Category: Killer phone sex

Meat Grinder

The curved steel blade of the axe felt cool and soothing against the burning lips of my sore cunt!Snuff Porn

The giant cock that just fucked me left me bruised and swollen, bloody and burning!

My hands tied above my head were the only thing keeping my body from being split in half as they were tied and suspended from a rusty steel hook.

I screamed and cried, pleading for my life while I was being ripped apart by the beast like cock that punished my pulverized pussy, but now, with just a tiny shred of life left, death would be a soothing comfort!

The blade of the axe, on some sort of thrusting machine, slides back and forth between what remains of my once tender pussy lips.

Moving from front to back, it teases my clit and I can’t help but feel a slight tingle and twitch!

The stench of cum and piss fills the dark room and I can’t help but start to slide my hips back and forth as if that blade were the last fuckable cock in the world!

I didn’t feel the soft tissue of my mutilated cunt tear at first, as my hips began to grind down, needing to feel the hard steel pushing deep into my cunt!

I didn’t realize until it was too late, that my own need to have my cunt fucked would bring me to my demise!

It wasn’t until my body blasted it’s final orgasm, pushing every drop of fluid from my bloody twitching cunt as if it was giving birth!

My skin, guts, intestines, my womb, still swinging in the dark as the last drop of cum and the last breath of life simultaneously left my body.

Torture Sex and Any Fantasy You Want

torture sexHe called me for torture sex. Not for him, but his little niece who gives him daddy boners when she smiles. I prefer to torture and kill in real life, but I know that is not always realistic or safe. Sometimes, a hot nasty fantasy call takes care of that itch. I enjoy snuff calls. No one is off limits to me. I do not care how young or old someone might be, I will kill them with you or for you. I have no regard for human life. I hate everybody. I have never enjoyed social gatherings or felt the need to have friends. The only family member I loved was my grandpa on my dad’s side and he has been dead a decade. I am a serial killer with no MO. That is how I never get caught. I have no pattern. Sometimes I kill for fun. Sometimes, I kill for hire. Sometimes I kill because the person annoys the fuck out of me. I have no pattern and many motives and that is how I stay an undetected serial killer. I do enjoy helping you with your dark desires though like fucking and killing your little cock teasing niece. Most folks are born with a conscious or an uncontrollable desire to not be arrested. I have nothing to lose which means I can risk everything. I can even take the risk for you. Tell me who you want to star in our snuff porn and lets make it happen.

Sapphic Snuff Sex Slaughter

snuff sex This snuff sex Mistress of evil is from a small town, everybody can tell. I’ve had the same best friend, little Miss Summer Thyme, my whole life! I loved that bitch to death – literally. Little miss Homecoming Queen, Little miss class president, Little miss prom queen. She was the perfect slutty cheerleader, the lead in the musicals; just all over a fucking sweet and wholesome piece of ass! Well, when fucking Summer caught me slaughtering the hogs out behind the shed, she just smiled and played in the blood with me. The way her hands fingered the trendles of blood and gore had me dripping wet! ! I ate her sweet bald cunny out out and made her cum so fucking hard she squealed louder than the hogs!!! She was finger fucking me, I was so close, when she got a smile on her face. “My arm is too tired. I’ll get you later.” She winked, running off all bloody.

sex with dead bodiesFuck that whore, leaving me high and dry! I snuck into her room that night, and dragged her out by the hair. I slaughtered that selfish little bitch on the railroad tracks, and then got an evil grin on my face. I sent a text out to all my filthy Necro fuck friends to meet me by the train bridge. All fifteen showed up, and they ran a train on her body. See if you ever cum again you filthy little bitch. Lots of men love sex with dead bodies and her was a delicious morsel too good to let rot in the sun!

