Category: Murder phone sex Fantasies

Easter Egg Hunt

murder phone sex fantasies

So I decided this year in the spirit of the holiday season Terry would play the fury little thing in pink and lay eggs around in peoples yards for all the brats to find when they woke up. I got the idea when I was at the dollar store watching a bunch of idiots fumble and fight one another over stupid candy to stuff into their plastic eggs. Now normally I would encourage this kind of hatred towards one another but on a day like today I just wanted to get the fuck out of their after dousing the place with tear gas.

So I shoved some of the plastic eggs into my purse and walked out with the choice that I was going to fill these with something everyone could appreciate. I was sitting in my car holding one of them in my hand, it was so shinny and covered in the nastiest pink color you could find. I wracked my brain over what to put in them as I went to pull out of the parking lot only to be cut off by a dick wad in a green suv. That is when it occurred to me it is not so much what as who I should be stuffing this disgusting decorations with. Poor guy was about ready to be planted all around the town. So he pulled into the Floormart parking lot, no doubt in a hurry to pick up something for his little spawn he forgot to grab. I watched him stalking him from the aisle and was already at my car when he got to his which was next to mine. We were both parked at the end of the lot since the lot was stuffed. I pretended to act all damsels in distress like I could not get my trunk open. I poked my butt out for him to see and he took the bait fast like they always did. “Here let me help with that” He said winking at me and lifting the trunk lid. His wedding ring sparkled at me as to say ‘kill this cheating asshole’ And that was all I needed. I knocked him in the back of the head with my tire iron and shoved him in.

torture sex

When I got home the prick was still passed out and I had to carry his heavy ass all the way to the garage. I tied him to a chair while I laid out layers of plastic to make clean up a little bit easier. Once everything was done I laid him on the floor and grabbed my jar with Curare in it and poked him with a needle and that on the tip. This was going to paralyze his voluntary muscles so I attached oxygen under his nose. I need him to be still for what I was going to do and quiet, but he needed to feel every second of it. I attached tourniquet to each of his limbs tightly. As they became purple I would saw through them one at a time and then cauterize them with my portable electric burner. He breathed heavily and his body became drenched in sweat. I took his leg in my hand and sat by his head, criss cross just like one of his brats would. I took a scalpel too it and began to knife down the skin ripping it. I would then take a shred of it ball it up and stuff it into the eggs. He tried to shut his eyes and I supper glued them upen and held them till they dried. I was even sweet enough to add eye drops. I continued the process of cutting his limbs and stuffing the eggs till all four limbs were done. 4 hours later I had grown bored. I grabbed his wallet and got his address. I took the two bags of egg and chopped off his head to come with me. I giggled; I had forgotten he was alive. Lol. Was.

I took him back to him house and set everything up. When his family woke up the next morning they would find his head in the basket on the porch and eggs of him spread up and down the street. I hope everyone has a memorable Easter this year. I really tried my hardest to make it one no one would forget. 

sadistic phone sex

How to Make Earrings

         Accomplice phone sex      

 I am a unique character. Do not get me wrong, there are those who are idiots and feel the world should know how dumb they are I but l am me. Every time I go out in public l can hear those pathetic maggots whisper about how scary I am. That’s right, be afraid of me! If I chose to I could slit your insignificant throats right now. Today I am shopping for the usual substances required to run a human body, Doritos, Mountain Due and pizza rolls. At the store there is always this real chipper house mommy who wants to preach the word of her worthless god to me, always so nice. I just want kill her firstborn to see if she still forgives then.

                She keeps nagging me about teaching her how to make my “charms” look so realistic. She is of course referring to the teeth and other mummified body Parts that I adorn my body with. Have never lied to the stupid bitch I tell her they are real, l don’t think she quite understands that. And am sick of listening to her wrenched voice. So, it is now time to invite miss faithful to her very own lesson.) Told her (was going to teach her how to make earrings. Those should be simple for her to comprehend. I give her he address to what l call my shop. It is an old abandoned building that is on the outskirts of the warehouse district. Naive as she is she shows up, and opens the heavy steel door stepping inside.

