Category: Killer phone sex

Skinned Alive

torture phone sex angieI could feel my heart beating faster as I pushed the door to the room opened.

Pale moon light touched her in a long line, revealing half of her face, sleeping peacefully, and leaving the other half in complete darkness making it unable to distinguish even the smallest feature.

This very moment planted the seed for the torture that she was about to endure. A torture that I had yet to decide until this very moment.

Reaching in my pocket I removed the handkerchief and the small bottle of chloroform that would soon cover her mouth. I could feel my nipples harden and my pussy begin to moisten as I removed the lid from the bottle and covered the cloth with the liquid.

Walking towards her bed I reached down covering her nose and mouth and felt myself cum as she opened her eyes in terror and inhaled twice before they fluttered closed again.

Before lifting her lifeless body I could not resist the urge to run my hands under her thin gown and over her body.

My knees were weak with the need to put my plan into action. The ride to my house seemed like it took forever. And waiting for her to regain consciences was agonizing.

Finally she opened her eyes to the sparkle of the light reflecting off my well sharpened blade. Using a sewing needle I sewed her eyes opened so that she had to watch everything.

Slowly lowering the blade to her face I began. Soon half of the skin on her face would be removed. Expertly peeled away leaving a staring eyeball surrounded by red flesh. Very similar to the way she looked when I first saw her.

Blood and Cum; My 2 favorite things

I love the feeling of a knife getting dragged across my body ; feeling helpless. When you drag my down the fucking stairs and let me hit every one on the way down. Before you even get a hold of me I am already bloody from the cement stairs. You threaten to knock me out but I beg, ” Please I wanna be conscious for this, I deserve to be here and feel the pain like the little pain slut I am”. With enjoyment you laughed and took a knife and stabbed into my left calf.

I could feel the wetness dripping out of my fucking cunt. I fell on my stomach and that is when you got on top of me and stabbed the knife right into my spine. I could feel my legs and lower half getting numb I think you paralyzed me. You said,” now you won’t be able to run away”. I was screaming in pain and blood started to surround my body on the floor, You grab my head and shove it into the cement floor with my blood on it making my teeth grind into the floor. Then you get in front of me with some pliers and yank each one of my teeth right out ! I just started to squirt all over the floor because the pain just was so intense. To punish me for squirting you just left me down there in my own blood and cum.

killer phone sex

She picked the wrong day to hitchhike

killer phone sexSo there I was just minding my own business driving down the road when I saw this little whore standing on the side of the road with her thumb out. She was a mess, her hair was wild and her clothes looked torn and filthy, I couldn’t tell if she was a nasty drug addled hooker or just some homeless teen but either way, she had my blood lust up just looking at her. I pulled over and asked if she needed a ride, she looked so happy to see a woman in the car so of course she accepted right away… dumb bitch didn’t even notice the rope or the knives in the backseat. She spun me some tale about how she had just escaped from some mean man, she said that he had forced her to do all kinds of nasty shit and she thought that he was going to kill her, dumb bitch actually thought she was safe with me! Hahaha she realized she wasn’t as soon as I grabbed her and broke the passenger window with her head! Then I stabbed that bitch until she was quite dead and dumped her body out of my car… I wonder who attacked her first though, I bet he would be a lot of fun to play with!

4th of July Fun~

Babysitter phone sexI had so much fun on the 4th. I had been planning this all year. Slowly buying fireworks.  sparklers can burn skin so nicely. fire crackers and bottle rockets. So many fun toys to play with. Then I just had to pick the right play thing. She was cute. Pig tails and a short skirt. such a cute little innocent face. I know right away she was meant to be mine. I followed her for hours before i got my chance. She was only alone for a minute but that was all I needed. I scooped her up so fast!  I made my way to my as quickly as I could back home. Down in my dungeon. Of course I started the fun with burning her legs and arms. Listening to her beg for freedom makes my pussy drip! I just have to find the right guy to help me light her up!

Snuff Phone Sex Makes for a Crazy Dream

A little much partying last night and the lines of reality and a dream became blurred. I awoke certain that this snuff phone sex scene was 100% real, and I needed to get the scene cleaned up. Jumping out of bed and expecting a bloody mess I got really confused. Grabbing a beer from the cooler I sat and had a joint and beer outside when I saw it.

There it was in plain view, the body of a naked male in a sheet off to the side of the house. It seems he had expired during the party and some sick fuck took his clothes. Well I looked down at it and thought what a nice specimen. Too nice a specimen to let go to waste and he’s even nice and stiff from rigor mortis setting in. I just can never resist mounting and fucking a cold stiff, and that is reality.

snuff phone sex

Killer phone sex

killer phone sex

It’s Fourth of July, and there is fireworks lighting up the sky, people drinking all over the place as they enjoy a hot dog. I’ve been wanting a hotdog really bad if you catch my drift, so I walk up to this group of guys. As I walk up to them they begin to notice my nice perky tits popping out of my bikini and my skirt that really exposes my juicy booty. All three guys greet meet and hand me a beer as we begin talking about all the cool fire works we were seeing up in the sky. It was getting late and people were getting trashed so they offered me a ride home just to save me the burden of looking for a ride. So I accept there invitation putting my full trust in them since they seemed nice.

