Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Cora’s Carnages: A Bloody supermarket Frenzy

You think you’ve seen dark, you motherfuckers? Cora’s about to show you the definition of it!That blonde bitch in the supermarket thought she could get away with cutting me off? Hell no! I’m the queen of phone sex, and my appetite for blood is insatiable.As I watched her idiotic smile, I knew what had to be done. In the parking lot, my chance arrived. She was alone, and my heart raced with excitement.I knocked her out cleaner than a hockey puck to the face. A quick check to ensure no witnesses, and I hauled her insignificant ass into my car. Time to bring the pain!

Back at my place, I woke the bitch up and took sick pleasure in beating her senseless. Her body became a bloody mess, and my bat was drenched in her tears.But the best part? When she begged for her miserable life, I showed her true despair. I battered her skull till it caved in, her brains splattering like confetti.The way that blonde cunt’s eyes bulged out—fucking priceless! Her sorry ass wasn’t so funny now, was it?

A shower, a drink, and my night was complete. Another successful revenge story—dripping in blood and cum!

Cora’s work here is done!

Killer Phone Sex Victim Bleeds Out During Snuff Sex

killer phone sexNothing gets the heart pumping in my pussy like killer phone sex. My heart felt like it was going to explode. All the adrenaline was going to my clit while I ran. You were behind me with a knife. I got to the front door as soon as you caught me. You grabbed my arm and threw me on the floor. I was completely fucking naked, so there was nothing to pad my fall. You climbed on top of me and slammed my head into the ground until I passed out. 

I Knew I Wouldn’t Survive The Night

I woke up on my face. There was a burning pain in my ass and cunt. I was lying in a pool of sticky blood leaking from my fucked up holes. I grimaced. Then I heard your boots stepping to me. I tried to crawl away. You climbed on top of me and hauled my ass up in the air. I screamed for you to stop, but I was so light headed. Your cock slammed into my pussy and I screamed. It’s like my screaming made your cock harder. More and more of my blood leaked out of my cunt and leaked all over your cock. 

You fucked my holes so hard so many times I started to get too swollen to fit your dick inside of me. That’s when you decided to fuck me with your knife. The searing pain got worse when you started hitting my cervix. My pussy was being literally torn in half by your cock. I screamed again. The tears started running down my face. You forced me to kiss you. I spit in your face. I shouldn’t have done that. You forced me to look at you while you plunged your knife into my back. You pierced my lungs. I spent my last few breaths being a killer’s cum rag. 

Knife Play Phone Sex With Rena and Living On the Edge

I had a hot knife play phone sex call recently.  We were just talking dirty when it took a different but hot turn without any warning. Hknife play phone sexe pulled out a knife from his pocket causing fear to grip me tightly inside. He pressed it against my throat teasingly before moving down towards my bound wrists where he began cutting through the duct tape securing them. The feeling of cold steel against my skin sent chills down my spine as adrenaline rushed through me making every sensation more intense than ever before.

Once free ,he pushed me onto all fours once again positioning himself behind me ready for what was about come next . With one swift motion ,he slit open my throat causing warm blood to gush out while simultaneously penetrating deeper into me until he found that sweet spot deep within which made us both scream out in unison -a mix between pain and pleasure unlike anything else experienced before by either one of us .

As we reached climax together under these horrific circumstances ,the camera kept rolling capturing every moment leading up until now including our final breaths together as life slowly slipped away leaving only death behind… Our twisted fantasy had become reality – a snuff porn video featuring two cousins who shared not only each other’s bodies but also their darkest desires leading ultimately leading them both straight into hell itself…

Sacrifice to the Dark Lord: Cora’s Submission

Violent phone sex

Violent phone sex

Here I am collared and cuffed, a possession of my dark lord. I’m his willing ragdoll, a mere plaything for his sinister desires.He’s the embodiment of male dominance, and I’m obsessed. My body belongs to him—a possession to be used and abused.His fist punches my vulnerable flesh, a brutally enticing sensation. The pain radiates, yet I crave more.

