Category: Killer phone sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Surviving in the Apocalypse

cannibalism phone sexAre you into cannibalism phone sex fantasies? I love consuming the flesh of losers and worthless cunts. Cannot serve me in life? You can serve me in the afterlife by being a tasty meal. I have decided that I am ready for the zombie apocalypse. I have been honing my survival skills since the pandemic altered our way of living. I can live off the grid. And, since I do not eat animals, I decided I could eat mammals instead if chaos breaks out. Humans are inferior to animals any day. And all humans are inferior to me. I saw this little cock teasing hitchhiker. I rarely pick up strangers, but I am testing my survival skills because the zombie apocalypse is coming. She was a stupid cunt. Skinny bitch. She would not make a good meal, but her kill was about proving I could survive on human flesh more than having a satisfying meal. I snapped her neck while driving down an old country road. I was not going to cook her at home like I have with other snuff sex meals. This was a test that I could survive in a desolate world. I dragged her lifeless body out of the car and tossed her around my neck because she did not weigh 100 pounds. I tossed her carcass on the ground and built a fire. I built that fire caveman style using sticks, stones and some dried leaves. Once the fire was rolling, I shoved a branch up her dead ass and roasted her like a marshmallow. Did not take long to cook her being that she was so skinny. Like I said, not my first choice for dinner, but when the apocalypse arrives, you eat when the opportunity presents itself. I ate every inch of her and used her bones to carve some spears. Bring on the zombie apocalypse. This taboo phone sex bitch is ready.

Knife Play Phone Sex With Faith

knife play phone sex

 I couldn’t see him enter the room, but I could hear the footsteps and the sound of him sharpening his favorite blade. A moment later, the cold metal pressed into my hip, and his blade sliced my panties, letting them fall to the floor. “Open your whore legs!” He commanded. “You better not let it fall out of your whore hole.”

 I squeezed my muscles around it, and then I felt him dragging a sizeable serrated blade across my body. I shivered, but I longed for it too. He must have noticed because he flipped the blade’s tip to my shoulder and smashed it in; he continued until he hit bone. He did it again and again. The room smelled of copper and heat, and my wicked cunt was soaked. The blood ran down my skin and mixed with my juices. “You’re wet? Christ, you’re a fucked up bitch, Faith,” he said. My sadistic master removed my blindfold and started to feed me my blood off of his hands. He pulled the blade out from my pussy, and turned it blade in, and fucked me with the sharp thick knife, right in my cunt. I cried out in sheer ecstasy.

Knife Play Phone Sex for My Weapon of Choice

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex because knives are my weapon of choice. There are so many more uses for a knife than any other weapon. Plus, knives take skill. Anyone with semi-decent aim can shoot a person and kill him or her instantly. Where is the fun in that though? I like the hunt. I enjoy the kill. To fully enjoy any kill, I need it to be prolonged. A bullet to the head and he or she is dead. A knife wound though, well that can take an eternity to bring your victim to his or her demise. Knives have many more uses too. That is why they are my first choice when it comes to weapons of destruction. Knife play phone sex is my favorite for a reason. So many more ways to kill, maim and torture. A gun, not so much variety. I guess you could hit some one in the head with the gun and you could shoot some non-fatal areas like feet and arms to drag out the pain. If you want your victim to endure pain for hours, even days, a knife should be your weapon of choice too. Let me tell you about my victims this week. I was an equal opportunity killer. I killed a young cunt and a 40 something year old predator. Let us start with the girl. She was a young cock tease. She looked like one of those beauty pageant girls. I called her Little Miss Sunshine. She did not look so good once I was done with her because I used my knives to destroy her body. I carved her flesh. I stabbed her cunt. I slit her wrists. I cut off her beautiful blonde locks she was so proud of. I bloodied her little body. Pure torture with a variety of knives. She screamed for hours. And once she died, I used a big ass knife to decapitate her and dismember her little limbs. Now, for the old pervert. I used my weapon of choice to castrate him. I took his balls first then I cut his entire body. Little slits in his flesh head to toe. Then, I coated his body in honey and left him outside for the animals to eat alive. Knife play phone sex is just so much more fun than any other weapon. I love my knives. Knives make torture and murder more fun and turn killing into an art form. What is your weapon of choice and who is your victim of choice?

knife play phone sex

Fuck My Severed Head

I can smell my own cunt on his hand as he holds my mouth to muffle my screams!

My naked body is pressed against the gritty brick wall and it tears my tits with every punishing thrust of his cock in my shredded ass.

