Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Taboo Phone Sex Lover

taboo phone sex

I’m a nasty mixed breed bitch! I can’t get enough of taboo phone sex and violent shit. To be honest, it’s kinda the only thing that makes my pussy squirt when I’m stroking my clit all alone. I have very high expectations when it comes to getting my cunt stretched. I can’t stand vanilla sex and I like to get my nut off to blood and gore. I was an accomplice bitch for my ex too and we used to abduct our victims. We like ours scared a squirmy! When we found the perfect fuck meat we would hogtie her and act out all of our sick ass rape phone sex fantasies. I don’t know many bitches that can handle watching an asshole get forcefully assaulted all night until it’s leaking blood-tinted cream. That’s the shit my wet dreams are literally made of! Let me be your dark accomplice and I’ll bring you the tastiest trembling treats. That copper-flavored ass juice will quench my thirst as you fuck me over her limp body.

Goth Teen Independence

Goth teen phone sex


In the mood to celebrate the Fourth of July with a little goth teen phone sex, huh?  Well I got some bad news for you, Slick.  The only thing me and my girls are doing tonight is calling forth the rise of the much needed matriarchy.  All you loud mouthed dicks with legs had your shot and you’ve obviously fucked the world up way more than it ever should’ve been.  Now it’s our turn, go lay the fuck down, guy.

What, I’m supposed to be celebrating our “great nation’s” independence?  Go to a cookout, eat a bunch of greasy processed meat products and imbibe copious amounts of alcohol so that I might pass out on a blanket under the fireworks and get fingerbanged in my sleep by a couple of patriotic creeps in the middle of a field full of a bunch of flag waving, fart ripping fuck pigs?  Yeah, no thanks.  I already have plans, but thanks for the invite.

My team of naughty nyctophiles and I are going to burn this whole fucking place to the ground.  The WHOLE fucking place.  The entire world needs to be wiped clean.  The patriarchy has got to go and the punishment for their careless treatment of everything over which they seek to claim dominion is a sure and fiery death.  Hey, it’s not my will.  Gaia has spoken and will be guiding us on our journey of much needed mayhem until her work is done.  Think of it as mother nature’s fiery house cleaning and we’re the maids.

Get behind us and watch the world start anew.  Stand in our way and you will be just as scorched as the earth upon which we march.  We march for the natives of this, and every other, country who were displaced and destroyed by another race of people.  We march for the poor and downtrodden who aren’t given a voice in any land and are dying to be heard.  We march for the women and girls who are forced to endure the misogynistic laws and social norms that classify us as second class citizens.  We march for peace, we march for fire, we march for the matriarchy.  We will march and we will destroy.

Is that goth enough for you?  Is there enough angst in my words to make you feel like you want to spend a little time with me?  I don’t really give a fuck, guy.  You are part of the problem.  You and every other cum craving creepo that thinks women owe him something.  If you want to fuck me, you know which side of the line you need to stand on.  If you’re ready to fry and sizzle like a piece of fuck pig bacon, well.. enjoy the Fourth of July.


Murder phone sex Fantasies

You have Murder phone sex Fantasies and it’s Ok! I am here to assist you in making those realizations more intense to orgasm with. My filthy twisted mind is very dark. I have my own extremely sadistic needs and experience rage kicks that get e off when I fulfill them. I like to destroy living things and make them dead things.

I destroyed the own little demon that was inside me and it was exciting and fun for me. I have once even made a murder fantasy not so fantasy. It was a guy. He was in such a wrong place and the way he hit on me was making e vomit. I couldn’t deal anymore. Fucking pink polo shirt and khakis with white trek shoes. Gag! Barf omg get the eyesore away from my view! Fucker is hitting on me. So, withholding every bit of nausea I bit at the moment.

I lured him out back and promised to make out with him if he gave me some of his blow. I was unable to help myself when I noticed he had a big dick. I ripped his ugly assed shit off of him and crawled on and rode that dick to my pleasure. The biggest pleasure was stabbing the fuck. I stabbed at him as I climaxed then left him for the alley strays to pick away at him.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Snuff Porn Vacation

