Category: Killer phone sex

Born for Snuff Sex

snuff sexDaddy told me all I was good for was snuff sex. Back then I never believed him. I was desperate to get out from his clutches. I ran away from home before graduating high school. All I encountered on the streets were men who made daddy look like a choir boy. Its been a decade plus some years since I ran away. The life and soul has been beat out of me. I know my calling. I was born to die a violent death. I decided to be master of my own demise. I got on the dark net to auction off my own murder. I have been planning it for months with the help of some masters who know the dark net terrain well. Do you know how many men want to make a homemade one of a kind snuff porn with me as the star? It was a live podcast for the bidding. I was telling viewers about me, about my life and the bids started coming in from all over the world. Hundreds of men want the privilege of killing a blonde bitch. Some guys commented on the numerous ways they would dispose of me. Some were more violent than others. I want violence. I want blood. I want gore. And, mostly I want pain. I should die a gruesome way. I sold my death to an Irish bloke named Ian for $1 million. There were higher bids but known quite as violent. I made my own Hostel movie. Ian is a fan of medieval torture. He showed me his dungeon full or torture devices. He even plans to skin me alive before tearing off each limb and eating my flesh I won’t know when or where, but my ultimate demise is now imminent. How would you kill me or do you prefer to watch?

Alternative Sex With A Sadistic Bitch

Gothic Phone SexIt’s so fucking funny how pathetic most guys really are. I am alternative and a cunt, I will never care about anyone’s feelings. I am willing to bet most guys haven’t had sex with a gothic chick just those lame ass basic bitches guys fuck. How funny and then they complain, someone like me brings guys into almost like a dante’s inferno with a little bit of pleasure. I love pouring candle wax and hot grease down your nipples while you stare at my bright black lipstick. It makes my pussy so wet knowing your skin is peeling off and I am smothering you with my fat pussy. If you bite I will do something you won’t like very much, most guys don’t know what they got into with me. I love jumping up and down and pussy slamming on a face until I come super hard. Why don’t you see what mood I am into, are you going to be able to cum or am I going to let you suffer….

Please Kill Me

Murder phone sex FantasiesMy life is worth much I’m just a pathetic whore who’s only feels things when it’s pain. My existence isn’t worth much, I’ll never be important enough to keep around. Want to give me some worth? Why don’t you let me be your victim, give into your dark desire. How powerful you must feel having me completely at your mercy. You could end it all for me, you could do it quickly or you could make me suffer. It’s up to you. I’ll surrender to my master completely no matter how messy or painful it may get. All you have to do is take my life, it’s yours I don’t need it. I’m only useful to you as a toy, even then I’m easy to throw away.  Will you be the one to end my pathetic existence? Please master release me from my own torment.

Sex with Dead Bodies: I Only Need a Hard Cock

sex with dead bodiesI like having sex with dead bodies. I prefer a dead dick to a live one. Dead dick doesn’t try to snuggle or spoon. There is no romance with a stiff. The issue is that you must get a guy in rigor mortis to take advantage of his stiff cock. Good think my best friend, my only friend, is a medical examiner. She works the grave yard shift at the county morgue. She always calls me when a fresh cadaver with a big dick comes in. Last night there was a gun fight in the hood. Two black dudes killed each other. She measured their dicks at 11 inches each. I flew out of the house because I knew by the time I got there, those dicks would be as hard as they have ever been. My friend is a freak too. Doctors have labeled us both anti social with intimacy issues. I am like a praying mantis. I want to bite the head off a lover once I cum. I was killing men I fucked until I realized it was just safer to fuck the dead. I need to cum. I don’t need to date. I don’t need romance. Fucking the dead solves my issues. While I was fucking a huge dead cock, I noticed a few sweet young dead cunts. I bet they would feel so warm on your cock. You can’t fuck me, but I will help you fuck a dead slut. Those pussies never age out.


Strangulation phone sexI was asleep when I felt really cold all of a sudden. I peaked my eyes up just a little bit and saw my window was wide open allowing the wind from outside to chill me. I felt the bed go down a little as if someone was sitting next to me. I slowly turned over, and was quickly met with a hand roughly covering my mouth and another one around my throat. I felt pressure closing down against my throat making it hard to breath. My head was getting dizzy and I felt floaty without any air. The room was now fading more around me and I can’t recall hearing any sounds. It was like a quietness was surrounding us. I stared at my attacker, can he tell that my body is enjoying this? Can he look back at me and tell that I’m smiling?

