I’ve always been good at puzzles, how could I not be? I am so creative and I like to see things fit together just the way they were supposed to… that’s why I’ll take up any challenge to cut a precious lil bitch’s body up and find a way to fit it into any container you have for me. I’ve disposed of many sluts this way and I greatly enjoy the task of trying to fit all those once sweet and breathing body parts into the most obvious or most bizarre containers possible. I like to have my fun experimenting with smaller containers causing me to have to cut her up into nice small pieces, almost like nice beef stew sized pieces. Maybe I’ll even keep a few for my dinner? Hmm, who could turn down free meat? And the fun I had with this delicious meat will make it taste THAT much better, every bite I will remember her struggle and screams and imagine all the blood I caused right until the life left those big doe eyes she had…so whatever I can’t cut up to those little bite size pieces can easily go right into the crock pot for a nice meal tomorrow! After I had done my teasing and torture, and of course had my way with that sweet pink pussy of hers, I made sure to tell her exactly how she was going to die, as I slowly cut her soft skin, she was the color red by the time I was done with her, I made her cry and beg until she couldn’t speak anymore – at last she finally bled out, and even her very own blood is what she tasted before she finally shutup for good. At this point it was so easy to completely saw through her body as she was no longer able to struggle but we all know it is no easy task to cut through bone so I did of course have to pull out my special set of tools. Now I’m going to use those tiny tupperware boxes that look like giant Legos and stuff them all full and bury them throughout the town – it will be quite the scavenger hunt for the police – if they ever grow a brain and even find the first one!
Category: Mutilation phone sex
I love a good challenge
Torture phone sex with Morticia
Have you ever seen a woman give birth? I always thought her fat belly would just go away right after the little shit came out of her. I watched a whore give birth last week and it had me thinking. What would happen to a cunt if the shit bag was pushed back inside. I knew I would need a very big woman and a not so big man. I had the perfect couple in mind. Keri was 32 and she was house bound. Her freaky husband was 38, a shy little man he weighed maybe 130 and 5 foot 4. He loved big fat pussy. Something about a fat woman made his cock drip. That is why Keri weighed over 500 pounds.
This was way too easy. After Her loser of a husband left I walked into the house. She was fast asleep in her fat fucking bed. I was very happy to see that they had a lift in her room. They probably used it for all sorts of creepy shit. As I was strapping her up in it she started to wake up. I giggled as she tried to get away from me. She couldn’t even lift her fat fucking legs. I got her up in the lift and decide to see how big her pussy was. I stuck my fingers into her fat smelly cunt. I was able to stick 4 fingers in there without lube. I grabbed the biggest thing next to me and that was a soda can. I didn’t lube it, I shoved it up there thinking I’d hear her scream. This fat cunt asked me what I was doing! She couldn’t feel anything.. Oh but she would and soon.
When her husband walked into the door he got a welcoming home like he never had before. I smacked him in the back of the head with a frying pan. knocked his wimpy ass out. I tied him up and placed him in the right spot. I think the smell is what woke him up. He was right under her big fat body. I started to lower her down on to his head. Listening to both their screams made my pussy wet. I grabbed a hair brush and started to fuck myself and I shoved this mans head into the pussy he loved so much.
Torture Phone Sex puts Langley on the Rack
The moisture between my legs began to grow and I felt him stick his over sized meat sausage in my hole. I don’t know if it was insanity that was driving him to push my little cunny to the limit but I was sure whatever it was I was going to pay for it with my life. I should have never teased him. I was on the table going to be electrocuted or suffer the most for my comments. It started with Chinese water torture and then escalated to me being hung by my ankles. I am sure he was going to crucify me but I couldn’t say what this freak show reject was going to do. He had nailed my feet to this board and I was now swinging left and right like a pendulum. I knew he had broken my legs and my ass was no longer there from the blow torch he had used earlier. But the worse would be yet to come and I knew that. My parents would be so proud to see how their little brat had turned out. A slut with a coke habit who was getting what she deserved!
I had done so many things up to this point but the painful part was I was not through suffering the consequences of my actions. Using a rusty knife he began to cut away at my skin first, starting with my tits and then leading to my cunny. Pushing it forcefully into my flesh I felt my body shake as the knife sliced through me pulling me apart. I was in the gates of an unburden hell and he was just about to show me how bloody and terrible things would become. Using the bottle, I felt it cut my face open and the bluntness of his cock as he pushed inside of my mouth. He was pushing my head so hard that my toes that were nailed to the board uplifted and I fell to the floor. Blood spilled over me as I toppled on top of my captor. Pulling the knife out of my flesh again he tasted my blood and spit it in my mouth. I closed my eyes but there was no escape there would never be any escape!
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies with Venus: Who Do You Want to Snuff Out?
I get asked all the time about my ideal victim. I am rather steadfast in my assertion that I have no type other than a person who has annoyed the crap out of me in some fashion. Age, race, gender… don’t matter to me because worthless fucks come in all shapes and sizes. Self entitled assholes, stupid fucks, whinny brats, needy bitches, small dick losers, are everywhere. But putting all that aside, the type I fantasize about butchering the most is the American Bimbo. Vacuous, attention seeking, drama filled, gold digging, bed hopping, Botox injecting, fake looking whores who give real women a bad reputation.
