Category: Killer phone sex

Watch Snuff Porn With Me

snuff porn

What’s your favorite kind of porn? I know it’s hard to choose. It is for me, too. But I have to say that snuff porn is one of my favorites and that’s what I’m in the mood for right now. I know it’s not for everyone, but I think it’s just so delicious. The thought of someone wrapping their hands around my throat and choking the life out of me is so fucking hot. And thinking about having my pussy fucked while that’s happening makes me cum pretty quickly. I’ve found myself thinking about that a lot lately while playing with myself. 

I also think it would be hot as hell to be the one to snuff someone out while fucking them. To take someone’s life while making him cum is something out of my wildest dreams. I’d love to bounce on a big cock while smothering a man with a pillow. To feel him shoot his load in my pussy while he’s fading away slowly will be so magical and I’ll cum all over that dying cock. Call me right now so you can tell me your snuff fantasies and we can discuss our dark and twisted desires together.

31 Days of Killer Phone Sex

killer phone sexKiller phone sex fantasies are perfect to explore this time of year. Every where you look there are horror movies streaming. Think about it. Now is the time to kill. Everyone is in masks. You cannot really tell who someone is. I blend in well dressed like a Goth chick. I have killed at a haunted house. I have killed in my cabin in the woods and last night, I killed in a theater. How ironic is this. I went to a retro showing of the first Scream movie. Everyone was dressed in black and sporting a Scream mask. No one knew who anyone was. Now, it was the second movie in the chain that a girl was massacred in the theater, but I had to make a bold statement. Plus, there were a couple teen sluts near me. Talking like they were in their home. Texting and answering their phone while everyone else was trying to watch a movie. I followed them to the bathroom. I checked out emergency exits and made a plan. I did not act in haste. Impulse kills get caught. I had been plotting their death since I saw them in line to get popcorn. I went into a stall, peered through the side and when they were washing their hands, I used two knives to stab them in the back in just the right place so they would bleed out quickly and quietly. I washed my hands, left the bathroom and snuck out the back door. I was home before anyone realized there were two dead cunts in the bathroom. I even bought the ticket on a public wifi that I hacked using the credit card of some cunt troll I saw on social media who I also hacked. I killed 3 birds with one stone and that is a good day. Thirty one days of killing continues.

He Craved My Torturous Ways

snuff sex

He was a creep. The creepy neighbor that lived in an overgrown yard that cloaked the shabby shack of his dwelling place. He kind of stirred my interest as a serial killer type. But one day he was the prey that ventured into my den. He needed to use the phone, and I had no fear of him, he was my neighbor and the better type to be neighborly with. I hate normal boring fucks. So I was intrigued and he has entered my Snuff sex den of no return. I let him in and asked him what his story was. He was shy and only grunted a little about needing to check in with his parole officer. I blocked him from the phone and asked him again. What is your story? You live like a bum and have a dirty demeanor about you. Do you torture live things? He got hard. I laughed at him as I took my boot knife out and ran the blade from his neck down the front of his filthy white t-shirt. So it’s torture sex then. I asked what his parole was for. Are you a p type? Are you a fucking perverted violator of little cunts and assholes? He got nervous and I saw a spot in the front of his trousers. Oh, look at you. Mr. Creeper is going to jizz in his pants. I moved the knife to the spot and poked at it with the point. I like torturing imbeciles and you are the perfect kind. No one will miss you! As I slit his trousers open and drew blood from his erect cock. I slid the knife down below his balls and told him I was going to fuck the sin out of him with my sadistic phone sex. I mounted his filthy warm corpse and rode that dick. I thrive off of blood and semen in my vagina and I was getting just what I needed as  started stabbing him in the heart.

Torture sex

Torture Sex Halloween Fun

torture sexTorture sex is my hobby. I love inflicting pain. I want to hurt my victims. Not because I want revenge. Honestly, I am never invested enough in anyone enough to go through the hassle of revenge. I just do it for the fun. The truth is that your screams or the screams of a young girl or boy, gets my motor running. I went to a haunted house over the weekend. It was an outdoor event, in the middle of nowhere.  I have gone to this haunted attraction before and have enjoyed it for its remoteness and darkness. I got behind some teen sluts in line. I wanted to stab one of them to death. Not sure which one, but one if not all of them were going to die. I like to rid the world of vacuous teen sluts. They grow up to be gold diggers and cock teases. Waste of space. I was solo this weekend. When I am alone hunting for teen meat, I am not too selective. It becomes more about access and getting away easily. When I am hunting with someone like you, can stalk our prey and find the one that gets your cock the hardest. I am a great accomplice. I can lure any young thing away and explore your rape phone sex fantasies. Once we were in this haunted corn maze / barn, it was pitch black. Only the stars guided us. People were jumping out and giving their best lame scares. In the darkness, social distancing standards were not being followed. Even better. It is like these girls were walking right into my hands. They started screaming at some man dressed in a creepy outfit. I was all in black, hard to see me. I stabbed a few times in the back hitting flesh. As their dying screams blended in with haunted screams, I left the haunted attraction undetected. I read about the massacre the next morning and my pussy got wet.  