snuff pornSnuff porn is always on my mind. I am wicked that way. I see a cute brat and I am not thinking oh, I want to have a family too. I am thinking wouldn’t life be so much easier for them if that brat was gone. I have zero maternal instincts. Never had any desire to have a nuclear family. I do not need or want the picket fence lifestyle. I like not being tied down or stuck anywhere or with anyone. Even this job I have is mobile. I can live anywhere and do it. I recently decided I needed a change of scenery.  I rented an Air B and B in bumfuck, USA. I am in the mountains, but only a few miles from civilization. I did a snatch and grab of a little brat yesterday. I am in disguise. I used a fake name and account for the rental. And I brought my clean up gear. To me my perfect getaway involves snuff sex. I like to hunt and kill. The first couple days here, I stalked my prey. Learned her habits and watched her family. I am crafty. I can blend into a crowd when I need to do so. No one ever remembers me. I leave no footprint. I do not have social media either. Social media is the downfall of most criminals. I found this ginger spawn that made my cunt wet. Porcelain white skin and ruby red hair. Makes for a delectable victim. I snatched her up at the local public pool and took her to my rent a kill shack. I did all the mutilation in the bathtub. An old claw foot,  porcelain tub makes an excellent accomplice for murder phone sex fantasies. She was a screamer and a bleeder. The red blood that poured out her tiny veins stained her skin, but not the tub. A couple hours soaking in bleach, and there was no trace of that dead little slut in that claw foot vintage tub. Her remains were turned into bear food. Perfect killing vacation. Only thing missing was you.

 She better not die on me now!

Of course, I like to put on a show and have a live audience to my depravity, so it should be no surprise that my slaves watch as I destroy this little slut. She is a dumb bitch who isn’t even good at being tortured, let alone fucked and stuffed, so she is no good to me! I guess the only thing that she is good for now is to entertain me this one last time! I could use a good squirt; it’s been a few days since I last hunted. I have to send a message, so tonight is going to be fun! The metallic smell of her blood fills the room, and my pussy is dripping wet! Knife play phone sexI don’t know the last time I got so excited about a kill, but boy am I is my cunt throbbing. I grab my hunting knife, and slice her left tit clean off with one quick motion. The sound of the knife slicing through her flesh is almost enough to take me over the edge, but the scream she let out did the trick! I love to hear them scream and beg for mercy, as if that will stop the reign of torture that I am going to deliver to her on a sliver plater! oh wait no that her mutilated and decapitated body parts! I take the bloody knife and lick her blood off the taste of her life force and the rush of it was too much and I collapse in a puddle of my own squirt! God damn this is so good! No one can tell me that snuff is not the only form of sexual pleasure needed. I think as I hear her blood dipping to the cement below.  She better not die on me now! I’m just getting started!

Watch Out For Willow… She’s In The Water!

Murder phone sex Fantasies


Something about the summer solstice makes me crank my murder phone sex fantasies up to an extremely elevated level.  Maybe it’s the sweltering heat smothering the shit out of me, could be all the sweat covered flesh flashed everywhere I look, it’s probably a mix of both with a little seasonal depression thrown in to top it all off.  I hate the fucking sun and all of the “fun times” that supposedly come with it.  I’m hot, I’m cranky and all of the bikini wearing bitches and brewski pounding bros around are going to have to pay for it.  They deserve it.

Ever hear how loud a bunch of coeds get when they’re partying at a lake house?  It’s always the same.  Stupid shouts and gleeful screams as someone crashes through a beer pong table that is somehow louder than the blaring electronic music that sounds like a robot getting raped.  The hoots and hollers of the drunken and drugged mass of party time fuck pigs as some random sorority slut clones strip out of their bathing suits and grind their whore holes all over the party.  They’re all like this, maybe with slight variations.  Makes for easy pickings, I have all the sound cover I need.

As much as the sun sucks, skinny dipping on a warm moonlit night has to be one of earth’s greatest pleasures.  There’s a lake not far from my House of Horrors that has lots of little alcoves and offshoots that are perfect for it.  Unfortunately, the summer lake crowd ruins it every year with their trash and noise pollution.  Selfish pricks.  The one thing I like about the season ruined on an almost nightly basis by a bunch of out of towner teens.  A couple of “accidental” drownings usually takes care of it, though.  And there’s always a few fucked up fuck pigs who want to skinny dip in the moonlight, too.

They never know I’m there.  Sometimes they just splash around, maybe the girls will play with each other’s glistening titties or slap their friends asses as they flip around in the lake, other times I’ll get a couple or two who are getting in the water to fuck.  Either way, I sit patiently and wait for my moment to strike.  Like a crocodile stalking its unsuspecting prey in the shallows, I slowly swim my way over to the good time group and position myself to strike as they unwittingly splash about. 