“Hello” She calls into the building. Her voice echoed through it’s emptiness, or mostly empty I should say. My stomach began to fill with butterflies like when you meet a crush for the first time. She walked into the middle of the room where a single chair sat with two tables, one on each side. On the left hand side, and the first table that Dr.Dumbshit approached contained all the supplies to create my beautiful art. She picked up the various wires and smiled to herself. She slowly walked over to the right hand side table. This table she approached with caution; taking her hand out she lifted the corner of the white sheet that covered it. Under it were all the devices that I liked to use on my play things. The smell of dried blood filled both her nostrils and my own as I now stood behind her. She went to turn quickly bumping into me. I smirk at her ear to ear. “I know what you’re thinking,” I said to her with a sarcastic tone “what kind of a women doesn’t clean her utensils when she is done?” She mumbled and stumbled over her words trying to find a path past me to dark towards the door. “Now…T T Terry, ha ha, I get it, April fools. I’ll be on my way now, ha ha.”  I stepped to the side long enough for her to take a half a hesitant step forward and then leaned into her ear and whispered “Then you better fucking run you fat ass bitch.” I followed this menacing advice with the evilest laugh a girl could give. She darted towards the door; I let her get about halfway before throwing a knife into the back of her knee. She instantly fell to the ground and tried to crawl towards her freedom.

Torture sex

I leaned down to her and dug my heal into the back of her hand, “Fucking cunt, too slow, I changed my mind.” She cried spastically, I could hardly make out any of her pathetic words. Her pants began to become soaked with her own urine as it pooled around her on the floor. “See I was going to let you go and then I remembered how eager you were for this lesson in crafting so I couldn’t let you down, thoughtful I know.” I chuckled at myself; I was such a sarcastic bitch sometimes. I stood up, my heel digging into her hand, she let out the bitchiest scream so I naturally reacted with a swift kick to her face. She whimpered trying to compose herself as I slammed the heavy door closed. I walked towards the top of her head and grabbed my hand into her brown overly permed hairdo. She continued to struggle as she dragged along the floor while I walked her to the chair. “I do not know why you are bitching so hard cunt, you wanted to know how this happened.You should be happy; I am doing you a huge favor.” I tied her into the chair and strapped her arms and head down. Prying her mouth open I pulled out all of her teeth. She screamed so hard, I laughed. I shoved a sock back into her mouth and went over to the table to craft her bloody teeth into earring. I went back over to her and showed her them. She screamed past the blood soaked sock in her mouth. “Let’s see how they look, shall we?” I studded her sitting on her lap in the chair. I removed the ugly gold earring from her ear and looked at her in disgust. “Clip ons? What the fuck bible humper. That is okay I will pierce them for you.” I grabbed my scalpel from the table. Blood was thick and dried all over it. “Now hold still you dumb bitch” I held her ear out and stick out my tongue a little as to keep my hands balanced. “one…two..” She squinted her eyes and SWINK “Oops I seemed to have cut your ear off…” I shrugged my shoulders as she squealed trying to shake her head that was strapped in place. I held out the other ear still attached to her head “Guess we better make it even then.” I removed it shoving one earring into each of the voids where her ear used to be attached. “Those look beautiful!” She started to seize and her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. She shook and convulsed and a liquid rose from her nose. “Oh look you are choking on your own vomit.” I giggled slitting her throat. The blood sprayed across my face. It was warm. I stuck my tongue from my mouth tasting it. MMMMmm “Whelp,” I began to talk to myself. “Looks like you will have to stay here till I get back; I need to finish my shopping.” I removed my clothing changing into a fresh pair I brought with me leaving her dead body, blood draining onto the floor. I would come back later to clean up her mess. Now it was time for pizza rolls. 

Sadistic phone sex

Taking Up Space

Torture phone sexI love abandoned hospitals and asylums.  I hate new ones.  Although there is a lot of heart ache, pain, agony, and death in them, I think people should just fucking die if they are sick.  Why hang on and drive up the cost of everything for those of us whom are healthy, just die already you fucktards. 

I think instead of hospitals humans should do the decent thing and just turn themselves over to be eliminated.  Just think of how wonderful the world would be if we just killed the sick, cull the heard of the dying so to speak.  Health Insurance would come way down, maybe even go away all together.  Over population wouldn’t be an issue, because…killing.    Think of the businesses that would crop up, it would be like going home in that movie Soylent Green but without the biscuits. 

