Category: Mutilation phone sex

Ass Rape Porn with Her

ass rape pornShe said she wanted to make an ass rape porn with me. She was sexy and dominant. I couldn’t say no. When she asks a question, it is really an order. You can’t say no. She has killed bitches for less. I met her when I was high. She saw that I was a weak woman. She knew I was submissive. She shot me full of heroin. I am a coke and weed gal. That shit fucked me up. I would have said yes to dismemberment. Honestly, I thought she had a male friend lurking in her house who was going to sodomize me. She didn’t need a man. She was forceful and cruel all by herself. I saw her slip a ring on every finger. She didn’t use lube. She didn’t pace herself either. She rammed her fist of big rings up my asshole raw. Even high as a kite, it hurt. I felt my ass tearing. I felt blood trickling down my thigh. She licked it then kissed me so I could taste my blood. She laughed as I cried. I asked her why she was doing this to me. It was torture sex.  She licked her fingers, adjusted her rings and said with a smirk, “Because you are a stupid whore, Blair.”

Taboo Phone Sex: What are Your Dark Fantasies?

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex fantasies are my specialty. I am the girl of your dark fantasies. The one that never says no, even to the things that other women would say no too. I was partying with Josh over the weekend. I met him in a fetish chat room online. He drove to my city and we got a no tell motel to meet. He had some great blow. I didn’t realize it was cut with some sort of hallucinogenic. Acid has never been my thing. He had it planned. We had talked about our dark fantasies. One of mine was to have my ass brutalized until it prolapsed. I am a pain slut. I’ve had lots of rough anal sex in my life, but my ass has never been ruined. Josh did his best to ruin my ass. It’s always been his dark desire to ruin a girl’s pretty little butthole. He handcuffed me, collared me too. Pushed me down on the dingy carpet so my ass was exposed. He had a special baseball bat for the occasion. It had barbed wire around it. He spanked me with it first. The drugs dulled the pain, but it still hurt to the point I puked. When he rammed it up my asshole, I passed out. The pain was worse than 4 cocks in my ass at once. He was shredding my hole. I cried when he slapped me back awake. When I opened my eyes, he was holding the bat in front of me. It was dripping with blood and flesh, my blood and flesh. It was like something out of The Walking Dead. This was beyond what an ass rape porn star would endure. I needed medical help. He left the motel with me bleeding and shitting myself on the floor of the motel. His last words to me, “Be careful who you tell your deepest secrets too, Cassandra.” Ain’t that the truth.

Domination Phone Sex: I’m a Human Dog

domination phone sexDomination phone sex is what I crave. I need a strong man for some slave training. I got more than I bargained for with Master Teddy. I answered an ad for a fetish model. Although, I am not super model pretty, I am no stranger to bondage modeling. The add called for a woman willing to be subjugated for a series of photos. I have done it before with no pay, so why not for fun money, right? When I arrived at the address that was texted to me, the set looked authentic. Turns out it looked authentic, because it was a real life dungeon. I was trapped. If I got out, it would not be because they let me go. It would be because I escaped, which I did. I think they underestimated this coke whore. I was collared, chained and thrown in a pen with other women. Food and water was on the floor in dishes with our names on it. We were being treated like dogs. It was a human dog fighting ring. We were the bait dogs. I watched a round in fear. I watched a waif of a girl be thrown into the bull pen with the hounds from hell. Within minutes there was nothing left of her but blood and a pile of bodily tissue and crushed bones. My head was held up so I was forced to see the carnage. I had been stripped down into my bra and panties, but no one searched me. I have a pierced clit with a long needle through my labia. When no one was looking, I yanked it out. When I was being walked to the bull pen, I stabbed the eye of the cunt leading me to my death. I ran like a bat out of hell. I escaped through a small basement window.  I ran to the cops, but no one believed a strung out whore like me. They thought I was on an acid trip.

Ass Rape Porn: Pay Up Bitch

ass rape pornAss rape porn is never what I want, but it is always what I get. Troy said I owed him money. I didn’t even remember this guy. Supposedly, we fucked months ago. I used him for drugs. I use every man for drugs. That is my reputation. Not like he didn’t get anything out of it, right? I felt no allegiance to him. He got pussy; I got coke. It is called a trade. Women don’t fuck for free. I don’t even fuck my husband without expecting something in return. He didn’t like my answer. He smacked my face so hard, my lip bled. I tried to run away, but he grabbed me by the hair and tossed me on the floor. His dick was out. He intended on collecting his money one way or another. He kicked me until I begged for mercy and promised to be a good slut for him. He even kicked me in the head. He pissed on me while laughing. He informed me that his fee went up because I was being a twat. I was contorted like a beach ball. My yoga pants tore at the seam from the position. He split them even further, then just ripped them off me. All he needed was room for his cock and access to my asshole. He pounded me like he was a hammer and I was a nail. He got in so deep. In that position, he could pin my arms back too so that if I fought or moved away he could snap my arms. Over an hour in that position was more torture sex than anal sex. I was bleeding, in pain with a prolapsed anus by the time he was done. He spat in my face and said sarcastically, “Next time pay up bitch.” Another lesson learned the hard way.

