Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

I Fuck Dead Girls

killer phone sex

When I’m in the mood for sex with dead bodies my first instinct is to find the cutest prissy slut to take advantage of. The blood-curdling screams of an unwanting victim make my twat so wet. When I’m this horny I can’t help but to scissor my prey. You watch in amazement shoving your big hard cock down her throat as I rub my cunt up against hers. You’ve already had your way with her asshole so all of the blood from you forcefully assaulting her is making it easy to glide my chard clit across her snatch. I break her legs as I push them back to get the best angle. Ooops! Watching you force fuck that tiny little ass while I smothered her with my twat is what made me cum the first time. Now, watching you suffocate her with your cock while I create friction with our coochies is going to make me explode! We always have so much fun that sometimes I miss the last breath. I was so busy snapping the bones in her body that I didn’t even notice that the bitch had been dead for 15 minutes already. Her pussy was still so fucking wet and her mouth didn’t stop slobbering all over your cock. Next time I need to make sure to watch for our victim’s last gasp for air. I really do hate getting so carried away.

Sadistic Reenactment And Torture Fuck

I’m looking forward to this year’s Halloween because last year I got to dress up as a slutty devil. I was at a very taboo party where at the end of the night we were going to have an evil reenactment show. There was a young slut tied up to a Andrew’s cross. They took turns giving her lashings and making sure she was welted. After that they took pins and pushed them through her breasts. Her screams made my pussy twitch and I wanted to try. I asked if I could join and I brought a candle with me.

Torture phone sex

I told her she was going to blow out the candle and make her last wish. I lit the candle and shove the wick side up into her cunt. They took a bag and wrapped it around her face. While her body shook i fucked her cunt with the candle as everyone watched and i didnt stop until her body went limp. I was definitely devilish that night.

Who’s Watching The Babysitter?

Babysitter phone sex

My favorite babysitter phone sex story is from the first time I stalked, raped and murdered a promising young duty bound teen.  I’ll never forget it, it’s as clear in my mind now as it was the night it happened.  It was all over the news, I’m sure you heard about it.  Turned several lives upside down and completely shook a sleepy little lower middle class town to its core.  It was great!

I was traveling, took my tortured soul on a little road trip for some insipid inspiration.  I do that from time to time.  It’s good to get out and get a different perspective on life, plus it takes a little of the heat off of me back home.  I stopped at a gas station in a podunk town that couldn’t amount to more than a smeared splotch of fly shit on a map.  As I filled my tank, I noticed a bob haired teen walk out of the station and down the road toward the setting sun.  The urge struck, so I discreetly followed her to a quaint little house on a hill.

I sat in hiding for just a few moments before I saw a man and woman exit the home in what seemed to be their fanciest clothes, get into their car and zip off down the road.  At that moment I knew that I had just followed a babysitter and that this fateful night was going to be her last on this miserable, muck covered earth.

I was a patient predator, as I always am.  My hiding spot in the treeline was absolutely perfect and, when the time was right, I pounced.  It was just before midnight when I made my way around the house in the shadows and started testing windows.  The second one I tried was unlocked and I slipped my tiny self inside of it in a heartbeat.  Making entry is always so easy, you’d think a good babysitter would be more vigilant.  Stupid whores.

As luck would have it, I landed myself right in the little rugrat’s room and didn’t even wake the little fucker as I crept out and into the dark domicile.  The only light on in the place was in the living room, an ironically named area, considering what was about to happen.  I silently stalked through the hallway until I caught sight of my intended target, doing homework on the couch as she watched the Late Show.  

I could’ve just slipped up behind her and started strangling, but I like a fuck pig to be afraid of me before I take them out.  The smell and taste of fear in the air is absolutely exquisite.  If you haven’t had the pleasure, Man, you’re really missing out.  I waited for the girl to look up at the T.V. then I stepped out of the darkness right in her line of sight.  She jumped so high up off of the sofa you’d have thought that she had springs in her ass.

After the initial shock, there’s always a moment of confusion.  No one ever thinks that the 5’6” tiny framed blonde that’s standing in front of them is going to cause them any harm.  At first, anyway.  Once they process the look on my face as a malicious one, they seem to understand.  This simple servant slut didn’t get it until I had gotten halfway across the room leaving mere feet between us.  Poor little piggy, she even made it to the telephone and fingered out 911 on the buttons.  That was all I gave her.

As the operator answered on the other end, I wrapped the phone cord around her thin little neck a couple of times and pulled back with all of my might.  We fell to the floor as the operator answered and I rolled her so I ended up on her back, choking her out the whole time.  All the operator heard were grunts and gurgles as I wrapped the ball of cord in my right hand and jerked down her pants and panties with my left.  As her entire head started turning purple, I unzipped my fly, whipped out my fat black strapped on dildo and forced it into her tiny teen cunt.  She hacked out a few wails and moans as I went back and forth from pussy to ass and back again.  I could hear the operator on the other end asking questions, struggling to understand what was happening.  

