Category: Killer phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex: Dark Fantasies Come Alive

What’s so fucking great about taboo phone sex some idiots wonder…. Well let me fucking tell you! ALL that politically correct bullshit in today’s society, and how shit is flaunted all over the fucking place but to have any form of sexual reaction to it is a big fucking No No… well… this is the place you can come and play.

taboo phone sex

I’ll weave your darkest filthiest fantasy into such a mindfuck that you will cum so mother fucking hard that you drop your phone or hang up! I want to pull off a home invasion with you where we fuck the hell out of the parents before slitting their worthless throats. Then we move on to that sweet teen snatch that you have been salivating over. I will start with her and let you finish her off, and I wonder if she lives or dies?

He had to die

killer phone sexHe had to die, that fucking asshole saw me torturing and killing my latest little victim and I couldn’t leave him alive to testify against me now could I? Besides, it’s not like he was a real man anyway! He was a wimpy little bitch, when he saw me coming he started to cry! What kind of man does that? The kind that deserves to die, that’s what kind! He was shaking like a leaf as I walked up to him and he begged me to let him live, he swore that he would never tell a soul what he had seen but I just couldn’t take that chance. I pulled out my trusty sledgehammer and started swinging, each blow made him cry harder… until he was beaten too badly to make any more noises that is. He died in a bloody mess on his hallway floor, I guess that will teach him not to be nosy anymore!

bloodsucking my pussy

killer phone sex

He looks at my open pussy. He starts to fuck me with his tongue. It feels so good. He makes me orgasm. He then climbs on top of me. He lifts up my legs over my head. He shoves his cold hard cock into my soaking wet snatch. I moan, it feels so good. It’s like fucking a glass dildo. He is hard as a rock literally. He starts thrusting in and out of me harder. It begins to hurt. I’m still loving it at this point. He starts to bang me inhumanly fast. I’m getting scared. His fangs pop out. So he is really a vampire. I’m not crazy at all. He growls and snaps my leg. I scream from the pain. He broke it I can feel it. He snaps the other leg. I scream out again. He broke them so they will lay over and he can fuck my cunt harder and deeper. He is fucking me so fast he looks like a blur. My pussy is bleeding from the friction. It hurts so much. I have felt pain. But this, it feels worse because he has been so gentle all this time. He dislocates both my hips. It’s excruciating!! I wish he would kill me. I imagine that is already his plan. Tears run down my face. So much pain. He pounds my pussy harder. Please stop this just kill me I think in my head. I remain silent aside from the sobs and moans. My pussy is screaming in pain as well. All a sudden he jumps off me. Thank the lord. He moves his face back down to my pussy. He starts to lick the blood away. I relax a but Then, I feel him bite down. It feels like he bit the inside of my honey hole. He starts to suck on my cunt hole then. He did bite me inside of it now he is draining my blood again. He sucks harder. I hate to admit it while it’s painful and the pain from my legs are horrible. The sucking of my holes blood is making me wet. He drains me of my blood. I start to fade away again. The pain subsides as my eyes go dark. I hear someone say “ when I’m done draining her just throw her body in the Shute with the others.” So I am going to die. At least the end is peaceful. I see my happier days as a tot cross my eyelids as my chest moves one last time.

Read below if you wanna a new submissive whore

Snuff phone sex I would love to split a little bitch open with my master. My job would be to go out and get a little nasty slut for you, and I will get exactly what you want. How about a girl with long black hair down to the top of her ass and crystal blue eyes. She even would have nice sleek tan skin, it would be perfect for us to slice open like a Christmas ham. I know my master would be so fucking happy. We could drug her and lay her out on the table and get the saw and cut open her stomach and use her intestines as garland for around the tv. I love being bad expecaily with my fucking master,  I always want different masters!

Feliz Navidad, Bitch.