Torture sex is what I crave

torture sexTorture sex is what I have been programmed to endure and enjoy. I use to like gentle vanilla sex. Not anymore. I love being fucked by all the guys with huge dicks. I have been such a great slave for my master. I like to serve him whenever he calls me I’m there in a second. I make no complaints or fuss about what I am told to do. I obey him and make sure he is pleased along with all the guys that come over to fuck me roughly. I never get a break I get my pussy used hourly. I never take a break. I like to be penetrated by all the guys at the same time. I have been tied up and fucked for hours on end. I never felt that kind of pain and pleasure at the same time. Being used and having an audience is always a turn on. I look forward to being the best sex slut.

Snuffed Out Youngster

Cannibalism phone sexI brought my Master home a deliciously tasty young little cunt to play with and he was so very happy! Strawberry blonde hair tied up all cute in pigtails and wearing a white little dress with her diaper bulging out of the bottom, she was the ultimate eye candy! I knew that Master would want to have me help him enjoy her from head to toe, inside and out! We stretched the tiny little cunt on to a table and put the saw between her thighs. I slapped my pussy on her face and smothered her down while she licked away, meanwhile, Master was shoving his cock in and out of her as he chopped through her torso. She was screaming as blood gurgled out of her and all over us, it was so damn sexy, Master is such a filthy pervert! Once she was dead and gone, he began eating her limbs, starting with her tiny nipples! He chews on those like they’re bubblegum, hehe. According to him, red heads tend to taste better than others, there is just something so very sweet and irresistible about them! I indulged with Master in our young, freshly prepped treat!

Severed Cock, It’s what’s for dinner

I’ve been “playing” the victim for a while now and it gets old. One of my best girlfriends from way back has a bit of a fetish. She likes to cut men’s dicks off, why I don’t know. I am going to assume some type of trauma, or she’s a lunatic, but either way, I know who to call.
We meet up at a local outdoor café and get right down to discussing what we have in mind. My thoughts were blah and mundane compared to her ideas. Oddly enough our waiter was being a dickhead. He must have been having a bad day, but not the best table to have a crappy attitude. My friend wrote her address and “let’s fuck” on a napkin and when he came with our bill, she handed it to him and said take a look. He looked down at the napkin and all he did was smile and nod. My friend turned to look at me and winked.
Waiting for the guy to show up we hear the knock. My friend…let’s just call her Nancy, answered the door with lingerie on, we both had the sexiest thing in our delicates collection. Nancy said that if this is going to be his last time with his cock I guess it doesn’t hurt if it’s happy. We brought him to the kitchen; he was surprised to see me but grinned. Must have been thinking he was about to have a 3some. She tells him to get undressed and suddenly pulled out a gun and put it to the waiters head and asked if he was going to have a better attitude than what he displayed at the restaurant. Of course, he flipped out and started yelling saying yes Maam I will always have a better attitude, Ma’am. Nancy smiled and said “Too late” and with one slash his cock was on the counter, severed and still hard. The waiter started to scream and Nancy warned him if he continued he would have a cactus shoved up his ass… he didn’t stop screaming. Well, my cactus is ruined. When she was done with him, he crumpled onto the floor in a ball of sobs. “Aren’t you afraid he is going to go to the cops if you let him go?” Nancy said, “Sure I am, but by the time he’s been through the wood chipper I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.” They guy started to scream again with her comment, so she stuffed his cock in his own mouth. She made him stand up and he was a quivering mass. Nancy took the cock from his mouth and threw it into a hot cast iron skillet and made him tend to cooking it like it was a kielbasa. He kept gagging and crying to please let it stop, and just then she told him to go sit at the kitchen table. He went and sat down ever so slowly, his ass just having been jammed with a cactus. She brought him a fork and a steak knife and a plate with the recently cooked cock. She looked at him and said “Dig in” he looked horrified. She told him he could eat it or she would bury him in sand up to the neck and pour honey all over his head. He still didn’t eat. Nancy came out with a syringe from her pocket and injected something into his beck that made him pass out immediately. He’s scraps in the middle of a garbage truck.
I asked her why she felt like he needed that much for just some bad service. She looked at me and said “That was my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend. He broke up with me, so this is payback.” She laughs and I join in cause now I’m scared shitless of her, I’m moving to another state in a few months. What would she do to me?

