Category: Killer phone sex

Fresh Flesh For Snuff Porn

Summer time rolls around and out comes all the tourists and annoying fucktards looking for a good time and crowding the boardwalk. The families and their annoying brats, the addicts looking for their next fix and preying on tourists with their begging and make great snuff porn stars. As you can tell I might have a difficult decision for my next fix for the Summer of Snuff. The Summer of Snuff is a snuff film making project that’s obviously underground and filled with illegal taboo footage. Point being I am working on as many entries as I can muster and this one will be snuffing out an addict.

I honed in on the victim and she was so fucking desperate that it didn’t take a lot to get her on my bike and roar off into the sticks. I led her into a deep part of the forest with promises of as much smack as she can handle for the night, easy. She was sufficed on the walk with a little mixture of my specialty “crack” that will have her flying just enough to get to the spot and then she will come down hard. I love assisting in this come down by giving her a little injection of heroine and she is as malleable as ever. I hoist her up in the trees by her wrists and shackles attached to each ankle chained to the tree. She is already undressed by the time I do this as she was expecting a nice make out session with me. Fuck that filthy cunt I am running the camera as I unleash a couple of large furry creatures to forcibly fuck and devour her junkie body. There is a large niche that love this sort of thing and I wonder if you’re one of them? Watching as she is mounted and ripped open by massive phalluses and clawed, bitten and bled to death. These are a few “guys” that have some genetic abnormalities and are great pals with my biker gang.

 Snuff Porn

Slutty Little Accomplice- Snuff The Bitch

Accomplice phone sexAs she struggled I reached down and dug my fingernails into those bouncing tits of hers. Pressing deeper and deeper until I could see blood feeling her cries as she screamed against my clit. I came on her face while she cried, you were excited seeing her blood. It’s fresh blood just like you wanted. I got off her face, and you force your cock into her ass making her scream loud. I walked off and grabbed your favorite saw, you knew what I was going to do but you didn’t stop me. I cut off those tits one by one her piercing cries made your cum, you pulled out and blew your load all over her bloody, shaking body. You reached down and calmly covered her mouth, placing your strong hand around her throat. In a few short moments she was now longer with us. I have never felt so powerful as I did in that moment sharing it with you.

IMAX Meetup Accomplice Phone Sex

Texting with this new pervert of accomplice phone sex that has a mean streak for young stupid girls was just the thing I needed for my night. We arranged to meet up at the huge IMAX Theater since so many parents dump their brats off at them and we scoped out our prey for our play date. These little sluts are so hard to determine their ages by how fucking trampy they dress and so it was a smorgasbord board of pickings. In fact we opted for two as these two little cunt tramps were perfectly bratty and dressed to tease cocks like mad.

We follow them into the theater and my pervert and I act like we are on a date and really want to pay for the girls and so we cover their tickets and chat them up. I get them to come to the bathroom with me to show them this awesome lip gloss. As I know this place well enough I was able to con them into a maintenance closet near the Bathroom with it’s own exit. Tom pulls the van up and I guide the two, chloroformed sluts into the van. Taking them around back I strip the two real good and let Tom fantasy rape the fuck out of their tight bald cunts as I strangle one and slice here titties. The other I take a strap-on to her ass while Tom destroys her cuny and as I thrust in her and she starts to scream I slit her god damned throat. Fuck I love the gargling sound of life leaving the body.

Accomplice Phone Sex

Nasty Jezabels Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape pornI love directing my own gangbang rape porn. The little fuck sluts never know whats coming. They wake up to a room of 20 men and lights and cameras everywhere. They are crying and I just love how those tiny sluts mascara runs downs those faces.  You are my financer and you want bloody and brutal. You never ask where I find these teen sluts and you never ask what happens to the bodies. Destroy asses and pussy and the screams echo off the dungeon walls.  You keep my cash flowing and let me fuck the men after they are bloody. I even do my own nasty movies with these men you bring in for the gangbang scenes. I take the girls and I cut them up and sell extra meat to the local natural market. I have such joy knowing others are disposing of our evidence. I am the evil cunt that has her pussy dripping as you live out your murder phone sex fantasies in real time. I love sucking off your bloody dick knowing you are as evil I am. Blood mixed with cum smells so erotic. murder phone sex fantasies

Drugged And Snuffed

Snuff phone sex

I’ve been to this club so many times, always looking for a real man to step up and take what he wanted. Most nights no such man existed in that place and just when I was going to give up on the thought, you approached me. You handed me a drink, I can see just a tiny fizzle at the bottom and I smiled taking the drink. I sipped slowly and listened to you talk to me, at first I felt disappointed. I felt normal it took a few minutes before I started feeling really floaty and felt like I needed to lay down. You chuckled when I started to stumble, you grabbed me and played it off to those around us I had just had to much to drink. I smiled and played along I allowed you to load me up into your car. I fell asleep as we drove away. When I awoke again you were standing over my naked body, I was on what felt like a hard mattress. I still felt to groggy and couldn’t move. You approached and I noticed your cock was bloody. I looked down and realized there was a lot of blood between by legs. Followed by a lot of stinging pain, but I didn’t cry I felt a sense of pleasure. I looked closer and notice the culprit of the blood and pain was a cock ring with razor blades sticking out the sides. You had a evil grin on your face as you grabbed me by my head and force your bloody cock down my throat. I choked and gasped feeling it cutting my mouth and throat. While I choked in my own blood I started to taste cum in the mixture, you pulled your cock out and laughed while I died drowning in blood and cum.