I have zero tolerance for fake ass stupid bitches. When I see them at the mall shopping on some sugar daddy’s dime, or teetering drunk on stripper heels at some club, or using their plastic parts to get what they want, I’m consumed with sadistic ideas on how to dismember and torture them. I want to inflict insurmountable agony to their fake bodies. I have murderous visions of sawing off big bogus titties and feeding them to a pack of wild dogs. Using pliers to snap off dragon lady finger nails. Peeling the fake tanned skin from their bodies. Violating their bubble butts with a blow torch. Pulling the bleach blonde hair from their heads by the root. Sewing up their whore cunts so they cannot breed brats they can’t feed. Cutting out their tongues so they cannot ask stupid questions or lie. Yanking the ring from their worthless belly buttons with my teeth. My pussy drips at the thought of ridding the world of these dim-witted piranhas.
On second thought, maybe I do have a type. Who wants to hunt with me?
Finding My Way Into A XXX Snuff Porn
I received the phone call to show up at an auction from one of my long time friends. I was so very excited because buying nice shit from auctions is one of my personal passions. Always the slut I dressed for the occasion. You never know when you might meet a guy who wants to take you home and use you the way a woman should be used. That means, left bruised, battered, fucked raw and then tossed away like the trash she is.
I arrived and it wasn’t at an auction house, it was a regular house. This through me so I phoned my friend and asked him for the address again. He told to just get my stupid blonde ass in the house. I hung up and walked up to the door. Before I could even ring the bell the door opened, I was grabbed and yanked inside. There were many men inside and three other girls. Not dressed as white trash as me, but still there.
I asked my friend what was going on, he told me to shut up and just go stand with the others. One by one we were taken downstairs and were told to walk around the tables where the majority of the men were seated. We were also instructed to not say a word. The first girl only made it to the third table when she started to cry. Then she became hysterical and tried to run. She was quickly grabbed and taken into another room. I can still hear her screaming in my mind.
The second girl didn’t make that mistake, she made her way around the room then had pictures taken of her. It was my turn, I still didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but I knew better then to say anything. I walked from table to table, it was then that I noticed that each man had an ipad in front of them along with an auction paddle. I wasn’t going to an auction, I was IN the auction! I became excited!
After another hour or so we were all brought back into the room and we each went with a group of different men. I was taken into one of the upstairs bedrooms that was completely covered in heavy plastic. The first man came in wearing a hood, then the second and so on and so forth. I was violated in every way possible. I didn’t care why they were doing what they were doing, I was enjoying it. Then I heard a gun shot from somewhere else in the house. I immediately froze. One of the men grabbed me and forced my mouth back down onto his bulging cock. He pulled my hair back and said, “What’s the matter cunt? Haven’t you ever heard of XXX Snuff Porn??”
A Bloody Mary Before Dinner
As I was suspended from a rafter, I heard blood curdling screams beneath me. It was dark. I could see nothing. Added to the mix was the sound of a chainsaw. I was shaking uncontrollably from fear. What carnage was going on beneath me. Was I next? The screams were deafening. I wanted to help but I was restrained and gagged. Suddenly I felt something warm and sticky spray my body. The screams stopped. I tried to be quiet, not to whimper. My heart was racing. Whatever had happened beneath my feet did not end well for the screaming girl.
I could feel myself being lowered down to the floor. I stepped in something warm, but wet. It was seeping between my toes. I was paralyzed with fear. Instinctively I knew I was in the middle of a blood bath. What I was feeling surrounding my feet was blood. Copious amounts of blood. Without warning bright lights came on. The lights were blinding, but I could see the dead girl in the bathtub. Her limbs severed and dangling in a macabre fashion. She looked like a slain China doll. Her blood had filled up the shallow tub she was contained in and overflowed onto the floor, engulfing me.
Two men were gutting her like a pig. They appeared to be harvesting her organs. They pulled her eyes out from their sockets, put them on ice. They separated the vital organs like the heart, liver and kidneys from the intestines and the brain. I puked at the smell. Surely this was a nightmare and I would wake up and be back at the club dancing. I watched a man in black rubber boots and a rubber apron, chop up the body parts they could not sell. The non worthy flesh was put in a industrial size blender. Puréed brain, intestines and sinew was poured into a cup.
I watched him chug it like it was a beer. I thought I would vomit. Then he poured a second glass, walked over to where I was hanging, pulled my head back and forced me to consume the bloody remains of the dead girl before my eyes. I was told if I spit it back up, I would be in the tub next. I tried to think of it as just a Bloody Mary. I couldn’t understand what was going on. Was I a victim or an accomplice? He replied, “Neither. You are dinner. It’s customary to a have a drink before a meal.”