My Turn

Killer phone sexI’m always the obedient accomplice, the observer, the whore…but tonight I want to feed my demons. They crave a taste of blood and I needed to find my first victim, you made it easy for me. Was it the fact that I was barely covered that made you feel I was safe to approach, because I looked easy? Finally looking for my own victim I realize now why my own masters keep me around to be used for bait. You and so many others see me as harmless. A thought that you will regret in just a bit, yes led me to your car. How convenient you parked in the back, I do that too. My hearts pounding as you pulled me into your lap, releasing your cock and rubbing it between my thighs. You comment on how wet I am when you stick your fingers inside me. Mmmm I am wet, as a feel the demon take control. Sliding down on your cock, and being the whore you wanted me to be. Watching as you moan underneath me. Feeling you climax as I reach in my boot as your head goes back as you release your load inside me. Pulling out a small blade I swiftly slashing it across your throat for my climatic moment. The warm blood covering me as I cum listening to your choke on the blood filling your throat and lungs. When finished I step out of the car. Careful not to touch much. I’m not so good at disposal yet so I just grab the gasoline can I stashed nearby and let flames take care of the rest. And carefully slip into the night feeling refreshed and alive.

Willing Prey

He said he was coming for me…he said he had been stalking me for a while and that he new everything about me!

The call started out normal enough…I took his info and rang up the card…but when I came back,

he was different.Taboo Phone Sex

He told me that he loves to destroy filthy little whores like me.

There was anger in his voice when he was describing how he would tie my wrists tight enough to snap them…

how he would split my soft tender skin with the snap of his belt…

the way he planned on removing my skin with his glowing hot knife!

He wanted to hear my scream and beg for my life.

But it wouldn’t matter…he was going to gut me anyway!

And while I lay there.

my eyes wide open, frozen in death while I bleed out…

He was going to fuck my tight cunt until it grew cold and tight

So of course I did what any pain loving whore would do!

I left the door open and a plate of cookies on the end table!

Young Negro Destroyer!

evil phone sex Just a moment, and I’ll show you what I rustled up for our evil phone sex session! They call me Jezabel from Hell for a good fucking reason. And I call you twisted fuck for the same reason. Come on down to my sadistic torture playroom, and see what I have all locked up for you. I know you like BBC but what about young, black pussy? Little negro sluts are a dime a dozen, much better for a man who needs a young fuck and kill and not s much money as some. White bitches fetch the most money but monkey baby girl pussy is fun to destroy! Let your inner racist out with me. I enjoy all kinds of KKK depravity! Things were much simpler when A white man could forced fuck a coon cunny with no consequences! I have us a little black young whore all strapped up down in my playroom, and I want to watch you violently force your cock into her worthless fuck holes while she screams and begs and cries for us to “please! please stop!” Fuck no, you pathetic little chocolate play toy. Your fuck holes were made solely for my little boy toy here to fuck. He’s going to be slamming his fat, dripping cock into your tiny, young little body. He’s going to tear you apart honey. I’m going to watch, and then I’m going to watch him take his pretty knife and carve a new fuck hole right in the base of your skull. Daddy wants to mind fuck his little pet. Be a good girl, and hold still, monkey slut. We are going to make some snuff movies $ that will buy Miss Jezabel a whole new Nickname. Negro Destroyer!

Cut My Air Off

Strangulation phone sexThe intense joy of strangulation phone sex is often misunderstood. It’s not necessarily that I want to die. It’s the amazing high you start to feel when there is no air coming into your lungs. Combined with an intense arousal. The brain is such a funny thing sometimes instead of feeling pain it tries to hide it from you. I imagine my lungs suffer when I cut off the air supplies but I love the floaty feeling when they don’t get their oxygen fix. It’s worth all the discomfort when that high over takes my system. Wrapped that hand firmly around my neck, or slid a noose around my delicate neck and pull it tight.  Sever my air supply and be the deciding factor on when and if I get it back.