Moistness rushes to my pussy lips as he grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head back. His sadistic voice strikes fear in me and my body can’t help but react! My heart speeds up and my cunt starts to drip as he whispers in my ear, ” You are nothing but a filthy dirty whore and you deserve to die!”

My raw ass stings as his hard throbbing cock erupts inside of me! And through the wrenching pain, my cunt starts pulsing with uncontrollable spasms!

Snuff pornI know this will not end well and I start to plead for my life as he throws me to the ground. In a fit of rage, my sadistic seducer starts stabbing my mutilated cunt over and over, extinguishing the squirting orgasm and unleashing gushes of blood!

I can see the anger and the rage in his eyes as he cuts the flesh off my mound and the sadness as he lifts the meat to his face for one last intoxicating smell.

He moves on to my tits, slashing the nipples one at a time!

Then my mouth…he lowers himself down for one last kiss of my sweet soft mouth. Then with one final blow, my head is removed!

My eyes, though dead, continue to stare at his cock while he fucks my severed head until warm creamy cum drips from my bottomless throat!

When he is done, he tosses my bloody cum filled head aside and I clumsily roll in the opposite direction as he walks away.

Then I wake up! Check my nipples…yup, still there. Pussy…mmmm still there and sooo creamy wet!


Sex with Dead Bodies Because a Heartbeat is Overrated

sex with dead bodies

A heartbeat is overrated. That is why I prefer sex with dead bodies. The dead do not spoon. The dead do not want to know how your day was. The dead do not cheat on you. The dead do not argue. The dead do not try to control you either. When I was a young girl, I was a serial killer in the making. I did not harm animals, though. It is not that I do not value life. I just so not value HUMAN life. And with the way the world is now, I value it even less and I did not think that was possible. Every week, I hunt a few trolls on the Internet and have some sex with dead bodies. It is so easy to catfish a troll, especially in times like these. Internet trolls are basically the same. Underachieving males who cannot get over how bad their lives turned out. Now, they are middle-aged, hiding behind a computer and feel threatened by strong dominant women. I have a fake profile. I am not on social media because I give a fuck what you had for dinner or what your fuck trophy did at school. I am on social media to stir up shit and hunt. Bruce was my latest victim. I had been watching him bully women for weeks who did not agree with him. He was easy to catfish. My fake profile does not look fake. I have years of pictures and over a thousand “friends.” Mostly losers like Bruce who troll women to make themselves feel better about their sorry little lives. I am not Pro-life. I will kill anyone at any age who gets on my nerves. But I chimed in that he was so right. Fed his tiny little ego while I plotted making his heart stop beating. We met up Friday night. He was repulsive. A fat fuck with a dick as small as his pea brain I was certain. I skipped the sex with dead bodies fun with him because even when I stopped his heart, he still grossed me out. He never saw it coming. I made him think he was getting some Goth pussy, but I gutted him like the pig he was instead. I castrated his loser balls too. He screamed like banshee. I will admit, my cunt got wet. Not from his screams. Not because of any necrophilia fun. My cunt got wet because I stopped the heartbeat of a complete loser and his heartbeat was overrated. Is yours?

sex with dead bodies

Cock and Ball Pain ending in Castration phone sex

Castration phone sex

I would love to torture your cock not just any torture either. The slow destructive kind that ends up with your balls and cock in a mince meat pile on the floor. Some nice sharp heated wires threaded through your balls makes my cunt ache so bad. 

You want me to hurt your dick? That I will. Three long nails what they used to crucify Jesus shoved through your dick. Just call you porcupine dick. Driving each nail through your hard cock. The blood spill would be enough and seeing you in agonizing pain. But I want more. I want to take the pliers and pull every tooth out of your mouth.

You will have a bloody gapping mouth that will be perfect to such my accomplices cock with. Oh and to suck my clit with too! Bloody mouth full of pussy and cock, you like the sound of that? Well I like the sound of your gargling your own blood as I take a hammer and concrete block to be each of your nuts. Smash them like grapes or eye balls.. oh that gives me an idea.

Let this bitch of darkness gouge out each pretty eye and smash them too. After I will slowly dismember you and cook you in my big oven. Your blood is on my hands and it makes my pussy squirt!