The other’s a fist too—double the pleasure, double the fun. My abused holes stretch wider, welcoming their invasion.He treats me like a whore, a punchbag for his aggression. And I love it—each strike sends shivers down my spine.Fuck me like the world’s ending, you sadistic motherfucker! My cunt is yours to ravage.

Relentless pounding ensues, a violent symphony. The bed creaks, my body bounces, and the pain is divine.Cum drenches my abused form, a sticky, well-deserved reward. But this dark lord isn’t done—the sacrifice must continue.He brandishes a knife, a sinister glint in his eye. A mutilation fetish? Oh, yes, slice me up, you madman!The ritual reaches new heights, blood mixing with cum—a pungent cocktail. I’m his human sacrifice, and he’s my divine master.

Cora’s submission is complete—a success! Congratulations, sir—your loyal slave awaits her next instruction.

You’re welcome, perverts—make sure to worship your own dark lords!

Cheap phone sex killer queen less than hired assassins.

Cheap phone sex             Cheap phone sex killer queen less than hired assassins.  Now I have been called a lot of things. Whore is one. I like it. Killer queen bee. It must be remembered that I am super cheap to deal with. All in all, I have no limits, you let me run wild. I will do the snuffing of life. Make it bloody and gory. Revel in it.

            After all, that is what I will do. Get your cock hard. Careful now, I may just decide to take a bite off it. Rip your nuts back and forth like a dog with a bone. Not letting go. Castration is always fun.

            It must be remembered that I am a cheap killer queen that you pay less than hired assassins. I like what I do to. We have covered the Bloody phone sex aspect, the castrations, and finally we will discuss how much of a killer I am.

            Just what are you thinking? You want to be a killer like me? Learn from me for the low cheap price that I am. Be a whore with me in fact. There is nothing that would be stopping us. Together we would be unstoppable.

            In any event my price never changes. It is a very cheap price for a whore that really does like what she does. So much so that it ought to be illegal. But it’s not. Live out that fantasy with me. Be a killer right alongside of me.

            Together forever.

Snuff Porn Star Needed For The Anal Chronicles

First I was a recruited Snuff porn actress. Then after many uses and resuscitations, I became an Accomplice. This was simply due to my ass being totally used so much that the crew wanted tighter, younger and virginal butts.

Now that I have been totally butt fucked into such intense prolapsing and swelling butt rings of pleasure, I had a task. My face and ability was just to good to destroy. What they wanted was a nice tender young ass.

Not only was that tender ass ring to be fucked open but also the sweet head to be chopped. The fact that innocent girls have such sweet faces. Really this offers the viewing of their heads decapitated from their tender little bodies. Obviously this is a sweet treat.

Finally the best way for men to explode their loads was to have a head rolling and a butt gaping. Now I really am happy to assist.

Snuff Porn

Snuff Sex Achieves The Complete Mind Fuck End

Snuff sex is all about a torturous sexually enhanced death. As a sadistic cunt, my greatest pleasure is to feel life slipping away in my very own hands.

Just to feel that neck brake. Watch as the light goes out in their eyes. The trickle of blood sensually slipping from their lips. The paleness of their skin as death takes them in it’s grip. These are some of the best things that pleasure me.

But wait, there’s so much more. Sometimes to just get sexual gratification is something of a high for myself as well. Essentially, It’s exciting to have a guy penetrating me as I take a piece of piano wire to his neck.

In any case that slow penetration of his penis in my cunt, excites me. Furthermore the slow deep slicing of that neck with razor wire. Then that flow of blood gushing all over my naked flesh as I slice his arteries.

Finally, it should be noted that my intense pleasure of castration and cannibalism really do go hand in hand as well with my sadistic needs.