What I would love to do is get an abandoned asylum and just push those fuckers inside.  No food, no water, no care.  Just let them fend for themselves until they just give up the ghost.  Of course it wouldn’t just be them roaming around complaining that they are hungry.  Hell no, what fun would that be…for me.  I think once a month we would have a hunt.  You know, big money, sick minds, and booze.  Sounds like a party to me. 

Can you imagine paying money to kill someone?  And it would be totally legal.  Happiness!  I know this all sounds a lot like “The Purge” but it wouldn’t be, if you cannot pay the funds then you do not get to slaughter, plain and simple.  To make it even more fun and deviant, I think that if there was someone who could actually conjure demons to play with the guests would be great too. Oh, and to make even more money for myself, there could be some sort of reality show about the whole thing. 

What do you think of my idea? The wheels in my head are spinning and I’m getting giddy just thinking about it! VIVA LA TORTURE in all forms!

Violent phone sex

Gangbang Porn: Roleplay with Toni

gangbang porn

Whenever I think about all the pain and suffering in the world it doesn’t make me depressed or upset me like it does most people, it turns me the fuck on. The world is a dark place, I’m just one of the few people that excepts it for what it is and embraces it. The rest of you assholes can deny yourselves the things you truly want, but I have one life to live and I’m going to have my fun. If I see some slut walking down the street, I’ll take her if I want her. If there’s a boy I want to torture and skin alive I just do it without any hesitation. Consequences don’t exist for me, the only thing that matters is my pleasure.

The last bitch that got in the way of my pleasure is rotting in the ground in the middle of nowhere now. That stupid whore was one of the pretenders. She thought and tried to act like we were alike, but in the end just was nothing more than a sad goth girl.  Once she realized I was “too extreme” for her I knew she would try to expose me and obviously I can’t have that so I shut poor Lisa up FOREVER. Dumb cunt has no one to blame but herself for it too! I guess she thought everything I said was a joke until she saw me in action.

gangbang porn

You should have seen the look on her face when I cut this faggot’s cock off and jammed it down his throat. She looked horrified! While I was rubbing my dripping wet clit watching him die slowly and painfully, that pussy was in the corner crying and begging me to stop. She made a BIG mistake interrupting me getting off, but her biggest mistake was lying to me. A smart person would have held it together in front of me, so yeah it’s her fault she’s a nothing more than a festering corpse fertilizing the earth now.

I didn’t go easy on her either I wanted her to suffer and have time to reflect. Never in my life have I seen such shameless begging. I didn’t just torture her myself either, I invited some friends over to play to really teach her lesson. While they were gang raping her I put cigarettes out on every inch of her sad little body. This morning I was rubbing my swollen clit in my latest victim’s face while I thought about watching that foolish skank taking her final breath. Even after the memory of the fun we had with her fades I’ll always have a recording of it to watch…

gangbang porn

Suffocation Phone Sex: A Means to an End

It was a dark and dank confinement with little ventilation. It felt like suffocation phone sex as I felt as though I would die due to my claustiphobia. I was holed up in some sort of cement grave with a couple small grates for air. I was bound and gagged unable to make a sound. They came for me in the middle of the night while asleep in bed they were dressed like paramedics.

Suffocation Phone Sex

A large needle was injected in the back of my skull and was paralyzed. They bound me in a straight jacket and hauled me out into the night. I was shoved in the back of an ambulance but inside was not normal. All around me were different torture devices, knives, chains and rope. I was able to see everything going on around me but was helpless and mute. My eyes got big as I watched one of the masked men grab a drill and came towards me.

The back of my neck really hurt me and I had no cognative function. I fear I was labotomized and was being kept in this cement grave as they cultivated even more heinous torture. I heard voices outside of my chamber and the clanking of padlocks.

Torture Sex

Two men in butcher smocks stood before me with huge smiles as the grabbed me out. I was taken into what appears to be an abadoned asylum. Removing my straight jacket they laid me out on a steel operating table. The overhead light was glaringly intense I had to close my eyes. In moments I felt my legs parted and a speculum inserted in my vagina.

cannibalism phone sex

Without hesitation the man that inserted the speculum and stretched me open pulled out a huge fat cock from his pants. He stood before me jerking off into my stretched cunt, and soon followed by the other man. When they finished and removed the instrument what happened next I could barely believe. I felt a heavy furry musky smelling thing on top of me. I could not make out what this creature was that entered my pussy with the biggest fuck rod ever. The sperm of the men and the stretching with the medical instrument were all done to assist in this beasts huge furry shafted penis inside me.