Fantasy Phone Sex Lover

fantasy phone sexI have some sexy fantasy phone sex callers. I love creative dominant men. Earlier this week, I was leaving a building after an appointment. I entered the elevator. Suddenly, I felt a chill. Just something felt off even though I was alone in the elevator. The lights flickered, the elevator shook, and I thought my off feeling was that the elevator was about to plummet me to my death. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. How could that be. I never saw a person in the elevator when I got in. He spoke. I turned around and there he was in front of me. A tall, dark, handsome and mysterious man. I gasped when I realized he had no reflection in the mirror on the ceiling of the elevator. I closed my eyes, opened them back up thinking I was hallucinating. He was still in front of me, still no reflection. I started to back up to push the emergency button. He showed his fangs. I knew what he was in that moment. I still thought maybe I was in some strange erotic dream. He told me I belong to him now. I was frozen in my spot. I felt fear and arousal at the same time. I did not want to die, but he was offering me immortality. And one last hard orgasm. A cum before death. It was not a choice for me. He was in control. I could fight and be vampire food, or I could give in, have the best orgasm of my life and live for eternity as a vampire. I chose the latter. I tilted my head to accept his fangs in my flesh. He was masturbating me as he slowly drank my blood. He showed restraint, so that I could cum. It was a hard cum. I begged to service him in immortality. He could have exsanguinated me; turned my body into dust. Instead, he drank just enough of my blood to turn me into his vampire lover for life. What is your snuff sex fantasy?

Murder and Ass Rape Porn Accomplice

ass rape pornIt would be the day when I was going to fuck every little whore up I could. Brats and young bitches only deserve to be ass rape porn stars. I can’t stand whiny insolent little creatures who are so needy and dependent. The local crack whore needed a babysitter and I needed victims. She wouldnt miss the little sumbags and I would make sure I gave her enough of a cut of that money to overdose her dumb ass. I fucked up though, I ended up having three brats who were better off stuffed in the closet and beat, should take a hammer to each delicate skull. But now I had a snuff movie ready to be made and so much money on the table. I Shoved all three of my Innocents in the trunk of my car and made the drive to the farm. I was impressed with the amount of technology they use for an accomplice to give sweet pink puckered assholes. As I wiped runny noses and fixed hair I tried to leave as few marks before the camera rolled as possible. At the end of the session the bag of money would be digitally unlocked if I did well. Male and female victims were used as cock stokers for five farm hands tonight and the screams of these faceless young ones bothered the livestock, but the sweet bloody deaths did unlock my money and the pigs were fed well that night, no one would ever find my victims! The screams and blood and killing with a garrote was the best. I rolled up a few hundreds and put them in some sausage tubbing and fucked my own ass and dripping cunt! snuff movies

Suffocation Phone Sex Cunt

suffocation phone sex

When guys call me for snuff fantasies it’s usually about me being strangled with his bare hands or stabbed and cut up. But the other day, I got a suffocation phone sex call and let me tell you, that REALLY made my pussy wet. It actually started out as a normal call and he told me he wanted to get on top of me and fuck me. I was thinking that it was just going to be a boring call, but then he said he was reaching for the pillow that was next to my head. I thought he was going to put it under my hips, but that’s not what he did at all.

He took the pillow and put it over my face. I thought he was joking but then he pressed down harder as I struggled back and forth. The more I struggled, the harder he fucked me. It hurt so much at first, but then things started to feel peaceful. I think he emptied his cum inside me just about the time I took my last breath. Do you have a suffocation fantasy or maybe you just want to hear more about my call? Call me so we can play!

Making a Snuff Porn in Front of a Live Audience

snuff pornHe made me a snuff porn star. He picked me because I am a pain slut and I love to be watched. My little show began easy enough for me. A few clothes pins on my nipples, clit and cunt lips for the entertainment of his audience. It was a live snuff show. I did not know it was going to get worse, far worse than even this pain slut could handle. I was being injected with something called nanonites. When I cum, I die. And as a pain slut, it is hard not to cum with the kind of torture sex that he was inflicting on me. Weights on my nipples, pulled my big tits to the ground. I begged for more. I am a glutton for punishment. I needed the pain. My executioner fucked me hard in my cunt and ass with the whip handle he punished my ass with.  As he fucked my cunt, he smacked my ass with a wooden paddle. With every whack, I screamed out in pain and with the same breath, begged for more. I had to entertain his audience. I was trying not to cum. I wanted to live, but when he brought out the sex machine, I knew I was a goner. As he took bets on how long I would live, I tried to think how not to cum. He pulled another blonde bimbo onto the stage with us. She would no doubt be my replacement soon. She sucked his cock as he released the sex machine. I was being penetrated at warp speed. My pussy was wet. The pain was intense. I was going to die and die soon. This was live snuff sex. My killer orchestrated my death in front of a live audience. While he came in a blonde bimbo’s mouth, I begged to die. I begged to cum. And just like that, I came and died.