Making A Hot Snuff Movie

Snuff MoviesSnuff movies make my cunt soaking wet, but what’s even better is if we make our own. I love torturing sissy men who think they actually matter. My favorite part is the look in their eyes right before they die. So I have this guy that wants to be in my special film, I get him going and so hard. He gets to lick my fat pussy. I have him ready to cum and then build him up and knock him down and start pushing my heel into his throat. I have my camera angled just right up against his adam’s apple. He starts gushing and I start stomping on his throat, I have my masquerade mask on and then stomp on his ribs, he is coming and gasping for breath and I piss on him. I love this one more than any other i have made.

He makes me do wicked things

snuff sexI always try to muster the courage to leave my boyfriend. My boyfriend Dominic is evil but I just seem to be so invested and addicted to his cock. I keep telling myself this snuff sex stage will soon be over. I need to stick it out I can’t waste all the effort I have put into this relationship. I will be damn if I let another whore be in his arms. It drives me mad just thinking about it. I will allow myself to be his sexual escape even if it means he needs to share me. Lately, Dominic is all about bringing a buddy over to help gag my mouth and torture me and make me their cum dispenser. My boyfriend gets real joy from watching another man degrade me and use me. It’s insane to me, but it makes complete sense too. He wants me to be a sex slave he made that clear from the first date. I thought he was joking, but it’s evident he means what he says. There is a weird part of me that enjoys it too.

She didn’t last very long

snuff sexI thought I had the perfect victim to really take my time with, she was a little chubby and looked pretty strong so I thought she would last for days. Turns out she didn’t last more than an hour! I was so disappointed because I had put a lot of work into tricking her to come with me and I had to drug the big bitch too so that I could restrain her. Maybe I used too much dope, maybe her heart just couldn’t take the stress, maybe it was that huge razor wire covered dildo that literally split he in half… I don’t know for sure but I was barely getting into it and she fucking died just like that! What the fuck kinda shit is that??? I want to take way more than an hour to kill a bitch, I want to peel her skin off, break her bones, really make her suffer and scream before she dies this was almost a merciful killing and I am so not down for that! I guess I will just have to go find a replacement victim later on tonight to make up for it.

Daddy Daughter Snuff

violent phone sex

Violent phone sex stories from a snuff Whore:

Your wife was sleeping, you heard noise in the basement and came to check it out. It was just me wanting to play again. Your hardcore text made me want to come play. I was naked and had my ass spread open. I wanted that pierced dick in my ass. I needed to get you ready to act out your raging fantasy. I promised I would do this for you. You said your wife never gave her ass to you, but you drugged her and took it tonight. As you fucked my ass you told me how much better my tight ass was on your dick.  Your sweet daughter surprised us and I grabbed her and cut off her clothes. I bent her over the washer and held her down while playing with her cunny to get her ass wet. I demanded you destroy her ass as she screamed and kicked. Blood was dripping from her sweet ass hole around your cock. We could leave no witnesses so I wrapped my hands around her throat as you stayed in her ass fucking her. He head bobbed to the side as you came in your dead daughters’ ass.

Killer Phone Sex Is A Real Need with Gray

Killer Phone Sex

You know how serial killers have a specific need or rather an obsessive compulsive itch that they have to continue their rituals in whatever pattern they have construed or else they just can’t function? Well, in a way I can sympathize as I get a need to kill really annoying little brats. Yeah I said little brats, I fucking hate ankle biting little whiny assed fucking brats. I Hate them! I pretend to be the best babysitter ever and that I adore these fucks but in reality I can’t wait for the parents to leave and get all She Wolf of the SS on them! I fucking swear to the devils cock that I will sweet talk my way into whatever just to get a few good hours with the jizz accidents.

First I will be sweet as fuck and offer them candy and cute stuffed toys and win them over… but… in minutes that all changes. I grab them by their hair and pull them across the room and into the bathroom. There I will shove their faces in the toilet after I take a big smelly crap. I proceed by cutting their cute little clothes off and taking a cheese grater of a dildo and start ripping into those assholes and a shock dildo to their little cunts. With the screams being lost in the pile of excrement I just laugh as they bleed and convulse to their own deaths. That is one way I deal with them but the options and ideas are endless.

Snuff Phone Sex