Pregnant Cows

Mutiliation phone sexAren’t pregnant women beautiful? Doesn’t it bring a smile to your face every time you see one? That ‘glow’, the swollen belly, the pure joy on their faces? What the fuck is wrong with you?  There is nothing special about a fat swollen cow carrying around a parasite.  Something that sucks the very life from you.  Pregnant women are nasty.  Sweaty, complaining constantly, puking, pissing themselves, walking around thinking they are special because they have a lump of meat growing inside them.  So the fuck what? All female life forms can reproduce.

So now what do we have? A woman that forgot to take her birth control who is now super fat, huffing and puffing through the day acting like they are a queen.  Who gives a shit?  Not me.  I call them cows because that’s exactly what they look like.  Eating shit all the time, expanding to epic proportions.  The good thing about all this is, that cows get slaughtered.  That is right, cut up into nice bite sized bits.  And if that bovine just happens to be carrying a calf inside her, that just means double the protein.

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