im good at what I do.. but I am! I mean I am going to fucking KILL someone! I going to rip them apart. Make them Bleed! I want to watch them suffer. Beg and plead! But in the end they won’t live. I even cum from the pain I give! Every cut, bruise and slash. Brings me closer to heaven. Makes me feel so alive. As your life slips away. Until you finally die. But that is the way it goes! Some people are here to hunt. Some are here to be prey. The natural order of thing. That is just the way. And if you are very very lucky… I may let you cum along. I don’t mind sharing my hunt. Something so good cant be wrong.

Bondage phone Sex is where to start!

Bondage phone sexBondage phone sex really turns me on. Knowing which rope to use. How thick. How long.   Knowing just how to tie the knots. Just where to put the ropes to cause the most pain. I like to make the ropes tight. So they cut into the skin and turn it a beautiful blue and purple hue. I like to use heavy rope to tie the breasts. One above. One below. And one right across the nipples. So when she moves it will bite and burn. Around the waste and down right thru her pretty little legs! Leaving a little slack around her puss so I can pull it and rub it till it hurts. Till the rope burns start to bleed. Mmmm So good. Bondage brings out the fear and the blood. Just the start of the torture. But one of the Best parts!  You can take your time and draw out the fear. Make it last as long as you want. And when the bondage is done… you can do anything your heart desires.

Home invasion phone sex with Storm

Home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex is what it is all about! Sometimes I can’t find what I want from just walking around. No amount of hunting and prepping is gonna hand me a sweet little thing to easily take. But there is always the hard way! I have no problem breaking into some whore’s house. I actually prefer it. They get so much more scared when it’s their own home. Yanking them out of their own bed brinks an extra thrill. Hell.. fucking with them in their own bed is hot. Cutting them.. Raping them. In the area they thought was the safest! And just Yanking that safety blanket away. If I let them They would never be able to sleep again. Never feel safe in their own house or skin. I love it! But lets face.. They probably wont live anyway. But sometimes… I like letting them get away. I like knowing that I will haunt them forever! And they will never get away from that.

Psycho Bitch and Proud of it!

Violent phone sexYeah im a psycho Bitch! And everyone fucking knows it! I don’t fuck around with all these dumb asses. I take what I want. And I enjoy making you suffer while I do it. I want to see your fucking fear. I want to hear you beg and plead. You are nothing to me. Less than nothing. I don’t care if its some pissy little young one. Or some old fucker. They all bleed the same. Yeah.. sometime I crave extra young.. just the way the scream is so fucking hot. But really I don’t give a shit. You got some bitch you want me to get rid off… Im the psycho bitch for the job! If you want to watch… That turns me on. If you want to fuck me over there still warm bleeding body. Im good for that to. If Im to much for you.. stay the fuck out of my way.  Or  you will be on the wrong end of my temper.


snuff phonesex karmaHunting human prey is exhilarating. What I fucking do with them once they are caught is even better!
I have had her tied to a tree all day while I think of what I want to do to her. she is so fucking pretty. I wish I looked like her. All day i have been torn as to what her fate would be.
And then it hit me like a ton of fucking bricks! I can be her, I will be her.
I am sitting here sharpening my best skinning knife, while my cunt drips sweet juices at the thought of becoming this cutie. No one knows how to skin an animal better then I do.
I walk up to her and place the knife at the base of her throat, I lean in and plant my lips on hers, shoving my tongue deep down her throat so that I absorb her first scream as the knife sinks into her. As I pull my mouth away I hear the music that is her agony and I cum so hard I almost loose my grip on my knife.
I love the look in her eyes as I continue to gut her right up the middle. To soon she passes out as I continue. I gut her just like I would a deer or a wild hog and enjoy every minute of it.
As I skin her I sing a little song, knowing I will wear her skin and become her as I cook her fresh meat for dinner.
Gives a whole new meaning to getting under someone’s skin doesn’t it?

Scatching that itch…


knife play phone sexSometimes I just want some nasty nasty killing shit! I love knife play. Slowly dragging out the pain while she is tied down and scared! That is half the fun. Ripping her clothes off and stringing her up.  I want her to cry and beg… And Bleed! I really want her to bleed!  I will do Slow cuts at first. On her thighs and arms. The bottoms of her feet and between her toes. MMMMM The parts to scare her.. And hurt her.  Then I will move to the good parts. Cutting around her little nips. And moving down to her tiny pussy. Cutting little slits along that pretty pink folds.mmmmm Watching her body arch with the pain. Pulling so tight against the ropes to try to free herself. But she will never get out. When Im done having my fun.. When I have drained her… I may put her out of her misery. Or… Find a friend looking for a play