Mutilation phone sex

I was in the mood for something ethnic. Something spicy. Something that wasn’t on the menu. I’ve had the dark meat and the light meat. I’ve had my eye on this cute little Latina that works at the hole in the wall taco shop down the street. I couldn’t help but notice her just about every time that I go in for a couple tacos. She is the perfect little Mexican. Perky tits, nice round ass, and she has that sweet little subservient attitude that most true Latin women have. Just the thought of her screaming in agony begging me to stop made me drip. I planned it out carefully. I found that she generally worked Thursday nights, and had Friday and Saturday off. I had been able to figure out that she is a single mom that lives by herself, no one would miss her for at least a couple days. I went in late Thursday night, just before closing time and ordered two of the oh-so-delicious carnitas tacos that they sell and a small horchata. She smiled at me with her cute innocent smile. I could see the emptiness in her eyes. She knew she was going home to an empty apartment and a crying little one. I mentioned that through my visits to get tacos that I overheard she was a single mom. I offered her my condolences, pretending to sympathize with her situation. “Feliz Navidad” I asked her if she was ready for Christmas.

Killer phone sex

With a heavy accent, she explained to me that she was here because of a man that knocked her up and bailed, all of her family is still in Mexico and she is doing what she can just to provide for herself and her Little one. Perfect. I insist that she come spend an evening with me so we could celebrate the holidays together. I saw a little flicker of hope in her eyes, maybe she felt like she finally wasn’t all alone. She was just like the Indian woman I helped a few year back, “Khushal borit natala” She accepted my request Just like the Indian woman. After she told me that she was off the next two days I talked her in to coming over that night, bringing her young one, I would provide the tequila and cheesy holiday movies. Perfect. Soon I would have this hot little piece of Mexican ass all for myself. After a ruffied screwdriver she was all mine. I stripped her naked, admiring her perky nipples and perfect little pussy. I knew I had two days to play with her. I decided to lay out all of my fun toys in front of her so she could see all the fun we would have. I waited in anticipation for her to wake up and see the giant butt plug, pairing knife, vice grips, and blow torch set out in front of her. I was going to make this a Christmas she would never forget. Last year I played with a sweet African mommy who begged me to let her go ” Geseënde Kersfees” as I gave her a kiss and made her watch me eat her little one! Give me a call if you want to hear about all the fun we had. Oh, did I mention that there was a little ball of whiney dessert named Juanita waiting for me in the other room?

Blasphemy sex

Dirty white devil whore

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As he was choking me and plowing his dark brown sand nigger cock into my pussy he was telling me I was a dirty white devil. This was not his holiday to celebrate. He wasn’t going to wish me a merry any fucking thing. Instead he was going to ruin my Christmas and  my pussy. He was going to fuck me till my white devil pussy was fiery red and swollen! Like a Infidel Whore should be fucked. I was begging him to let me go, begging him to spare my life. I had so much more to live for. He began to praise Allah as he was brutally fucking my asshole. His knife was digging into my throat as he fucked me. Forcing me to take every inch of his sand nigger cock! Teaching me a lesson for being a dirty white devil whore! I had been tempting him for weeks, he said he has seen every sign. He said I forced him to take such measures.. “This is all your fault white devil.” he whispered in my ear as he slit my throat and came inside of my asshole.

White out

snuff pornThe snow was coming down hard in her part of Oregon. Giant, driving flakes, swirling and blowing with such ferocity she could barely see the freeway. She hadn’t noticed any other traffic for quite some time, and guessed that the freeway must have been closed after she passed the ramps. “If I just keep it slow, I’ll be just fine” she told herself as she squinted into the moving shades of white.

A loud bang and she was careening to the shoulder. A set of chains had broken off a semi some time before and they popped her tire. Great, just fucking great! She got out and managed to get the trunk open, having absolutely no idea where anything was on this new car. She didn’t see the spare tire even. She had already broken down in tears when a set of headlights pulled in behind her car. A tall, kind-looking older man jumped out calling to her through the wind “Are you OK, miss?!” 

“No, I blew my tire and this is a new car, and… I’m kind of at a loss, can you help me?”

