Category: Killer phone sex

Accomplice phone sex with Langley

Accomplice phone sexOn the way home I stopped by our local gym, we ate beautifully, and richly last night, and I had some serious calories to burn off. I can’t help favoring that fine round rump she had on her.

While I was there stretching, I ran into this sexy little thing I work with, Katelyn from She’s got a fine, rounded ass, and some nicely thickened thighs. I think my favorite cannibalism phone sex caller will just love the taste of her! I’m the best at accomplice phone sex, and here, there’s no taboos!

So I invite her back to my place, the dumb bitch thinks it’s for a 3 some, haha! So we head over and I have her get comfortable on the couch while I go get our partner. He’s an older gentleman, but he’s got a really nice cock! And an even nicer mind. While he stands before her and I introduce them to each other, I say “Katelyn, this is Rick. Rick, this is my coworker Katelyn, and she’s going to be our dinner tonight.” As her eyes widen, before she gan finish gasping “What?!” I clasp a rag doused with medical grade ether to her mouth and nose. With my upper body strength, keeping her pinned until she loses consciousness.

Once she’s in the basement, and all nice and smooth and clean, her skin softly glowing with the aura of life, I ask Rick, “hey baby, I was thinking, we’ve been eating a lot of grilled and roasted meals lately, and it’s getting so cold outside, do you think we could make a nice stew tonight?”

“Darling, I think that sounds like a fantastic idea! Let’s lay her on the table for prep, and we’ll work together on her seasonings and the vegetables.” This just makes me giddy! I love spending time with him, especially in the kitchen. I feel so connected with him when we prepare our meal together.

The water is boiling nicely in the cauldron while we ground fresh herbs and chopped the potatoes, parsnips, and celery. I have a nice dish of herb rice stuffing baking in the oven. The house smells glorious.

When the water is to a nice boil, we plop her in int rolling water, and clasp shot the metal grate lid, leaving her about a foot between her and the top. She’s there, floating face up for a few moments, before the pain of her hot flesh begins to wake her. She starts crying and whimpering as her flesh turns bright pink, then red. She tries to push against the lid, just making herself sink lower in the water, towards the searing hot bottom.

As her life fades from her body, as she’s cooking alive, Rick and I discuss what plates we’re going to use tonight, and which wine would suit her best. I think tonight, red should do.

Now, what’s for dinner do you think?

Taboo phone sex

Knife Play Phone Sex with Marley

Knife play phone sexI awoke to a harsh, driving pain in my side. I couldn’t recognize my surroundings, what little I could see of them in the dim light and from my angle. I went to move my hand to comfort my side, only to realize I was restrained. I felt the pain in my side erupt again, and paid attention to it. It was the feeling of a blade being drawn back out of a stab wound. I had felt that before, and it drove my blood through my veins at double the rate. I tried to scream, only to realize that my mouth was taped shut. It wouldn’t do me any good to scream anyway, it seemed. The best I could make out, I was in a sealed room that looked to be made of rock or stone.

A slap across my face drew my attention to my attacker. He had a huge grin on his face as he reprimanded me for not immediately focusing on him as my superior in every way, instead of exploring my environment. I watched as that knife found its way into my side again, this time piercing one of my kidneys. I felt his hand drive into my cunt, wide open and in full. The tears poured out of me as I screamed and writhed from the pain he was putting me through. Then, I saw the knife flash upward, above my chest, only to be driven down, just below where my sternum ends. I struggled to breathe, but he drew it up again, forcing his hand deeper into me as he stabbed lower. He did this again and again, driving the knife into me lower and lower with every move, until he finally buried it to the hilt in my uterus. I wanted to die, but he wasn’t done with me yet.

having knife play phone sex with master

knife play phone sex

Master command me to meet him in his office. I’m in the normal attire, with my hair in pigtails. I hear the door open, but I dare not look up. I could tell by the way the defeat scoot across the floor that it’s master. He walks up to me and jerks my head back. He asked me if I’m ready to play. I tell him yes sir, even though on the inside I know that Im not.  He commands me to get naked. I automatically stand up and take my clothes off while keeping my head down. He takes nipple clamps and puts them on my nipples. They are extremely tight and hurt. He shoves a massive anal plug inside of my ass. I whimper. He laughs when he hears me cry. He then throws me to the floor and gets on top of me. He has a knife in his hand. I know this can’t be good. He shoves his cock inside of my pussy. He stars right by me as hard as he can I forget how massive his cock is. It hurts a lot more with the anal plug inside of me. He takes the knife and start slicing my breast. I Scream. I should know better than to scream because then he takes the knife and slices my mouth on both sides. I’m gargling blood. The pain is horrific. He laughs and evil laugh as he continually fucks me. Everything is going dark. I feel him slice my throat. He takes his cock out of me and replaces it with the knife. He starts to fuck me with a knife. I try to scream but I just choke on my own blood. Everything is dark I think I’m dead. At least there is no more pain like the pain I have suffered.