I wait for a straggler, one of the sluts who wander a little too far out into the dark water away from the group.  Sometimes I get a “gimme” and find a super fucked up slut passed out on the bank.  However I come across them, I just drag them under the water and drown their dumb asses.  If they’re conscious, they fight a bit.  No problem though, they’re already too deep to really do anything.  I can hold my breath for longer than any unsuspecting party slut, I just hold them down and wait it out.  By the time their friends find their bodies, I’m long gone with zero evidence of me even being there.  Just another drunk whore getting too fucked up and drowning at the lake.

It really is the best way to break up a party.  Murder, that is.  Do you think anyone can have a good time after they find their lifeless friend floating in the water or laying lifeless on the bank?  I mean, other than me, of course.


His secret fantasy

necrophilia phone sex

I have had an ongoing relationship with a guy. When we first met, I wasn’t completely attracted to him. I thought he was sort of odd.

Either way, he had a way with words, and sure enough, he had me under his spell before I could even realize it.

I was smitten around him and thought his personality was still different, but he had a certain charm that radiated. Who knew it had patterns of psycho. One day I was sleeping and noticed him taking pictures of me while I napped. It woke me up. He looked quite startled when I awoke. He could see I was weirded out, and he tried to play it out as he couldn’t help himself. I looked so cute when I slept.

After that, I didn’t think much of it. I went through his phone one day and could see he had a lust for necrophilia phone sex.

I had opened a can of worms and finally found a section where he confessed he loved to take pictures of me asleep and loved to imagine me dead and how his cock would feel inside me. After that, I cleared any signs of me going through his phone and tried to head out as fast as I could, but he was in front of the front door.

I guess the indoor cameras should have been a dead giveaway.

Killer Uncle’s Accomplice

My uncle was a sadistic fuck and taught me how to be one. Living in a rural area you were able to get away with anything and he did. He made me his accomplice when it came to picking up young lot lizards.

Accomplice phone sex

Once he drove them to an abandoned farm, he knocked them out with anything he had in his hand or even his fist. He would force me to help him tie them up. He loved scaring them with his knives, gracing their naked bodies with the knife and his hard cock. I saw my uncle choke them with his fat hard cock until they threw up or stop breathing, he fucked them and used them to cum even if they stopped moving. One time he chocked the slut too hard she didn’t even get to suck his cock, so he stuck his fat dick in her asshole fucking her until her limp body shit itself. My uncle is a hunter, so he knew how to gut them like pigs. Once he got rid of any human looking parts, he would then have a big barbeque for the town. No one knows the secret to his food but me.

Little Ones Are the Best

evil phone sexWe had just finished with the girl and now the little boy is just sitting there crying and screaming for his big sister. Poor little one we shouldn’t waste him should we baby? I grab him and lay him down right beside his sister and watch the horror that appears in his eyes as he sees his sister is gone. His tiny cock looks so delicious doesn’t it? I grab his cock and start licking and sucking on it making it as hard and long as I fucking can. Mmm so fucking good baby. I get on top of the little one and start riding him while you shove your cock all the way down his throat making him taste his big sisters yummy pussy. He had no choice but to suck all of her juices off of your yummy cock until I cum while carving my name all across his tummy. I love watching the tears and look of pain across his face while I slice his stomach. I ride faster and harder just about to cum and when I do I slice down his arms. Just enough so that he’ll last long enough for you to fuck the life out of him. I flip him over and position your cock right into his tight fucking asshole and listen to him scream while you just shove right into him. You keep going while I slap that tiny little plump ass making him scream even more. You cum fast and hard in his tight little ass as all the light in his eyes goes out.

Faith’s Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

murder phone sex fantasies There was something different about Dr. Mitchell. All of the women in the neighborhood fell all over him because of his charm and he was smoking hot too. He was a little too perfect to be the normal guy they all thought he was. I was going to find out what kind of a sicko he really was. I got myself invited over for dinner, and he was called away for work. He asked me if I would stay and if we could pick it back up when he returned. That gave me the perfect opportunity to snoop around.

Downstairs in his basement he had a doctor’s exam room set up. There was a woman strapped down to it with medical restraints. She screamed into the cloth gag, and her eyes were blood-shot and desperate. I stroked her hair and told her I would help her. Then Dr. Mitchell came down and caught me. He told me he knew I was a curious fucking slut. He just left long enough for me to find his patient. Then the murder phone sex fantasies began. His patient didn’t make it. I might have drained her when drawing blood, oopsy.