I kept going, making sure the sitter had just enough air to live through the brutal pounding I gave her hot holes.  She started groaning and writhing and, just as her tight rims spasmed and clenched down on my dildo in an enormous orgasm, I tightened my hold until there was no breath or life left in her.  Perfect.  I stood up, ripped the phone out of the wall then took a couple of pics to memorialize the moment.  Then, I stuffed my fake black cock back into my trousers and darted out the same window I entered, leaving the little one safe and sound in their bed.  The police have no leads, I’m pretty sure they think they’re looking for a guy. Sexual assault with no seminal fluids, though.  That should tell them they’re not on the right path.



I Love Skinning Bitches

knifeplay phone sex

If you want a bitch that is going to cry and beg for your mercy, you got the wrong bitch and I will gladly slit your fucking throat if you try me. A bitch like me gets turned on by brutalizing sluts. The only thing that really makes my pussy wet is tying a young slut up and poking her with my knife. I usually start with the pussy lips! I yank their thong up right in-between their cunt lips exposing two juicy slices for me to poke and prod. The blade slinks right into them like butter as that slut screams in agony. Her screams send chills down my spine as I mutilate her body. She was hardly wearing clothes when I abducted her and now, she barely has skin! I peeled patches of it off with the intention of making bitch jerky. I did not like to snuff my victims out too soon, but this little piggy squealed so much I had to eternally silence her. I took my bloody knife and carved her a new slit right across her neck. She looks so pretty with a bloody necklace! I wish she would have lasted longer for me to fuck her whore holes, but I guess I’ll have to wait until next time….

I Put His Daughter in Snuff Movies

snuff moviesHe wanted his daughter in movies. Just he wanted her in snuff movies. He came to the right woman. His daughter is a hot teen slut. Only this little slut is a prick tease. She cock teases her daddy, then when he gets an erection, she demands money or presents to not tell mommy. She is draining his bank account blackmailing him. Plus, he knows if he forces himself on her like he wants, he will have to kill her because she would tell his wife. He had a predicament, but I was the right woman to help him. I talked to him and decided the best thing would be to set her up. Make it look like I wanted her to be my next scream queen. I tell unsuspecting girls and women all the time that I am a scout for a horror movie production team, and they always believe me. I even have cards and a fake web site set up in case someone Googles me first. I told him he could explore his rape phone sex fantasies for his daughter without her knowing. He was all on board. I accidentally on purpose bumped into her at the mall. Such a self-absorbed teen twat. Vacuous too. She deserved to die. She will grow up blackmailing and cock teasing men for life if someone does not stop the little cunt. I was the perfect person to stop the little whore. She came with me to my kill shack willingly. She thought I was going to audition her. Daddy was waiting for her in a black executioner’s mask and outfit. Dumb cunt thought he was who she was screen testing with. She did scream well when her own farther started fucking her. I made a snuff flick, but it was a teen rape porn first. Daddy finally got his revenge. I told him he could leave his DNA all over her because with me as his partner, I would make sure her body was never found. She is coyote shit now. Who can I help you murder and fuck? I hope she is young. They are the most fun to kill.

Killer Phone Sex Fantasies for My High School Bully

killer phone sexWomen have killer phone sex fantasies too. I have long had murderous desires. When I was younger, I was my father’s slave. He pimped me out to his friends. He used me like a dirty street walking whore. I was not his daughter. I was his piece of ass. His cash cow and his get out of jail free card. I tried to go to school for as long as I could to keep up appearances, but I rarely got sleep and sometimes, I was covered in bruises. Some schoolgirls bullied me. I was a pretty girl. This one girl was meaner than Regina George. She made life harder than it already was for me. So, I had murder phone sex fantasies for her. I was really angry at my father, but I could not kill my daddy even though he was never a father to me. I directed all my anger to this mean girl I went to school with. Over the years, I have not thought about her much. I do not live in the same state I grew up in. I dropped out of high school, so I never graduated which means no reunions to attend. Not that I ever would have anyway. I was shocked to see her in the strip club I work at. She had no clue who I was. I am blonde and buxom now. I even have a new name. She was in the club causing a scene because apparently a charge from the club was on her husband’s credit card. I was flooded with hatred again. I called a friend of mine who likes to force fuck married women from the right side of the tracks. I set her up. Followed her as she left, ran her off the road and had my friend meet me where I wrecked her car. Even as I pulled her from her car, she was a cunt and she thought I was just some random good Samaritan. I refreshed her memory as I punched her fake fun bags. I told her I fucked her husband in the VIP room last night. It was not a lie. I just had no clue his bitch wife was my high school enemy. I watched my friend explore his rape phone sex fantasies with the stuck-up cunt. I killed her. I smashed her head with a brick to make it look like she fell out of her car as it went over the side of the road and crushed her skull. Not the first bitch I have killed. But the first one I killed just for me.

Fisted His Bloody New Pussy Hole

I wanted to give him a pussy, so I castrated him. I tied his whore ass up with his legs wide open. I tied a rubber band on the base of his cock. While sharpening my knife I stuck a dildo in his tight asshole.