Murder Barbie

Bloody phone sex Blood splatter all over the walls, dripping down my body. The last image in my head is seeing my lower half of my body across the room on the floor covered in blood. Chopping up my body into little pieces to do what ever your heart desires with them. That is what I want! I want to please your even after you take away my last breath. I am still your little murder barbie. You can undress me and dismember me, anything. I am all yours to snuff tonight. Let your furry friend come and eat my guys out of my still alive body. Let him lick up my blood that is spewing out of my mouth. Make me eat pieces of myself and tell you how good I taste.

Snuff Phone Sex: I Love to Kill Little Brats

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is my favorite type of call especially when I get to kill little ones. I had a hot call this morning that still has my pussy wet thinking about. He was a fellow sadistic like me. I make it no secret I hate little brats. They are whiney, time consuming, self entitled, obnoxious, germy monsters. So anytime a guy calls me up to share his dark desires for snuffing out little ones, I get so wet. I am the perfect accomplice for killing little devil spawns. I snatched this little one up at the mall. So young she was still accompanied by her mother. That mommy whore was so busy on her phone taking selfies she failed to notice her little one gone.  That little angel ended up in the back of a van on her way to meet my very special friend. I encouraged him to explore his rape phone sex fantasies with her. She wasn’t leaving his place alive, so why not have all the fun he could with her right? His dick in her little virgin slit made her cry for her mommy. I sat on her face while my accomplice forced his dick into her tight bloody cunnie. I tortured her little body for shits and giggles. I cut off her nipples. I sliced off her clit. I carved whore on her body. I cut a hole in her belly so my sick partner could stick his dick in her belly and watch it come out her cunt hole. She cried and screamed for a mommy who probably still didn’t know she was missing. That little cunt was a fun little torture doll. She got split in two and sliced and diced. Final fun was when I cut her eyes out so my partner could cum in her eye sockets as she bled out. Snuff sex just gets me so wet.

Cannibalism phone sex with Langley!

Cannibalism phone sex

I have discovered, that being a student counselor gives me access to the perfect hunting ground, exchange students. I make a great accomplice, with a trusting face, and a soft smile.
There’s this little, petite Latina I’ve had my eyes on. She’s got nice, thick thighs, a round, plump ass, and soft curves up and around her perfect breasts. Just the right balance of meat and fat. She’s always hanging out by herself. So I slide in and spend some extra, quality time with her.
Within the first class period, I have her laughing and smiling. By the end of the day she easily agreed to ride back with me to my place for some 1 on 1 tutoring. On the way she enjoys a latte’ I got her, which with the help of some special little drops has her all but in a coma by the time I arrive in your garage. We carry her small frame inside easily. Once we hung her from the suspension line, we cut her clothes off, and shave her thoroughly. Once she’s rinsed, inside and out, and her skin has been buffed to a soft, supple pink, I help you tie her up with twine. She’s been unresponsive this whole time, save for a couple mewling sounds under her breath.
I gently take my own olive oil and herb blend, and massage it into her flesh, taking care not to miss a spot, right down to her eyelids and ears. Her ass and cunt are filled with rosemary and thyme, and some of the infusion tubed into her now emptied stomach.
We easily slide her onto the spit over our fire pit. It’s stone, with a large, filtered chimney. The granite radiates the heat so beautifully. I made sure not to forget the mesquite chips over the firewood, to give her meat an extra sweet, smokey flavor.
As her skin starts to heat, she starts to very slightly move her eyes, and whimper. Her skin is turning a bright red hue, stinging, when she starts to cry out, trying to figure out whats going on through the haze of pain and the drug. Her eyes can’t focus. Since she has her mouth open and begging for mercy, screaming in the growing agony, I take the opportunity to start shoving her throat full of honey crisp apple slices, some make it to her stomach, others are getting wedged in their windpipe. As the last bit of life starts to drain from her body, her skin is getting a darker, tan tone. Softer flesh around her nipples, ears, and pussy lips is the darkest, and begins peeling back in tiny curls.
While you keep the hand crank going, I use my spray bottle to keep her skin oiled and moist.
She’ll make a beautiful centerpiece for our anniversary dinner tonight, I think she’d pair well with a white Zinfandel.
What do you think?

Accomplice phone sex

Blasphemy Sex – The Cultists

I had found the most beautiful old church in the middle of nowhere. I mean, it was like time had forgotten it. I decided to explore it a bit. The wood of the structure was turning gray with age, and when I walked inside, the flooring creaked and cracked. There were boards everywhere, and not a pew to be found. It was like someone had started deconstructing the church for remodeling some time back, and then abandoned all hope.
I thought I heard something, so I stood still and listened. When nothing else came to my ears, I kept moving through the church. I found an altar that still seemed to be in tact at the back of the church, and I set to explore it, but was grabbed from behind! I didn’t even have time to react, my arms and legs were grabbed so quickly. I saw nothing but robed figures. They all wore dark red robes with large hoods that completely covered their faces. They tied me to the altar and started to rip my clothes from my body. Hands massaged over my skin, and I couldn’t hold back the revolted shudder. Their laughter filled my ears, even as I struggled to keep my breathing even and not show any signs of the emotional distress I was feeling.
They bound my hands tightly with some thin cord that cut into me, and I had to bite back the yelp at the yank they issued to make sure it was tight. I knew that my blood was no longer flowing to my hands. They did the same to my ankles, and I had to hold back another yelp of pain. By that point, I was so scared that I was actually trembling, but you’d have never known if they noticed it or not. They worked quickly and methodically.
A bowl and knife were brought out, and they started slicing into me at various points on my body – all of them over vital organs. I felt the blood slowly leaking out of my body from those points as the knife was inserted into my cunt. With a great thrust and then a twist, they managed to separate me from my uterus, and yanked it out. At that point, there was no holding back the screams as I slowly bled out onto the floor.Blasphemy sex