Torture phone sex

Playing Both Sides And Loving It Part 1

Mutilation phone sexI love being beaten, tortured, mutilated, drugged, raped, and hopefully put to death someday. But the other night when I was making myself vulnerable by walking around in a bad neighborhood. Wearing a short skirt, with no panties. A low cut shirt, with no bra. And three inch black heels. I walked into a bar and ordered myself a drink. I went over to booth and sat down. I started to sip my drink Vodka tonic. I saw that there was this guy staring at me. I did recognize him from the neighborhood walking around as I do. I picked up on the vibe he has very nasty thoughts. They we were making eye contact I could read his every kinky dirty little thought. He walked over to me and sat down. He said that he recognized me as one of the druggy whores you give it away for free. I giggled at his words. Taking my foot and rubbing up against his leg. And biting on my lip. He leaned in and uttered the words if you come with me I will give you what you want and more you piece of shit garbage. These words going straight to my soaking cunt. I will follow I whispered in a lustful voice. I had no idea what he meant but I did not care. I was not sure what was ahead for the evening but I could tell it would be painful and satisfying all at once. I followed him to his apartment. When we got inside there was a young girl all ready, with her wrists cuffed. She was doped up on something the needle was still hanging out of her arm. He threw me to the ground and said in a very harsh voice. “You are gonna help me to fuck, torture and mutilate her. Then help me to snuff her ass right out. Then I am gonna turn on you and do all the same to you. So what you want done to you, you better do to her cunt hag.” This blog is getting kinda long so I think I will break it up into different parts. Look for part two. Cannot wait to share with you.

Cutting Your Balls Off

castration phone sex

Come on into my fetish dungeon- i have an extra wild surprise for you today. I sit you down and strap you to the chair but not before spreading your legs open really wide and pulling your dick out. I go ahead and blind fold you- I want it to completely come as a shock once you feel the hot blade cut against your flesh. Okay- here we go: 1, 2 , 3…I grab your balls up firmly in my hand, pulling them and stretching the space of skin out thin. Sucking the head of your cock which is throbbing from all the blood rushing to it. That’s when it happens- I castrate you. I have been heating this blade on the stove for a hot minute (lol) and the metal is red. I quickly cut your balls off, the blade is so hot that it completely sears the flesh and you are howling but you love it. Now that you are balls-less, I can turn you into a perfect sissy slave. Are you ready?

Shouldn’t have lied

Mutilation phone sex

The room is a gray, dull and depressing. Water is leaking from rusty pipes and there are bugs everywhere. There is a flickering fluorescent light in the corner barely lighting anything except the dirty surgical instruments on the counter and wall. Dried blood was everywhere, and it was beginning to smell. The musty smell mingling with the rotting blood was enough to make you vomit. Looking around the room I notice a figure in the corner, squirming like he is trying to get my attention. He has a piece of duct tape over his mouth and a noose around his neck preventing him from making sounds. I walk over to him slowly, I have no idea what is around me or on the floor until I am right over it because of the darkness.
I reach the guy, he’s hanging by his wrists and hands, and it looks as if he is trying to hold himself up with his hands… I think the noose will tighten if he lets go. There is blood coming from where his hands are gripping the rope. I hear footsteps and run to take my place kneeling at the door, head down. The huge steel door creaks open, and He enters with a heavy duty apron on, big long rubber gloves almost up to his shoulders and galoshes. I wasn’t going to question why he was dressed in such heavy protection. He patted me on the head and walked over to the hanging man. I took my place in my cage and watched. And then I realized why he had on what he did. He approached the man, picked up to rods with sponges on the end. He turned something on that started to buzz louder and louder. He turned to the man and put the sponges on his cock, he jerked trying to get away, trying to scream. There wasn’t much he could do but try, He had him tied up and gagged tightly and well. He put the rods down and picked up a large syringe, it looked clear and empty but the plunger was all the way up. He jammed it into the guy’s cock and pushed the fluid into the hanging man, he jerked and squirmed after the needle was out and I watched his cock get huge and really fucked up looking. He turned to me with the needle still in hand and said “A little expanding foam and he has that monster cock he bragged about.” He turns to the guy and says “That will be the last time you lie to anyone about your cock, you sissy loser.”
Later on, He told me that he had been looking for some guy guy fun and this guy sent him fake pictures of a cock he didn’t have. Probably not a good idea.