The stranger smiled warml into the snow, “Sure thing, I’ll show you how to change the tire on this, just in case you have issues down the road. Go ahead and reach in there and peel back the carpeting, you should find your spare hidden in there.”

She was shivering so very hard, having only a thin jacket on with her long suede dress. She was so not prepared for this weather. But he was right, she needed to know how to do this, so she was going to be a big girl and do as he was advising her. She leaned over deep into her trunk and was fishing around when something cold and hard hit her on the back of the head. Then everything went black.

When she came to, she was prickling cold, the wind was cutting at her naked breasts. She was laying in the snow, he was on top of her, driving his massive cock deep into her raw little cunny. Her legs bent wide and up over her head as he drove into her over, and over again. She started to scream, and he his her hard across the face. She tasted blood.

When he was done, he just left her there in the snow for dead. Exposed, freezing.

Blood steaming and flowing from her gaping holes into the snow….

Die Bitches

snuff phone sex

I think I am going to kill my next door neighbor… but first I need to plan a nice slow torture. She’s got a daughter too, so she can join as well. I’ll need a man to help me, I am not very strong but I am beyond savage. I am brutal as I know exactly what to dish out! Because it’s all happened to me. My neighbor needs to learn that she is no better than me and neither is her bratty little cunt either. They need to be torured, bloody and vicious just like those pathetic whores deserve. My friend and I will have them all tied up and helpless! I will sit on each of their faces as they scream bloody murder. Scream as their holes are fucked, as I use a knife to violate each other their pussies and assholes. Those bitches will scream through my pussy but all I will just be cumming and opening their holes wide and bloody for my friend to finish off!

Taboo Phone Sex: I Spread Holiday Fear, Not Cheer

taboo phone sexWhat are your taboo phone sex fantasies? I consider myself a sick therapist of sorts. I help men explore their dark desires. The ones that could get them arrested or committed to an insane asylum; maybe even killed. The holidays are lonely times for losers. You will not get a sympathetic ear if you call me crying about nobody loving you or whining about how awful your life turned out. I will, however, be likely to encourage you to off yourself or at the very least let me kill you. The holidays fill you with sadness, but they fill me with murderous rage. I am easily pissed off as it is, but you add crowds, holiday cheer and shopping to the mix and I want to get a semi automatic gun and unleash on a mall full of self absorbed assholes. Instead, I  take my rage out on you. The pathetic loser who calls me baby or asks me what I am wearing in a futile attempt to bond. I don’t bond. I kill. I can smell fear and desperation through the phone. It gives me a girl hard on because I like to fuck up losers who think I give a crap about them. I don’t have a lonely hearts phone sex line. I have a snuff sex line. It is very therapeutic to kill you. I bet it would be therapeutic for you to die too. I clearly need to kill and maim more, because I flew in a rage over one of those annoying Salvation Army dudes ringing his damn bell. I kicked him in the balls and shoved his bell up his ass while a crowd gathered by and watched. Why? Because the sight of one of those mother fuckers is just a reminder that it’s fucking Christmas. I hate Christmas. Want to find some little soul or annoying twat waffle and spread fear instead of cheer with me?

Park Fun

accomplice phone sex

Daddy and I went to the park today. He had me pick out three precious little brats for us to play with! He knows how badly I love to feel them screaming and crying through my pussy as I sit on their face while Daddy violates them. I described them all for Daddy…I pointed at the one on the slide! Her clothing still in the T section and pampers still on her little smooth ass. I held and stroked Daddys cock as he throbbed in my hand. I knew this one was a keeper… I moved on pointing out an even younger princess in the sand box. So little and innocent she could not even keep her own head up she was so fresh and young. I was getting really turned on myself when I spotted the jackpot. I jerked Daddys cock harder and made sure he saw the tiny little twins I was going to bring over for Daddy to fuck, to fuck all the way open. It wasn’t long before Daddy was fucking them bloody, my pussy on their faces and my mouth on Daddys cock poking out the hole I cut in their pathetic tummies. I love it!