Bloody Good Time

Snuff phone sexI love seeing that look in your eyes. The dark look you get when you stroke your cock and think about all the ways you would love to tear me apart. I know what you are thinking, you bet my warm wet blood would make excellent lubricate when you fuck my tight little ass. Hearing me scream in pain makes you nice and stiff. I love when you let the dark thoughts enter your mind, and you give in to those twisted desires. You want more then just fucking me. You want to conquer me, dominate me, and lastly completely destroy me. You want to end my existence all for your pleasure. Let me be the first of a very long line of pathetic whores you snuff out.

I Love Bloody Phone Sex

bloody phone sexI live for bloody phone sex. I don’t just kill a person, I mutilate their body and exsanguinate the body. I am a gore whore. My friends think I am a vampire wannabe because I drink blood. They don’t know the half of it. A have a few goth friends I confide in, but they think I just have dark fantasies. They don’t realize that I mostly have dark realities because killing is my favorite pastime. This little millennial bitch cut in front of me in line at a coffee house. She informed me I don’t matter, so I could wait. I was stabbing her with my eyes in line for an overpriced coffee. I made note of her license plate because once you have that, a home address is not hard to find, especially when you have a friend at the DMV. That little cunt just had her last Frappuccino. I broke into her house early in the morning. Of course, she lived in the suburbs in a trendy artsy community. A grizzly murder and home invasion would rock this community. I woke up because I wanted her to see me kill her. I wanted her to feel her death. Normally, I would have a male accomplice to help me. He could explore his rape fantasies before she became my snuff porn queen. This bitch was all mine this time. I dragged her skinny ass to her bathroom, muffled her mouth with her panties and hung her upside down from her shower rod. I slit her throat to bleed her out. I sat naked in the tub feeling her hot blood spill on my body and fill my wine glass. I masturbated using her blood as lube, watching the life disappear from her eyes while drinking her warm blood. Who doesn’t matter now, bitch?

Fucking Worth Nothing

Kidnapping phone sex


I am a stupid fucking bitch who needs to be dick beaten choked and fucked all the time. I realize that I’m worthless I realize there’s nothing good about me except for my fucking fat ass cum guzzling pussy and my dick sucking lips. That’s right I’m just a submissive whore the kind that relishes being cock stroked and fucked up. If you have ass rape fantasies I’m the motherfucker you should get with I can make those fantasies hop out of your brain and into your cock and spray all over the place. I am all hopped up on drugs always plus I’m drunk as fuck do you want to beat your meat on my head would you like to beat your meat on my lips and my tongue or would you like to shove your cock down my throat and bang on my fucking tonsils like it’s a boxing bag. I’m no good anyway no one loves me no one cares my grandfather told me that men would fuck me but not marry me I guess the old geezer was right. Do what you want to me it doesn’t matter no one is concerned especially not me.

Breeding Baby Machine

snuff sexNow that the cats out of the bag my master is happy as can be not only can he capitalize on the profit he can also make sure to overwork me even more? There is nothing men love more than a pregnant twat. Pregnants cunts are the tightest and the most fun to fuck up. Snuff sex with a whore who is knocked up is fun. The more the get far along in their pregnancy, the more helpless they are. I have been fucking more guys since I have been pregnant than ever. You will be surprised how many guys want to be able to nut in a whore who is expecting. One of my clients ends up chocking me to the point that my face is blue. I also get all my hoes have been ripped and stretched with each guy that nails me. It doesn’t matter because I am bound to be a nasty baby making machine forever.

Trust Me

Snuff phone sexI may be weird, when I beg you for me pain. Maybe you are scared of going to far, please don’t be. This is me begging you to go for it. I want to scream, I want to bleed. I want to feel cold and fading away. Just the thought of my cold dead body is enough to get you excited. I know it is, I’ve teased with this thought so many times, hoping to plant the plan into your head. I see that darkness in you, I’m begging you explore it. Peel off my flesh slowly enjoy my cries use my body for your sick pleasure. Let me be your first, I might not deserve to be so important but I want to be. Please let me be the experience you won’t ever forget. Let me be the first pathetic life you snuff out from this world.