Snuff sex

Roleplay Phone Sex Killing Spree

Roleplay phone sex

Roleplay phone sex is so exciting because you can be anyone you want to be. I’d love to be part of a menacing duo with you, you know some Bonnie and Clyde shit. Going around robbing banks and rich people. We can take whatever the fuck we want! I’m your deadly sidekick whore! It get’s me so turned on when I pick a mark and reel them in. My panties get so wet knowing that some stupid husband who wants to fuck me is gonna meet his bloody end all because he thought I was gonna give him some of my pussy. Playing a part in our diabolical, sexy scene lets us break any and all the rules and that’s where you come in, with your knife to his throat and gun on your hip. You’re ready to slit his throat and drain every drop of blood from his body, even though his dick is still hard. It doesn’t matter how much he begs. He should have thought about his stupid cunt wife and brats before ever thinking he could fuck me. It turns us both on so goddamn much to see him bleed out right there trying to speak, that you need to shove your cock in my sticky slit and let the murderous cum flow into me from your dick. Pound my sick slit hard while this motherfucker takes his last breath! We’re all wrapped up in a killer psycho rampage and gut anyone who stands in our way. Let’s fuck up some more assholes and their families who have something for us to take. See, the parts we play in this sex-fueled murder shit is hot as hell! We can be anyone and do anything.

Cora’s Forced Feast of Filth: kidnapping phone sex

 Kidnapping phone sex

My breath hitched as I  felt the cold grip of duct tape across my mouth – My masters twisted signature move for tonight’s fucktoy escapade. My struggles were futile; he was already yanking me towards his car, a wicked glint in his eye that spoke volumes of what he had planned for me tonight. The drive was tense; every backroad we took seemed to echo with my silent screams for help, but none came. We arrived at an isolated motel, its neon sign flickering like a sick beacon in the night. He shoved me into a room that smelled of stale cigarettes and old sex – a fitting stage for their perverse play.

As I stood there trembling, My captor unveiled his surprise – his musclebound friend with an immense cock like a black snake ready to strike. My heart raced with a cocktail of fear and anticipation; I knew what was coming next – an unforgiving pounding from that monstrous dick plowing into my raw, untouched ass while my master watched with eager eyes from the foot of the bed. My body resisted at first, but his relentless force overpowered my defiance – he was determined to take what he wanted tonight.

He pinned me down roughly, spit on in my ass to lubricate his entry point before ramming into me with an animalistic fury that left no room for doubt – this was no longer about consent; it was about power and control as he claimed my most sacred place with each brutish thrust. Eyes welled up with tears from pain and degradation; as he my master stroked his own cock in sync with the savage assault on my ass, I couldn’t deny that somewhere deep inside my twisted core, there was a dark pleasure igniting with every thrust of that massive black snake fucking me mercilessly until I shattered into a thousand pieces of ecstatic agony on that filthy motel bed… And I loved every goddamn second of it because this is who I was – or at least who I had become under his watchful gaze guiding me into this abyss where love and hate danced together in a twisted waltz…

Blasphemy Sex and Satanic Rituals Is The Best Sex

Blasphemy Sex and Satanic Rituals Is The Best Sex. As a born into Paganism kind of Goth, my life revolves around rituals. And that is the same with my work life. As a phone sex snuff whore, my pre work rituals are sacred.

Sometimes I will hike up to an abandoned church nearby. Once there I will strip naked and burn my red and black candles. Then I sit back on the dirty floor and just make a tiny slit on my cunt lip with a razor blade.

Then in my bag I have to blood of a virginal beauty I collected last I was forced to babysit a little sister. I collected her menstrual flow and I used it to draw a pentagram. Then with some lighter fluid and a match I lit it all on fire.

Now with the ritual start I lay back and masturbate my bloody cunt with a crucifix wax dildo. Uttering mantras of sadistic joys in how many ways I will fuck and violate Jesus. Then the ways that that Virgin Mary will be fucked into aborting Jesus from her womb by Satan.

Finally the purest joy is summoning Satan with his enraged red phallus to violate my cunt as I Utter over and over Hail Daddy Satan. As I cum on my dildo with the burning candle wax dripping upon my pale flesh I feel a strong need.

Finally this need is in need of manifesting through my disciple’s of Snuff Phone Sex. Call me destroy some young cunts and cocks. Or in turn to be destroyed by a dark goddess with the power of the devil engrained within her DNA. I beckon Thee.

Blasphemy sex