Ass rape porn

I forced it deep in his ass and I pulled it in and out of his man pussy until he cried like a bitch and bled. As soon as he was crying like a bitch begging me to stop, I knew he was ready to become one. I pulled his cock all the way out, took my knife and like Lorena Bobit I cut his dick right off. While he bled out a fingered my cunt while calling him my bitch. I then stuck my fingers in his new cunt hole I created, and finger fucked his bloody hole. When I was ready to cum, I stuck my whole fist into his new pussy hole and fisted him until he passed out. When i was done I left him there to bleed out.

My Friday the 13th Ritual

Kidnapping phone sex


Every single Friday the 13th, I like to act out my own slasher flick as an homage to all of my onscreen horror idols, which usually involves kidnapping a sexy little fuck pig, tormenting her while I hold her captive then letting her “escape” so I can hunt down and, ultimately, have my way with her.  Yeah, I know it’s trite and contrived.  It’s supposed to be, Idiot!  Ever hear of a tribute?

Yesterday was the only 13th falling on a Friday this year so I wanted to be sure to make it good.  I didn’t want to terrorize campers or go hunting for hikers in the woods.  I wanted to keep it urban this time so I decided to stalk down a stripped and stressed sorority girl that I happened upon.  Those are my favorite.  Unsuspecting college sluts who think their pointless little lives are just going to continue on their privileged and predetermined courses.

There are always coeds trying to make themselves cum with each other outside of bars that are close to campus.  Fuck pigs love booze, probably because it helps them forget how average their lives are.  Last night, I found a blonde bimbo outside of a hipster hangout getting banged doggy style behind a dumpster.  It was perfect.  

All I did was creep up behind the big grunting gorilla that was sticking it to her then put my hand over his mouth as I sliced his throat.  You have to be sure to go deep enough to cut through the larynx if you don’t want them to be able to scream out and alert everyone.  I slashed his voice box in one swift movement which, as you could imagine, made him tense up and grab onto that whore’s hips really hard as he started twitching.  She loved it, totally thought the blood was him blowing his load and shooting it all over her back.  “Oh yeah!  Cover me with cum, Daddy!” she wailed as the crimson liquid sprayed out of his gaping neck wound and rained down onto her soft skin.  It wasn’t until he fell to the ground and started gurgling that she knew something was amiss.  Then she turned to see little ol’ me looming over her with a bloody knife in my hand and black death in my eyes.  

She screamed and ran, as planned and It didn’t take me long to herd her toward my rented box truck.  As every dumb bitch who tries to run in heels does, she tripped, which gave me the opportunity to grab her and toss her in the back of my mobile prison.  After closing the roller door, I cut every stitch of blood soaked clothing off of her, probed her wet pussy with four fingers while I sucked on a titty, then threw her naked self into a little cage I had prepared.  

Without saying a word, I left her in the back and started driving, not stopping until we were in the next town over.  Disorientation is key in these scenarios.  I drove us to a parking garage and took us all the way to the top before stopping, then let the truck sit in idle for a while.  More disorientation. 

You should’ve seen her face when I opened it up and let her out of the cage.  She didn’t know what the hell was happening!  When she turned and saw me glaring at her with my knife at the ready, she got wise and took off into the garage.  I gave slow and methodical chase, using little shortcuts to pop up in front of her when she least expected it to cut or stab her a bit.

When we got down to street level, I was hot on her heels but let her get out of the building and run out into public view.  Sure, she got away.  How else am I going to make a sequel?  I’ll find her again next Friday the 13th.  I kept the cunt’s license, that fuck pig will be easy to track.


Killer Phone Sex Slut

killer phone sex

Killer phone sex is what I really got this job for. I have a deep longing to snuff out slutty whore bitches that think the’yre hot shit. Kind of like this bitch that I work. She really needs to see why I’m not the one to fuck with! Her big perky tits and fat pussy are always bulging out of her uniform. Seeing her makes my cunt soak but the moment she opens her fucking mouth I immediately want to snuff her out. Everything that she says is either flirty, slutty, or sarcastic. I hate that I love that shit so much. My boss thinks she’s a fucking fox too! I told him that one day when she is on her lunch, I am going to drag her into the bathroom and have my way with her. He can wait in one of the stalls as I hold a knife to her throat as she licks my cunt. Once I cover her face in my cunt juice, he can pull her into the stall and fuck rosebud until its bloody! We can take turns using her fine ass until we are both drained then when we’re done, I will slit her throat and throw her in the compactor. I refuse to let that bitch go to HR on us!

End Me

Bloody Phone SexI love being tied up like the fucking cock worshiping slut I fucking am. I love being fed cock all day and night while tied up and being forced fucked in my tight fucking cunt. They love to take their favorite fucking knife and cut my fucking whore body marking me for anyone who will ever try my slutty cunt. They love owning my soaked pussy and mark me with their cum making me their cum slut forever. They love taking other girls and making me prep them for what is to come. I take the drugged up girls and cut all of their clothes off and tie them tightly to the chair and drink up all of their pussy juice making them moan and beg for more. My owners always come in and use the girl’s pussy and tight shit hole before slicing her slutty throat before making me come lick up all of their cum from her fading corpse. They love to torture me if they can’t find a girl in time, and I beg for them to end me, but they never do. My torture never ends.