I was stretched and fucked by a few of these creatures and left for dead. But they were’nt done with me yet. I felt warm breath on my overfucked cunt and felt teeth clamp down aroung it. The rough tongue of these creatures licked inside my pussy and they started literally eating my cunt. The guys had started slicing off pieces of my flesh like I was a deli loaf and tossed it into a stew pot of aromatic herbs and mirepoix (onions, garlic, carrots, and celery). They then fed me my own flesh stew before they finished me off. Making my limbs and organs into the stew which was fed to the creatures.

Camp Fire

Cannibalism phone sex

I saw them earlier. They must be hiking up into the mountains for a party. This weekend is one of the last for spring break. I am hungry. I know there is easy prey out there. Its almost like a horror movie is playing out in my life. City brats who have no idea about this mountain or the people around it. My mother and her clan own this land, they do their crazy witch craft shit. I know I can get the men to help me grab those brats . We need a few for the blood moon. I walked up the path to see them all there. They were doing the typical teen thing, drinking around a fire, some a re passed out and some are fucking in plain sight. No one noticed me. No one saw me walk into their camp until I grabbed the big titted red head and threw her into the fire. They started to scream and run as I stood there laughing at them. The men from the cult grabbed them and tied them all up. I grabbed the red head who fell out of the fire. She was begging me to stop. To help her. I kissed her burnt lips and pushed her back into the fire. I’m going to eat good tonight. Now I need to find my new sex slave. I’m thinking about using this big black one. 

Killer phone sex

Langly’s Party Daze

Killer phone sex


I felt the kick to my face and the one thing that had held me down was that I couldn’t see him anymore tearing into my flesh and asshole. He had placed a metal rod in his jolly and was now plunging it into my asshole with the glass. Bloods squirted as I screamed at the pressure of the metal pounding into my gaping hole. Plunging the knife deep into my gut I felt the rip as my organs were being disemboweled. I thought this was what you see before you die a gruesome death! The blood pool was mounting on the floor and I was feeling myself go faint. Blow was all over my back with the blood and I could feel him snorting it up his nose. With each pound I felt his jolly grow longer and longer. That’s what coke did to you pressed the energy and release to new heights. He was full of it and I knew death for me was the only substitute.

     He had brought me here in hopes of having the party of a life time and I was getting that alright and then some. The experience was one I would die for he said so I had no quirks about getting in the car with a complete stranger as long as at the end of the night I was loaded. But it had ended badly of course with him smacking me to the ground with a hammer and nailing a crucifix  on the wall. A trophy he had said to Christ! And I was the sacrifice! With each slash that cut into my flesh I knew this party was not going to be over until I was dead. I tried to gather myself as he sucked my blood but I was too weak and my body was going numb. The last thing I felt as he tore the knife into my asshole was a metal pole pushed into my cunt. Then there was nothing but splashes of water oh so I thought as my eyes closed.


mutilation phone sex angieI had no plans of mutilation, torture or violence when I went out this morning. I was just running into town to grab a few things I needed for the house. Wouldn’t you know while at the store this little brown haired bitch pissed me off. I can’t stand rude ass mother fuckers and as soon as she pushed me aside without so much as an “excuse me” my blood began to boil and I saw red fast. OK you little bitch you pissed the wrong one off. I followed her while she finished her shopping and waited for her to exit the store. Grabbing her and getting her in my van was easy. I knocked the bitch out with one good punch to the jaw. I couldn’t stand listening to her mouth, so full of herself it made me sick!  I dragged her in the house and down to the basement securing her to a pole with leather straps I waited for her to come to. As soon as she opened her eyes she started in again. That fowl mouthed bitch had no respect or fear. She was about to learn the last and most valuable lesson of her life. Picking up my hatchet I held it high over my head and brought it down just below her knee. Finally a sound came out of her mouth that was acceptable, a scream! I didn’t give her a chance to finish the first scream before repeating the action on her other leg. Slowly I worked my way up her body until my blade found her face. Standing back covered in her blood, looking at her now limp, lifeless and quiet body I had a knee buckling orgasm and collapsed to the floor. Time to drag her body outside to the ant hills so they could eat the flesh from her bones. Dumb ass bitch, she made me do it!