Crafty Bitches

Violent phone sex

Do you know why witches would snag little ones out of their bed and those brats are never seen again? For their blood. Those little fucking brats have magic in their blood. It keeps those witches looking hot and young. They would fuck in a little brats blood. It would tighten their pussies and assholes. It would lift their titties and make them look 18 again. That is my plan. I found the cutest family and I mean little. They were perfect for what I needed. I noticed the other day as I was riding a big fat black cock that my titties weren’t as bouncy. There were lines in my face. What the fuck! I’m not old, I’m not even fucking 25. Parting and fucking has worn my body out and I knew what I needed. I needed to steal those brats from that little family. Keep them around for a week or two. Fatten them up, get them juicy and swollen. Stop letting them move around. They would be so pure and tender. Plus their young blood would make me beautiful again. I knew exactly what I was going to do. Do the oldest one first. bleeding her out will be easy and she is fatter than the other one.

Sadistic phone sex

I would hang her upside down and slice her throat, letting her young warm blood drip down my body. I would rub it in and all over my face. I can feel my skin tightening up. My fingers trace over my beautiful firm tits down to my belly, down to my pussy. I start rubbing the blood into my pussy, making me virgin tight. I shove my bloody wet fingers in my asshole. Making it feel like a fresh virgin ass. As I finger both of my holes the pre heat on the oven goes off and I cum. She is going to be so fucking yummy. The other one was going to be even better. Fatten her up and make her pure. She is going to be so tender and her bloody it going to put me at my peek. I will be looking hotter than ever and enjoy the fun fucking all the guys who want me so bad they won’t take no for an answer. I am so fucking horny. I am going to let her slow roast and see how many cocks I can get before this little one is cooked to perfection.

Snuff phone sex

Torture phone sex fantasy with Lorine

Torture sexI had a very special request from a caller of mine. He had this little, skinny, flat-chested cunt down the road that needed a lesson taught. A special, painful, fatal lesson. I’m always up for a good torture call.

So we snag the little bitch and pack her away, to our play room. He has all sorts of toys to play with. I just love it when a man comes prepared. We have her strapped into a chair, in her school uniform, knee-high white stockings and all. First, I got to play with a nice pair of pliers.

They felt good and solid in my hands. I gripped her big toenail first, and pulling hard, but slow, dislodged it, pulling the quick out a good 6 inches before it snapped like a wet rubber band. On and on I went, making the pathetic little slut bawl and cry and beg for mercy. Not that it fucking matters, no one will hear her down here!

I took a hammer and nails he handed me, pinning her petite little feet to the fucking floor. She’s definitely not going to run now! My pussy was so wet from the feeling of him watching me, stroking his cock at my bloody work.

When he brought out a soldering gun,  I almost came immediately. It was perfect to cut and cauterize at the same time. I drew a line right up the back of her leg through her stockings, and around the front of her kneecap. She was screaming and sobbing, begging for her pathetic little life. Hahaha! Dumb bitch. She tried to stand, to bolt. Too bad, one of the nails ripped the front of her fucking foot right in half!

Hmm, that would take some strange flip-flops for that foot to wear now!

I had so much fun dissassembling her, popping off her kneecaps with a sucking crunch, feeding her a gag made of her own flesh and hails. Listening to her snort her own blood and tears while sitting in a puddle of her own terrified piss.

But what topped it off for me, was watching his rock hard dick popping out of her mouth for me to suck from him fucking her splayed open ribcage.I am curious, what shall our next adventure be?

Torture phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies – Kidnapped

Murder phone sex fantasiesHis voice chilled me to my very bone. He had called twice before, issuing what I had thought were empty threats by way of prank phone calls. But, this time, I had chills going up and down my spine.

*3 days later*

He grabbed me after I left the grocery store. He has me tied up in the back seat of his car, and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I am so scared!! Oohh, we’re stopping! Please let there be people around!!! No!!!! No people, only trees!! Why?!

He’s carried me to a clearing, and oh gods!! He’s cutting my clothes off with a knife!! He’s crushing me, and … ahhhhhh, that hurts!! I think he ripped my cunt open!! I can’t scream with this damned gag!! Why is he doing this to me?! Oh god, my lungs!! He’s crushing my chest; his hands are so big, and his fists are just crushing my chest!!! I think that’s a broken….Yep, that’s a broken rib!! Someone please help me?! What’s that? Oh, please gods, NO!! Please? I can’t breathe. I can’t…