Category: Killer phone sex

Road Kill!

Torture sex My master told me about one of his crazy fucked up fantasy. I am absolutely creamy waiting. He started by telling me that he wanted me to lay on semi hot coals where my body will be all pink and tinder to the touch. He wants to hear my skin sizzling and the smell of burning flesh makes his cock hard and throb. Then he wants to throw me over his shoulder and take me outside where his truck is. He wants to throw me on the ground and hook me to the back of his truck with a chain to his ball hitch on the back of his truck. He wants to drag my limp body down a lime rock and asphalt road making me have road rash all over my tinder body.

I am bleeding all over the road as he drags my naked body down a public road. Then he wants me to take a private road and unhook me and bend me over the tail gate of his truck and fuck my tight pussy. I am bleeding and I have open wounds every where. He wants to dig his nails in the holes on my body. He just wants to use me and throw me on side of the road like road kill.

Facing His Torture Sex Desires Together

torture sex angieHe couldn’t look me in the eye when the conversation started. He was ashamed of the dark places his fantasies took him when he was alone and masturbating. But he couldn’t hide the huge pop tent that was growing in his pants as he got into more detail. Torture sex is what makes him cum the hardest. When he is jerking his cock, he lets his mind wonder and images of torture sex fill his mind. One fantasy has his girlfriend tied to a chair. He is circling her naked with a raging hard on his pre-cum glistening in the moonlight that is streaming in the window. She is smiling up at him unaware that his mind is filling with the horrific things he will do to her tonight. He walks over to a dresser and pulls out a rusty nail. Still stroking his dick he walks over to her and lifts her forefinger off the arm of the chair positioning the nail under her finger nail he pushes it down to the cuticle. It takes everything in him not to explode as her screams meet his ears and the fear registered in her eyes. Her begging and pleading, her declarations of love and the repeated question “why” only served to inflame his desire. He pulled the iron poker out of the fire place and walked back towards her. Tears streaming down her face, he tried to decide where he would place the first mark on her. Slowly he lifted the red hot poker to her left nipple and trembled as he listened tot he sound of her flesh searing, her deafening screams and the smell of burning flesh. That is when I stopped him. I was on the verge of cumming myself. I told him I understood how much of a turn on torture sex is and asked if he ever let himself get even darker and imagine snuff sex. The wicked smile he gave me told me everything I needed to know. He agreed to bring her to me nightlight and I agreed to help him live out his fantasy and make it a reality, on one condition, I get to watch it all and he has to fuck my wet cunt when we are done with her.


Don’t ask for it if you don’t want it!

mutilation phone sexSeriously boys, if you don’t really want it… don’t fucking ask me for it! This pathetic little pain slut had been begging me for MONTHS to cut off his fucking legs, he said that he didn’t want them, that he was meant to be a fucking cripple. I kept telling him no no no, you will regret this, the pain will be too much for you, there is no way you could handle it. But nooooooo, this little fucking bitch boy just HAD to have it done and he wouldn’t stop whining about it every fucking day! So I said fuck it! I grabbed that little fucking psycho and strapped him to my table. His dick was hard and he was so excited… until I started cutting through his leg that is. That is when he started screaming and begging me to stop. He said the pain was too much for him to bear but that was just too fucking bad for him because there was  no fucking way that I was going to stop now! I told him, this is what you wanted remember?? I knew that it was going to go like this and that is why I said no, now you are going to have to fucking deal with it! I kept on sawing until both his fucking legs were cut the fuck off and then I had my doctor slave stitch his sorry ass up. The moral of the story is listen to your fucking Mistress because she knows better than you do!

Snuff Porn on the Fourth of July

snuff pornWhen people ask me what I did for Fourth of July, I will tell them snuff porn. It started out like any other Independence Day celebration. There was a cook out, pool party and lots of party supplies. I was in my red, white and blue bikini doing lines of blow off of cocks. There was a pool orgy. I got gang banged under water. Once it got dark, however, things changed. The mood went from fun in the sun to sinister under the moon. I was yanked out of the pool with cum leaking out of my fuck holes. I was tossed on a picnic table and sodomized in the ass by ears of corn. I am no stranger to hardcore anal or foreign objects up my ass, however when the corn was replaced with firecrackers, I got scared. I’ve seen videos of drunk men getting seriously injured fucking around with fireworks. I was laying on my stomach with fireworks in my ass. I was getting skull fucked when someone lit the one in my ass. The guys at the party restrained me so I couldn’t move. When it went off it burned part of my ass. I could smell the scorched flesh. The pain was awful. They laughed as they came on my face. I begged for medical assistance, but more, bigger, fireworks were shoved in my fuck holes. This time a roman candle was in my cunt in ass. “Don’t worry whore, we will piss on you before any real damage is done,” one of them seethed. A roman candle could take off a limb. I didn’t trust that their urine could put it out in enough time to not result in permanent damage. They were drunk and stoned, treating me like some animal they found in the woods to torture. Their piss did nothing to let out the flames. The urine just burned my wounds. I was lying on the picnic table, restrained watching as my body was about to be blown to bits. Blood and sinew spewed out of me as they laughed. The last thing I heard as I was covered in my own blood, was “Blair really was a firecracker.”

The Rockets Red Glare

torture phone sex karmaIt’s the fourth of July. Everyone I know wants to go see the damned fireworks show.

Fuck that I am going to make my own fireworks show.

An evil, sadistic, twisted, wicked show just for me.

The main event is sedated and bound in the guest bedroom.

I have bought all the explosives I need to light up the night sky and make me ooo and ahhh at the sight and sound of it all.