We got to the car and suddenly I am struck with a beer bottle to the head, causing me to loose consciousness. I awaken naked tied up and gagged. I try to look around but my face is covered in blood. The three men come up to me wipe the blood off my face and show me a video on a phone of this blond girl laying unconscious while having three men fuck her senseless. One man is stretching out her shit hole while the other was fucking her pussy raw, and the last one was fucking her throat. It took ten minutes until I realized that was me in the video getting fucked. I screamed but it was no use I just felt really sore in my holes, and could feel they’re sticky wet come inside of me.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse one guy pulls out this huge fire work that kind of looked like a stick of dynamite followed by fire spinners, sprinklers, black cats, and Roman candles all placed in a particular manner. I then had my gag removed so I could speak freely as the men drenched me in gasoline. I begged them to stop, asking to release me but it was no use. It was time for the main event, they lit the fire spinners which threw hot sparks at me burning my skin, but for what ever reason that didn’t ignite the gas the poured on me. Then came the black cats which started exploding all around me when suddenly four went off on my right foot causing my foot to get blown off.

I screamed as blood began to pour out of my missing foot when suddenly a Roman candle busted in the air not only muffling my screams but igniting the gas on me on fire. I screamed crying in pain as I tried to untie my self but all I could feel was my body burning. My pain was put to ease when the giant fire cracked which look like a piece of dynamite exploded inside my pussy causing me to explode into pieces. My body parts were scattered all over as pieces feel from the sky chard from the fire. People saw the amazing fire work display from a distance and clapped since these three men did give them a show to remember.

Should I keep her… or should I eat her?

Murder phone sex Fantasies

I have been searching for the perfect thick girl to bring home.. I have not had any luck! I live in a huge city. You would think there would be someone dying to get out of the heat and make a few bucks. But damn all these bitches out here are skinny and look so hungry and dirty. I was looking for someone who would be easy to prep and pop in the oven… But I haven’t found that perfect one that I have wanted for a long time. I think I might just take one of these skinny bitches. Bring her home and make her nice and thick. Feed her the perfect blends of food to plump her up and make her meat tender.. I might even use her as bait.. Send her out in the streets to find her girlfriends and tell them promises. The moment they get to the car she is going to knock them out for us.. Fuck it would be so good to have the perfect meat when we just don’t want to go on a hunt anymore… She would be so perfect. SO plump, thick and juicy by the time she was really ready to slow roast over a low open fire. Basting her thick body with olive oil and a mix of herb seasonings. and a splash of red wine every so often to make the flame kiss her skin.. I do love a nice crisp skin..

Taboo phone sex

We gave it to her good!

accomplice phone sexOh she was perfect, a sweet little virgin I knew he was going to love. She was blonde and delicate and had the biggest blue eyes you’ve ever seen, I knew he was going to love watching those eyes fill with tears as much as I was! His dick was hard as soon as he laid eyes on her and he wasted no time in violently ripping her clothes right off her. Then he shoved that cock down her throat as deep as he could get it… god it was making me hot as fuck! He was brutal with her and it was driving me into a frenzy, I wanted my turn with her and I wanted it right then! Soon enough he was thru fucking her little holes… he tossed her at my feet and I beat her to fucking death with my bare hands! It was amazing… what a night!

Necrophilia phone sex with Morticia

Necrophilia phone sex

He stunk of fear, sweat and blood. I knew when he knocked on my door that he needed me. I didn’t think I would be cleaning up his fucking mess right now. The fire is roaring and the beasts are barking. I made him cut off her clothes and burn them one and a time. His dumb ass tried to keep her panties. He fucked this up already and he needed to just fucking listen to me. I grabbed his hard cock and squeezed my sharp nails deep into the shaft of his cock to make sure I had his full fucking attention and I asked him if he fucked her. He looked away as if he was ashamed of his actions… Did you put your cock deep inside of her? That’s how you did it isn’t it. You shoved your cock into her virgin asshole and started fucking her, ripping her apart and you couldn’t stop her screaming… You covered her mouth with your hand.. Did you forget to let her fucking breath through her nose?! His Grunts were all the answers I needed. I let him go and he cut the string that was holding her up in the tree as we prepped her body to burn and feed to the beasts… He started to spread her lifeless ass cheeks apart to shove his cock deep inside of her again.. But I wanted that rock hard cock deep into my cunt so fucking bad.. I walked over and put his face in my pussy as he fucked her cold asshole he licked my pussy until I pushed him down and rode his cock. I came so fucking hard when he blew his rotten load deep inside my warm wet cut. Cleaning up his messes made me so fucking hot!

Snuff Phone Sex Star Needs a Leading Man

snuff phone sexDo you have snuff phone sex fantasies? I swear every caller I get does. They are more common than you think. Either I am the woman who scorned him and he wants revenge or I’m daddy’s little cock teasing whore in need of punishment, deadly punishment. Or, sometimes I am just a random opportunity to do very bad things to; things men have dreamed of doing but fear of prison prevents them acting on their dark desires. Whatever the call, there are literally a million ways to die. They range from simple and quick to elaborate and painful.  All of which get my cunt really wet. I know, right? What is wrong with me that I get off on killer phone sex? My psychologist says it comes from feelings of worthlessness. I have daddy issues. Personally, I just think I am a sick and twisted pain slut. Therapy can’t help me. I was a cutter as a young girl. I have little razor blade scars all over my body. I loved mutilating my pretty flesh. Now, I love men mutilating my body. They love it too. I get cut, branded, burned, bruised, stabbed and sliced. The feel of blood trickling or pouring out of me is an arousing sensation. I like being vulnerable. I like not having control. I like not knowing what could happen to me. The more creative you get with our little snuff porn endeavor, the wetter my pussy gets. I have been told too that my screams, pleas and cries are cock hardening. I can’t help it. I love starring in my own horror movie.  Well costarring. You are really the star as you have all the power and creative control over my demise. Just promise me you will make it as gory and humiliating as possible.