Category: Killer phone sex

Home Cooked

torture phone sex I spent all night last night gutting and cleaning her. i can’t believe I found such a juicy morsel. Just the right ratio of meat to fat. Healthy and well fed. Not a drug user, in fact she looked like she took very good care of herself.

The preparation is just as exciting as the actual feast. Cutting from just under the navel up to just under her throat, pulling the body cavity opened and removing the internal organs had my nipples hard and my cunt wet with desire.

Carefully I clean and salt the organs that I will eat later. The heart and the liver. I rinse out her body cavity and use my famous rub for the meat before cutting off her legs, salting and portioning the meat for later also.

Next is the head. I carefully remove the tongue and brains saving those for later as well and placing the head with the organs that will not be consumed. These will be taken to the farm and fed to the pigs.

Placing the meat that has been rubbed down with spices in the fridge to marinate, I went to bed. All night I dreamed of consuming her flesh.

It’s almost dinner time now and she has been cooking low and slow all day. The smell fills the house and has my stomach rumbling.

Soon I will be setting the table for the feast. Won’t you join me?


torture phone sex marleyI decided to hike across country, avoiding the streets this time as much as possible. For every break, there is another, more sadistic family! As I was resting and enjoying lunch under a beautiful old oak tree, another lovely family came near. They were also hiking, and they seemed sweet enough.

They invited me to join them and, foolishness, I did. The next thing I know, I am tied up naked in a musty old basement, arms hanging from some thick metal pipes above me. Even my legs were shackled to the floor spread apart.

I should probably be used to this by now, but panic set in. I screamed through my gag, which tasted rank, like old food and maybe piss. I started to thrash about. I guess someone was home, because 2 men and a little girl came down and unrolled a tool kit.

I started crying then, but they just started clamping my nipples with little electrical clamps and the little girl started biting my legs.

Snuff Porn Fantasies

snuff pornSnuff porn is so popular. It is a dark fetish for so many folks. Even women have snuff fantasies. Some women are really cruel mistresses who love to kill blonde bimbos like me.  I answered an ad on the Back Pages for a threesome. It sounded like a hot scenario. I saw pictures of the couple, very handsome. They just wanted a subbie playmate. I fit that bill. When I arrived, I knew something was off. This was no normal couple. More like Bonnie and Clyde or some other deranged killer duo in history. I could see the madness in their eyes. Hers primarily. Her soul was black. I sat down and she spit in my face, then poured her hot cup of coffee on my tits. She scalded my boobs and laughed. Flat out laughed as I cried in pain. I attempted to flee for the door, but he grabbed me. He restrained me while she kicked me repeatedly for hours. I was semi conscious when I got a reprieve.  I heard them laughing in the other room. Blood covered my face. I was choking on blood and vomit. I was dizzy. Everything was blurry, but I tried to crawl to the door to escape. I thought I had my freedom. My bloodied hand was on the knob, when something sharp pierced through my ass. The pain was beyond imagine. It came out my mouth and pinned me to the door. I was speared. Spit roasted like a pig. I couldn’t breathe or move. Like road kill, I was waiting to die. Die at the hands of two strangers I thought wanted to fuck a submissive whore. My blue eyes looked at the man for some sort of answer as to why me. He knew that look. He patted my head and said, “Because you are a stupid  whore who hooks up with strangers. The only good whore is a dead whore.”

Evil Phone Sex Serial Killer Style

Have you ever gotten completely fucking turned on by a serial killer and just want some of the most evil phone sex with them? If not then, well I guess I am deranged and will embrace that shit happily! One of my biggest fantasies is done around necrophilia and a desire for castration phone sex calls.

The idea of having my own collection of real cocks to get off with when the need arises for necrophilia phone sex is really where the Serial Killer style came to be. Imagining being a notorious serial killer that mutilated men by castrating them after draining them of their seed just really got me hot. I imagine myself fucking my victim dry of all his seed and as I feel his final thrust of seed enter my sloppy cunt I reach up and slash his throat.

Evil Phone Sex

Blood pouring all over my bare breasts as I move him off of me. Watching his body grow cold I await rigor mortis to set in making that cock all nice and hard for me. As I watch I smear the blood of my victim all over my breasts masturbating with anticipation of mounting that dead corpse cock and squirting all over it before I castrate him. I will have had a nice collection of castrated cocks from a bunch of dead fucks.

Not-So-Happy Trails

torture phone sex marleyWell, I am finally almost to the mountains. I keep hoping that someone will pick me up. This trek is more grueling than I had realized. I went into the store here in the town I’ve stopped in for supplies, and there was a man in the back. He tried not to be noticed, but I noticed him. It’s hard not to notice when someone is scoping you out like they’re a predator and you’re the prey. I could feel his eyes moving along with every step I took and every item I grabbed. I got the bare necessities and skipped out pretty quickly. The strange thing was, it felt like his eyes were following me the entire rest of the day, even now. I feel like his eyes are on me, and my skin is crawling. I may go take a bath in the lake. It was crystal clear earlier, and so still. I want to wash this icky feeling right off of my body.