I had no plans of mutilation, torture or violence when I went out this morning. I was just running into town to grab a few things I needed for the house. Wouldn’t you know while at the store this little brown haired bitch pissed me off. I can’t stand rude ass mother fuckers and as soon as she pushed me aside without so much as an “excuse me” my blood began to boil and I saw red fast. OK you little bitch you pissed the wrong one off. I followed her while she finished her shopping and waited for her to exit the store. Grabbing her and getting her in my van was easy. I knocked the bitch out with one good punch to the jaw. I couldn’t stand listening to her mouth, so full of herself it made me sick! I dragged her in the house and down to the basement securing her to a pole with leather straps I waited for her to come to. As soon as she opened her eyes she started in again. That fowl mouthed bitch had no respect or fear. She was about to learn the last and most valuable lesson of her life. Picking up my hatchet I held it high over my head and brought it down just below her knee. Finally a sound came out of her mouth that was acceptable, a scream! I didn’t give her a chance to finish the first scream before repeating the action on her other leg. Slowly I worked my way up her body until my blade found her face. Standing back covered in her blood, looking at her now limp, lifeless and quiet body I had a knee buckling orgasm and collapsed to the floor. Time to drag her body outside to the ant hills so they could eat the flesh from her bones. Dumb ass bitch, she made me do it!
Another Day of Hell on the Road
It was one of those times that I wish my boyfriend would shut the fuck up and just keep driving. It seemed that trucker was right on our heels. After eating Alpo for breakfast for over a month and trying to put myself through college after mommy and daddy cut me off, I was now looking out of the window at the stalker from hell! I mean it started out fun on the university us playing the game of chance on the computer and then me flirting back. I had no idea he was going to get pissed off and try to ram us off the fucking road! I was yelling at my boyfriend to go faster but that fucker was so high he would not have known what I was saying! All I knew was that we would have to get out of there fast before he did us in!
Looking out the window as he rammed the car and pushed us in the ditch I knew I was done for.My boyfriend was stone cold high and I saw the trucker running towards the window and the glass shattering. I didn’t even have a chance to breathe as he pulled my hair and dragged me out onto the pavement. I knew this was the end or the beginning as he dragged me back to the truck and pulled me in. Locking the doors I noticed the other women in the truck and began to scream and fight! Punching me in the face I felt the dark enclose the light and awoke to the smell of sulfur and powder. Trying to stand up was impossible I seemed to be kneeling down in white powder and there was an ax from above that was lowered every time I tried to pull up on the chain around my neck. Hearing boot steps approach I was ordered to sniff that white powder and then the clouds of dust entered my brain making me hallucinate to what was about to happen. I felt the press of the knife against my skin cut my flesh and blood fell onto the white dust causing a scene of agony. Forced up right I glimpsed the ax from above fall harder and the blood fall from me. The trucker pulled down his pants and pushed my mouth open it was all I could not to gag at the look of it. There was blood all over the tip and shape of the shaft had been cut to impose hooks that fell from its depths. Pushing my legs apart and looking at his toothless grin I knew I was in for more than I had bargained for as I felt the blood ooze and my soul lift into the clouds. The quick snap of my neck would be too easy the worse would come days later…
Killer Deal
It had been weeks since I had been put in this bloody hole. The trucker that had picked me up on the side of the road had hired other girls to enjoy and fuck me. My tiny cunt was now an over-sized mass of guts and blood and one that I did not recognize anymore. My asshole lay open and a shunt knife filled the opening. It was hard to see because of the beating my face had taken. I struggled to see him standing there and was trying to get the ties off my hands. Each time I tried, the wincing pain in my shoulder would start and I knew my shoulder was dislocated. Maggots hung on the bodies that were decomposing and much of the shit that lay on the outside of them I was forced to eat. Why had I decided to try to trick this man? I was here to study and yet the cocaine powder was too strong of an addiction to quit. My parents had warned me many times to stay away from stranger’s but, I didn’t listen. I had asked for this when I flirted with him and stole his wallet to pay for my habit.
He was making me pay for the lie of betrayal and flirtation. I knew for most of the night the razors that hit my skin would be for the punishment of what I had done to him. The noise of a leaky faucet near cleared my senses and I began to see the redness of blood that dripped from the corpse that lay above. My tits were sliced open and the light of darkness that held my fate cast its glow on my head. I knew I was going to die, but I would suffer more for what I had done. I felt the tinge of the hook against my pussy lips and my womb spread open by the tip of his cock. I had made a pact with death to deal with me but I knew it was not to be, After all, I was here to learn a lesson or so I thought….
Mutilation phone sex
I tried to remember life before daddy brought me home and locked me up.
I remember the green of grass and blue of the sky but that slowly starts to fade away with memories of being hurt.
Being held down and told that I was such a dirty whore.
Having a cock shoved up my ass fucking me so hard it bleeds.
I started cutting myself to relive the pain.
Feeling real pain made my mental pain fade away.
I love watching the blood run down my arms but it wasn’t enough.
I was tired of being used as a sex toy.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.
I started rubbing that knife all over my body.
Feeling the cold steel was turning me on.
I pushed the knife into my pussy, it felt so amazing.
Having the knife shoved into my pussy over and over again.
Little did I know that it would not stop them from fucking it.
They liked it all cut up and bloody.
They wanted to fuck and hurt my pussy even more…