I have rape phone sex fantasies just like you. I don’t want to force myself on a man, however. I would much rather castrate or snuff a man. My dark force fuck fantasies involve tender age girls. The cock teasing whores you see at the mall and immediately get a hard cock and bad thoughts. I love to hunt at the mall. A suburban mall is full of tender age meat ripe for some sick fun with a sick bitch. I picked this teen slut last night. She looked like she stepped out of a Heathers or Mean Girls movie. She either came from money or had sugar daddies. I didn’t care. She was gonna get out of high school and fuck men over constantly. She had self entitled hot bitch all over her face. When I approached her, she looked disgusted. I think she would have insulted me if I had not given her a business card making me appear as a talent scout for horror movies. This old trick works every time for dumb teen whores. I didn’t have to kidnap her. She arrived at my cabin in the woods for her “screen test” a few hours later. I told her the director was running late, gave her a spiked cocktail. She woke up tied up with that ‘Oh shit” look on her face when she realized she had been duped. I could smell her fear. I drank some wine and taunted her with my big knife. I told her this was her audition for my snuff porn which would have strong sadistic sexual overtures. I cut off her perky boobs and fried them in some vegetable oil. They tasted like friend eggplant. I ate her perky breasts in front of her. I thought she might stroke out before I had fun with her pussy. I have a special dildo for cock teasing teens. It is big with razor blades. I shredded her cunt like I would peel an onion. With every thrust, I took a layer of her womb. She eventually bled out cuz I sliced her aortic artery. It was a fun time, but an accomplice always makes such endeavors more enjoyable.
Category: Mutilation phone sex
Tender Age Rape Phone Sex Fantasies
Slave training sluts
Our unique client came in again, and he wanted us to remember why he is the most important of all. He grabbed Macey and I and took us a couple of cities over and decided it was time we showed him how nasty we could get. I was excited to see what he had in store for two sluts like us. We were all over him, and he liked the attention, but he wanted something much more sinister to get off on. Our MVP was all about Macey being drenched in blood. Macey was who he wanted to inflict some pain on. Our MVP wanted the little bitch screaming in pain so he could bust his load. We got to a secret building, and we had to go thru a back alley door, It was pretty bizarre when we got there we saw a ton of guys and girls partying and having orgies left and right. We were going to get a every dick in the house and after we have had every guy, he fucked us. I was handed a mini pocket knife although he wanted her stabbed head to toe he tried to start Macey off slow. Eventually, he wanted both of us strangled and lifeless so he could have sex with our unresponsive bodies. Torture sex is his thing, so that’s what we were going to give him. Once we were done taking all the dicks, we had to take his. We were both pretty shock he wanted leftovers, guess he liked used up sluts covered in cum and blood too. It was Macey’s time to be tortured I knew next time it would be all me. I was his accomplice this time next time I wont be so lucky.
Taboo Phone Sex Only: This Bitch is Not Your GFE
Taboo phone sex is the only kind of phone sex I engage in. I think being on a snuff site makes that clear. Apparently, there are a lot of dumb asses who can’t read who call me talking all sweet like baby this and baby that looking for the GFE experience. I offer the killer experience. I don’t do romantic calls. I don’t do romance period. Last guy that tried to cuddle with me, lost his testicles. He lost his will to cuddle ever again too. I don’t understand why guys think I am girlfriend material. I am Goth. I am violent, and I hate just about everyone. The men I meet in person are just as dumb as the guys who call me looking for a girlfriend. I met Tom at Starbucks. It is a vice of mine, but I don’t give off the “I want to talk to strangers” vibe. Tom was clueless to my “leave me the fuck alone” social cues. Even after I bluntly said, “fuck off loser,” he still tried to get my cell number and my social media information. I don’t do any form of social media. I do not feel the need for other people to know when I piss and shit or see pictures of my food. I thought he got the message finally when I kneed him in the balls. Apparently, he needs schooled in the Me Too movement. Nothing says no like a kick in the balls. The dumb bastard followed me home. I knew he needed a stronger message. I invited him in, acted like I was playing hard to get and spiked his beer with a fast acting knock out pill. He woke up with his severed balls shoved in his mouth. I used a rusty old knife and let him bleed out a bit before I cauterized the wound. I informed him that since he was too dumb to understand no, he was too dumb to procreate. He was horrified when I gave him a mirror to see what was in his mouth. Let Tom be a lesson to you losers calling me some vanilla GFE bullshit. You are my victim or my accomplice, but never my lover. Never ever.
Evil as Fuck Snuff Sex
You are a poor excuse for a gentleman and even less of a fucking human in how you chose to act when I agreed to a date. It’s no surprise I started to make elaborate plans in my head for a real snuff sex revenge on your pathetic ass. I really love the scheme I came up with and really plan on putting you in your god damned place, dumb fuck. I fucking haven’t a care in the world the next day while driving to a place that you are known to hang out at. I lure your pathetic ass over pretending to apologize for being a bitch towards your lewdly lame ways.
My apology resulted in snagging you in my suv, chloroforming you, and driving you off to an abandoned church. Pulling you from the sleep I coax you into the church telling you how I always wanted to fuck here. It’s too bad that I am giving the dick and your not going to enjoy one bit of it’s penetration. I’m set out to ruin your ass and using your blood to make an offering to my Dark Lord. Your penis was about to be useless anyway and that gaping ripped ass made a great candle holder for the ritual as I carved you to pieces and tossed them to the Wolves.