Torture Phone Sex With Faith

torture phone sex

Are you up for some torture phone sex, lover? Of course, I am… I’m always ready to be degraded and dominated. I can’t decide which kind of torture I love more – psychological or physical. I guess I am a bit of a masochist because I love both so much. You can do a number on me with psychological torture. Just tell me what a loser I am and how no man in his right mind would ever want anything to do with me. Or tell me how, if you were my man, you would be cheating on me left and right because I just wouldn’t be good enough to please you. Make my mind wonder all the time, even when you aren’t around.

And if I know anything, it’s that there are lots of men out there who love torturing a woman like me physically. How are you going to do it? I can’t wait to hear about how you’ll decide to inflict pain upon me. I hope that our torture session is really long and drawn out. I deserve it and I know you’ll tell me all of the reasons why when you call me. I’ll be waiting for you.

Streaming Live Snuff Phone Sex

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is what I was born to do. I spent years running from my violent fucked up family life. I thought I deserved to be treated better. I thought the problem was with the mother who abandoned me and the daddy who fucked me. Turns out I am the problem because I am a worthless whore. I do not deserve to live but I am too weak to do anything about it for myself. That is why I put an ad on this snuff site to be killed. I had a genius idea. It would kill me and make who ever was man enough for the task a lot of money. Stream my death live. Lots of folks would pay good money to see a live execution. Think of all the ways you could violently kill me. Think of all the viewers who would want to see a blonde bimbo like me snuffed out. I can be beaten. Choked. Sodomized and fucked. I can be dismembered or decapitated. All sorts of ways to kill me. Make it bloody. Make it painful. Make my death epic and profitable for you. In times like these, I think men could use a creative outlet for their frustrations like a live snuff porn show. I am your willing victim.

Kill Me Please with Snuff Phone Sex

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is what I live for. So many men are highly creative when it comes to killing or hurting me. I love to be hurt. I know I am sick bitch. Born a pain slut. I will die a pain slut. From being vampire dinner to being sexually mutilated and dissected, I love blood and guts. MY blood and guts. I want you to hurt me. I want you to bring your a-game to kill me in an epic fashion. Every day I wake-up, I wonder if it will be my last. I hope it will be my last because I am a stupid cunt. I know I am not girlfriend material. I will never be married. I will never have a family. No one will come looking for me when I disappear. I might not even miss being alive either. I have had a death wish since I was a schoolgirl. Honestly, I do not know how or why I am still alive. I guess because most men decide I am good for their rape phone sex fantasies and if I am dead that cannot keep force fucking me. I let any man fuck me. All good things must come to an end though, right. I am not going to fight you when you kill me or fuck me. I will embrace my death and just say, “Finally.”

Let’s Act Out the Snuff Porn, Together!

snuff porn

Sure, you could go online and surf the net for snuff porn, or you could just pick up your phone and call me. Think about it – would you rather watch a pre-made video, or talk to a live girl who can give you exactly the fantasy you want? We could come up with a super hot role play and I know you’ll blow your load really hard for me. I’m not saying I’m the best at snuff role plays… well yes, actually I am saying that. I have more than a few satisfied callers. I guess the question is – how do you want to off me? Do you want to kidnap, torture, and then kill me? Do you want to smother me slowly with a pillow while you fuck me? Do you want to slice and dice me and cover yourself in my blood? You can do all of that and then some. Let’s get creative and play! If you don’t want to snuff me out, maybe we can work together to do it to someone else. I know there is some slut out there who deserves it. Whether it’s me or someone else, it’s going to be so much fun!

October is Killer Phone Sex Season

killer phone sexFall is killer phone sex season. Honestly, I love sweater weather. I can bundle up, blend in and hunt less conspicuously. I never get caught because I am not flashy. I am not impulsive. And, I never have a connection with my victims. I can teach you how to be a killer too. You lust after your neighbor’s little girl? You want to fuck her as in destroy her tiny holes? I can help you BUT you cannot do it to her. You will be the first suspect. We drive around a few counties away from where you live and look for a surrogate. Same age, same look, just no connection to you. Police always investigate neighbors and family when a little one goes missing. You can have a young girl or boy; you just must be careful. That is why accomplice phone sex partners are key. I am the devil on your shoulder. I tell you to kill the cunt and explore your rape fantasies. I do not want you caught; however, you need to listen to me to ensure that. I am not new to this. I have been killing folks since I was a young teen girl. I have over a decade of experience. I am still a free woman because I know how to kill the right person at the right time. While other girls are getting pumpkin spice lattes, I am stalking them and planning their brutal murder. Want to help me hunt? October is the best month to kill.

Sadistic Phone Sex Cunt

sadistic phone sex

Based on a lot of my calls, I know that some of you out there are sick fucks who love sadistic phone sex. Don’t get me wrong at all – I’m not saying that being sick in this way is bad. Quite the contrary, actually. I love giving up all my control to strong, sexy men like you who want to do the vilest, cruelest things to my hot little body. It makes my pussy wet to hear about all of the things you would do to my body, causing me pain to bring you pleasure. I live for hearing these kinds of fantasies. Maybe you want to tie me up and strangle me while you fuck me. As soon as I lose consciousness, you let go, making sure I’ll still be alive. You keep fucking me and shooting load after load inside me. When I wake up, scared and in pain, you strangle me again until I pass out. Of course, one of these times you’ll probably go too far and snuff me out, but you deserve all the fun you’ll have in the meantime. We can talk about that or any other sadistic fantasy you have. I’m at your mercy.