Sitting here with a slippery wet cunt and a tingle in my stomach because waiting is the hardest part.

As the sun is begins to set and I go outside to start setting everything up. Just as I start to think that he should be waking up soon , I hear him start to moan through the bed room window. his moans soon become screams as he realizes his plight.

Pulling him into the center of the yard I cut all the clothes off of him. I open the sparklers and begin sharpening the little metal sticks so that I can push them into his body before lighting them.

Surveying my handy work I am very pleased with the way he looks. Almost like a porcupine. Small trails of blood running down his flesh. Lighting all the sparklers I release him from the chain and watch as he runs, screaming as the little sparks burn his flesh.

I thought he would stop drop and roll and ruin it for me but he didn’t.

Next I begin to tape the good stuff to his body with duct tape, Roman candles taped to his sides, Cakes taped to his chest and forehead and bottle rockets inserted in his penis and mouth.

As soon as they are all lite I step back and watch, his screams making me wetter then hell, knowing that the site of his chard and disfigured body as he takes his last breath will make me cum hard.

Curiosity Killed The Cat

torture phone sex angie1It was a great costume party all though not the time of year for one. Drinks were flowing, drugs were being passed around and no one knew who any one was in their costumes. Standing in the corner watching as everyone mingled, my eyes caught a young man in a black Zorro type mask. the look in his eyes were so familiar. Not like I recognized who he was. but like I recognized the look of the hunt. He was watching a young girl in the corner like a car watching it’s prey while crouched in the grass before it pounces. I could feel the thrill rising in my crotch because I knew what he was doing. he stalked her for hours before going outside for what I assumed was a bit of fresh air. When he returned he approached her and I saw him pull something from his pant’s pocket. A bit of talk between them and she was following him out the door. I watched them walk towards a car that wasn’t parked far from mine. He opened the trunk, I saw him lift his arm and come down as she slumped to the ground. He hit her with something knocking her out. As he lifted her off the ground and into his trunk, I slipped behind the wheel of my car. I followed from a safe distance to a patch of woods off a highway. I watched him hand cuff her hands behind her back and kiss her limp body while caressing her legs and lifting her skirt. Finally it appeared that she was coming to. I saw the glint of the blade and thought he would kill her and I would get no further thrill. But instead he used the knife to cut her clothes off her body before he fucked her as she fought helplessly. I could see him fucking her faster and faster before he wrapped his hands around her neck. He knew just what he was doing, choking her slowly as he drew his orgasm out for as long as he could. He was slumped over her, exhausted from the ordeal and she was slumped lifeless under him when I felt the hot cum dripping down my legs.

I love snuff sex the most!

snuff sexI love snuff sex… especially when I get to ill some little fucking annoying bitch! There was this little whore, too young to be doing the things she was doing, hanging out by my house all the time. She was trying to sell her body to men going by and she was calling a lot of attention to my neighborhood… attention that I didn’t fucking want! So I decided I had to take her out, I sent a friend out to rent her for an hour, only it was going to end in her death instead. First my friend used her as a little fucktoy then I got my turn. I fucked that sorry bitch up, cut her into pieces and fed her to my fucking dogs! No evidence to connect me to her, no evidence that that fucking whore ever even existed! Now I have a much quieter block and no more whore to annoy me… you do what you gotta do yanno?

Snuff Porn Can Be So Real When a Dream

Fuck! Barely able to believe I was only dreaming that whole snuff porn ordeal as I awaken in my safe, and secure bed.

Somehow I ended up in an abandoned hospital restrained on an examination table but besides the obvious restraints I felt my whole body was a dead weight that could not be moved.

Panicking I was fighting for breathe but chest felt heavy…. I then noticed I was being disemboweled while being penetrated like bad rape phone sex fantasies where they pull out and shoot all over my tits or face.

Leaving my body I would look down and watch as this man in a leather butchers apron with a bulging massive prick that would rip my cunt and ass open. He would be penetrating me and making surgical incisions and remove my organs as he reaches orgasm. He would thrust in deep and yank out to explode as he held my kidney in his hands.

Awaking I grab at my side and look down…. I’m beginning to think I didn’t make it.

snuff porn

That little bitch had it coming!

violent phone sexThis little bitch had it coming, she deserved all of the punishment I gave her and I don’t care if anyone thinks otherwise! She was barely old enough to vote and she thought that she was hot shit… you know the type, prissy and stuck up and oblivious to anyone else around her. I was unfortunately her next door neighbor so I had a front seat to all of her obnoxious drama and noise and after a week of her nonsense I had to kill that bitch or go mad! I couldn’t take it, seriously the whining and bitching and never ending bullshit coming from her house was ridiculous! I knew that I had to be careful though, she lived right next door so I couldn’t be seen. I waited until she was alone and asleep and silently broke in… I had that fucking cunt tied to the bed and gagged before she woke up… the fear in her eyes when she finally did wake up was so hot that it drove me into a frenzy! I just started stabbing her over and over again… I didn’t stop until my arm was too tired to continue. I left quiet a mess behind but at least I will be getting some peace and quiet finally!

Worn and Torn

evil phone sexThere is not much I can do these days to keep these two from nearly splitting me from asshole to appetite. I learned that it is in my best interest to just lay there and take what they want to give to me at that moment in time. Weather it be a cock shoved so deep into my asshole and the only lubrication helping it pump in and out of my torn flesh is the blood from which they tore me open, or maybe one decides he will skull fuck me as the other presses a cold sharp blade against my neck. Knowing with the slightest movement or to hard of a thrust it could nearly cost me my worthless life.