Fed to the piranhas

Blasphemy Sex with Blair
He wanted blasphemy sex. He wanted me to hail Satan and curse God as we fucked. I may not be the most religious woman around. I worship at the house of cocaine, but it made me queasy to say what he wanted. If I didn’t deliver him a blasphemous hot time, he would have killed me. He made that very clear. My life depended on me telling him how much I love Satan. He gave me a cross and told me to fuck my whore pussy with it. Again, the thought of doing that made me uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as being dead. That would be something I couldn’t bounce back from. I spread my whore legs and I fucked my cunt like Linda Blair did in The Exorcist. I was bleeding from my pussy. I licked off my own pussy blood as I renounced God and begged for Satan to put a love brat inside my belly. I talked about wanting to have Satan’s spawn. My captor was aroused. His cock was hard listening to my blasphemous mouth. I would be spared snuff sex if I kept it up. I thought of all the horror movies I have seen in my life. I thought of all the peril I have been in and no higher power came to my aid, like now. This guy snatched me off the street. He was high as fuck and wanted to party. I thought he had coke, so I went begrudgingly. He chained me up to a beam in an abandoned warehouse. He yelled and screamed at me for hours. Made me hail Satan and sing blasphemous songs. I never got any coke either. I got shot up with heroin. I woke up in my own puke this morning with a bloody cross in my ass and a pentagram carved into my forehead. Being a slave to coke is dangerous.
Sinister sins
I’m going to hell, and I’m more than okay with it. My latest adventure has pushed the line, and I think has made me even much more vindictive than I ever imagined. I saw this cute young guy at the farmers market, He approached me and started talking a whole bunch religion crap that I’m so not into. He wanted to invite me to some ceremony and wanted to go on this save your soul camp. He was an up and coming soon to be rev. I nearly chuckled when he told me that. I threw the card in my purse and rolled my eyes so hard I could see my brain. I walked away, and as I walked away, I noticed the same bitch that cut me in the produce section not even 10 minutes before the holy boy was trying to recruit me to some religion fest. I wanted revenge on something so petty; I also wanted to fuck Dave the soon to be rev. I got on the net and pulled out the card and decided to go. I went a bit early and dressed in my most scandalous outfit, I tried to make it a wee bit conservative and put on a jean jacket. Dave instantly greeted me and invited me to his office, Everyone was rolling in, and I was going to make this fucker sin so hard. I locked the door when he wasn’t noticing and got completely undressed. He was trying not to give in, and he was begging me to stop. I knew this idiot was going to engage in some gnarley blasphemy sex with me. It was too late for him he was horny and had 20 minutes to his complimentary service. He was in the process of taking over. I wanted to break his faith a bit, and I made him fuck me in his office. I told him to yell out he loves to sin for sweet pussy. He didn’t want to, but a girl like me gets what she wants. I liked knowing I was fucking this hot not so innocent anymore guy and also screwing over his bitch fiance or wife what the fuck ever.
Sunday Snuff Phone Sex
Snuff phone sex Sundays have become my favorite day of the week. While others are going to church and resting, I am slaying stupid cunts and severing worthless dicks. I believe in Sunday, Bloody, Sunday. I was in a foul mood this morning. I was supposed to hook up with this guy to torture his little cock teasing niece. I had all the details arranged. I like killing with an accomplice, especially when the victim is a little girl. It is fun for me to watch you force fuck her holes until your dick is covered in her blood. He stiffed me a sizeable amount of money and I wanted paid. I decided to hunt him. I found him in his apartment. He was easy to find. He gave me fake info about his niece but used his real name. He was going to be fun to torture and snuff. He recognized me from the avatar I use on the Dark Net. Stupid fuck thought this was all some sort of joke. The joke was on him. I was going to remove his balls and his cock, so he would have to piss through a straw for the rest of his life. Some one as dumb as him, doesn’t deserve to have pleasure. Certainly, doesn’t need to reproduce either. Stupidity breeds stupidity. I stripped him naked, tied him to a chair and told him he was in for a world of pain. I brought my rusty saw and knife, so it would hurt more. He thought I was joking. I don’t mess around when it comes to castration phone sex. I take junk and I don’t do it painlessly. Where is the fun in that? I put his dick under a Bible and sawed it off. His blood seeped many pages of God’s word. Funny, right? I snickered as he screamed in pain. Taking his balls too was just for fun. Only a dickless man fucks around with a sadistic bitch, so I made him into what he already was.
Evil Phone Sex
Evil Phone Sex is what’s on my mind tonight. I just went through a bad breakup with a cheating ass no good loser. He did have a big fat cock though. I guess that’s why I stayed with him this long. But, it’s not like don’t get plenty of cock anyways here at work. And at least they don’t give me any shit either. But right now I’m just pissed off and I feel like mutilating some of these dead bodies. Nobody is off limits too. I’m fucking everyone in here up tonight. I think I’ll switch some of their body parts out. Give some of the less fortunate in the cock department an upgrade. Creating my own Frankensteins lol! Call me and tell me what you want me to do to them.
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies Are Fucking Fun
I want you to join me, sexy. Be my accomplice in some hot fucking murder phone sex fantasies, and I promise to let you fuck me when the little bitch is finished off. You are daddy and she is your daughter, but daddy’s girl has been a mouthy fucking brat and needs to be taught a final lesson. That’s right daddy, I’m going to babysit her and set up some of my guys to kidnap the little bitch. You will be slipped a note as to where to meet us for a ransom exchange.
Instead of money I seduce you and we fuck. You can’t help but get so fucking hard and overly turned on. I then turn the god damned tables and force you to fuck your daughter. You have no choice than to do it. While your dick is in her and she is crying under the pillowcase on her head, I fucking chop your dick off. As you scream and freak the fuck out you are bleeding out rapidly. I then take your belt and tighten it around her neck and strangle the little bitch.