Sadistic Phone Sex Twisted Doll Maker

I wanted to create something and be crafty. I’m a sadistic phone sex bitch and a Queen Bitch at that. I am no fucking Martha Stewart, I’m more a surgeon and butcher. I love cutting up little girls and love my chainsaw. I have a real enjoyment of blood splattering good times too. They go hand and hand. So it’s only the obvious thing to play as a good protagonist and follow my hero’s style. It’s Mistress Gray Frankenstein is an appropriate thing. I obsess over Science and seeing how to reanimate things after piecing them together and cutting up bodies.

Sadistic phone sex

I had the cutest little girl and boy the other day. I was curious about making them into a special little dolly. I found a trashy whore I lured in with some cocaine. I also got myself a high roller that would pay to watch me destroy these three. He loved the blood show and sound of the chainsaw cutting bones. I loved standing over my victims in heels and my hot body barely covered.

I needed to pull an Elizabeth Bathory and have that blood splatter over my bare flesh. I drained them over a tub and bathed in their plasma and blood while i masturbated in the bath. I loved stitching the little boys cock onto the girls body and the breasts of the trashy whore on her too.

Mutilation phone sex

You can play with my Frankenwhore if your good. I added the hookers long legs to that little body also. My client loved fucking himself with that little limbs of my little victims and putting the whores vagina on the little boy’s bottom was a true move for the real money. He was ecstatic and tipped me a cool grand! I love my eccentric Millionaire clients they are the best!

Knife Play Phone Sex is My Thing

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is my thing. I like to slice and dice. I am called the wicked butcher online and on the dark net. Venus is not my real name, but your probably guessed that. Girls must have some secrets, right? Only my family knows my real name. It is one of the ways I go undetected. I am a ghost. Back to my knives. I castrate. I stab. I cut. I slice. I dice. Sometimes I torture a victim, other times I kill them. My knives are my best friends and the only friends I ever need. I was on a killing spree last night. I was just in a mood. Let me tell you the snowstorm was my accomplice because it made people stuck and prevented them from escaping. It was like 0 degrees last night but there were folks out. I had my dad’s old tow truck as my cover, and I picked up a few different victims. My favorite though was a mom and her cute little girl. What kind of mother drags her angel out in a snowstorm to get booze and cigarettes? Not a mom who deserved to live. They got stuck in the snow, so I offered a lift home with the car in tow. I have many skills and loading a car on a tow is one of them. It was so dark, and the mom was already drunk as a skunk, so no one realized I was taking them to my kill shack. Mom was guzzling her straight vodka in the back. I carried her in the house and punched her, knocking her out. I put her brat in a dog cage. Made her watch while I put her pathetic mother out of her misery. I just stabbed her in the stomach and ripped her open. Gutted her like a pig and watched her bleed out. I swear her organs smelled of liquor. They were fermenting. The daughter was in the cage crying and screaming. I fed mom to the coyotes, then mopped up the floor. The little girl, I am saving for you. You can be my accomplice phone sex partner because I know you have a thought or two about what we can do to her.

Torture Phone Sex Princess

torture phone sex

I may enjoy being the victim when it comes to torture phone sex, but every now and then, when I’m being tortured, I think about what it would be like to take my power back. Yes, I’m submissive by nature but nobody in life is a one-trick whore. So my mind takes me to this far away place where I am the one in charge. Where I am the one with the knives, whips, clamps, and hot candle wax. Oh and let’s not forget those dildos that are too big to fit in the holes my torturer intends them to be for. It really gets me through those times when I need my mind to wander.

The first thing I’d do is tie him up so tightly that his arms and legs can’t move at all just like he does to me.  I wonder how he is feeling when he sees me break out the nipple clamps with sharp pins in them.  I’m gonna twist them on really tight, just like he does to me and I hope his nipples bleed. And speaking of blood, I think I’m going to get a knife out and run it up and down his body to leave him with some scars just like he has done to me. The options are limitless and every time some fucker tortures me, I pick up new ideas of how I will inflict pain on my next victim.