To whom it may concern,

I have been hearing odd noises, like a person trying to be quiet while systematically stalking me through the woods. I first noticed it while I was bathing in the lake. If anyone should come across this diary and I am not with it, you can bet your ass that something has happened to me

Using Blood as Lube!

I seen that fucking bitch staring at me from across the room. Who the fuck does she think she is cutting her eyes at me and my man. Just because he traded her in for something better. Me! I seen her go outside like she was leaving, so I stood up and followed her outside. I got my razor blade out of my person and as she was about to get in her car I pressed it up against her neck from behind and asked her, ” Do you wanna fucking die tonight you dirty fucking whore”? She started to scream so I covered her mouth and pushed her in the car and shut the door. I called my man and he came and got in and started to drive. Usually I am the victim but tonight I am feeling a little naughty. As we where driving the fucking cunt would not shut up so I sliced her fucking throat and let her blood squirt all over me and the back seat. I stuck my fingers in her throat and pulled out her voice box and shoved it in her bloody mouth. I screamed ,” Shut the fuck up”! I started to laugh when I felt my pussy and I was dripping wet. This bitch dying actually made me creamy.. I started to rub my clit as my boy toy was driving. Using her blood to rub my cunt intill I squirted all over her dead limp bloody body.

Accomplice phone sex

There Is No Escape

torture phone sex Sitting in my chair with a drink in my hand and a hand on my cunt.

I have been waiting for hours for the sounds that are making me so fucking wet right now. It took her long enough to wake up and now she is thrashing and yelling and trying to get out. the sounds serving to make me horny as fucking hell.

As I open the door to the room I watch her clawing at the wood over the window and I see a finger nail peel back from the force and blood come gushing out in long spurts. She still hasn’t noticed me.

Suddenly my pussy begins gushing cum in unison with her wound and all I want to do is see more carnage.

Raising my arm into the air I bring the metal fire place poker down to meet her leg. All at once I hear the crack of her shin bone as the end of it pushes through her skin and he body sinks to the ground.

She knows I am here now and there is so much more to cum.

Fulfilling Rape Phone Sex Fantasies

rape phone sex fantasiesI love fulfilling rape phone sex fantasies. This morning I got to be a little black cock cheating whore who got taught a lesson. I left my ex boyfriend for this big black bull who likes to rough me up. It is okay. I don’t mind him man handling because he has a 13 inch cock. Women will do anything for a cock that big. That is why so many chicks stay with assholes and wife beaters. They have a big dicks. They are only weak for huge cock. Well my ex heard my current boyfriend put me in the hospital. He showed up trying to get me back. He was pretty shocked that I chose to stay with a man who made me black and blue. I had to dish out some tough love. “You are pathetic. You have  a little dick. Leroy is more of a man than you could ever hope to be. Now leave,” I yelled at him. I was sure that being humiliating on my porch like that would make him leave. He snapped. He started calling me a Nigger loving whore. Told me I likely have a diseased cunt. I didn’t know who he was anymore. I yelled at him to take his tiny dick off my porch. Fucking fool. Yell all he wants; that is not what makes a man. Every woman knows that cock size is what separates the boys from the men. The moment I started taunting him nonstop about his tiny dick he lost it. Pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach. I fell to the ground. He pulled his cock out and fucked my ass as I laid their bleeding out. He picked up the knife and stabbed me more. This time in my whore bags.  He came in me as I took my last breath.  He taught this black cock cheating whore her final lesson.

Friends with Benefits

torture phone sex aubreeI like it rough, REALLY rough. One of my friends with benefits came by this morning, and he knows just what I like. He sends me a text when he is on his way, and I know to leave the front door unlocked. He knows that I like to be caught by surprise, so I wait. I’m standing in the master bathroom when he sneaks in behind me and slips one of his arms around my neck. I struggle, but to no avail, he is going to get what he wants and so am I. He drags me to the bed and smacks me in the face, asking me if my cunt is wet enough for him. “IS IT?” he yelled while shoving his fingers into my dripping wet cunt. My legs were spread wide, God, I was so ready for him to fuck me and do it hard. He ordered me to pull out my dildo and he shoved it into my ass without any lube. It hurt and I cried out. A few tears streamed down my cheeks, and he slapped me for being a big baby. He fucked me with the dildo and his throbbing cock at the same time and sprayed cum all over my face when he was done. A perfect way to start the day, if you ask me.

Mountain Towns

torture phone sex marleyHitchhiking through the mountains soon. I can already see them in the distance. I decided to see if self-mutilation was any good. I took my Swiss army knife and dragged it along the inside of my thigh just below the panty-line. It let a trail of blood down my thigh that felt luscious, but it wasn’t as good as when I was being cut by those nuts in the woods.

I took the blood from inside my thigh and tasted it. That metallic tang had me puckering my face a little, but it wasn’t terrible. Then, I drew some along my breasts and throat, up to my jaw line. I’m sure I must have looked a sight to passers-by, but I can always tell them that it’s just paint for a costume I’m trying out. Halloween isn’t that terribly far off, after all. I hope someone will give me a ride soon, it’d be nice to reach my destination before Halloween, attend a few parties, and really get into the spirit of things, you know?