Exsanguinating the Worthless for Charity

bloody phone sex killer sexWhen you are a butcher girl like me, with a love for all things bloody, March is your favorite month. Why? Because it is American Red Cross Month. I have always considered myself a philanthropic psycho, so  in this month of donating blood, I can give back to my community. Now, since the only flesh I ever consume is human flesh, I am anemic, so the Red Cross won’t take my blood. At first I was bummed about this, but then I discovered blood by proxy. I can donate other people’s blood. How fun is that? So during the month of March, if you have scorned or annoyed me, even hired me, be on high alert that I’m extra blood thirsty this month, as I am killing for charity.

killer phone sex bloody funFirst to donate blood for my personal blood drive this month were two of the devil’s spawn. The twin daughters of my former boss. In fact, he paid me to snuff out his two little brats. According to him, all they do is drain him of his money and patience. Fitting then that I would drain them of their blood. Some white trash whore duped him into knocking her up for his money. These sister cunts will do more good dead, than they ever would alive. You’d be surprised how many parents lack the paternal instinct, which is fine by me. Too many spoiled, germy, annoying, needy little humans running around anyway. As soon as I off a few rugrats, some trailer park whore just pushes out a few more nuggets she can’t support who will end up draining hard working Americans of their tax dollars. It’s a vicious cycle so, kill the products of trash, stop the cycle, donate their blood to good use: reduce, reuse, recycle.

Getting the brats to my place was simple. Told them I was daddy’s secretary and they saw dollar signs as they hopped into the back seat of my car. I convinced them I was asnuff porn killer sex babysitter of sorts and daddy gave us lots of play money. Well, gave me lots of play money.  Slipped them a special cocktail in their Kool-Aid, waited for them to wake up in my bath tub, sliced open some arteries, and watched the blood drain from their little annoying bodies. I like to tie weights to their ankles so they can’t run. Then I sit on the toilet seat, and watch the blood drain from their bodies slowly. Makes me feel good that I am recycling blood. Giving it to folks who deserve it. Life is a privilege not an entitlement, so just because you were born into this word, does not mean you deserve to stay in it. You got to earn that right. And many people need their privileges revoked, which I am happy to assist with. Once I snuffed the little bitches out by exsanguination, I texted photos to my former boss. Sometimes a picture or a text is better than a call. Harder to trace, even harder to prove who sent what to whom, and a picture is worth a thousand words.

bloody phone sex murder fantasiesI’ve been slaughtering trash all month. Some for money, some for revenge, some just for fun,  but every death attributed to my handiwork benefits not only the American Red Cross, but society as a whole.  This world has too many worthless fucks in it. What they couldn’t do for their community in life, they can in death. So who do you know that should give a sizable donation to the American Red Cross?

knife play phone sex butcher girl


Girl On Girl Rape Porn

torture phone sex karmaI was walking through the woods looking for herbs when I heard the blood curdling scream. Slowly I inched my way towards the sound all the while my pussy getting wetter and the familiar stirring of a building orgasm filled my body. Finally I got close enough to see yet stay hidden behind the brush. He had her tied to a tree and was beating her relentlessly. Her knees had given way and she was hanging by her wrists that were suspended over her head, piss dripping down the insides of her legs and blood oozing out of the broken flesh. Her sobs were diminishing and I knew she was on the verge of passing out. Working my cunt I watched, delighted by the scene before me. Finally he turned her around and fucked her ass with his throbbing cock. When he pulled out I could see his cum oozing from her ass, no longer milky white but a dirty brown. Slapping her ass one final time he walked away and left her there. She was fucked up but had a lot left in her. When the cost was clear I approached her. Setting up my phone so I could record this, I turned her around so her back was against the tree again. With all the strength she could muster she whispered the words “Help me”  Smiling at her I didn’t say a word. I was going to help her all right. I was going to help myself to her and finish her off while recording one hell of a girl on girl rape porn to enjoy later. I would leave her lifeless body tied to the trees for the animals to scavenge but first I was going to have my fun! girl on girl rape porn